a virgo girl with major issues. if you have the time to listen to my story,knock some sense into me

I would just like to say, you guys have been my safe heaven for the past 4 years. I read stuff on here, ignoring the astrology aspect a lot of people here give good advice. I finally got an account Mine September 16, 1994 9:10 am Virgo sun scorpio I ...

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by coldwateryvirgo on Friday, March 24, 2017 and has 54 replies.
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Posted by SMC
that read gave me a stroke..

What a long ass way to say you were in a semi thing with someone who is not that into you.


Yea, I'm need to get better at that .

Just because the details are important to me doesn't mean they are to other people.

I honest left out a lot too once i hit a full page. that's why i bought up some things and never got around to explaining why i bought it up.

When I leave out detail you get those few who say, there's not enough to go off of, and then too much it is then redundant.. I need to find a middle ground lol . I am new to forum so i'm learning

I feared people can't truly understand where im fully coming from . From this post, it is true that people only see things from their own experience. Some aligned with mine while some didn't. Was their advice and comment helpful ? definitely . But did many put themselves in a place to consider that maybe im someone who love differently and maybe the guy is weirdo too ? . No, not really, because most of the time it's assumed that this behavior is of someone young, dumb and naive since that's what the majority have experienced. Who am i to be an exception to something everyone fell for once. They aren't familiar someone that could be different nor do I expect them to be.

I hold on to being me because many elders have said to me " Not too many think like you anymore, let's hope you can hold on to that kind of love and not become jaded. We'll talk again when you're older"

Posted by coldwateryvirgo
Posted by SMC
that read gave me a stroke..

What a long ass way to say you were in a semi thing with someone who is not that into you.


Yea, I'm need to get better at that .

Just because the details are important to me doesn't mean they are to other people.

I honest left out a lot too once i hit a full page. that's why i bought up some things and never got around to explaining why i bought it up.

When I leave out detail you get those few who say, there's not enough to go off of, and then too much it is then redundant.. I need to find a middle ground lol . I am new to forum so i'm learning

I feared people can't truly understand where im fully coming from . From this post, it is true that people only see things from their own experience. Some aligned with mine while some didn't. Was their advice and comment helpful ? definitely . But did many put themselves in a place to consider that maybe im someone who love differently and maybe the guy is weirdo too ? . No, not really, because most of the time it's assumed that this behavior is of someone young, dumb and naive since that's what the majority have experienced. Who am i to be an exception to something everyone fell for once. They aren't familiar someone that could be different nor do I expect them to be.

I hold on to being me because many elders have said to me " Not too many think like you anymore, let's hope you can hold on to that kind of love and not become jaded. We'll talk again when you're older"

click to expand
you do you! But you'll have to excuse me when I say I didn't read this whole slab of text either >
Posted by Already-use
Ok so I didn't read the comment of the others - but I have read YOUR posts and I would like to say thank you for sharing this here .

Astrology concerned or not , we are all humans and we share emotions . I think I can relate to your story a little bit . Correct me if I am wrong :

- you met this guy out of nowhere and not necessarily looking for a relationship

- you guy were hooking up and spending quite some time together talking , chatting etc ...

- however at some point he started to act distant

That's where everything started right ? I can't speak for him because guys usually are not that complicated . However it seemed that he DID care about you and I am sure he appreciated spending time with you. Otherwise we would have stopped texting you or coming back to you every single time . So please don't devaluate yourself on that point . However he seemed that people like him always want back the love they pushed aside . He knew and probably felt you were starting to have feelings for him , and maybe he was not there yet , but he knew you would somehow always be around whenever he would need it .

I think it's the biggest misconception when people think that you need to be in a relationship for a very long period of time to have "true love " or to "love" someone . But is really true love if it hurts that much ? Or has it become more like a "sick attachement "? . Loving him hurts you .What you felt at the beginning ? Was possibly infatuation - excitment , you have to see him or you miss him all the time , being around him makes you feel alive etc ...

But I do believe you when you said that you fell in love with him . I was dating someone from another continent for 5-6 months . Then he moved back to his country . We agreed to not continue this relationship ( it was very intense , loving BUT realistic). We would regularly chat and talk . At first every single day after we both returned to our countries, then less and less and I saw him almost 1 year and a half later - and guess what nothing has changed , I still love him / same thing for him - it's a different type of love for sure . But during that 1 year and a half ; knowing that I could not be with him , when all I ever wanted was him , that boy got under my skin . And moving on , well . I tried EVERYTHING ( that's where I relate) . I deleted him from fb , phone number and every social media . I blocked him . Told him , I was over him etc ... Then unfortunately , few hours later I was back at it , adding him again , talking . I did this so many times that I learned his number by heart ^^. He told me he didn't love me anymore . It broke my heart .

