2008 for Cap and Virgos

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by CaplovesVir on Saturday, January 5, 2008 and has 22 replies.

2008 started off really great for me, I mean really great. I finally feel that I will get the love I have been waiting for years now.
My Virgo friend from work and I have been attracted to each other for years now, and I think this could be the year he will make a move. He has been very attentive and super nice to me than he has ever been. Also while being out on the gym on new years day, I had more guys approching me then before. To top it all I had car problems when returning from gym on new years day, so I had to drop off my car at the shop on Wed morning. After failing to get hold of several people from work to pick me up, I finally rang my Virgo and he answered. Gladly said he will rush and pick me up. Been extra nice to me all days then I can ever remember. Also wore Black all days, I told him before he looked good in black.
Is this the year for Vs to finally find love?
wooo hoooooooooo
One more Cap+ Virgo :-)..
Same here, I feel very happy lately since the start of the year. We caps have Jupiter in all areas life, love, finance, health.
Virgos have that in Love department. So can't be any better time than this one for Caps and Virgos.
Yes, having Jupiter in your love area is a real blessing. We Geminis had it last year and this year all those connections we made in 2007 are supposed to get deeper and more pyhsical. Guess what? I had indeed fallen in love with my Virgo under the Jupiter's effect and we are more intimate now! We had a real intense conversation this week (again, when Mars and Ploto were in effect) and he promised me that we would never lose each other (after I complained about not seeing him enough and fearing of losing him because of my persistance).
Wow!! I had no idea.
So Jupiter is in Cap and Virgo this year. For Cap all areas of life should improve, this is the year to go out there and thrive, pursue those career moves, maybe even buy more lottery tickets.
For Virgo their love life will improved this year. What a year to look forward to.
How long will Jupiter stay in these 2 signs? Anyone knows?

The planets stay that way in effect for 1 full year, so Jan 09...then Pluto is the next 15 years I believe, unless I got that backwards..??
Please post your "LOVE LIFE" updates for 2008 here. Including calls or contacts from ex!
I will consider that too as an option! :-).
How about we just go after our love interest, and let failure not be an option.....I'm all for using a little 'force'....whatever makes you see it my way.....Tongue
*VE grabs a gigantic club and flashes a charming smile*
Ok... posting my love life history so far for 2008.
January (Officially February) - broke up with my Pisces bf of two months after he went MIA.
February 29 - March 1st - slept with my Scorpio platonic friend and he spazzed out and went MIA.
March 1st - Gemini ex bf came to my house without calling first to confess his love to me that he wanted to marry me. He has been wishy-washy with me, my feelings, and our love in the past and with other women after we intially were together (including an engagement called off by him). I don't trust him so I told him I was pregnant by a guy I was seeing and that we decided to keep it.
April - Reunited with my Capricorn ex bf and afterwards he went MIA.
April - Met a Gemini who I have not slept with, he wined and dined me and pretty much opened the door for us to "go there" but he is my son's mentor so obvoiously I did not. We're just friends.
April - Reunited with my Pisces fling from last fall and I have not heard from him since then. Only strange because I heard from him in Jan/Feb/Mar and then finally we did it again in Apr (prior to that not since October) and he is now MIA.
April - May - Entertained hooking up with a young Pisces (10yrs younger than I) and it was too frustrating to pursue so nothing came out of it.
April - Presently - I am getting to know a Scorpio man but I have no real hopes for a future with him because he owns his business and is expanding and that will consume him this summer and I am looking to be out making memories and I am not sure he will be available to the extent I need him to be. Plus, the 2nd location he is about to open is located in a really predominant area where professional and potentially beautiful women (single and no children) will frequent so I am thinking he will easily get distracted. I live 1.5hrs from where he works and pretty much lives.
So, when does this love thing for Virgos strike again? Maybe I will be luckier the next time.
Hi MsAr***
Remember the song: U can't hurry love!
Be optimistic and do not loose hope. You know they say, it takes time for great things to come!
Take it easy.
Looks like a good year for love for caps.
One of my cappy friends, got engaged last week.
He had hard time finding his soul mate.
lol, yeah right ...
Maybe this will happen later in 2008
I shall remain hopeful and in positive thoughts. I don't know if I expect marriage (I don't want to marry at this point in my life) but I would love to find some WONDROUS companionship.
However, I did note that Beyonce got married and my Aries platonic male friend is marrying his Virgal and their baby is due in December. So, I have some examples.
I have yet to start receiving any of this supposed blessing from Jupiter.
February 2007 - present: very nice, stable, trusting online friendship with pisces who I see whenever we're in the same city
November 2007 - March 2008: alternated between mind fuck and friends with benefits scenario with what has got to be the hottest man I've ever met in my life (also a virgo)
April 2008: two brief flings because a girl has her needs (with a virgo and a scorpio)
May 2008: the well has run dry
So what's up with this? Jupiter (and the cosmos more generally) has some explaining to do.
So what's up with this? Jupiter (and the cosmos more generally) has some explaining to do.
I read on the Internet is Jupiter is more toward fun side of the area they visit. That means you may come across lot of people. It it's saturn, then it's stability. Also house 7 rules partnerships etc. So if you have mars visiting 7 house, getting in a long term relation ship leading towards wedding is possible. Jupiter on the other hand is fun part, probably without solid outcome.
I am not an astrology expernt but you can read on saturn, house 7, jupiter on ther net and draw your conclusion.
Yes it is! I have been dating more than ever this year than I ever did in my whole life. And I'm actually enjoying it...I'm not in a serious relationship now, but in due time I do believe it will happen, but for right now I'm enjoying this whole "dating" thing
BAB said: "Don't give up MsAristocracy ... your man is out there !!! "

