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Apr 21, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4640 · Topics: 455
I'm wondering are august Virgos different from Sept because I'm starting to think they are people say they are not the same i think august Virgos are sunny and more laid back and chilled cuz some have that Leo in them but the Sept ones seems dat they're filled with drama and fussy.
what do you other Virgos think about it.
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Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
thats what they say but im early sep... sep 3 to be exact my aunt is born in aug if I think about she is always happy and full of life.
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Apr 21, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4640 · Topics: 455
i know about the three Decans of Virgo i just feel dat august virgos are sunny and more funny at least thats how i feel
i have Sept Virgo friends they're seem more to them self and business like to me and serious.
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Mar 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 356 · Topics: 10
I'm August 30th. People think I'm very outgoing and amusing. (But inside I sometimes feel quite shy still).
However I have Scorp Rising and Sag Moon...
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
My Virgo is both of those people.
When in a crowd, of not just his friends, even strangers who are potential future friends .. he is very outgoing, presents wonderful energy which affords him many people who like to consider him one of theirs ... however, in private, when he wants his personal time for reflection of life, he is quite on introvert.
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Mar 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 356 · Topics: 10
Sounds familiar... I've never decided whether I'm an introverted extrovert, or the other way around!
(I remember typing that somewhere - my Mum just died of dementia, bear with me!!)
I have to totally agree with P-Angel. A friend of mine is total that way. In a crowd she puts out a outgoing energy, but in private or with close friends and family, she tends enjoy the down time. To me it was always a show, for a Virgo to go out. She's not fake when she goes out and try's to fit in. its just seems she absorbs energy from others and overcomes Virgos nature of being quiet in a crowd. Though sometimes, she says she is just observing people...
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Mar 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 356 · Topics: 10
That is so true... I love to people watch and I feel energised by it. However, a lot of people would call me the Life and Soul... it's as though something takes me over when I'm in a crowd!
August Born Virgo here!.........I'm def chill and not as fussy....I love to laugh, love to paint, love music....yeah around my friends...I am content to make jokes.......but I can also be serious when I have to be...I def do see the difference between Aug and Sept born Virgos .......the August ones are more funny, laid back, and just like to keep moving..... Sept ones more serious, quite, but cool, calm people....
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Apr 21, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4640 · Topics: 455
i'm august born virgo in tha house we cool like dat
we are funny chilled laid back and funny my cuzin is a Sept Virgo and is more serious and calm but kool all the same.
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Feb 23, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1229 · Topics: 25
im 3rd decan(sept 19th) but im the opposite of how you guys act. im crowds and around strangers i dont say peep. i just never know the right thing to say or i lack the confidence. when at home or with close friends very outgoing and loud. any input?
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Aug 27, 2008Comments: 3 · Posts: 4208 · Topics: 163
Virgo07, I'm just like that too.
Very cautious around strangers.
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Apr 21, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4640 · Topics: 455
i'm the first decan of Virgo week of system builders dont get me wrong i'm shy wen it comes to showing my deepest feelings that virgo part of me will never change other then dat i'm down right funny and chilled sometimes i find it hard to read sept Virgos maybe the decan of that month have something to do with that.