Would you wear an ex's engagement ring after 2 years?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by ladylibra21 on Friday, June 23, 2017 and has 29 replies.
A guy I am currently dating said he boutiques his ex wearing her engagement ring when he dropped their son off the other day. They have been broken up for 2 years. He broke up with her. I know you Taurus tend to hang on quite tight but would any of you go so far as to still wear your ex's engagement ring ?
Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by ladylibra21
A guy I am currently dating said he boutiques his ex wearing her engagement ring when he dropped their son off the other day. They have been broken up for 2 years. He broke up with her. I know you Taurus tend to hang on quite tight but would any of you go so far as to still wear your ex's engagement ring ?
He is not over her.
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See i wondered about that too because she was his first and they have a kid together but she was the very worst type of Taurus extremely controlling and abusive.

Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by ladylibra21
A guy I am currently dating said he boutiques his ex wearing her engagement ring when he dropped their son off the other day. They have been broken up for 2 years. He broke up with her. I know you Taurus tend to hang on quite tight but would any of you go so far as to still wear your ex's engagement ring ?
He is not over her.
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What about this scenario says HE is not over her? Shouldnt it be vice versa?
Nope! I have a very nice ring that's sitting in the bottom of my car console. I don't even know what to do with it but I don't want it in my house lol

I loved that ring too, got so many compliments on it and now I don't want to look at it.
Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by ladylibra21
A guy I am currently dating said he boutiques his ex wearing her engagement ring when he dropped their son off the other day. They have been broken up for 2 years. He broke up with her. I know you Taurus tend to hang on quite tight but would any of you go so far as to still wear your ex's engagement ring ?

My bad, I made a mistake.

But how did you know his ex is wearing that ring??!

I think you should ask him if you have any doubts about their situation.

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We were laying in bed complaining about our ex other halfs whom we have children with and he said "oh get this he is a new development of crazy, aparently we are still engaged. I dropped my son off the other day and she had the engagement ring I gave her on. I thought she got rid of that thing it has been 2 years."

I didn't know there were ever engaged I suspected because I saw a pic of her with a ring on, but he never said anything about it until last night. But another thing he said last night after I told him she probably still loved you he said "well that was the only solid thing about her is that he never doubted she would chicest because she tried to posses him so much.

Posted by tiziani
Maybe she just uses it to get men into FWBs. You never really know.
Must be Libra brain I thought about this too maybe but is a way to pick up guys.
Posted by tiziani
Maybe she just uses it to get men into FWBs. You never really know.


or she uses it to show she's still "his" if he has a big ego like that.

Maybe because of their history and family ties, she doesn't want to get rid of the ring. Just in case.

Or it's a really nice ring and she might love it. And wears it, just not on her ring finger. He said she had it on. But not which finger. Everyone is different. You could never really know unless you knew her. And I would take what he tells you about her with a grain of salt. Ppl aren't known to speak too highly of their ex's in general.
If you keep jewellery that was given to you by exes, even if you don't wear it, you are hanging on to their energy .... Get rid
OP, they have a child together so will always be bonded, but if she is sill wearing his ring, that isn't healthy

How does he feel about his ex?
Posted by Maidemarilyn
Posted by saggurl88
Nope! I have a very nice ring that's sitting in the bottom of my car console. I don't even know what to do with it but I don't want it in my house lol

I loved that ring too, got so many compliments on it and now I don't want to look at it.
Sell it
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Seems like bad luck to buy someone's ring from a failed relationship. Lol I'm also cheap and want the full value of what was paid Big Grin It could make a great toe ring one day.
Well she's managed to get herself, right back in his thoughts, he brought it up to you and now you feel weird and are running different questions thru your mind.... sounds like its working to me. She sounds manipulative, don't spend another minute, thinking about this.
Posted by MyStarsShine
OP, they have a child together so will always be bonded, but if she is sill wearing his ring, that isn't healthy

How does he feel about his ex?
He tip toes around her they don't have the best relationship. He "says" she was very controlling and wnded up being physically abusive later. They only a couple months into their custody agreement so there has been lots of back and forth to the courts kind of thing. He avoids her because he says she try's to twist his words. He says he can't even begin to full co-parent because if he asked a question about how their son handles things such as sleep schedule for example she will say something like well it's your fault this whole situation is. Etc.. I don't know what's true and what is not.
Posted by Maidemarilyn
Posted by Maidemarilyn
Posted by ladylibra21
Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by ladylibra21
A guy I am currently dating said he boutiques his ex wearing her engagement ring when he dropped their son off the other day. They have been broken up for 2 years. He broke up with her. I know you Taurus tend to hang on quite tight but would any of you go so far as to still wear your ex's engagement ring ?

