A lot of cheating threads ....

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by P-Angel on Sunday, September 22, 2013 and has 23 replies.

There seems to be a lot of accusations floating about, about Virgo's being cheaters.
So, if a Virgo believes that they don't HAVE to deal with the emotional aspect of their own goddam relationships ... then how do you all propose that you've bonded deep enough with this partner to prevent you from being infatuated with the next person who catches your attention?
Cheating isn't just sex, you know.
To cheat, means to take something away from the other - to cheat them out of something. So, if you aren't providing them with emotional support, then you're cheating them out of the emotional security they need.
So, eventhough you might not actually go out and fuck another person .... if you're not securing them with the emotional sentiment they need, then you're an emotional cheater.
Her hubby is a Virgo... >_
Posted by PotHeadVirgo24
This sound like some woman shit.

Pfft. Don't be blaming all of us.
Posted by P-Angel

There seems to be a lot of accusations floating about, about Virgo's being cheaters.
So, if a Virgo believes that they don't HAVE to deal with the emotional aspect of their own goddam relationships ... then how do you all propose that you've bonded deep enough with this partner to prevent you from being infatuated with the next person who catches your attention?
Cheating isn't just sex, you know.
To cheat, means to take something away from the other - to cheat them out of something. So, if you aren't providing them with emotional support, then you're cheating them out of the emotional security they need.
So, eventhough you might not actually go out and fuck another person .... if you're not securing them with the emotional sentiment they need, then you're an emotional cheater.

Sorry Virgos but this is the truth plain and simple.
I still call rubbish on this whole "emotional cheating" bit. Why isn't responsibility ever placed on the person who feels so damn insecure all the time?
Posted by TMV
I still call rubbish on this whole "emotional cheating" bit. Why isn't responsibility ever placed on the person who feels so damn insecure all the time?

Point proven. Even the slightest bit of emotional display as in you doing something that would naturally make someone mad, is dismissed as rubbish. Often because it means you have to address your own feelings which you're not comfortable in doing.
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by TMV
I still call rubbish on this whole "emotional cheating" bit. Why isn't responsibility ever placed on the person who feels so damn insecure all the time?

Point proven. Even the slightest bit of emotional display as in you doing something that would naturally make someone mad, is dismissed as rubbish. Often because it means you have to address your own feelings which you're not comfortable in doing.
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Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by TMV
I still call rubbish on this whole "emotional cheating" bit. Why isn't responsibility ever placed on the person who feels so damn insecure all the time?

Point proven. Even the slightest bit of emotional display as in you doing something that would naturally make someone mad, is dismissed as rubbish. Often because it means you have to address your own feelings which you're not comfortable in doing.
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I'm pretty sure that was me addressing my feelings, which I was quite comfortable with doing. I also call it rubbish when people make baseless assumptions about the emotions of others simply because they react differently to stimuli as individuals.
Where is the accountability of the partner? Why is it always up to us to make someone comfortable? Why cant they accommodate us?
Im not trying to make it like its all about me and what i want.....Its just seems like we are always the ones that have to sacrifice ourselves....it should never be one sided in a relationship...but apparently with us virgos...we are supposed to do all the bidding!
I see it time and time again...." Oh the virgo's not doing a b and c"...but what part did they have to play into that?!
Posted by virgoking
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by TMV
I still call rubbish on this whole "emotional cheating" bit. Why isn't responsibility ever placed on the person who feels so damn insecure all the time?

Point proven. Even the slightest bit of emotional display as in you doing something that would naturally make someone mad, is dismissed as rubbish. Often because it means you have to address your own feelings which you're not comfortable in doing.

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Lmao...I'm in law school so I like to debate. I don't have a dog in this fight.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Where is the accountability of the partner? Why is it always up to us to make someone comfortable? Why cant they accommodate us?

funny as a cancer all i want to do is accommodate and do someone's bidding, the problem is you don't build that intimacy for me to be able to do that. I can't trust that I won't get used.

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Did you ever once think....that you didnt let us. Maybe you were to busy trying to make us into something we aren't and failed to see what was right in front of your face...which made it impossible to cont to be with you!
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Its just seems like we are always the ones that have to sacrifice ourselves....it should never be one sided in a relationship...but apparently with us virgos...we are supposed to do all the bidding!

