Yes, No, Maybe So? What Is He Feeling?!

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by HabitField on Monday, March 16, 2015 and has 9 replies.
Hi all! I've been lurking the Taurus board for a long time and finally, found a good opportunity to seek your great insight and feedback!
I met a Taurus about one month and three weeks ago. We hit it off right off the bat and connected immediately. We've been on four dates--the first three were to expensive five star restaurants and the fourth we spent at his house with take out and movies. He's SO charming, sweet, funny, smart, generous, and such a gentleman. No matter how hard I try to pay for anything, our fancy dinners were pretty expensive and didn't fall short of $ 200 each time, and that makes me feel incredibly guilty! Yet, he refuses to let me pay--would give me the death stare if I tried. For our third date, he even bought me a bottle of aged fine wine to celebrate a work accomplishment I had. When we're at restaurants, he always lets me try the first piece of everything we order--even the stuff he knows I don't care for. My glass of water is never empty because he has the waiter/waitress fill it to the brim everytime it falls below half. He never lets me walk on the outside on the sidewalk to avoid traffic... Opens doors for me and is just honestly, so G*d deng perfect in every way imaginable!
I've tried to show my appreciation in ways that I could, like when he was sick coming home from a business trip I had medicine and chicken noodle soup delivered to his house when his flight landed (we live an hour apart so thank God for delivery services). On our fourth date, I brought over some gourmet desserts for our movie night because he LOVES his desserts after a meal. I also prepped a travel bag of Emergen-c and other immune-boost treats and supplements for his business trip this Wednesday--to help prevent him from getting sick like last time. He was really delighted when he received the gifts. I'm obviously smitten by this man! And even though he's spending an incredible amount of money and what little time he has on me, you'll be surprised how I can't tell if he actually likes me at all!
I think the reason I'm so confused is because even though when we hang out and he makes an effort to make me feel special when we do, however, when we DON'T hang out we hardly communicate. I think he hates talking on the phone because the few times I've tried calling him he's either very short or just doesn't pick up at all. But, he sends me at least a text everyday, sometimes not to even make conversation but more of like to check in to let me know he's a
he's around but he's not up for a conversation. Does that make any sense? Lol I'm pretty calm and composed for the most part and I think he knows that about me by now. I don't freak out when he doesn't respond in a timely manner. I'm not a pestering type so if he drops the conversation midway, I'll leave the conversation too; and we'll usually pick it up the next day when he responds. I can't help but question his level of interest because he seems so stoic when we're apart. He hasn't shared anything deep or personal about himself with me and I find it hard to build anything deeper when we don't converse regularly like two people who are trying to get to know each other. Sad

What do you great, amazing, lovable Taurean creatures think? Please help a girl out. This man is making my heart go crazy!
What do you know of his personal circumstances?
Sounds nice but a little sociopathic to me!
Hi guys,

Thank you so much for your input! I really appreciate you taking the time out to respond. I'll try to answer with as much clarity as possible, sometimes things get lost in translation in forums.


He works in a pretty high position for a big corporation so at the minimum he travels every other week, sometimes for a day or two and other times for a whole week--like last time. His day starts at 5/6 AM and ends around 7 PM, in which he usually gym's after; he's big on health and fitness. On Saturdays he golfs with his buddies and Sundays are up for grabs. He operates like clockwork, Bulls love their routines. Haha He mentioned that he ended his last relationship shortly after the new year in 2014 because he couldn't see a future with her; apparently, he knew not too long after dating her that she wasn't "the one" but he never got around to ending it until she brought it up, then he made the break.


I agree with you. I think it's really important, especially in the beginning, to spend a reasonable amount of time to get to know your POI (person of interest) in order to build a solid foundation. After that trust is built and a commitment is made, I could totally manage the schedule and build a lifestyle around it--I'm not necessarily a needy person so I know it wouldn't bother me like it would an average person. But, we're in the getting to know each other phase so it's hard to build anything when he's so... busy. Maybe his busy-ness is a wall to protect his heart and his time from unworthy suitors? What are the chances of it being that and he's a Taurus? Speaking from the bottom of my heart, I'm pretty sure he'd be perfectly content if he was single. haha