My bad, I made a mistake.

But how did you know his ex is wearing that ring??!

I think you should ask him if you have any doubts about their situation.

How long have you been with him?

We were laying in bed complaining about our ex other halfs whom we have children with and he said "oh get this he is a new development of crazy, aparently we are still engaged. I dropped my son off the other day and she had the engagement ring I gave her on. I thought she got rid of that thing it has been 2 years."

I didn't know there were ever engaged I suspected because I saw a pic of her with a ring on, but he never said anything about it until last night. But another thing he said last night after I told him she probably still loved you he said "well that was the only solid thing about her is that he never doubted she would chicest because she tried to posses him so much.

how long have you both been together?
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Not official yet just exclusive since April

Posted by ladylibra21
Posted by MyStarsShine
OP, they have a child together so will always be bonded, but if she is sill wearing his ring, that isn't healthy

How does he feel about his ex?
He tip toes around her they don't have the best relationship. He "says" she was very controlling and wnded up being physically abusive later. They only a couple months into their custody agreement so there has been lots of back and forth to the courts kind of thing. He avoids her because he says she try's to twist his words. He says he can't even begin to full co-parent because if he asked a question about how their son handles things such as sleep schedule for example she will say something like well it's your fault this whole situation is. Etc.. I don't know what's true and what is not.
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Poor kid

Posted by Maidemarilyn
Posted by ladylibra21
Posted by Maidemarilyn
Posted by Maidemarilyn
Posted by ladylibra21
Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by ladylibra21
A guy I am currently dating said he boutiques his ex wearing her engagement ring when he dropped their son off the other day. They have been broken up for 2 years. He broke up with her. I know you Taurus tend to hang on quite tight but would any of you go so far as to still wear your ex's engagement ring ?

My bad, I made a mistake.

But how did you know his ex is wearing that ring??!

I think you should ask him if you have any doubts about their situation.

How long have you been with him?

We were laying in bed complaining about our ex other halfs whom we have children with and he said "oh get this he is a new development of crazy, aparently we are still engaged. I dropped my son off the other day and she had the engagement ring I gave her on. I thought she got rid of that thing it has been 2 years."

I didn't know there were ever engaged I suspected because I saw a pic of her with a ring on, but he never said anything about it until last night. But another thing he said last night after I told him she probably still loved you he said "well that was the only solid thing about her is that he never doubted she would chicest because she tried to posses him so much.

how long have you both been together?

Not official yet just exclusive since April

The above does not make any sense to me...

How long have you both known each other?
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We have only know each other since April we started dating and neither of us are dating any one else.

Posted by Maidemarilyn
Ok. So you have only known this guy since April. Wow, that's very new.

What do mean by "Not official yet just exclusive since April "?

What sun sign is he?

Has he been single since him and his ex split 2 years ago?

Why did he and his ex split exactly?

She may be wearing his ring but I would be careful to take the words of someone you have only known for 10-12 weeks as gospel!
Meaning he hasn't made ceremony out of officially asking me to be his girlfriend but we both call it some kknd or relationship. We are still getting to know each other and want to be sure raise we both have our sons and are looking for long term/potential marriage partners

His placements

Aqua Sun, Mercury, Venus

Scorp Rising and Mars

Libra moon

Like he says he lived like a monk for the past two years he doesn't have much experience with relationships.

He said he broke up with her because she was extremely controlling and abusive. He said she was very ungrateful when he would do things for her. And would turn on him in a matter of minutes he would never know what he did most of the time. She never want him to hang out with any of his friends he felt like he had to see his friends in secret but he said the last straw was her trying to fight him and her mom went to break it up and she hit her mom.

He could very well be lying but they met right when he was coming out of a very strict religion and he was kind of lost and she was something very refreshing and showed him a whole different world but then just turned out to be this type of person and it could just be their relationship some people bring the worst out in you . I'm not judging their relationship or anyone involved I'm just realizing what was said to me

Seems like bad luck to buy someone's ring from a failed relationship.


This is what I believe too! When the judge finally stamped the paperwork and my divorce was final with my ex I did a cleansing. Got rid of everything he ever got me and went and throw my beautiful ring that I loved off the end of pier into the ocean. Everybody told me to sell it or make it into a neckless. I said "No way! I don't want that symbol wrapped around my neck holding me back and why would I want someone else to wear a ring that symbolized love when my marriage was horrible...I didn't want to bring any bad luck their way." I did pray and ask God to have it wash up in front of someone if they really needed the money.

