A Night(s) at the Opera #4: Santa Barbara

This topic was created in the Television forum by AfternoonDelights22 on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 and has 131 replies.
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July 30 1984:

-We start in 1979 at a party at the Capwell mansion. The party is for Channing Capwell, but he ends up shot and murdered!

-In present time of 1984, Joe Perkins who went to prison for killing Channing, is getting out.

-Santana talks to CC about how much she loved Channing and she does not want Joe out of prison. CC says he will do everything in his power to get Joe back in jail.

-CC's daughter, and Joe's ex, Kelly Capwell (Robin Wright) is having an engagement party. She is going to be engaged to Peter. CC tells Kelly the news that Joe Perkins was released.

-Ted Capwell is dating Laken Lockridge. The Lockridge family and Capwell family have issues.

-Augusta Lockridge wants Joe Perkins kept out of Santa Barbara

-Joe remembers times with Kelly...Meanwhile people are trying to kill him...
September 10 1984

-Joe Perkins visits Cruz Castillo at his boathouse and asks him to invite Kelly Capwell there so he can meet her privately. Joe gives Kelly a ring that he had planned to give her on 5 years ago.

-Mason is with Veronica at the Capwell House. But Augusta interrupts and tells Mason that she knows the true reasons of his house search in the Lockridge residence. Veronica phones Lionel and informs him about Augusta's visit.

-In Hollywood, Danny Andrade sets the fire alarm to scare people in front of the hotel room where the porno film with Jade Perkins is taking place.

-Peter is sure he knows where Kelly really went tonight...

September 11 1984

-Joe Perkins and Peter Flint get into a literal (over the top soap opera) fight over Kelly!

-Cruz Castillo visits Santana Andrade and discovers that she has appointment with CC Capwell.

-Warren Lockridge goes to Hollywood and asks Laken to come back to Santa Barbara.

-Danny Andrade and Jade Perkins meet David Hasselhoff in a phone box...

-Veronica and Mason Capwell kiss.

-Lionel creates a circle of the truth where lies are forbidden for Augusta and him.

September 12 1984

-Jade Perkins, Laken Lockridge, Danny Andrade and Ted Capwell say goodbye to Peaches Delight and Jake Dodge and go back to Santa Barbara. Ted invites his father to have dinner at the beach bar with Laken and her parents.

-Veronica reveals to Lionel Mason's plans concerning the property of the beach belonging to Lockridge.

-Peter announces to Mason his fears of losing Kelly. He ends up joining her in the Capwell residence and accuses her of still being in love with the murderer of her brother...
Posted by tiziani

LOL! He didn’t make one for Y&R
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by tiziani


LOL! He didn’t make one for Y&R
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lol yr is hard to find but maybe one day
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by tiziani


LOL! He didn’t make one for Y&R

lol yr is hard to find but maybe one day
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Damn shame! 😞 Victor won’t be happy about it.
September 13 1984

Laken and Ted welcome their parents to the bar to tell them they want to live together. Peter and Kelly enter a huge argument because he thinks he was always second best to Joe because since Joe got out of prison, Kelly has been different. Santana reveals a secret to Cruz about her and C.C.'s past. Someone follows Santana afterwards...

September 14 1984

The mysterious Dominic breaks into Santana's place and steals her letters. Kelly seems to have disappeared after a convo with her brother. Peter of course blames Joe. Mason thinks this means Kelly does not want to marry Peter. The family speculates if her and Joe ran off together. Tension between Peter and Mason rises. Santana and Cruz argue about who the real killer 5 years ago was. What will happen when Santana blames Cruz for her missing letters?

September 17 1984

Lionel is watching Augusta without her knowledge, and later spies on more people as well. Joe finds Dominic at the gazebo and holds him at gunpoint. C.C. and Santana's letters are found. Can Augusta blackmail Peter into helping her? Will Cruz and Santana continue to draw closer to each other?

September 18 1984

Joe and Dominic read Channing’s journal from before he was killed. Cruz learns from Joe about Santana's baby from Channing. Drunk Lionel confronts Augusta about Peter. After an argument with Mason, Peter tapes Veronica and Mason's conversation in the presidential suite. What will Peter learn about Mason?

Lionel and Augusta are a mess but pretty hilarious.
Posted by tiziani

I interrupt this program just to say JARTY 4EVA

I never saw OLTL but I'm just patriotic about Christina Chambers. What other on-screen couple do you know where one of them has to go through the trauma of being raped, husband murdered, workplace bombed, a ceiling fall on their head, kidnapped, physically assaulted once again just to make a romance happen for one night only?

And then even after that, she ends up having to survive a car crash.

lmao Christina Chambers had a tough gig there. its too bad she couldnt of played an original character. I only vaguely remember her as Marty cuz it was towards the end of the show but she took over for a character where the original actress had played marty on and off for like 15 years. And Marty's og story in the early 90s when she was not only raped, but gang raped in college, is what brought a renaissance to the show in the 90s
Posted by tiziani

I'm thinking I like Santa Barbara a lot more than Days so far.

Its def an easier starting point since its basically the beginning. Where as Days good story ended in early 1984 and now in late 84 its kinda stagnate until 1985 and the arrival of the dastardly Victor Kiriakas played by Jennifer Anistons father
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani

I interrupt this program just to say JARTY 4EVA

I never saw OLTL but I'm just patriotic about Christina Chambers. What other on-screen couple do you know where one of them has to go through the trauma of being raped, husband murdered, workplace bombed, a ceiling fall on their head, kidnapped, physically assaulted once again just to make a romance happen for one night only?