It may seem that way, but, you don't. Look at all the threads in here where Virgos talk, proudly I might add, how they don't and won't sacrifice themselves in emotional terms.
The reason why it feels like all the time, is because it Virgos never do it ... so they are always on the block for it.
the partner of a Virgo does ALL of the emotional work on the relationship ... because the Virgo reserves the right for themselves to demand that they don't have to.
You aren't suppose to do all the bidding ... but, it would be nice if you actually wanted to meet your partner half way.
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Where is the accountability of the partner? Why is it always up to us to make someone comfortable? Why cant they accommodate us?

funny as a cancer all i want to do is accommodate and do someone's bidding, the problem is you don't build that intimacy for me to be able to do that. I can't trust that I won't get used.

Did you ever once think....that you didnt let us. Maybe you were to busy trying to make us into something we aren't and failed to see what was right in front of your face...which made it impossible to cont to be with you!
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No way. Virgos are not only allowed to take the reigns in supporting the relationship .... they are actually counted upon to care enough to want to do their equal part.
They don't LIMM ... nobody is trying to make you into someone you don't want to be ... they are simply trying to figure out why you don't want to.
Why don't you want to?
Virgos always take the defensive stance of .... why should you HAVE to. And nobody has ever wanted a Virgo to HAVE to do it ... we would like you to want to.
For a person to feel special ... they need to be wanted, so why doesn't a Virgo want to?
They don't want to ... and then turn it around to say what you have here, to imply that the Virgo is being forced. Nobody ever tries to force you .... we only want you to want to because you care enough to.

so, it's the Virgo who fails to see what is right in front of their face.
Someone stated the other day that Virgos carry their hearts on their sleeve ... and this is true, for themselves ... but, they shrug off the same heart that is required for your partner.
And when this is said, like in this thread ... the Virgo is full of excuses as to why they desire ignorance on the topic.
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Its just seems like we are always the ones that have to sacrifice ourselves....it should never be one sided in a relationship...but apparently with us virgos...we are supposed to do all the bidding!

It may seem that way, but, you don't. Look at all the threads in here where Virgos talk, proudly I might add, how they don't and won't sacrifice themselves in emotional terms.
The reason why it feels like all the time, is because it Virgos never do it ... so they are always on the block for it.
the partner of a Virgo does ALL of the emotional work on the relationship ... because the Virgo reserves the right for themselves to demand that they don't have to.
You aren't suppose to do all the bidding ... but, it would be nice if you actually wanted to meet your partner half way.
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This is sadly very true.
I'm speaking in regards to Virgo men, not Virgo women; the problem with Virgo men is that they play the role of the "female" in the relationship.
They expect their women to provide all the support, candor, romance, understanding, and other nitty-gritty aspects women usually look for in a relationship. The problem with this thinking is that it is very "feminine" because these are the same needs a woman seeks. Which leads to the issue of imbalance. When both are seeking the same things and only one is fulfilling them, there will ALWAYS be resentment and dissatisfaction by the partner who is providing -- the women. Hence, you see the common theme with women who date Virgo men are usually disoriented and confused because their Virgo men do not do their part as a partner.
My virtue in love is this:
If I fulfill all of my partner's needs and my partner fulfills all of my needs, we are creating a fluid relationship that continually satisfies each other. It's a partnership that gives you the same output as you are giving inputs. Perfect congruency. Both parties win.
Simple equation. Sadly, many people just suck at math.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Virgo men are like black holes, suck you into the vortex, just to spit out your bones.

Don't be so cynical. Trust me, there are very good ones out there. It's a needle in a haystack but it exists. You honestly have to be with one who've had A LOT of relationship experiences because then they know what they want, otherwise, they will just experiment with you.
I'll tell you that if under any normal circumstances, a mature Virgo is actually an AMAZING lover; albeit, lacking a bit of emotionality and sensitivity, but definitely a wonderful provider and lover. I've seen it and I've experienced it. Hence, I do not chastise them all.
Truly hope no one categorizes anything as a whole -- that is truly ignorant and naive.
I think it's a great learning experience for everyone, especially for Virgos.
Posted by CluelessCancer
I know he'll be an amazing person given time. Sigh, too bad it wont be with me.

Know that a Virgo will lose out on A LOT of AMAZING opportunities with women because they don't know what they want. You won't be the last of what he could have had. So don't feel so bad... If anything, feel sorry for him.
You're hilarious.
If it's happened once, it'll happen again.
I will never settle for anything less. As with anything in life, your attitude is a reflection of what you attract.