I don't keep things from exs except the memories and feelings, which in some cases last of years. :/
Posted by ladylibra21
Posted by MyStarsShine
OP, they have a child together so will always be bonded, but if she is sill wearing his ring, that isn't healthy

How does he feel about his ex?
He tip toes around her they don't have the best relationship. He "says" she was very controlling and wnded up being physically abusive later. They only a couple months into their custody agreement so there has been lots of back and forth to the courts kind of thing. He avoids her because he says she try's to twist his words. He says he can't even begin to full co-parent because if he asked a question about how their son handles things such as sleep schedule for example she will say something like well it's your fault this whole situation is. Etc.. I don't know what's true and what is not.
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Well you are gorgeous, so i am sure you wouldn't have much difficulty in finding a good guy without so many complications in his life.

Sounds like he isn't in a good place to have a healthy relationship at the moment, Libra

Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by ladylibra21
Posted by MyStarsShine
OP, they have a child together so will always be bonded, but if she is sill wearing his ring, that isn't healthy

How does he feel about his ex?
He tip toes around her they don't have the best relationship. He "says" she was very controlling and wnded up being physically abusive later. They only a couple months into their custody agreement so there has been lots of back and forth to the courts kind of thing. He avoids her because he says she try's to twist his words. He says he can't even begin to full co-parent because if he asked a question about how their son handles things such as sleep schedule for example she will say something like well it's your fault this whole situation is. Etc.. I don't know what's true and what is not.
Well you are gorgeous, so i am sure you wouldn't have much difficulty in finding a good guy without so many complications in his life.

Sounds like he isn't in a good place to have a healthy relationship at the moment, Libra

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Thank you dear ?


I would think this Taurus woman was batshit crazy.

I have way too much pride to be seen with a pointless engagement ring.

So someone can ask me "When is the wedding date."

So I could reply "The engaement ended years ago....I am just pathetic."

The stable Bulls are prideful.

The unstable ones are just plain crazy.

I would have pawned it, and took a mini vacation.
The ex realizes he's moving on with you and wore the ring just to get inside his head, which clearly worked... I think she might be trying to come between your relationship with this guy.
Posted by pinkbird03
The ex realizes he's moving on with you and wore the ring just to get inside his head, which clearly worked... I think she might be trying to come between your relationship with this guy.
The thing though I'm not sure she even knows about me he doesn't really talk to her like that he only talks to her when he has two lemons she can tell by his indifference I don't know ?

Posted by TaurusBull1977

I would think this Taurus woman was batshit crazy.

I have way too much pride to be seen with a pointless engagement ring.

So someone can ask me "When is the wedding date."

So I could reply "The engaement ended years ago....I am just pathetic."

The stable Bulls are prideful.

The unstable ones are just plain crazy.

I would have pawned it, and took a mini vacation.
Yeah from what he has said about her so far I think she has a lot of insecurities and maybe she didn't mean to push him away is the way she did but it's too late now and like you said she should have some dignity and just tried to make the best out of the situation

Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by Blue_Froggie
Posted by ladylibra21
A guy I am currently dating said he boutiques his ex wearing her engagement ring when he dropped their son off the other day. They have been broken up for 2 years. He broke up with her. I know you Taurus tend to hang on quite tight but would any of you go so far as to still wear your ex's engagement ring ?
He is not over her.
What about this scenario says HE is not over her? Shouldnt it be vice versa?
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It's that or she doesn't have much jewelry.

I don't get though hownisnhennotnover her.
Posted by starwars
or ur guy wants to brag
You could be bragging I don't know if he is though because he said the circumstances around it were an ultimatum anyways so it was mostly an engagement she wanted
Posted by youngali
i'd sell it
Same I'd need that money
Posted by ladylibra21
Posted by pinkbird03
The ex realizes he's moving on with you and wore the ring just to get inside his head, which clearly worked... I think she might be trying to come between your relationship with this guy.
The thing though I'm not sure she even knows about me he doesn't really talk to her like that he only talks to her when he has two lemons she can tell by his indifference I don't know ?

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Is there any evidence of your relationship on social media? Even if it's just liking each other's pictures.
Posted by pinkbird03
Posted by ladylibra21
Posted by pinkbird03
The ex realizes he's moving on with you and wore the ring just to get inside his head, which clearly worked... I think she might be trying to come between your relationship with this guy.
The thing though I'm not sure she even knows about me he doesn't really talk to her like that he only talks to her when he has two lemons she can tell by his indifference I don't know ?

Is there any evidence of your relationship on social media? Even if it's just liking each other's pictures.
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No we are not friends on social media