And then even after that, she ends up having to survive a car crash.

lmao Christina Chambers had a tough gig there. its too bad she couldnt of played an original character. I only vaguely remember her as Marty cuz it was towards the end of the show but she took over for a character where the original actress had played marty on and off for like 15 years. And Marty's og story in the early 90s when she was not only raped, but gang raped in college, is what brought a renaissance to the show in the 90s


I knew a little about the show's history but I didn't know Marty had been on screen for that long.

Both with Sunset Beach and OLTL she got some shitty breaks. The OLTL producers even said they let Chambers go not because of her performances but because fans were tired of Marty as it is. Then they end up bringing back Marty next year anyway, so I'm not sure how true that is. But apparently fans at the screen testings would have taken Christina Chambers in any other role.
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Yeah I think it was more like fans saying "this isnt Marty" which happens to a lot of recasts on soaps cuz thats a tough job, but even more so when the original played the character that long. I def thing she would have been way more successful on the show if she was a new character. Its too bad she never got on at a different soap. She seems like someone who would have thrived on the Bold and the Beautiful
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani

I interrupt this program just to say JARTY 4EVA

I never saw OLTL but I'm just patriotic about Christina Chambers. What other on-screen couple do you know where one of them has to go through the trauma of being raped, husband murdered, workplace bombed, a ceiling fall on their head, kidnapped, physically assaulted once again just to make a romance happen for one night only?

And then even after that, she ends up having to survive a car crash.

lmao Christina Chambers had a tough gig there. its too bad she couldnt of played an original character. I only vaguely remember her as Marty cuz it was towards the end of the show but she took over for a character where the original actress had played marty on and off for like 15 years. And Marty's og story in the early 90s when she was not only raped, but gang raped in college, is what brought a renaissance to the show in the 90s


I knew a little about the show's history but I didn't know Marty had been on screen for that long.

Both with Sunset Beach and OLTL she got some shitty breaks. The OLTL producers even said they let Chambers go not because of her performances but because fans were tired of Marty as it is. Then they end up bringing back Marty next year anyway, so I'm not sure how true that is. But apparently fans at the screen testings would have taken Christina Chambers in any other role.

Yeah I think it was more like fans saying "this isnt Marty" which happens to a lot of recasts on soaps cuz thats a tough job, but even more so when the original played the character that long. I def thing she would have been way more successful on the show if she was a new character. Its too bad she never got on at a different soap. She seems like someone who would have thrived on the Bold and the Beautiful

I'm just now reading the character's whole backstory and she not only turns up one year to defend the guy that lead the gang rape against her from another rape charge, but then years later is abducted with amnesia by the very same guy and has consensual sex with him.

WTF @ this show's obsession with rape as a plot device.

my bad for highjacking the SB thread with OLTL.
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Yeah that was a whole mess but also not totally true cuz its a soap so the guy she slept with wasnt the same guy just his brother pretending to be the guy lol

but some soaps have a bad history of trying to redeem rapists too much but the audience sometimes dont help either but basically todd was a part of the gang rape on marty. they were somewhat prosecuted but when out of prison even though still a villain, became super popular and thus then the show tried to redeem him until he "died"
i guess some day ill have to do oltl and have 20 soap threads cuz I still havent even done my two other faves besides Days xD
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani

I interrupt this program just to say JARTY 4EVA

I never saw OLTL but I'm just patriotic about Christina Chambers. What other on-screen couple do you know where one of them has to go through the trauma of being raped, husband murdered, workplace bombed, a ceiling fall on their head, kidnapped, physically assaulted once again just to make a romance happen for one night only?

And then even after that, she ends up having to survive a car crash.

lmao Christina Chambers had a tough gig there. its too bad she couldnt of played an original character. I only vaguely remember her as Marty cuz it was towards the end of the show but she took over for a character where the original actress had played marty on and off for like 15 years. And Marty's og story in the early 90s when she was not only raped, but gang raped in college, is what brought a renaissance to the show in the 90s


I knew a little about the show's history but I didn't know Marty had been on screen for that long.

Both with Sunset Beach and OLTL she got some shitty breaks. The OLTL producers even said they let Chambers go not because of her performances but because fans were tired of Marty as it is. Then they end up bringing back Marty next year anyway, so I'm not sure how true that is. But apparently fans at the screen testings would have taken Christina Chambers in any other role.

Yeah I think it was more like fans saying "this isnt Marty" which happens to a lot of recasts on soaps cuz thats a tough job, but even more so when the original played the character that long. I def thing she would have been way more successful on the show if she was a new character. Its too bad she never got on at a different soap. She seems like someone who would have thrived on the Bold and the Beautiful

I'm just now reading the character's whole backstory and she not only turns up one year to defend the guy that lead the gang rape against her from another rape charge, but then years later is abducted with amnesia by the very same guy and has consensual sex with him.

WTF @ this show's obsession with rape as a plot device.

my bad for highjacking the SB thread with OLTL.

