Posted by P-Angel
holy fuck !!!!!!
You blabbered on for 3 whole wot, just to say that you're hurt that the man you love doesn't love you back.
Buy a diary.
Posted by coldwateryvirgo
a large percentage are individuals who really know the answer to their own question but are on the forum for the sake of letting it out and hearing what other people might have to say.
Posted by coldwateryvirgo
One simple question then. ...... this whole thing is completely one-sided ?
Posted by coldwateryvirgoThat's a contradiction ^^^
i don't care that he will never love me.... i just can't accept that all this love and all this time we shared , he is someone who doesn't care about me at all. His action said he don't care about me at all but i feel it to my core he does.
Boy , sorry to everyone and thank you if you took the time to read this
Posted by LadyNeptune
It was doomed the moment you insulted the size of his dick and he insulted your body. Like. Why.
Why be with someone who only values you for your pussy? You could've been selling pussy all these years and paid for that engineering degree.
Posted by P-AngelAnd she literally wrote, 'it was an awesome relationship' right after. Like, what? Pretty much no self awareness with this one.Posted by LadyNeptune
It was doomed the moment you insulted the size of his dick and he insulted your body. Like. Why.
Why be with someone who only values you for your pussy? You could've been selling pussy all these years and paid for that engineering degree.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I read to expand
Posted by coldwateryvirgo
i sent a picture of my tear swollen face
because deep down , i know i really just want to wait for him. that maybe he probably loves me and just not ready for him to realize he loves more than he want to admit to himself..
Posted by LadyNeptuneThat is my problem . Over analyzing with me leads to seeing things from every point of view and when that happens you can't make a decision from thinking about it too much .Posted by coldwateryvirgoThat's a contradiction ^^^
i don't care that he will never love me.... i just can't accept that all this love and all this time we shared , he is someone who doesn't care about me at all. His action said he don't care about me at all but i feel it to my core he does.
Boy , sorry to everyone and thank you if you took the time to read this
What you need to understand is that emotions aren't black and white. He can care for you as a friend, as a piece of ass that was always there for him no matter how much he walked all over you. But caring does not = love. Love does not = relationship/marriage.
If you wanted those things from him you should've made that known. And if he couldn't give you them you should've to expand
Posted by LadyNeptune
At this point op you know what it is. He doesn't value you beyond your ability to get him off, and even then that is suspect as he likes girls with booty. He told you your too thin, right?
You need to get angry. Not at him, but at yourself for settling for scraps.
Life isn't fair. You don't get what you deserve, you get what you demand. Demand more for yourself op....demand more.
Posted by coldwateryvirgoI Know you are trying to convince yourself that there is hope by over analyzing the wrong stuff. Why dont you over analyze the other way round, when he hurt you? I mean, you seem to only look at whatever bright side you want to see and ignore major red flags. That sucks :/Posted by LadyNeptune
At this point op you know what it is. He doesn't value you beyond your ability to get him off, and even then that is suspect as he likes girls with booty. He told you your too thin, right?
You need to get angry. Not at him, but at yourself for settling for scraps.
Life isn't fair. You don't get what you deserve, you get what you demand. Demand more for yourself op....demand more.
He asked if he was the biggest . I didn't lie and said I've been with bigger but it was still great with him . I don't think I said anything wrong . And no he didn't say I was thin. He said working out is mostly dieting . If I went to the gym and ate better I would be toned . If anything its the other way around . And also we haven't had sex or gotten him off in a year so , yea , before it was true that I was sleeping with him but many times he also told me to come over without having any sex . We would just lay there and he would just watch his practice video .So I don't understand even though we haven't had sex for the last year , he's still around doing He same things he was doing before . I don't question my ability to get him off that's for sure but I havent gotten him off in a year. So why does he stay around just enough to be around. I don't give him anything other than a response to to his text once in a while and it's fairly vague and short . He doesn't get anything from texting me every few months . He gains nothing and yet he does that. If I'm he's only wanting me for sex or using me then could you clarify why he's around for the past years despite multiple opportunities for him to invite me over and have sex , he doesn't ?click to expand
Posted by coldwateryvirgoPosted by LadyNeptuneThat is my problem . Over analyzing with me leads to seeing things from every point of view and when that happens you can't make a decision from thinking about it too much .Posted by coldwateryvirgoThat's a contradiction ^^^
i don't care that he will never love me.... i just can't accept that all this love and all this time we shared , he is someone who doesn't care about me at all. His action said he don't care about me at all but i feel it to my core he does.
