Are virgo men usually selfish lovers?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by kelis on Saturday, September 2, 2006 and has 28 replies.
im involved with a Virgo man i please him sexually in every way ,then when it comes to me he gets half azz about my needs..i like him a lot but dont think i can deal with this much longer..i mean if i get u off make u sweat &moan i feel he can at least put that same effort into pleasing me&make me moan &sweat
My Virgoman has his faults. This in NOT one of them.
lol, archer . . I can go here again, hehehehe
Kelis, again, it's because they lack passion. The know the moves, and like virgoangoat said, you have to TELL them what to do.
It's a pity, really, because they have the power and drive . . but, lack the desire to want to show you that they are into you by taking that extra step and wrapping you in ecstasy from thier own imagination and lust. They will follow and learn, but, that's not what most other people are looking for.
Wanton? They would have to look that up in the dictionary, and analyze it, to finally decide that it would mean they'd have to put forth too much effort . . especially when all's they have to do is find someone who is sexually aggressive and will direct all physical action for them.
It's much more fun just being submissive and letting someone else do all the work, then the person can lay back and just be taken, so they can use their energy to think about something important, like whether thier partner is worthy of them, or not.
Are Virgo's selfish lovers?
In their eyes . . no, because they are willing to please. The problem is . . they are only willing from their perspective of what they think they should give . . such as your man that you're stressing over.
A good lover, will do so from the other's perception, this is something that is lacking in many, such as yours.
There's something here that you must understand, if you're going to date a Virgo . . they lack empathy. They only know how to feel what effects them. They can comprehend what others need and feel, but, they can't feel it with their senses like everyone else. So, if you can't feel the other person, how you going to know what's going on by reactions. He's probably just not feeling you, is all, and that's typical for a lot of Virgo's apparantly because this issue comes up reguarly.
Sweety, your moans of pleasure doesn't effect him physically, only his own. He can hear you moaning, but, without empathy . . he's not feeling it. He can feel how he feels for you, but, can't feel how you feel for him. Like everyone else . . we can feel the other person's blood surge through our bodies with a union of passion. They just can't . . you have to accept that fact if you're dating a Virgo.
I am not like that at all. In fact, I prefer to allow the women several of "hers" way before I get "mine".
I take great pride in pleasing my women, and could never enjoy myself if she did not enjoy it.
So I don't think it is a Virgo thing, just some kid who wants to pop off and run.
Train the little bastard, he'll learn.
"Train the little bastard, he'll learn"
VG62, women don't want that in a man. If I have to tell you what to do . . you're a lousy lover, no matter how many orgasms.
"Train the little bastard, he'll learn."
Wow, what a challenge. LOL
There are several Virgo's in my group of friends and every single one of them are the same way. They will lay in wait, submissively, until the woman TELLS him what to do.
Every single one of them can't keep a woman if their life depended on it, and every girl who left these V-men, they all said basically the same thing.
That these V-guys aren't passionate, just mechanical. They know the moves and get a woman off, but there isn't any desire, or, if there is, they don't show it.
I would tend to agree with you VG62, and other Virgo's who make the claim that they are good lovers, IF, I haven't been hearing this exact same thing, time and time again.
If one person says something, or, two even . . but, the majority of women who sleep with a Virgo has the same complaint. This has to mean something, this has to be a problem if most women are saying this.
If you do moan, he'll probably ask what's the matter, are you ok, do you want me to stop? hehehehehehe. If you wriggle around, he'll think you're not wanting him and will ask why you're pulling away, lol
Want to borrow my running shoes?
You are so funny and right.
I don't buy that P-Angel. Though I usually agree with your logic. I have seen where many people have bashed Pisces for iresponsible behavior and slovenly character, but that does not mean you are like that. Or that the Pisces I was with displayed all those characteristics. Which I have heard time and again.
I think if someone is selfish, it's not a sign issue, their Mamma or Daddy never had a proper "talk" with them, or they haven't been trained right somewhere along the line.
"Pisces for iresponsible behavior and slovenly character, but that does not mean you are like that. Or that the Pisces I was with displayed all those characteristics. Which I have heard time and again."
Are you kidding me? You just described me and probably 99% of all Pisces. Of course your girlfriend displayed all those characteristics . . she's a friggin Pisces.