Yeah that was a whole mess but also not totally true cuz its a soap so the guy she slept with wasnt the same guy just his brother pretending to be the guy lol

but some soaps have a bad history of trying to redeem rapists too much but the audience sometimes dont help either but basically todd was a part of the gang rape on marty. they were somewhat prosecuted but when out of prison even though still a villain, became super popular and thus then the show tried to redeem him until he "died"

In the few episodes I saw, even I can admit Todd was very charismatic compared to all the babyfaces around him.
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100% I always liked Todd and somewhat his brother who pretended to be Todd, but I also never knew the history between Todd and Marty when I first started watching until way later. If I would have seen those years first I may not of liked him cuz he had x pac heat back then lol
September 19 1984

Lionel and Augusta dine at different tables in the same restaurant until Lionel gets back on her good side and they have a food seduction of sorts... Joe and Dominic are interrupted by a visiting Santana. CC later takes her on a plane ride. Auction for the Lockridge beach front property starts. Will Mason buy the beachfront for the Capwells or can Augusta get help from Peter to intervene? What will happen when the tape of Mason falls into Lionel’s hands? Kelly reappears in Santa Barbara. What news will Kelly have for Peter about Joe?

September 20 1984

Joe and Dominic visit the Yucca Dunes Motel. CC and Santana grow closer. Kelly and Peter argue about Joe. Kelly’s friend Gina and her son Brandon DeMott arrive in Santa Barbara. Lionel tries to blackmail Mason during the auction with the tape. Who wins the auction for the Lockridge beach front property, Mason or Lionel?

September 21 1984

Joe hunts down Dominic about the records from the hotel. Kelly is searching for Joe. Veronica messes with Mason, Peter and Lionel. C.C. offers Cruz a full-time job at the oil rigs. Is Cruz jealous about Santana and CC? Will Peter get under Lionel’s skin about Joe? What will Kelly and Joe discuss?

September 24 1984

Jade, Danny, Ted and Laken are trying to find a place to hang out.. Kelly tells Joe she has decided she will see him when she wants to see him no matter what her family or Peter says. Joe wants Kelly to meet Dominic. CC and Santana plan dinner together, but then Santana and Mason reminisce on the past. Will Mason learn that her mysterious date is with his father? Just who is Gina, and what does she mean to CC?

September 25 1984

CC and Santana have sex. Lionel and Warren have a nice family outing as Lionel recalls Sophia Capwell’s death. Tension mounts between Peter and Mason. Peter is then kidnapped by thugs. What will Peter do with Ginger Jones blackmailing him about his past as a male hooker? Can Kelly get Dominic to reveal his true identity?

Sep 25 a great episode. Sets up so much.
September 26 1984

Dominic’s true identity starts to be clearer as he is a she is disguise. After more poking of Peter with the blackmail, Ginger’s plan takes another turn. CC’s upcoming birthday is getting planned. Joe questions Kelly about her mother and Lionel having an affair before she died. What will CC do when he learns about Santana’s letters going missing thanks to Joe? Mason reveals a secret about C.C. and Sophia.

September 27 1984

How does Ginger have Peter more shook? Can Augusta help Peter out of his financial troubles? Joe and Dominic are having disagreements with the investigation. Joe wants to go out of town to do more digging on Dominic. As Santana continues to deceive CC she gets a talking to from her mother. Gina’s sister Summer arrives in Santa Barbara. She later meets Warren. What is the history with CC and Gina?

Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

It only just clicked in my head, all along. That's Robin Wright lol
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Yup! Basically her first role. I think she was only in 1 other thing before this
Posted by tiziani

Half the appeal of this show for me is the lack of background music, reminds me of the old NWA skits of 70/80s taped TV.

Yeah they really dont do a lot do they. I guess that does make it different than the other american soaps. Im not too sure how long thats gonna last tho.

I really havent seen a lot of this show because when I used to watch it it would always get taken down from youtube which will probably happen again lol but I do remember one story and I feel like there was more music, but we'll see (if youtube lets us see)
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani

Half the appeal of this show for me is the lack of background music, reminds me of the old NWA skits of 70/80s taped TV.

Yeah they really dont do a lot do they. I guess that does make it different than the other american soaps. Im not too sure how long thats gonna last tho.

I really havent seen a lot of this show because when I used to watch it it would always get taken down from youtube which will probably happen again lol but I do remember one story and I feel like there was more music, but we'll see (if youtube lets us see)

Yeah i don't expect them to hold out on the music for long. It can't survive the mid 80s, at the very latest lol Miami Vice forced everyone to try and up their atmospheric music game by then, for good and for worse.
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Yes Days goes total Miami Vice with a story in Miami and everything lol
Posted by tiziani

"It's simple, I need some money"

Augusta: "Oh whatever it is, you're being blackmailed for it? Oh this is very intriguing, go on..."

"Augusta, any amount you could loan me, I'll be able to pay you back plus interest as soon as Kelly and I are married!"

Augusta: "I can just see you breaking into her piggy bank on your wedding night."

lmao Augusta is pretty hilarious
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani

"It's simple, I need some money"

Augusta: "Oh whatever it is, you're being blackmailed for it? Oh this is very intriguing, go on..."

"Augusta, any amount you could loan me, I'll be able to pay you back plus interest as soon as Kelly and I are married!"

Augusta: "I can just see you breaking into her piggy bank on your wedding night."


lmao Augusta is pretty hilarious

Always the heels, man.