Boy , sorry to everyone and thank you if you took the time to read this
What you need to understand is that emotions aren't black and white. He can care for you as a friend, as a piece of ass that was always there for him no matter how much he walked all over you. But caring does not = love. Love does not = relationship/marriage.
If you wanted those things from him you should've made that known. And if he couldn't give you them you should've walked.
I am young. There's no doubt about it . I don't see myself with this person , I don't want to be with this person or marry this person . I do however can't stop loving him at the moment. that love doesn't stop knowing he's not good for me. He could be talking to multiple girls for all I know and message me only when they have issues. I don't know what go on in his life which he is why we haven't been intimate in over a year.i don't feel like a doormat because other then for not letting me go, I'm not have sex with him , he doesn't ask me to do anything , he doesn't message me for anything . He just want to know what I'm doing and disappear.
I do believe in unconditional love and that I'm happy to love him without him loving me. It's a sappy story like p angel said . It could be birth control pills that makes it so that I can't help but get emotional and hurt . I don't like not knowing I mean something , be it friend , flings or whatever. I think that's what bothers me, not having an answer. I go on with my life after a week so it's not like it's detrimental to my health like it was years ago .
P angel might be right . I'm not here to be praise for my love but I do want to know if this kind of love is normal . To love someone like thisclick to expand
Posted by VirgoSquirrel
Girl... I agree with everything @LadyNeptune said. This dude has been stringing you along and you let him do that, wasting so much time and energy. I don't usually sound harsh in here, but you need to stop romantizing things that hurt and if you use your logical virgo mind, you will realize most of the relationship was creepy. You are just remembering the few good stuff and hanging into it. I am not saying he never had feelings or else, just sometimes it is not enough and it is not what matters. Respect is what matters. You had emotional outbursts in front of him and he did not seem that empathic. I Know it sounds easier to say than to do, but i think you should take the opportunity to reflect on the whole relationship and wonder why you got so dependent of his physical and emotional affection. Is it because you dont love yourself enough ? You have to be independent, be yourself, dont let any softboy waste your Time and energy. Really, before you start dating around again, have the strength to stay lonely and single and stop being afraid of yourself. Is there a pattern among the boys you like ? Do you always get involved in toxic relationships ? Reflect on all that negativity, dont deny it, empower yourself as a woman, dont be naïve. And then, only then may be you Will find love and a healthy relationship. I really wish you the best, you deserve better but only if you decide it, and if you do you Will find it with not a single doubt. I would also suggest you block him and dont look back, if it is hard, just remember the bad stuff and everything he put you through emotionally.
Wish you the best, we all have to go through bad experiences to learn more about ourselves and growing up. But in order to do that, we need to analyze them, reflect on what they reveal about us and try to improve ourselves. And then, when we love ourselves, we are ready to love and be loved.
Posted by coldwateryvirgoHe does get something. He gets his ego stroked when you respond. He gets a brief moment of entertainment. He also keeps you on the line for that future fuck, when and if he wants it.Posted by LadyNeptune
At this point op you know what it is. He doesn't value you beyond your ability to get him off, and even then that is suspect as he likes girls with booty. He told you your too thin, right?
You need to get angry. Not at him, but at yourself for settling for scraps.
Life isn't fair. You don't get what you deserve, you get what you demand. Demand more for yourself op....demand more.
He asked if he was the biggest . I didn't lie and said I've been with bigger but it was still great with him . I don't think I said anything wrong . And no he didn't say I was thin. He said working out is mostly dieting . If I went to the gym and ate better I would be toned . If anything its the other way around . And also we haven't had sex or gotten him off in a year so , yea , before it was true that I was sleeping with him but many times he also told me to come over without having any sex . We would just lay there and he would just watch his practice video .So I don't understand even though we haven't had sex for the last year , he's still around doing He same things he was doing before . I don't question my ability to get him off that's for sure but I havent gotten him off in a year. So why does he stay around just enough to be around. I don't give him anything other than a response to to his text once in a while and it's fairly vague and short . He doesn't get anything from texting me every few months . He gains nothing and yet he does that. If I'm he's only wanting me for sex or using me then could you clarify why he's around for the past years despite multiple opportunities for him to invite me over and have sex , he doesn't ?click to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
can someone give me the cliff notes, cause i aint reading all this bs.
