Is it still sexual harassment if

This topic was created in the The Powder Room forum by brianafay on Friday, July 21, 2017 and has 36 replies.
it's woman on woman ?

Or is it just a compliment ?

A coworker told me I'm "looking awesome" today and I accepted the compliment and said thank you

Then she leans in and whispers "I've gotta be honest, I've been staring at your ass all day"


So I'm like "oh" lol

But seriously was I just sexually harassed ?

Do I snitch to HR or just avoid her in the hall?
She's Czech

Maybe it's just cultural and she was being friendly

She talks very loud too so her whisper wasn't really a whisper and my other coworker heard her

She's an uptight Pisces so maybe she'll go to HR lol
Maybe she's gemitati
Posted by Capz
leo mooning again ?
✋ stop

It was a serious question
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
Maybe she's gemitati
So 3some is out of the question..
click to expand

First thing the Libra said

Posted by brianafay
Maybe she's gemitati
Are you a Scorpio?
Posted by brianafay
Do I snitch to HR or just avoid her in the hall?
Next time she says something you feel has crossed the line let her know. Use words like 'inappropriate', 'uncomfortable', 'not conducive to a safe work environment' etc.

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by brianafay
Maybe she's gemitati
Are you a Scorpio?
click to expand


Posted by m200991
This is the thing about harassment. ONLY the person being spoken at can determine if they feel as though they are being harassed. I could quite literally say 'Cool Shoelaces' to someone, and they could feel harassed. That's a silly example; however, true none the less. So... the real question is... Did you feel harassed by what they said?

Nah I think she was just trying to be complimentary

I was just shocked and thought it was a bit socially awkward of her

I mean that's something you say to a friend "nice ass!" Not a coworker

Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by brianafay
Do I snitch to HR or just avoid her in the hall?
Next time she says something you feel has crossed the line let her know. Use words like 'inappropriate', 'uncomfortable', 'not conducive to a safe work environment' etc.

click to expand

lol Pisces response

She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Posted by brianafay
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by brianafay
Maybe she's gemitati
Are you a Scorpio?


click to expand
Then it was almost me! ?
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
click to expand
So when I shit I must be arrested???

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

click to expand
You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
click to expand
Why are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?

Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...

Maybe you need larger dog?

Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton... are hopeless...

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
Why are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?

Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...

Maybe you need larger dog?

Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton... are hopeless...

click to expand
Your confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
Why are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?

Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...

Maybe you need larger dog?

Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton... are hopeless...

Your confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.
click to expand
So dildo is your cure for consriparion?

At work?

Wow! You can sell tickets to your restroom run to your co-workers.

Company might go down though...


You ARE a moron! Admit it!

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
Why are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?

Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...

Maybe you need larger dog?

Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton... are hopeless...

Your confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.
So dildo is your cure for consriparion?

At work?

Wow! You can sell tickets to your restroom run to your co-workers.

Company might go down though...


You ARE a moron! Admit it!

click to expand
The dildo in question is up your cavernous ass.

I like how your reading comprehension is like seasonal allergies.
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
Why are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?

Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...

Maybe you need larger dog?

Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton... are hopeless...

Your confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.
So dildo is your cure for consriparion?

At work?

Wow! You can sell tickets to your restroom run to your co-workers.

Company might go down though...


You ARE a moron! Admit it!

The dildo in question is up your cavernous ass.

I like how your reading comprehension is like seasonal allergies.
click to expand
So at least you like something about me!

I wish I could say the same...

Ok. I like your way of dealing with constipation using dildo!


Consider it as a compliment.


Yup. My boss does it to me all the time. She's. Lesbian and she's said stuff like "It's not your butt that I want!" When I bend over to plug stuff in and don't want anyone behind me.

She owns the company though so I would have to change jobs. I clown her left and right so the sexual stuff doesn't bother me too much.

When she goes too far I tell her I'm gonna go to human resources and she just says " Here, let me change my hat"

But she knows to shut up then lol
Posted by brianafay
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by brianafay
Do I snitch to HR or just avoid her in the hall?
Next time she says something you feel has crossed the line let her know. Use words like 'inappropriate', 'uncomfortable', 'not conducive to a safe work environment' etc.

lol Pisces response

click to expand
Well this gives her a warning not to talk yo you like that. If she continues then go to HR instead of blindsiding her for something she may have thought was no big deal.
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
Why are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?

Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...

Maybe you need larger dog?

Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton... are hopeless...