It's always the heels that have to carry the scene just for the good guys to get their payoff by the end of it (sigh)
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So true! Smh

Heels really carry every single show, and book, and movie, and wrestling rivalry and even reality shows smh. That is is why it is good when a heel wins a feud once in awhile lol
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani

"It's simple, I need some money"

Augusta: "Oh whatever it is, you're being blackmailed for it? Oh this is very intriguing, go on..."

"Augusta, any amount you could loan me, I'll be able to pay you back plus interest as soon as Kelly and I are married!"

Augusta: "I can just see you breaking into her piggy bank on your wedding night."


lmao Augusta is pretty hilarious

Always the heels, man.

It's always the heels that have to carry the scene just for the good guys to get their payoff by the end of it (sigh)

So true! Smh

Heels really carry every single show, and book, and movie, and wrestling rivalry and even reality shows smh. That is is why it is good when a heel wins a feud once in awhile lol

That happened on Power, this year.

Tommy was one of the big three characters and, at times, easily the most psychotic.

Sometimes too psycho that even I was done with him, and wanted him to go at some points.

But then he had the most awesome ending episode of anyone, in the five "post-finale" episodes they did to wrap up the show. The whole time it just reminded me of how much charisma he brought to other characters in their own journey. Even the most boring character could get a serious boost after going through just one scene with Tommy pointing out shit that no one else pointed out for them.

I was really happy he was one of the few that left the show on a high note.
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Well Thats a plus cuz I havent heard good things about the last season of Power
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani

"It's simple, I need some money"

Augusta: "Oh whatever it is, you're being blackmailed for it? Oh this is very intriguing, go on..."

"Augusta, any amount you could loan me, I'll be able to pay you back plus interest as soon as Kelly and I are married!"

Augusta: "I can just see you breaking into her piggy bank on your wedding night."


lmao Augusta is pretty hilarious

Always the heels, man.

It's always the heels that have to carry the scene just for the good guys to get their payoff by the end of it (sigh)

So true! Smh

Heels really carry every single show, and book, and movie, and wrestling rivalry and even reality shows smh. That is is why it is good when a heel wins a feud once in awhile lol

That happened on Power, this year.

Tommy was one of the big three characters and, at times, easily the most psychotic.

Sometimes too psycho that even I was done with him, and wanted him to go at some points.

But then he had the most awesome ending episode of anyone, in the five "post-finale" episodes they did to wrap up the show. The whole time it just reminded me of how much charisma he brought to other characters in their own journey. Even the most boring character could get a serious boost after going through just one scene with Tommy pointing out shit that no one else pointed out for them.

I was really happy he was one of the few that left the show on a high note.

Well Thats a plus cuz I havent heard good things about the last season of Power

Yeah it was shit. No two ways about it.

Seasons 1-4 excellent.

Season 5 ok.

Season 6 .... no.

But from all the expansion stuff the creator of the show is doing, it looks like she was just using Season 6 to play for time while she develops all this spin-off material they've green lighted.

Which, to be absolutely honest, she's completely earned. The first four seasons were damn good stuff.
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Ahh soo theres spin offs

Well thats good because it sucks when shows dont know how to end
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani

"It's simple, I need some money"

Augusta: "Oh whatever it is, you're being blackmailed for it? Oh this is very intriguing, go on..."

"Augusta, any amount you could loan me, I'll be able to pay you back plus interest as soon as Kelly and I are married!"

Augusta: "I can just see you breaking into her piggy bank on your wedding night."


lmao Augusta is pretty hilarious

Always the heels, man.

It's always the heels that have to carry the scene just for the good guys to get their payoff by the end of it (sigh)

So true! Smh

Heels really carry every single show, and book, and movie, and wrestling rivalry and even reality shows smh. That is is why it is good when a heel wins a feud once in awhile lol

That happened on Power, this year.

Tommy was one of the big three characters and, at times, easily the most psychotic.

Sometimes too psycho that even I was done with him, and wanted him to go at some points.

But then he had the most awesome ending episode of anyone, in the five "post-finale" episodes they did to wrap up the show. The whole time it just reminded me of how much charisma he brought to other characters in their own journey. Even the most boring character could get a serious boost after going through just one scene with Tommy pointing out shit that no one else pointed out for them.

I was really happy he was one of the few that left the show on a high note.

Well Thats a plus cuz I havent heard good things about the last season of Power

Yeah it was shit. No two ways about it.

Seasons 1-4 excellent.

Season 5 ok.

Season 6 .... no.

But from all the expansion stuff the creator of the show is doing, it looks like she was just using Season 6 to play for time while she develops all this spin-off material they've green lighted.

Which, to be absolutely honest, she's completely earned. The first four seasons were damn good stuff.

Ahh soo theres spin offs

Well thats good because it sucks when shows dont know how to end

Yeah there's going to be a prequel "the early years" kind of show, that they run a teaser for at the very end of Season 6.

And then 4 books coming out. Maybe even 4 volumes of books. I don't know exactly. It's impressive that she even managed to get them to pick up all this stuff for publishing in the first place. It's one of the few shows where they deal with POC characters without making a big deal of it being POC issues, if you know what I mean. Just writing, characters, story. Fin. How it should be.

The problem with Season 6 is everyone started breaking out of character and doing/saying shit they would never say (even by a soap opera's standards of characters making dumb decisions). There was stuff blatantly thrown in there out of nowhere, to get characters killed off in time.