Posted by LadyNeptunePosted by coldwateryvirgoHe does get something. He gets his ego stroked when you respond. He gets a brief moment of entertainment. He also keeps you on the line for that future fuck, when and if he wants it.Posted by LadyNeptune
At this point op you know what it is. He doesn't value you beyond your ability to get him off, and even then that is suspect as he likes girls with booty. He told you your too thin, right?
You need to get angry. Not at him, but at yourself for settling for scraps.
Life isn't fair. You don't get what you deserve, you get what you demand. Demand more for yourself op....demand more.
He asked if he was the biggest . I didn't lie and said I've been with bigger but it was still great with him . I don't think I said anything wrong . And no he didn't say I was thin. He said working out is mostly dieting . If I went to the gym and ate better I would be toned . If anything its the other way around . And also we haven't had sex or gotten him off in a year so , yea , before it was true that I was sleeping with him but many times he also told me to come over without having any sex . We would just lay there and he would just watch his practice video .So I don't understand even though we haven't had sex for the last year , he's still around doing He same things he was doing before . I don't question my ability to get him off that's for sure but I havent gotten him off in a year. So why does he stay around just enough to be around. I don't give him anything other than a response to to his text once in a while and it's fairly vague and short . He doesn't get anything from texting me every few months . He gains nothing and yet he does that. If I'm he's only wanting me for sex or using me then could you clarify why he's around for the past years despite multiple opportunities for him to invite me over and have sex , he doesn't ?click to expand
Posted by coldwateryvirgoYour not having sex with him makes it almost worse. Because your emotionally invested in someone who literally is giving you nothing!Posted by LadyNeptuneThat is my problem . Over analyzing with me leads to seeing things from every point of view and when that happens you can't make a decision from thinking about it too much .Posted by coldwateryvirgoThat's a contradiction ^^^
i don't care that he will never love me.... i just can't accept that all this love and all this time we shared , he is someone who doesn't care about me at all. His action said he don't care about me at all but i feel it to my core he does.
Boy , sorry to everyone and thank you if you took the time to read this
What you need to understand is that emotions aren't black and white. He can care for you as a friend, as a piece of ass that was always there for him no matter how much he walked all over you. But caring does not = love. Love does not = relationship/marriage.
If you wanted those things from him you should've made that known. And if he couldn't give you them you should've walked.
I am young. There's no doubt about it . I don't see myself with this person , I don't want to be with this person or marry this person . I do however can't stop loving him at the moment. that love doesn't stop knowing he's not good for me. He could be talking to multiple girls for all I know and message me only when they have issues. I don't know what go on in his life which he is why we haven't been intimate in over a year.i don't feel like a doormat because other then for not letting me go, I'm not have sex with him , he doesn't ask me to do anything , he doesn't message me for anything . He just want to know what I'm doing and disappear.
I do believe in unconditional love and that I'm happy to love him without him loving me. It's a sappy story like p angel said . It could be birth control pills that makes it so that I can't help but get emotional and hurt . I don't like not knowing I mean something , be it friend , flings or whatever. I think that's what bothers me, not having an answer. I go on with my life after a week so it's not like it's detrimental to my health like it was years ago .
P angel might be right . I'm not here to be praise for my love but I do want to know if this kind of love is normal . To love someone like thisclick to expand
Posted by coldwateryvirgoPosted by VirgoSquirrel
Girl... I agree with everything @LadyNeptune said. This dude has been stringing you along and you let him do that, wasting so much time and energy. I don't usually sound harsh in here, but you need to stop romantizing things that hurt and if you use your logical virgo mind, you will realize most of the relationship was creepy. You are just remembering the few good stuff and hanging into it. I am not saying he never had feelings or else, just sometimes it is not enough and it is not what matters. Respect is what matters. You had emotional outbursts in front of him and he did not seem that empathic. I Know it sounds easier to say than to do, but i think you should take the opportunity to reflect on the whole relationship and wonder why you got so dependent of his physical and emotional affection. Is it because you dont love yourself enough ? You have to be independent, be yourself, dont let any softboy waste your Time and energy. Really, before you start dating around again, have the strength to stay lonely and single and stop being afraid of yourself. Is there a pattern among the boys you like ? Do you always get involved in toxic relationships ? Reflect on all that negativity, dont deny it, empower yourself as a woman, dont be naïve. And then, only then may be you Will find love and a healthy relationship. I really wish you the best, you deserve better but only if you decide it, and if you do you Will find it with not a single doubt. I would also suggest you block him and dont look back, if it is hard, just remember the bad stuff and everything he put you through emotionally.
