Aries are the funniest sign hands down...they know no bounds lol they might crack a joke at a funeral...They can really lighten up the mood :)
Lets talk about the most popular (hated) placement on DXP
I was missing a thread about us...
Don't post anything on this thread.
If you do it will be deleted and started over again.
It will happen in my 12th house...
Mars transits normally have a good effect for me.
Idk what to expect but I have a few parties in my schedule for the next days... :D
27 pages
On the first page (most clicked on persons):
Abraham Lincoln, Audrey Hepburn, Adele, Barack Obama, Matt Damon, Michael J. Fox, Alicia Silverstone, Shia Labeouf, Aaliyah, Kim Basinger,
I said it before but it keeps popping and it
drives me nuts!
What is all this about when is it ok to have sex? Nino said last night he can wait for months...with swallen balls?
I think I slept with all of my guys on a first date. Why to waste time
Do you have sex with a certain checklist in your mind? Do you try to adhere to some stupid social norm in terms of sex? Are you strictly vanilla, because you've been told that kinky sex is "for the mentally ill"? Do you feel firty or wrong for having cert
Member quote : "If more than one girl finds you cute then you're f*cked for life"
Member quote: "If you think cute = no sex, you've blown many opportunities my friend... :D
I found this today and thought it would be good idea if girls give so
I was helping out my Sea-Goat at his job, and all his buddies were also working, and they had been playing their music all day until I requested they play a playlist I wanted to listen to. They did so, and I could tell they were enjoying t
Well, I been knowing this guy since three months ago. He added me on facebook at the end of January. After that, we keep to meeting each other in jiu-jitsu seminars and tournaments. In one of those tournaments, we were in a group and we started talking ab