I feel like they should have just had 5 seasons.
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I watched the first few eps awhile back but havent gone back to it. And @Yodi always bugs me to watch it, but she hasnt watched The Wire so I can't take her seriously

But that does tend to happen a lot in final seasons either because they have to rush something like Angel's final season (which I may make a Buffyverse thread because you created a monster bumping these soap opera threads) or they want to get to some point so characters become dumb or out of character. People have a problem with one of the wire's stories in the final season being unrealistic to the rest of the series, but I had no problem with it because it was still in character so it still worked.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani

"It's simple, I need some money"

Augusta: "Oh whatever it is, you're being blackmailed for it? Oh this is very intriguing, go on..."

"Augusta, any amount you could loan me, I'll be able to pay you back plus interest as soon as Kelly and I are married!"

Augusta: "I can just see you breaking into her piggy bank on your wedding night."


lmao Augusta is pretty hilarious

Always the heels, man.

It's always the heels that have to carry the scene just for the good guys to get their payoff by the end of it (sigh)

So true! Smh

Heels really carry every single show, and book, and movie, and wrestling rivalry and even reality shows smh. That is is why it is good when a heel wins a feud once in awhile lol

That happened on Power, this year.

Tommy was one of the big three characters and, at times, easily the most psychotic.

Sometimes too psycho that even I was done with him, and wanted him to go at some points.

But then he had the most awesome ending episode of anyone, in the five "post-finale" episodes they did to wrap up the show. The whole time it just reminded me of how much charisma he brought to other characters in their own journey. Even the most boring character could get a serious boost after going through just one scene with Tommy pointing out shit that no one else pointed out for them.

I was really happy he was one of the few that left the show on a high note.

Well Thats a plus cuz I havent heard good things about the last season of Power

Yeah it was shit. No two ways about it.

Seasons 1-4 excellent.

Season 5 ok.

Season 6 .... no.

But from all the expansion stuff the creator of the show is doing, it looks like she was just using Season 6 to play for time while she develops all this spin-off material they've green lighted.

Which, to be absolutely honest, she's completely earned. The first four seasons were damn good stuff.

Ahh soo theres spin offs

Well thats good because it sucks when shows dont know how to end

Yeah there's going to be a prequel "the early years" kind of show, that they run a teaser for at the very end of Season 6.

And then 4 books coming out. Maybe even 4 volumes of books. I don't know exactly. It's impressive that she even managed to get them to pick up all this stuff for publishing in the first place. It's one of the few shows where they deal with POC characters without making a big deal of it being POC issues, if you know what I mean. Just writing, characters, story. Fin. How it should be.

The problem with Season 6 is everyone started breaking out of character and doing/saying shit they would never say (even by a soap opera's standards of characters making dumb decisions). There was stuff blatantly thrown in there out of nowhere, to get characters killed off in time.

I feel like they should have just had 5 seasons.

I watched the first few eps awhile back but havent gone back to it. And @Yodi always bugs me to watch it, but she hasnt watched The Wire so I can't take her seriously

But that does tend to happen a lot in final seasons either because they have to rush something like Angel's final season (which I may make a Buffyverse thread because you created a monster bumping these soap opera threads) or they want to get to some point so characters become dumb or out of character. People have a problem with one of the wire's stories in the final season being unrealistic to the rest of the series, but I had no problem with it because it was still in character so it still worked.

I watched all of The Wire, but I can't remember it well now. I may re-watch it. I was hooked on it in college, but I was honestly people-dumb and emotion-dumb back then. Both in real life and when it came to writing lol, so most of it probably flew over my head.

Angel yeah, definitely rushed. I remember most of the show being disjointed actually, just my personal opinion. I got really annoyed by Buffy making cross-show appearances. I get why they had to try syndicating at times, but it didn't add anything for me and I stopped following it as closely.

Power takes it to the extreme. In the final season, the main character (the VERY MAIN character) just starts running his mouth in the season finale out of nowhere. And he's meant to be the intelligent, compassionate one (facepalm) I'll leave it at that.
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Yeah the first time I watched the wire too I didnt appreciate it, but the second time I watched I saw just how much went over my head and how intricate the writing is

I only like the buffy/angel crossovers that dont involve either of those two characters lol because the crossovers do involve my fave character arc between the two shows. The ol heel face turn redemption arc lol
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani

"It's simple, I need some money"

Augusta: "Oh whatever it is, you're being blackmailed for it? Oh this is very intriguing, go on..."

"Augusta, any amount you could loan me, I'll be able to pay you back plus interest as soon as Kelly and I are married!"

Augusta: "I can just see you breaking into her piggy bank on your wedding night."


lmao Augusta is pretty hilarious

Always the heels, man.

It's always the heels that have to carry the scene just for the good guys to get their payoff by the end of it (sigh)

So true! Smh

Heels really carry every single show, and book, and movie, and wrestling rivalry and even reality shows smh. That is is why it is good when a heel wins a feud once in awhile lol

That happened on Power, this year.

Tommy was one of the big three characters and, at times, easily the most psychotic.

Sometimes too psycho that even I was done with him, and wanted him to go at some points.

But then he had the most awesome ending episode of anyone, in the five "post-finale" episodes they did to wrap up the show. The whole time it just reminded me of how much charisma he brought to other characters in their own journey. Even the most boring character could get a serious boost after going through just one scene with Tommy pointing out shit that no one else pointed out for them.

