After a perfect relationship of nearly two years he suddenly told me he didn't have strong feelings for me anymore and the "spark" had gone so didn't want to be with me. I can't believe or understand this as his behaviour didn't change, we didn't argue, we didn't fall out etc. We met up to speak he said he didn't want to try again - we haven't spoke since.
I have no clear reason for this other than the "spark" has gone.
At the start He tried for 8 months to gain my trust and win me over as I was worried of being hurt - I fell for him, he ticks every box I would ever want in a partner and he ends it and my breaks my heart. Very bizzare.
I am struggling to accept this or understand it's so strange. How can he suddenly block me? We lived together? He couldn't have had it more perfect?
I asked what more he wants from a girl - he said nothing I would be eveverything he would want. But he doesn't feel a spark!
Do Virgo just just change their mind and stick with their decision?
Had a similar case..after a year of perfect time getting to know each other he suddenly turned cold and distant. And this happened after a fun weekend together when he told he liked me so much. All this time he was saying I was perfect, smart, something unique but..I was trying to find out what went wrong but got an answer that it was his problem not mine, that he wasn't sure if he was ment to be in a relationship, that he was difficult to deal with bla's virgo and they always get lost when feelings get involved. The best thing to do is to move on..if he really feels something for you he will first ex used to come back for 3 years until finally decided he wanted to be with me..virgo men just are that can never know what to expect from their feelings
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Dec 19, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 110 · Topics: 10
I feel bad for you :/ ... I feel that virgo guys and women are completely different !
Personally , when I say I'm going to do something , I do it . I'm very determined and ( maybe moon in taurus / rising ) I keep going .
However when it comes to personal relationship , it might sound weird but I have no issues cutting off friends . If you upset me and I feel like we don't have anything in common , I ll just have to say good bye .
But if I really really loved you my head will say move on already and heart ( venus in leo) will say don't go just yet .
I would say that if they didn't love you or feel that it would go somewhere is enough of a reason to just go . I think we tend to be selfish with our feelings most of the time :/