Wish you the best, we all have to go through bad experiences to learn more about ourselves and growing up. But in order to do that, we need to analyze them, reflect on what they reveal about us and try to improve ourselves. And then, when we love ourselves, we are ready to love and be loved.
Thank you for your comment
, and yes , I did went ahead and block him after the last incident. No, I've had great men in my life but I let them go because I knew they deserved more . I don't need to be another girl who's hung up on someone else while destroying a good person in the process . I am stupid when it comes to love but I really am a logical person . I enjoy being alone and in happy with myself when he doesn't come around . I didn't really have a father figure growing and I guess I always believe that every guy I meet , despite issues and flaws they are all good people. I just hate to think men are selfish an users . That's my biggest down fall . I have Friends and people in my life who always tell me I'm a unique kind of person and these people have been around and never left . So im really not someone with self esteem issue. I'm fairly confident in myself or else I wouldn't be in a major where I'm always competing with men. I do however have a weakness when it comes to wanting to be loved by men.
But thank you so much for your kind wordsclick to expand
Posted by LadyNeptunePosted by coldwateryvirgoYour not having sex with him makes it almost worse. Because your emotionally invested in someone who literally is giving you nothing!Posted by LadyNeptuneThat is my problem . Over analyzing with me leads to seeing things from every point of view and when that happens you can't make a decision from thinking about it too much .Posted by coldwateryvirgoThat's a contradiction ^^^
i don't care that he will never love me.... i just can't accept that all this love and all this time we shared , he is someone who doesn't care about me at all. His action said he don't care about me at all but i feel it to my core he does.
Boy , sorry to everyone and thank you if you took the time to read this
What you need to understand is that emotions aren't black and white. He can care for you as a friend, as a piece of ass that was always there for him no matter how much he walked all over you. But caring does not = love. Love does not = relationship/marriage.
If you wanted those things from him you should've made that known. And if he couldn't give you them you should've walked.
I am young. There's no doubt about it . I don't see myself with this person , I don't want to be with this person or marry this person . I do however can't stop loving him at the moment. that love doesn't stop knowing he's not good for me. He could be talking to multiple girls for all I know and message me only when they have issues. I don't know what go on in his life which he is why we haven't been intimate in over a year.i don't feel like a doormat because other then for not letting me go, I'm not have sex with him , he doesn't ask me to do anything , he doesn't message me for anything . He just want to know what I'm doing and disappear.
I do believe in unconditional love and that I'm happy to love him without him loving me. It's a sappy story like p angel said . It could be birth control pills that makes it so that I can't help but get emotional and hurt . I don't like not knowing I mean something , be it friend , flings or whatever. I think that's what bothers me, not having an answer. I go on with my life after a week so it's not like it's detrimental to my health like it was years ago .
P angel might be right . I'm not here to be praise for my love but I do want to know if this kind of love is normal . To love someone like this
Your hung up on someone who has moved on with their life and uses you as a distraction every few months when he's bored on the shitter, or stuck in traffic. You are a passing moment to him, he is all consuming to you...dominating your thoughts.
And the sad part is that your giving him this power over you out of a romantic morbid 'star crossed lovers' mentality. It's easier for you to tell yourself that your a martyr in love instead of a fool whose being to expand
Posted by coldwateryvirgoFiguring out exactly what he gets out of your exchanges doesn't change the fact that your not getting what you need. It's all just schematics.Posted by LadyNeptunePosted by coldwateryvirgoHe does get something. He gets his ego stroked when you respond. He gets a brief moment of entertainment. He also keeps you on the line for that future fuck, when and if he wants it.Posted by LadyNeptune
At this point op you know what it is. He doesn't value you beyond your ability to get him off, and even then that is suspect as he likes girls with booty. He told you your too thin, right?
You need to get angry. Not at him, but at yourself for settling for scraps.
Life isn't fair. You don't get what you deserve, you get what you demand. Demand more for yourself op....demand more.