I was really happy he was one of the few that left the show on a high note.

Well Thats a plus cuz I havent heard good things about the last season of Power

Yeah it was shit. No two ways about it.

Seasons 1-4 excellent.

Season 5 ok.

Season 6 .... no.

But from all the expansion stuff the creator of the show is doing, it looks like she was just using Season 6 to play for time while she develops all this spin-off material they've green lighted.

Which, to be absolutely honest, she's completely earned. The first four seasons were damn good stuff.

Ahh soo theres spin offs

Well thats good because it sucks when shows dont know how to end

Yeah there's going to be a prequel "the early years" kind of show, that they run a teaser for at the very end of Season 6.

And then 4 books coming out. Maybe even 4 volumes of books. I don't know exactly. It's impressive that she even managed to get them to pick up all this stuff for publishing in the first place. It's one of the few shows where they deal with POC characters without making a big deal of it being POC issues, if you know what I mean. Just writing, characters, story. Fin. How it should be.

The problem with Season 6 is everyone started breaking out of character and doing/saying shit they would never say (even by a soap opera's standards of characters making dumb decisions). There was stuff blatantly thrown in there out of nowhere, to get characters killed off in time.

I feel like they should have just had 5 seasons.

I watched the first few eps awhile back but havent gone back to it. And @Yodi always bugs me to watch it, but she hasnt watched The Wire so I can't take her seriously

But that does tend to happen a lot in final seasons either because they have to rush something like Angel's final season (which I may make a Buffyverse thread because you created a monster bumping these soap opera threads) or they want to get to some point so characters become dumb or out of character. People have a problem with one of the wire's stories in the final season being unrealistic to the rest of the series, but I had no problem with it because it was still in character so it still worked.

I watched all of The Wire, but I can't remember it well now. I may re-watch it. I was hooked on it in college, but I was honestly people-dumb and emotion-dumb back then. Both in real life and when it came to writing lol, so most of it probably flew over my head.

Angel yeah, definitely rushed. I remember most of the show being disjointed actually, just my personal opinion. I got really annoyed by Buffy making cross-show appearances. I get why they had to try syndicating at times, but it didn't add anything for me and I stopped following it as closely.

Power takes it to the extreme. In the final season, the main character (the VERY MAIN character) just starts running his mouth in the season finale out of nowhere. And he's meant to be the intelligent, compassionate one (facepalm) I'll leave it at that.

Yeah the first time I watched the wire too I didnt appreciate it, but the second time I watched I saw just how much went over my head and how intricate the writing is

I only like the buffy/angel crossovers that dont involve either of those two characters lol because the crossovers do involve my fave character arc between the two shows. The ol heel face turn redemption arc lol

click to expand
Spike's face turn is a bit too convoluted for me
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani

"It's simple, I need some money"

Augusta: "Oh whatever it is, you're being blackmailed for it? Oh this is very intriguing, go on..."

"Augusta, any amount you could loan me, I'll be able to pay you back plus interest as soon as Kelly and I are married!"

Augusta: "I can just see you breaking into her piggy bank on your wedding night."


lmao Augusta is pretty hilarious

Always the heels, man.

It's always the heels that have to carry the scene just for the good guys to get their payoff by the end of it (sigh)

So true! Smh

Heels really carry every single show, and book, and movie, and wrestling rivalry and even reality shows smh. That is is why it is good when a heel wins a feud once in awhile lol

That happened on Power, this year.

Tommy was one of the big three characters and, at times, easily the most psychotic.

Sometimes too psycho that even I was done with him, and wanted him to go at some points.

But then he had the most awesome ending episode of anyone, in the five "post-finale" episodes they did to wrap up the show. The whole time it just reminded me of how much charisma he brought to other characters in their own journey. Even the most boring character could get a serious boost after going through just one scene with Tommy pointing out shit that no one else pointed out for them.

I was really happy he was one of the few that left the show on a high note.

Well Thats a plus cuz I havent heard good things about the last season of Power

Yeah it was shit. No two ways about it.

Seasons 1-4 excellent.

Season 5 ok.

Season 6 .... no.

But from all the expansion stuff the creator of the show is doing, it looks like she was just using Season 6 to play for time while she develops all this spin-off material they've green lighted.

Which, to be absolutely honest, she's completely earned. The first four seasons were damn good stuff.

Ahh soo theres spin offs

Well thats good because it sucks when shows dont know how to end

Yeah there's going to be a prequel "the early years" kind of show, that they run a teaser for at the very end of Season 6.

And then 4 books coming out. Maybe even 4 volumes of books. I don't know exactly. It's impressive that she even managed to get them to pick up all this stuff for publishing in the first place. It's one of the few shows where they deal with POC characters without making a big deal of it being POC issues, if you know what I mean. Just writing, characters, story. Fin. How it should be.

The problem with Season 6 is everyone started breaking out of character and doing/saying shit they would never say (even by a soap opera's standards of characters making dumb decisions). There was stuff blatantly thrown in there out of nowhere, to get characters killed off in time.

I feel like they should have just had 5 seasons.

I watched the first few eps awhile back but havent gone back to it. And @Yodi always bugs me to watch it, but she hasnt watched The Wire so I can't take her seriously

But that does tend to happen a lot in final seasons either because they have to rush something like Angel's final season (which I may make a Buffyverse thread because you created a monster bumping these soap opera threads) or they want to get to some point so characters become dumb or out of character. People have a problem with one of the wire's stories in the final season being unrealistic to the rest of the series, but I had no problem with it because it was still in character so it still worked.