So that was finally what I needed to finally break free so I started to hate him - But then he came back - GIRL , THEY ALWAYS COME BAAAACK - that should be a universal law ^^. So we somehow started talking again. I forgot to mention that we TRULY wanted to be friends - whats important here . Is that HATING HIM wont make you forget him , the more you hate him , the more energy you put in him . And in order to hate someone you need to have feelings . Whether negative or positive . Indifference is the key .

As soon as I have accepted that I loved him and there was nothing wrong with that . That's how the process of moving on started .

I can't tell you a recipe for this to work - I can't say do this and that and you will be over him . What you have been through for all that time , the tears , emotional ( and sometimes phyical) pain caused with heartache , you can't just forget about it , you have invested yourself . But you will be OK . You are in your early twenties , we LEARN . It will take time . However the more you fight against it , the more chance and power you give it to stay .

I still think that cancer liked you and cared about you, but possibly not enough . That does not make you less attractive , smart , funny or kind . The most important thing you need to do in that situation is to LEARN to LOVE YOURSELF . Invest in yourself . I understand that letting go is not easy . But you need to try and repeat to yourself regularly - He does not love me and he moved on . But don't get stuck in a circle of sadness . You WILL find someone else that won't have to make you question whether he likes you or not . But you will miss that if you keep thinking that a person that treats you so terribly is what you deserve . It will all work out in the end Winking

Good luck you can do this !!

Thank you for this. I appreciate that you took the time to try to understand love. If you love someone , even if you might not love yourself enough, how do you start making it nothing. I have an ex before this guy and to this day I still love him ( he was my only other love). It never stopped even after we moved on. He had problems he had to deal with . He saw his father as his downfall but once he dealt with it he realized he would use that to drive him so that he doesn't turn out like his father.

I want him to find a girl that can make him happy because everyone deserves it. I stopped talking to him because he kept holding on to the hope that we would get back together and get marry. I moved on, I still love him...did I tell him ? no, because I wanted him to move on.

A lot of people don't believe in this but I do. That if you really love someone, it will never go away. The love could change from someone you want to be with for the rest of your life to the kind of love where you watch them be happy from a distance but it remains.

Now with this guy that I am currently holding on. I might just have a hard time believing that when you love someone , everyone wants to be loved, someone would not feel anything at all. People feel something when other people love them, whether they reciprocate the feeling is another thing. It's naive but it almost want to make me love him harder, not to get him to love me, but because I just feel he needs it , i sense it. I bet he cares about me somewhat but doesn't he love me ? idk he might , but it's not the same kind of love . His way of loving might be a little broken, a little messed up, and his love might be the kind that even end up hurting other people. He might not even realize he love me or he might not even love me at all.

I just try really hard to not judge people by the way they are. I know i'm not perfect and i know this kind of love might be the death of me but you see, I almost feel as if my purpose in life is to love. And the people that I form connection with and fallen in love with ....it's as if they came into my life when we both needed each other, be it to teach us a lesson or give us what we desperately needed at the time.

And no ,i hate chick flicks and love story so this is not something I get from movies and daydreaming. It's just how I feel. When people tell me it's dumb, i might really just be dumb . It doesn't get to me though, because the people that really know me in person knows that it's genuine, "I never experienced that kind of love before. I'm surprise that someone like you of all people feel that way." is usually along the line of what people would say

That's why I had to come here instead of going to them . They don't understand that kind of love so they don't really know what advice to give me . If they were to assume I'm just another girl blindly falling in love and doesn't know what's good for her I'm sure like the people here, they would be telling me the same thing.

The act of loving doesn't hurt. It's quite limitless . What does hurt is expectations and hoping . Like a love for a child when they do not meet you expectations, hopes and dreams, you get hurt but you don't stop loving them. What I came to realize is being on here for the last few days is, love was never the cause and not loving him is not the answer. It was disappointment from hoping for something I wasn't in control of. Disappointed myself that I thought i could know someone when there was so much more to learn about them. disappointing in myself for having expectations knowing that it would hurt.
I relate to you because I never stop loving the people i once loved, even if we are strangers now and i wouldn't even say hi to them and avoid them if i ran into them. It is just not the same kind of love anymore. But some people just don't Know how to love, and most of the time, we can't fix them. I used to have this tendency to want to fix people when I feel they have great potential but just don't know how to love, but it is quite unhealthy and toxic sometimes. Sometimes, it is better to leave for your own good, sometimes you deserve better. Again chemistry is a thing, respect is another', relationships are tough, there is no miracle recipe, we all want different things, people are sometimes disappointing, life goes on, time is running, no one is completely replacable, everyone is special in some kind of way we just grow up in the process. love is unkind at times, expectations are unavoidable and when they are not met, they ruin you, everything that could have been and were not, more than everything that has been shared, there is everything that has not been shared, that has not been lived. Unfortunately, some people are more sensitive and crave for deeper stuff than others. Eventually, they meet and fall in love. I hope you will meet such a person someday. Make sure they respect you overall, and that goes with doing their best not to hurt your feelings. Meanwhile, protect yourself, best of luck, i will stop my rambling now.