He asked if he was the biggest . I didn't lie and said I've been with bigger but it was still great with him . I don't think I said anything wrong . And no he didn't say I was thin. He said working out is mostly dieting . If I went to the gym and ate better I would be toned . If anything its the other way around . And also we haven't had sex or gotten him off in a year so , yea , before it was true that I was sleeping with him but many times he also told me to come over without having any sex . We would just lay there and he would just watch his practice video .So I don't understand even though we haven't had sex for the last year , he's still around doing He same things he was doing before . I don't question my ability to get him off that's for sure but I havent gotten him off in a year. So why does he stay around just enough to be around. I don't give him anything other than a response to to his text once in a while and it's fairly vague and short . He doesn't get anything from texting me every few months . He gains nothing and yet he does that. If I'm he's only wanting me for sex or using me then could you clarify why he's around for the past years despite multiple opportunities for him to invite me over and have sex , he doesn't ?
That makes sense . I guess there are other things he can get out a "Im doing good , hope all is well " response . I didn't consider that it could just be his ego
Hmmmclick to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeePosted by coldwateryvirgohow is there a relationship if guy don't like girl?Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
can someone give me the cliff notes, cause i aint reading all this bs.
Girl like guy
Guy don't like girl
The relationship dragged on for 4 years.
If girl love herself ,girl should let him go.
Girl is not good at doing that because girl can't accept that girl will never ever know what's was so wrong with her that she can't let go and what was wrong with him that this things lasting as long as it did over a 3 month sort of relationship thing they had.
Girl also don't understand how you could even love someone from that short amount of time when you cant possibly know anything about that person at allclick to expand
Posted by breterpanhiya
same birthday. Sept 16th!
Posted by VirgoSquirrelSo true, I am an all or nothing kind of person. If I'm neutral than that's in the nothing range lol.Posted by coldwateryvirgoPosted by VirgoSquirrel
Girl... I agree with everything @LadyNeptune said. This dude has been stringing you along and you let him do that, wasting so much time and energy. I don't usually sound harsh in here, but you need to stop romantizing things that hurt and if you use your logical virgo mind, you will realize most of the relationship was creepy. You are just remembering the few good stuff and hanging into it. I am not saying he never had feelings or else, just sometimes it is not enough and it is not what matters. Respect is what matters. You had emotional outbursts in front of him and he did not seem that empathic. I Know it sounds easier to say than to do, but i think you should take the opportunity to reflect on the whole relationship and wonder why you got so dependent of his physical and emotional affection. Is it because you dont love yourself enough ? You have to be independent, be yourself, dont let any softboy waste your Time and energy. Really, before you start dating around again, have the strength to stay lonely and single and stop being afraid of yourself. Is there a pattern among the boys you like ? Do you always get involved in toxic relationships ? Reflect on all that negativity, dont deny it, empower yourself as a woman, dont be naïve. And then, only then may be you Will find love and a healthy relationship. I really wish you the best, you deserve better but only if you decide it, and if you do you Will find it with not a single doubt. I would also suggest you block him and dont look back, if it is hard, just remember the bad stuff and everything he put you through emotionally.
Wish you the best, we all have to go through bad experiences to learn more about ourselves and growing up. But in order to do that, we need to analyze them, reflect on what they reveal about us and try to improve ourselves. And then, when we love ourselves, we are ready to love and be loved.
Thank you for your comment
, and yes , I did went ahead and block him after the last incident. No, I've had great men in my life but I let them go because I knew they deserved more . I don't need to be another girl who's hung up on someone else while destroying a good person in the process . I am stupid when it comes to love but I really am a logical person . I enjoy being alone and in happy with myself when he doesn't come around . I didn't really have a father figure growing and I guess I always believe that every guy I meet , despite issues and flaws they are all good people. I just hate to think men are selfish an users . That's my biggest down fall . I have Friends and people in my life who always tell me I'm a unique kind of person and these people have been around and never left . So im really not someone with self esteem issue. I'm fairly confident in myself or else I wouldn't be in a major where I'm always competing with men. I do however have a weakness when it comes to wanting to be loved by men.
But thank you so much for your kind words
You remind me so much of my old self... This was my major issue for years and i am only learning about love now. This weird seduction complex... And being way too naïve to the point to think everyone is kind and thinks like me and all of it is just real because i "feel" it is real. I still believe some of it was real, but it was way too messed up and doomed. Make your uniqueness a strength and dont let people used it against you. Life is messed up, love can be unkind, usually when you throw yourself with a naked sincere soul to men well they might tear you apart, i hate to admit that but its the truth. Most people dont deserve that level of authenticity, it is what it is. Dont lose that bare soul side if yours, just be careful to wrap it around layers of protection, it is way too precious to go to waste. You seem like an all or nothing person, go easy with the all, i learned it the rough way... Unfortunately in the world we live in, throwing yourself at others is dangerous and may lead you insane.