I watched all of The Wire, but I can't remember it well now. I may re-watch it. I was hooked on it in college, but I was honestly people-dumb and emotion-dumb back then. Both in real life and when it came to writing lol, so most of it probably flew over my head.

Angel yeah, definitely rushed. I remember most of the show being disjointed actually, just my personal opinion. I got really annoyed by Buffy making cross-show appearances. I get why they had to try syndicating at times, but it didn't add anything for me and I stopped following it as closely.

Power takes it to the extreme. In the final season, the main character (the VERY MAIN character) just starts running his mouth in the season finale out of nowhere. And he's meant to be the intelligent, compassionate one (facepalm) I'll leave it at that.

Yeah the first time I watched the wire too I didnt appreciate it, but the second time I watched I saw just how much went over my head and how intricate the writing is

I only like the buffy/angel crossovers that dont involve either of those two characters lol because the crossovers do involve my fave character arc between the two shows. The ol heel face turn redemption arc lol



Oh shit yeah, her journey was good. She was such a tweener for a while though. I genuinely can't remember if she ended up good or bad. Redeeming yourself as a female rapist has gotta be some kind of first.
click to expand
I guess somehow makes up for all the soap opera male rapist redemptions, but hers was one of the better redemptions on a tv show because it was of her own accord. Plus tied into Angel's overall theme
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

Spike's face turn is a bit too convoluted for me

It felt like it happened to keep Buffy interesting. That there was no one else left to try and give her that final run.
click to expand
Yeah this true I agree
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by tiziani

"It's simple, I need some money"

Augusta: "Oh whatever it is, you're being blackmailed for it? Oh this is very intriguing, go on..."

"Augusta, any amount you could loan me, I'll be able to pay you back plus interest as soon as Kelly and I are married!"

Augusta: "I can just see you breaking into her piggy bank on your wedding night."


lmao Augusta is pretty hilarious

Always the heels, man.

It's always the heels that have to carry the scene just for the good guys to get their payoff by the end of it (sigh)

So true! Smh

Heels really carry every single show, and book, and movie, and wrestling rivalry and even reality shows smh. That is is why it is good when a heel wins a feud once in awhile lol

That happened on Power, this year.

Tommy was one of the big three characters and, at times, easily the most psychotic.

Sometimes too psycho that even I was done with him, and wanted him to go at some points.

But then he had the most awesome ending episode of anyone, in the five "post-finale" episodes they did to wrap up the show. The whole time it just reminded me of how much charisma he brought to other characters in their own journey. Even the most boring character could get a serious boost after going through just one scene with Tommy pointing out shit that no one else pointed out for them.

I was really happy he was one of the few that left the show on a high note.

Well Thats a plus cuz I havent heard good things about the last season of Power

Yeah it was shit. No two ways about it.

Seasons 1-4 excellent.

Season 5 ok.

Season 6 .... no.

But from all the expansion stuff the creator of the show is doing, it looks like she was just using Season 6 to play for time while she develops all this spin-off material they've green lighted.

Which, to be absolutely honest, she's completely earned. The first four seasons were damn good stuff.

Ahh soo theres spin offs

Well thats good because it sucks when shows dont know how to end

Yeah there's going to be a prequel "the early years" kind of show, that they run a teaser for at the very end of Season 6.

And then 4 books coming out. Maybe even 4 volumes of books. I don't know exactly. It's impressive that she even managed to get them to pick up all this stuff for publishing in the first place. It's one of the few shows where they deal with POC characters without making a big deal of it being POC issues, if you know what I mean. Just writing, characters, story. Fin. How it should be.

The problem with Season 6 is everyone started breaking out of character and doing/saying shit they would never say (even by a soap opera's standards of characters making dumb decisions). There was stuff blatantly thrown in there out of nowhere, to get characters killed off in time.

I feel like they should have just had 5 seasons.

I watched the first few eps awhile back but havent gone back to it. And @Yodi always bugs me to watch it, but she hasnt watched The Wire so I can't take her seriously

But that does tend to happen a lot in final seasons either because they have to rush something like Angel's final season (which I may make a Buffyverse thread because you created a monster bumping these soap opera threads) or they want to get to some point so characters become dumb or out of character. People have a problem with one of the wire's stories in the final season being unrealistic to the rest of the series, but I had no problem with it because it was still in character so it still worked.

I watched all of The Wire, but I can't remember it well now. I may re-watch it. I was hooked on it in college, but I was honestly people-dumb and emotion-dumb back then. Both in real life and when it came to writing lol, so most of it probably flew over my head.

Angel yeah, definitely rushed. I remember most of the show being disjointed actually, just my personal opinion. I got really annoyed by Buffy making cross-show appearances. I get why they had to try syndicating at times, but it didn't add anything for me and I stopped following it as closely.

Power takes it to the extreme. In the final season, the main character (the VERY MAIN character) just starts running his mouth in the season finale out of nowhere. And he's meant to be the intelligent, compassionate one (facepalm) I'll leave it at that.