"I think if someone is selfish, it's not a sign issue"
VG62, kelis says that she sees this as selfish and perhaps that is exactly how she perceives the behaviour. Personally, I don't think Virgo's are any where near selfish people and that is NOT what I was describing. They are the opposite . . selfless.
What I'm saying has nothing to do with self-centeredness, VG.
I'm talking about feeling the other person.
It's like this, you say to teach the other person, so he'll know how to please you, right? Well, that's what I'm talking about. If you touch me and there's no response, then why should I have to tell you that that didn't do anything? If you touch me and I moan, then still, I have to tell you that I like that, so you'll do it again. That's insane and makes for a bad lover. If you have to ask the woman what makes her feel good, then that makes you a tosser.
"Virgo man i please him sexually in every way ,then when it comes to me he gets half azz about my needs"
Because he can't feel you, kelis. He'll do the moves, from his view of what is suppose to be done to get a woman off . . and that's all. Furthermore, most V-men will only do what is necessary to get you off . . there is no imagination of what would be wild and kinky. Just the basics . . if it's not broken, then it doesn't have to be fixed. If this certain move gives her an orgasm, then because they are creatures of habit, it will be the same EVERY time. If you want more, YOU have to do it, YOU have to suggest, YOU have to show.
They'll only focus on this if it's broken . . and if you're having orgasms, then in his mind, it's not broken and he'll put no further thought into it.
Here's a suggestion for you. Because they only know what effects them, try this, it usually works. Just do him half azz. Put as little effort into it as possible. He'll them ask you what's the matter, don't you want to be with him any longer. Tell him that you gave him exactly what he gives you, and nothing more.
It's now broken. He'll attempt to fix, then.
However, keep in mind that this is for HIS benefit . . not yours. He'll want you to go back to doing him really good and will therefore, put forth more effort. If it was for your benefit, you wouldn't be here, trying to get answers.
And, they're the only ones who HAVE to be trained . . .
I have this one Virgo friend of mine who dated a woman and she wanted him to take a shower with her. Well, no Virgo in the world is going to say no to a shower right? So, here they are in the shower and he's being a gentlemen and not touching her in anyway, they get out, she lays on the bed, he sits beside her and just looks at her for several minutes.
She gets up and leaves and he can't figure out what happened. He's still torn up about it because they had been dating for several weeks and he thought that she wanted to carry the relationship to the next level. He's so confused, he can't understand why she would tease him like that.
He doesn't get it . . he thought she was just fucking with him.
She's lucky it wasn't me, I LOVE shower sex! NO wet spot, no towels needed except to dry, and no unseemly odors that arise from said activities! That dumb bastard took a shower with a naked woman, and didn't make a move?
He should be shot and put out of his misery.
One just HAS to understand that their love comes in a different form . . NOT the physical. Outside the bedroom, you couldn't be loved any deeper or better.
In every relationship, there are comprimises . . . and this is one a person dating a Virgo has to make. Love comes in all different ways, but, feeling it through love making isn't happening with the majority of V's. I'm sure there are some who are not like this . . but, the majority are.
VG62, this is the typical Virgo . . he just sat there and waited, and when SHE didn't direct him (teach him, as you put it), he didn't grasp what this meant.
I know you say you're not like that . . but, I'm telling you, most V's are.
I'm thinking that maybe it has to do with the embarassment factor, or, the fear of failing thing.
If they make their own decision on what's going to happen in bed, the woman might laugh at them, or tell them they're doing something wrong. That should be avoided at all costs, because they certainly don't want to look stupid . . so, instead, just become completely passive and submissive in bed . . then, if it fails, it's not theirs to own because it was someone else dominating.
Holy Moley you can TALK P-Angel! lol Did you get it all out Dear? Can you elaborate more for us please? smile Luv ya!
Who moi?
Not me, I'm the quiet one sitting in the corner, hoping like hell nobody wants to talk to me, because then, I might have to say something.
Seriously though, VG62 . . you say you're not like that, and I believe you. But, if the majority of V's are . . this is a serious problem.
So, what's up with it? Any insight why most of your kind is this way?
May be. I only had those tendencies when I was like 15 and HAD to be trained! lol. AFter that, it was a full blwon steam engine heading for the Love Tunnel! smile Still is dammit.....
It's something you're either born with, or not.
People grow out of their shoes!!