Thats funny you mention competing with men because i am a software engineer and all my coworkers are men to expand
Posted by CaramelizedCoffeeWanting someone who doesn't want her. (I actually read the whole thing...after a few drinks)
can someone give me the cliff notes, cause i aint reading all this bs.
Posted by coldwateryvirgoHooboy...So after reading through your story and the comments I'm going to be very blunt. The issue is you don't seem to have a proper gauge for how relationships should play out, plain and simple. You are more attracted to the roller coaster of emotions, even when you know the situation isn't logical or healthy. Fortunately you are aware enough to know there is an issue.Posted by VirgoSquirrel
Girl... I agree with everything @LadyNeptune said. This dude has been stringing you along and you let him do that, wasting so much time and energy. I don't usually sound harsh in here, but you need to stop romantizing things that hurt and if you use your logical virgo mind, you will realize most of the relationship was creepy. You are just remembering the few good stuff and hanging into it. I am not saying he never had feelings or else, just sometimes it is not enough and it is not what matters. Respect is what matters. You had emotional outbursts in front of him and he did not seem that empathic. I Know it sounds easier to say than to do, but i think you should take the opportunity to reflect on the whole relationship and wonder why you got so dependent of his physical and emotional affection. Is it because you dont love yourself enough ? You have to be independent, be yourself, dont let any softboy waste your Time and energy. Really, before you start dating around again, have the strength to stay lonely and single and stop being afraid of yourself. Is there a pattern among the boys you like ? Do you always get involved in toxic relationships ? Reflect on all that negativity, dont deny it, empower yourself as a woman, dont be naïve. And then, only then may be you Will find love and a healthy relationship. I really wish you the best, you deserve better but only if you decide it, and if you do you Will find it with not a single doubt. I would also suggest you block him and dont look back, if it is hard, just remember the bad stuff and everything he put you through emotionally.
Wish you the best, we all have to go through bad experiences to learn more about ourselves and growing up. But in order to do that, we need to analyze them, reflect on what they reveal about us and try to improve ourselves. And then, when we love ourselves, we are ready to love and be loved.
Thank you for your comment
, and yes , I did went ahead and block him after the last incident. No, I've had great men in my life but I let them go because I knew they deserved more . I don't need to be another girl who's hung up on someone else while destroying a good person in the process . I am stupid when it comes to love but I really am a logical person . I enjoy being alone and in happy with myself when he doesn't come around . I didn't really have a father figure growing and I guess I always believe that every guy I meet , despite issues and flaws they are all good people. I just hate to think men are selfish an users . That's my biggest down fall . I have Friends and people in my life who always tell me I'm a unique kind of person and these people have been around and never left . So im really not someone with self esteem issue. I'm fairly confident in myself or else I wouldn't be in a major where I'm always competing with men. I do however have a weakness when it comes to wanting to be loved by men.
But thank you so much for your kind wordsclick to expand
Posted by coldwateryvirgoYeah, I think my Virgo moon helps translate a lot. For sure, no worries.
@chuckcem I just wanna say thank you for taking the time to answer . I'm glad I didn't delete the thread after I blocked him. Your words really help . Not to mention you put it in a way that someone like me( a Virgo) can wrap my head around . I do get the "leave him , it's your fault" but when people talk to me in this way the message is process a bit more calm and logically.
Posted by LegendLmao thanks for making me laugh today @legend . Except I think he only loved GTA.
He loves you! He just loves the GTA moreI know I can forget the whole world while i am playing video games!
Posted by iCloud9@icloud9 could you explain about Venus and rising . I don't really know what they mean . Does having them in Scorpio mean I'm more prone to situations like this
you have scorpio rising and venus. you should do some research and learn to protect your vulnerability
Posted by coldwateryvirgoVenus in ScorpioPosted by iCloud9@icloud9 could you explain about Venus and rising . I don't really know what they mean . Does having them in Scorpio mean I'm more prone to situations like this
you have scorpio rising and venus. you should do some research and learn to protect your vulnerabilityclick to expand
Posted by VirgoSquirrelThis!