Your confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.
So dildo is your cure for consriparion?

At work?

Wow! You can sell tickets to your restroom run to your co-workers.

Company might go down though...


You ARE a moron! Admit it!

The dildo in question is up your cavernous ass.

I like how your reading comprehension is like seasonal allergies.
So at least you like something about me!

I wish I could say the same...

Ok. I like your way of dealing with constipation using dildo!


Consider it as a compliment.


click to expand
le sigh
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
Why are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?

Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...

Maybe you need larger dog?

Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton... are hopeless...

Your confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.
So dildo is your cure for consriparion?

At work?

Wow! You can sell tickets to your restroom run to your co-workers.

Company might go down though...


You ARE a moron! Admit it!

The dildo in question is up your cavernous ass.

I like how your reading comprehension is like seasonal allergies.
So at least you like something about me!

I wish I could say the same...

Ok. I like your way of dealing with constipation using dildo!


Consider it as a compliment.


le sigh
click to expand
Le fk off...troo la la!

Posted by m200991
This is the thing about harassment. ONLY the person being spoken at can determine if they feel as though they are being harassed. I could quite literally say 'Cool Shoelaces' to someone, and they could feel harassed. That's a silly example; however, true none the less. So... the real question is... Did you feel harassed by what they said?
You are incorrect. Research sexual

Harassment in the workplace.
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
Why are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?

Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...

Maybe you need larger dog?

Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton... are hopeless...

Your confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.
So dildo is your cure for consriparion?

At work?

Wow! You can sell tickets to your restroom run to your co-workers.

Company might go down though...


You ARE a moron! Admit it!

The dildo in question is up your cavernous ass.

I like how your reading comprehension is like seasonal allergies.
So at least you like something about me!

I wish I could say the same...

Ok. I like your way of dealing with constipation using dildo!


Consider it as a compliment.


le sigh
Le fk off...troll la la!

click to expand

fixed it

Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
Why are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?

Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...

Maybe you need larger dog?

Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton... are hopeless...

Your confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.
So dildo is your cure for consriparion?

At work?

Wow! You can sell tickets to your restroom run to your co-workers.

Company might go down though...


You ARE a moron! Admit it!

The dildo in question is up your cavernous ass.

I like how your reading comprehension is like seasonal allergies.
So at least you like something about me!

I wish I could say the same...

Ok. I like your way of dealing with constipation using dildo!


Consider it as a compliment.


le sigh
Le fk off...troll la la!

fixed it

click to expand
You can't fix your being stupid!

But stupid are oblivious to everything!

Posted by 5TwentyOne

Did you do this thread before? It's seems like I made this joke before: Since she's Czech, she was "Czeching"out your ass. Forgive me, that was crass.

I just had the weirdest encounter with DXP deja vu I've ever had.

I need hobbies.

???no but thank you for that one liner

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
Why are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?

Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...

Maybe you need larger dog?

Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton... are hopeless...

Your confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.
So dildo is your cure for consriparion?

At work?

Wow! You can sell tickets to your restroom run to your co-workers.

Company might go down though...


You ARE a moron! Admit it!

The dildo in question is up your cavernous ass.

I like how your reading comprehension is like seasonal allergies.
So at least you like something about me!

I wish I could say the same...

Ok. I like your way of dealing with constipation using dildo!


Consider it as a compliment.


le sigh
Le fk off...troll la la!

fixed it

You can't fix your being stupid!

But stupid are oblivious to everything!

click to expand
Lol so true...when applied to YOU
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
Why are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?

Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...

Maybe you need larger dog?

Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton... are hopeless...

Your confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.
So dildo is your cure for consriparion?

At work?

Wow! You can sell tickets to your restroom run to your co-workers.

Company might go down though...


You ARE a moron! Admit it!

The dildo in question is up your cavernous ass.

I like how your reading comprehension is like seasonal allergies.
So at least you like something about me!

I wish I could say the same...

Ok. I like your way of dealing with constipation using dildo!


Consider it as a compliment.


le sigh
Le fk off...troll la la!

fixed it

You can't fix your being stupid!

But stupid are oblivious to everything!

Lol so true...when applied to YOU
click to expand
Do you have your own brains or you always says 'yo mama'...?
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
Why are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?

Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...

Maybe you need larger dog?

Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton... are hopeless...

Your confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.
So dildo is your cure for consriparion?

At work?

Wow! You can sell tickets to your restroom run to your co-workers.