Yeah the first time I watched the wire too I didnt appreciate it, but the second time I watched I saw just how much went over my head and how intricate the writing is

I only like the buffy/angel crossovers that dont involve either of those two characters lol because the crossovers do involve my fave character arc between the two shows. The ol heel face turn redemption arc lol



Oh shit yeah, her journey was good. She was such a tweener for a while though. I genuinely can't remember if she ended up good or bad. Redeeming yourself as a female rapist has gotta be some kind of first.

I guess somehow makes up for all the soap opera male rapist redemptions, but hers was one of the better redemptions on a tv show because it was of her own accord. Plus tied into Angel's overall theme

"I guess somehow makes up for all the soap opera male rapist redemptions"

lmao yes I was just thinking of One Life to Live when I typed that.
click to expand
xD I figured you were
September 28 1984

The other Capwell sister, Eden Capwell is about to arrive back in Santa Barbara (while joining the mile high club). The finishing touches are put on C.C.’s birthday, but he spends the morning with Santana. Peter plants drugs on Joe's bike. Augusta and Warren have a chat about Joe, and the real person who killed Channing. Mason and Cruz have a chat about Santana having a new man in her life, but how will they react when they learn who that man really is?

October 1 1984

Joe’s investigation into Dominic out of state is underway. CC’s birthday party is underway. Gina and Brandon arrive at the party. Eden Parachutes into Santa Barbara to make a dramatic entrance at the party, but lands at the Lockridge estate with Warren home instead. Mason has a huge surprise for CC, but will Lionel keep his word and play the tape for CC of Mason talking shit about him?

October 2 1984

The police founds drugs on Joe's bike, planted by Peter. Warren injures his hand while burning some stuff. Peter can hardly contain himself with tape of Mason being played again for CC. Does Veronica help or further implicate Mason? Will Kelly get through to her father where Joe is concerned or are they on the brink of war? Who ends up in trouble thanks to Peter’s past?

October 3 1984

Ginger and her thugs are on the warpath. Cruz talk to C.C. about Santana and knows a huge reveal about Santana’s long lost son. Joe learns about Peter’s past. What will happen when Lionel and CC clash over land? Who spies on Lionel at Sofia’s grave?

October 4 1984

The police are on a hunt, so Joe must hide. Kelly is waiting for Joe. Augusta tries to burn Warren’s newspaper clippings, but Ted finds some of the clipping. Dominic and Lionel have an argument which leads to Dominic pulling out a gun.

October 5 1984

Ted comforts a sad Jade. Lionel dreams about Sophia (Although it is actually Eden in the dream). Was Joe able to escape the police, or did he meet a more dire fate? Can Augusta figure out what is really bothering Warren?

October 8 1984

Augusta and Warren continue to argue about the past. Lionel leaves some stuff for Eden at Sophia's grave. Mason tells Ted that the things that someone stole belonged to Sophia Capwell. What has Gina in a panic?

October 9 1984

Is Joe really dead? Kelly is upset with Dominic. Brandon seems to have disappeared. Gina tells Mason about Brandon being adopted. While Peter spies on CC and Gina, what interesting information will he learn?

October 10 1984

Ted and Danny put a camel in Mr. Bottom's classroom. Joe wakes up on a yacht after a mysterious person saved him in the ocean. Santana is feeling jealous. Warren is still getting rid of evidence. Will Peter lure Mason is by having a recording of his father CC? Santana has a hell of an epiphany!

October 11 1984

Brick Wallace arrives in Santa Barbara. Warren isn’t having a good day. Is Kelly onto Warren? Is Augusta right about Warren being involved in Channing’s murder? Could Santana be right that Brandon is her son?

October 12 1984

Lionel thinks Augusta has an ulterior motive where Warren is concerned. Santana cannot believe she may have found her son who is the boy, Brandon. CC is in a great mood until he finds a picture of Brandon. Eden and Cruz bicker. Lionel and Augusta meet Brick. Is Brick as chill as he seems or up to something? Who is the surprise pilot of CC's plane?

October 15 1984

Eden snoops at Cruz's boat. Kelly gets the surprise of her life! CC tracks down Santana and they talk about Brandon being her son. Who will get through to who with Brandon being the pawn? Can Augusta get answers from Brick about why her mother in law hired him over others?

October 16 1984

Love is in the air. Eden and Cruz discuss blackmail. Warren continues his hidden agenda. Santana tries to find out the whereabouts of Gina and Brandons trip. Joe's memorial service is taking place even though he is alive. Augusta and Brick continue to skirt around trying to learn about each other. Is Santana done with CC?

October 17 1984

Joe’s funeral continues, but Jade tells Marisa that her son is actually alive. Cruz finds out about it too. Amy faces heartbreak. Santana and CC argue about the past and their current relationship. What will Warren do when he learns that Kelly has his missing coin?

October 18 1984

Peter takes a gun and decides to snoop around Kelly. After Jeff broke up with her, Amy decides to get drunk. Marisa informs John that Joe is actually alive. Brick plays hero. Who invited Eden to a secret rendezvous?

shit, I remember this show, wasn't that bad actually

the frenchies had the best Santa Barbara intro because they refused to use some of the US intros lol

Posted by TheSag

shit, I remember this show, wasn't that bad actually

the frenchies had the best Santa Barbara intro because they refused to use some of the US intros lol

lol ah wow thats the french version of Kelly and Joe's "love song" that they always play in the background for them

I do think this was one of the American soaps that ended up being bigger in Europe