I think he resembles that nature, actually. I have expressed to him how the expensive dinners make me feel guilty and he'd tell me, "But you enjoy it. That's all that matters." Or something along those lines. I think he believes that good company and fine cuisine goes hand-in-hand; as for me, I could eat anything, be anywhere as long as I have good company (his company). So I know that he's not about the "money" either and he's very much about enjoying the finer things in life; those finer things just tend to cost more money. The reason I brought up the money aspect is to simply show everyone how much he's invested in me already and also bought me an expensive gift (astrology states Taureans will do this when they're interested)--so I thought that ma
that maybe this information might speak into his level of interest in me? I didn't mean for it or him to sound superficial, he does well for himself but he's far from materialistic. I have a feeling he's simply this way with friends and family he cares for. For example, he is incredibly giving towards his dog sitter. She's been the caregiver for his four-legged baby since she was a pup. He pays her a very generous babysitting fee when he goes on his business trips. I won't say how much he pays the gal, but he's absolutely happy to do so because she's like family to him.
Also, my gut is telling me that he's not the kind of guy to invest his time and money into just anything or anyone. He has mentioned on numerous occasions, "I'm decisive. I'm action-oriented. I know what I want." But geeze, Taureans, you guys sure know how to put on a poker face! You have your eyes on the prize but the prize has NO CLUE you're eyeing it at all! That's the real problem, isn't it? smile
I know you mean well and I thank you for it, but that advice actually makes me nervous. haha He's such an independent, confident, and self-assured soul, I can't imagine him receiving demands too well, especially so early on in the stage. And in all honesty, I wouldn't feel comfortable either because ultimatums aren't my thing. I don't like when people place limits on me so I prefer not to do it to others. I understand if he's guarded and he needs time to deliberate, I'm willing to invest time and energy to get to know him better because I know that if we got together we'd seriously be a power couple--he is such an AMAZING guy, it'll be worth it. He's currently responsive and consistent and I'm going with the flow. But obviously, I'm not going to let it drag on forever. I have a mental timeframe and will bring it up when the time feels right. No harm, no foul in seeing where it might lead to; and if it works, I think I might have found the man of my dreams! haha Wish me luck?
Oh, I am DEFINITELY reminding myself everyday to, "focus on his actions." I literally wake up every morning recanting this. haha Luckily for me, I'm really really sensible and logical. Both my Moon and Venus are in Taurus, so I totally understand the whole, "I need to observe before I make a decision," behavior. Haha I also think that's why I have always been so drawn to earth and water guys. They know how to make me feel safe and grounded--I can't get enough of that! But, I'd be l
But, I'd be lying if I don't want to hear him flat out say, "I like you," if for just once! Winking
You're right. I think I'd be a fool to not give it time; I know if it works out it'll be SO incredible. We're both hard-working, driven, compassionate, kind, nurturing... His values in life and personality traits resonate with mine, it's why I'm so attracted to him! Here are my placements:
Sun Gemini
Moon Taurus
Mercury Cancer
Venus Taurus
Mars Cancer
Jupiter Aquarius
Saturn Scorpio
Uranus Sagittarius
Neptune Capricorn
Pluto Scorpio
True Node Taurus
What are your thoughts?
I agree. So when he brought that up, I asked him why he didn't just end it? He said that he just didn't really care whether she was there or not so whether he acted on it or not didn't matter to him. When she brought it up was when he felt pressed to address the issue and be honest with her. Otherwise, I assume, it would've naturally died or faded away. I didn't put too much stock into this fact because I'm guilty of doing this when I realize someone isn't "it" for me. I'm capable of being "present" and cordial, hang out, hold hands, cuddle and all its niceties, but my heart has exited a long time ago. As a matter of fact, most of the guys I've dated have reached their demise with me this way. They'd ask me where I stand in the relationship and that's how it usually ends. Sad but true.
I don't want to make excuses for him, but I do see a resemblance between us in terms of personality, temperament, outlook on life, work, love, and friendship, among other things. Don't get me wrong, I'm not so naive to be blinded by cupid's arrow. smile I have my reservations, too; you can never be too sure of someone, right? Especially if it's someone you hardly know. I just hope my intuition and judgement doesn't betray me--they seldom fail. But like you said, it's worth thinking about.
It's a bit complicated to explain. Things usually drag out for me because I'm being hopeful and I want to believe that it could work if I keep trying. (I think my many Taurus and Cancer placements make me this way haha) So it's not because I don't have feelings or I don't care about him, quite the contrary, it ends because I cannot feel a deep love for for that person and that's what they want, obviously. Sad
Posted by HabitField
Hi guys,

Thank you so much for your input! I really appreciate you taking the time out to respond. I'll try to answer with as much clarity as possible, sometimes things get lost in translation in forums.


He works in a pretty high position for a big corporation so at the minimum he travels every other week, sometimes for a day or two and other times for a whole week--like last time. His day starts at 5/6 AM and ends around 7 PM, in which he usually gym's after; he's big on health and fitness. On Saturdays he golfs with his buddies and Sundays are up for grabs. He operates like clockwork, Bulls love their routines. Haha He mentioned that he ended his last relationship shortly after the new year in 2014 because he couldn't see a future with her; apparently, he knew not too long after dating her that she wasn't "the one" but he never got around to ending it until she brought it up, then he made the break.

That is his story.. oh yeah my ex bull said that about his ex wife. Believed me I send a msg to his ex wife
and she arranged our dinner. There we laughed out loud. He claimed his ex wife is this and that and all blah blah blah. I don't believe a man who have a bad breath after his ex gone. I hate men who talked against their
exes...The fact it was lover not an enemy.