Company might go down though...


You ARE a moron! Admit it!

The dildo in question is up your cavernous ass.

I like how your reading comprehension is like seasonal allergies.
So at least you like something about me!

I wish I could say the same...

Ok. I like your way of dealing with constipation using dildo!


Consider it as a compliment.


le sigh
Le fk off...troll la la!

fixed it

You can't fix your being stupid!

But stupid are oblivious to everything!

Lol so true...when applied to YOU
Do you have your own brains or you always says 'yo mama'...?
click to expand
No I'm a zombie, I take others brains to survive.

Don't worry, your safe
Posted by m200991
Posted by justagirl
Posted by m200991
This is the thing about harassment. ONLY the person being spoken at can determine if they feel as though they are being harassed. I could quite literally say 'Cool Shoelaces' to someone, and they could feel harassed. That's a silly example; however, true none the less. So... the real question is... Did you feel harassed by what they said?
You are incorrect. Research sexual

Harassment in the workplace.
I do Corporate Governance for a living... I'm pretty sure I know how it works. I was talking on a personal level; however, if you want to be technical...

"Under federal law and Department of Labor (DOL) policy, harassment by employees based on race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and pregnancy), national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, or parental status is prohibited.

Prohibited workplace harassment may take either of two forms. It may entail "quid pro quo" harassment, which occurs in cases in which employment decisions or treatment are based on submission to or rejection of unwelcome conduct, typically conduct of a sexual nature. Workplace harassment may also consist of offensive conduct based on one or more of the protected groups above that is so severe or pervasive that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as being fired or demoted)."

This, by definition, doesn't violate the above law; however, the company in question may have a more specific policy and/or standard in which they use.

Don't come at me with some Wiki business being all literal.

click to expand
No need for me to do that, you just did that yourself .

You are still incorrect, I can get offended by something I overhear and I can report it to HR and yes it is sexual harassment.
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
Why are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?

Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...

Maybe you need larger dog?

Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton... are hopeless...

Your confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.
So dildo is your cure for consriparion?

At work?

Wow! You can sell tickets to your restroom run to your co-workers.

Company might go down though...


You ARE a moron! Admit it!

The dildo in question is up your cavernous ass.

I like how your reading comprehension is like seasonal allergies.
So at least you like something about me!

I wish I could say the same...

Ok. I like your way of dealing with constipation using dildo!


Consider it as a compliment.


le sigh
Le fk off...troll la la!

fixed it

You can't fix your being stupid!

But stupid are oblivious to everything!

Lol so true...when applied to YOU
Do you have your own brains or you always says 'yo mama'...?
No I'm a zombie, I take others brains to survive.

Don't worry, your safe
click to expand
Don't fry brains of others.

Shit! You don't have your own so my advise 'fry your own' would fall on deaf ears!!!

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
Yeah.. It's def Gemitati
So when I shit I must be arrested???

You'll need to remove the giant dildo out of your ass first
Why are you carrying dildo with you to workplace?

Oh! Because you don't have anybody to fk you! Must loooove that dildo. Yes you do...yes you do...

Maybe you need larger dog?

Just a friendly suggestion! Get a male gig and name him Clinton... are hopeless...

Your confused hun. Its understandable. Constipation isn't fun.
So dildo is your cure for consriparion?

At work?

Wow! You can sell tickets to your restroom run to your co-workers.

Company might go down though...


You ARE a moron! Admit it!

The dildo in question is up your cavernous ass.

I like how your reading comprehension is like seasonal allergies.
So at least you like something about me!

I wish I could say the same...

Ok. I like your way of dealing with constipation using dildo!


Consider it as a compliment.


le sigh
Le fk off...troll la la!

fixed it

You can't fix your being stupid!

But stupid are oblivious to everything!

Lol so true...when applied to YOU
Do you have your own brains or you always says 'yo mama'...?
No I'm a zombie, I take others brains to survive.

Don't worry, your safe
Don't fry brains of others.

Shit! You don't have your own so my advise 'fry your own' would fall on deaf ears!!!

click to expand
Frying is for the cats you like to eat. Zombies take their brains raw. Rrrrrawwwwww
Posted by brianafay
She's also the same lady that sighs very loudly when she pees

Like it sounds like she's climaxing

In a public restroom


I feel more sexually harassed by that tbh ?
ask her for 3 squares. if she refuses then yep, its gemitati.

I'm scared she might try to crawl under the stall to give it to me