Thanks BAB,
But, I am in no rush to marry (at least I don't think). I will always do what is best for me no matter what my plans may be. I am actually looking for stability in the sense of finding companionship (romantic friendship). I am intending to stick to my desire to marry after my children are grown (they're 14 and almost 10) which is about 8 more years.
But, if I must be a wife and active mother then I will. I just want to be ab attention-spoiled wifey. Which would be impossible as a wife in mother mode. I don't relax well when in parenting mode around men I am seeing. It's like oil and water (motherhood and romance).
But, I will keep the look out for the romantic companionship. That guy HAS to be out there for me. smile
I have been dating more than ever this year too! I have been attracting men that I didn't think even knew I existed. No luck on finding Mr. Right yet though, hoping for a Virgo to choose me over his xgf. He said they will have a talk after taking the Boards. I commented that people have a gut feeling if a relationship is going to work out or not and he agreed. So does this mean that he kinda knows it's over? He also said he wanted to hang out more which he repeated over 3 times. Is he being sincere about this? sigh...this our 2nd time getting together. I was not attracted to him at first, but now I am because of his personality. help please.
capris said: "He also said he wanted to hang out more which he repeated over 3 times. Is he being sincere about this?"
At the time he said (i.e. on that day) he was sincere. But, it's possible he will have gotten caught up in his own world and not moved on those expressed desires. Sometimes, we Virgos need a nudge, so you should find something Virgo-interesting and invite him out. Gotta plan it well too, where it does not affect his service in any other areas (work, home, family, etc.) He needs to be free to go with you.
A lot of times I will desire to hang out more with someone but then have a moment when I am not sure they are feeling it too. Guess that's a bit of Virgo insecurity lol. It helps to know that the other person is just as interested by having them say it, plan it too.
v-lady said: "May 2008: the well has run dry"
Yep, May 2008 was pretty dry for me too. You remind me a lot of me all that you've done that you broke down in your post. smile
Pluto will join jupiter in your natal 4'th house and you'll benefit from all that passion, love
Jupiter is currently in Capricorn, so if virgos will benefit from the pluto + jupiter stuff, what ever it could be, caps should benefit too.. What advantages caps will have from this transit :-)?

Oh yes 2008 has indeed been a great year so far...
2007 was pretty lame concerning relationships. Me and my aries broke up, and my potential taurus and I did not get anything accomplished Sad
But '08 is definitely looking on the bright side. I feel the love in the air, the connections mentally and physically.
My leo and I have been "talking" for a few months now and are deciding where we want to take this to.