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May 23, 2018Comments: 59 · Posts: 304 · Topics: 2
I’m trying to carefully peel back the past few weeks and I’m not finding anything I did offensive to warrant being ignored. I left on vacation three weeks ago, when I got back my Taurus friend seemed kinda.. off. We both work for the same company but in different areas, we don’t see each other often so we try to make plans with each other during the weekend because of this. We planned to do something on Saturday in advance after payday and when her kid was gone for the weekend to see her father.
The weekend before we planned to go to a festival and see a movie after her brother was in town, he left on the 4th and she still continued to act super distant with me, I could just feel like something wasn’t right so I gave her space until Saturday. She messaged me in the morning and I replied back by 11 saying I was free and we could go down town whenever she wanted, well the day goes by and she doesn’t open my Snapchat. Okay.. I just leave it and go about the rest of my day thinking something must’ve happened.
Around the evening time she’s on Snapchat because it updates and she still hasn’t answered my message from noon.. and she continues checking her Snapchat throughout the night and never opens mine that I sent her so I message her and asked ‘is everything okay? we made plans prior today and you’re ignoring me, there’s 0 reason for it.’ Still nothing today. I honestly don’t care if plans changed because shit happens but why ignore me all day? I don’t get it at all. I need a Taurus’s insight, I haven’t sent her a message at all today.. my last one was around midnight.
This just isn’t like her to do something like this. ☹️
I feel like we Taureans are petty af sometimes, but maybe it’s just me?
You may have hurt her feelings in some way. That’s whaf I tend to do. Did you keep in contact with her while you were on vacation?
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Aug 16, 2011Comments: 3 · Posts: 7849 · Topics: 52
My Taurus friend has been the same in the last few weeks. I took it personal then she messaged me on my snap yesterday so idk. When I asked her what’s up a few weeks ago she said she’s not in a celebratory mood and I said to her I hope she feels better soon. Maybe I should have asked her why but it was in text and I would rather talk about those things in person. I hope she’s ok tho. I know how fough like can be sometimes.
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Dec 13, 2017Comments: 38 · Posts: 424 · Topics: 1
If she was my friend, I would just give her space.
She’ll come around when she is ready.
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May 11, 2018Comments: 877 · Posts: 703 · Topics: 0
maybe she felt abandoned when you went on vacation for several days ... ? just maybe ? I don't know - you will need to try to ask her directly
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Aug 25, 2017Comments: 2 · Posts: 667 · Topics: 18
Did you ever contact her while away on your trip?
what kind of friiiiiieeeeend are we talking about here?