Posted by AnotherTaurusGuyReturnsyes it’s not the fact they’re friends is that one is normal coworker other has higher title and favoritism happens and putting others down as a team happens
Being workplace friends isn’t bullying. You mean they’re a clique and exclude others?
Posted by GODZPosted by virghostPosted by AnotherTaurusGuyReturns
Being workplace friends isn’t bullying. You mean they’re a clique and exclude others?
yes it’s not the fact they’re friends is that one is normal coworker other has higher title and favoritism happens and putting others down as a team happens
Work on your hypocrisy gameclick to expand
Posted by Mesquitehonestly I’m trying to get transferred this place is full of lazy entitled adult children
If they are above you on the totem pole oh, there's not much you can do unless you hate your job already.
If they are at your level or below, destroy them preferably at the same time!
Posted by virghosti feel attackedPosted by Mesquite
If they are above you on the totem pole oh, there's not much you can do unless you hate your job already.
If they are at your level or below, destroy them preferably at the same time!
honestly I’m trying to get transferred this place is full of lazy entitled adult childrenclick to expand
Posted by GODZugh I can’t he’s a cap I refusePosted by virghostPosted by GODZPosted by virghostPosted by AnotherTaurusGuyReturns
Being workplace friends isn’t bullying. You mean they’re a clique and exclude others?
yes it’s not the fact they’re friends is that one is normal coworker other has higher title and favoritism happens and putting others down as a team happens
Work on your hypocrisy game
hm how do I do that? what even is a hypocrisy game?
Felicitate the one who got promotedclick to expand
Posted by virgoOPPPtrue but it makes it hard to show up when you’re the one who does the work while other just come to hang out and chat I personally don’t care to socialize especially with coworkers
you're there coz you signed a contract, not to make friends.
Posted by the_verdictofkikinah it just doesn’t help kind of like I work hard but when you work hard along lazy people who only tag team to bring others down it isn’t a productive workplace
so your doing their work... thats the type of bullying?
Posted by the_verdictofkikiI didn’t say they were bullying but they have that bully mentality so I called them bulliesPosted by virghostPosted by the_verdictofkiki
so your doing their work... thats the type of bullying?
nah it just doesn’t help kind of like I work hard but when you work hard along lazy people who only tag team to bring others down it isn’t a productive workplace
i wouldn't call that bullying then... just do your job based on your job descriptionclick to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneI was being dramatic I don’t wanna destroy them but I do want to know how to work around them so everyday isn’t a pain in the ass
Part of being a good employee is learning how to play nice with annoying coworkers. Rise above.
Don't waste energy trying to 'destroy' them.
Spend your energy on smoozing their boss so the next promotion is yours. Then the tables are turned and you can ride their asses WHILE getting paid to do so.
Posted by LadyNeptuneI just think they work better in separates
Or just sabotage their friendship.
Posted by virghostomg we're the samePosted by virgoOPPP
you're there coz you signed a contract, not to make friends.
true but it makes it hard to show up when you’re the one who does the work while other just come to hang out and chat I personally don’t care to socialize especially with coworkersclick to expand
Posted by virghostbe fake nice at times when you really can't isolate yourselfPosted by LadyNeptune
Part of being a good employee is learning how to play nice with annoying coworkers. Rise above.
Don't waste energy trying to 'destroy' them.
Spend your energy on smoozing their boss so the next promotion is yours. Then the tables are turned and you can ride their asses WHILE getting paid to do so.
I was being dramatic I don’t wanna destroy them but I do want to know how to work around them so everyday isn’t a pain in the assclick to expand
Posted by the_verdictofkikiI do and it’s a challenge is that type of environment where being fake is the motto I just want some good old genuine kindnessPosted by virghostPosted by the_verdictofkikiPosted by virghostPosted by the_verdictofkiki
so your doing their work... thats the type of bullying?
nah it just doesn’t help kind of like I work hard but when you work hard along lazy people who only tag team to bring others down it isn’t a productive workplace
i wouldn't call that bullying then... just do your job based on your job description
I didn’t say they were bullying but they have that bully mentality so I called them bullies
just give them the f off vibe thenclick to expand
Posted by virgoOPPPI’m the worst like you can tell I wear my true emotions and feelingsPosted by virghostPosted by LadyNeptune
Part of being a good employee is learning how to play nice with annoying coworkers. Rise above.
Don't waste energy trying to 'destroy' them.
Spend your energy on smoozing their boss so the next promotion is yours. Then the tables are turned and you can ride their asses WHILE getting paid to do so.
I was being dramatic I don’t wanna destroy them but I do want to know how to work around them so everyday isn’t a pain in the ass
be fake nice at times when you really can't isolate yourselfclick to expand
Posted by virgoOPPPthis is me, I could care less about other people who are not close with me I need to go work from home I swearPosted by virghostPosted by virgoOPPP
you're there coz you signed a contract, not to make friends.
true but it makes it hard to show up when you’re the one who does the work while other just come to hang out and chat I personally don’t care to socialize especially with coworkers
omg we're the same
like i'm not here to smile, laugh or flirt with anyone
i don't care to make friends nor enemies
you like me or you don't... none of my business
group/team lunch, drinks or karaoke... none of my business
your burials, baptisms or weddings... none of my businessclick to expand
Posted by SassyKiwithat’s above my pay grade I might have to suck it up until I can transfer or land a better gig at a different company 🦵🏼🥾
Secretly record the favoritism and blast the company on social media but anonymously