Girl... I agree with everything @LadyNeptune said. This dude has been stringing you along and you let him do that, wasting so much time and energy. I don't usually sound harsh in here, but you need to stop romantizing things that hurt and if you use your logical virgo mind, you will realize most of the relationship was creepy. You are just remembering the few good stuff and hanging into it. I am not saying he never had feelings or else, just sometimes it is not enough and it is not what matters. Respect is what matters. You had emotional outbursts in front of him and he did not seem that empathic. I Know it sounds easier to say than to do, but i think you should take the opportunity to reflect on the whole relationship and wonder why you got so dependent of his physical and emotional affection. Is it because you dont love yourself enough ? You have to be independent, be yourself, dont let any softboy waste your Time and energy. Really, before you start dating around again, have the strength to stay lonely and single and stop being afraid of yourself. Is there a pattern among the boys you like ? Do you always get involved in toxic relationships ? Reflect on all that negativity, dont deny it, empower yourself as a woman, dont be naïve. And then, only then may be you Will find love and a healthy relationship. I really wish you the best, you deserve better but only if you decide it, and if you do you Will find it with not a single doubt. I would also suggest you block him and dont look back, if it is hard, just remember the bad stuff and everything he put you through emotionally.
Wish you the best, we all have to go through bad experiences to learn more about ourselves and grow up. But in order to do that, we need to analyze them, reflect on what they reveal about us and try to improve ourselves. And then, when we love ourselves, we are ready to love and be loved.
Posted by VirgoSquirrelExperiencing DejaVu. *cringing*Posted by coldwateryvirgoPosted by VirgoSquirrel
Girl... I agree with everything @LadyNeptune said. This dude has been stringing you along and you let him do that, wasting so much time and energy. I don't usually sound harsh in here, but you need to stop romantizing things that hurt and if you use your logical virgo mind, you will realize most of the relationship was creepy. You are just remembering the few good stuff and hanging into it. I am not saying he never had feelings or else, just sometimes it is not enough and it is not what matters. Respect is what matters. You had emotional outbursts in front of him and he did not seem that empathic. I Know it sounds easier to say than to do, but i think you should take the opportunity to reflect on the whole relationship and wonder why you got so dependent of his physical and emotional affection. Is it because you dont love yourself enough ? You have to be independent, be yourself, dont let any softboy waste your Time and energy. Really, before you start dating around again, have the strength to stay lonely and single and stop being afraid of yourself. Is there a pattern among the boys you like ? Do you always get involved in toxic relationships ? Reflect on all that negativity, dont deny it, empower yourself as a woman, dont be naïve. And then, only then may be you Will find love and a healthy relationship. I really wish you the best, you deserve better but only if you decide it, and if you do you Will find it with not a single doubt. I would also suggest you block him and dont look back, if it is hard, just remember the bad stuff and everything he put you through emotionally.
Wish you the best, we all have to go through bad experiences to learn more about ourselves and growing up. But in order to do that, we need to analyze them, reflect on what they reveal about us and try to improve ourselves. And then, when we love ourselves, we are ready to love and be loved.
Thank you for your comment
, and yes , I did went ahead and block him after the last incident. No, I've had great men in my life but I let them go because I knew they deserved more . I don't need to be another girl who's hung up on someone else while destroying a good person in the process . I am stupid when it comes to love but I really am a logical person . I enjoy being alone and in happy with myself when he doesn't come around . I didn't really have a father figure growing and I guess I always believe that every guy I meet , despite issues and flaws they are all good people. I just hate to think men are selfish an users . That's my biggest down fall . I have Friends and people in my life who always tell me I'm a unique kind of person and these people have been around and never left . So im really not someone with self esteem issue. I'm fairly confident in myself or else I wouldn't be in a major where I'm always competing with men. I do however have a weakness when it comes to wanting to be loved by men.
But thank you so much for your kind words
You remind me so much of my old self... This was my major issue for years and i am only learning about love now. This weird seduction complex... And being way too naïve to the point to think everyone is kind and thinks like me and all of it is just real because i "feel" it is real. I still believe some of it was real, but it was way too messed up and doomed. Make your uniqueness a strength and dont let people used it against you. Life is messed up, love can be unkind, usually when you throw yourself with a naked sincere soul to men well they might tear you apart, i hate to admit that but its the truth. Most people dont deserve that level of authenticity, it is what it is. Dont lose that bare soul side if yours, just be careful to wrap it around layers of protection, it is way too precious to go to waste. You seem like an all or nothing person, go easy with the all, i learned it the rough way... Unfortunately in the world we live in, throwing yourself at others is dangerous and may lead you insane.
Thats funny you mention competing with men because i am a software engineer and all my coworkers are men to expand