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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1914 · Topics: 139
Your January Horoscope by Susan Miller
Virgo certainly has not had it easy in 2007, not with a series of eclipses forcing your old life into history while launching your new life rapidly into orbit. Many Virgos saw long-standing relationships dissolve, almost overnight, although in hindsight you might admit that this was a long time coming. Eclipses, such as the ones that you experienced in March and late August of last year, had the ability to change life in a blink of an eye. In truth the eclipses were testing the strength of your closest ties. Those relationships that were strong came through the test quite easily, but those that showed weak links either had to be salvaged or were jettisoned rapidly.
If you saw a relationship dissolve, or have a strong alliance that has been a little dull, know that a brand new day is dawning. Jupiter, giver of gifts and luck, is now firmly ensconced in your true love sector and will remain there during the whole coming year. Jupiter entered your true love sector of your chart last month on December 18, and will stay until January 5, 2009. From now on, Jupiter will see to it that you shift from being the sign unluckiest in love, to the one that will be the luckiest of all.
Watch what occurs in the two weeks that follow the new moon, January 8. This new moon is full of sparkle, for it will send a sweet communication to Uranus, the planet of surprise, currently traveling in your house of commitment. This means if you're single you have a fantastic ability to meet someone new in the weeks ahead, one of your best opportunities ever! After all, you have Jupiter, the good fortune planet, helping you!
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1914 · Topics: 139
January is special because you will have the new moon, always an important ingredient. You also have the ruler of your house of true love, Saturn, in Virgo, meaning you will almost literally be able to draw that new person to you, as if by hypnotic spell. Virgo is always modest, but don't underestimate your charms! They are awesomely powerful now!
At this new moon - signifying fresh starts - you should see solid proof that romantic love is just around the corner. Let your friends make introductions. In fact, you should badger them this month into doing so! Have your first meeting on any day from January 8 - 17. Your very best days will be January 9, 11, 15, 16, and 17.
If you are attached, you will be able to revive even the most tired relationship. Indeed, of all the months of 2008, January should be your best for romance, and that's true whether you're married, dating, or single.
A focus on a child you have now, or a pregnancy, could easily be on your mind too, as the same house rules matters related to childcare. The influence should be very beneficial. Even in a worst case scenario - you've not been able to "reach" your teenager, or you are in a divorce and worried about your children's welfare - you have so many reasons to be optimistic. Be comforted in knowing that this year your children will be protected, and if you need to form a bond with a child, you can. Don't let past disappointments enter your mind - this is a completely new situation, so know that you are starting fresh.
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1914 · Topics: 139
Indeed, in so many ways, January should restore your faith in the power of love. When Venus comes into this same part of your chart on January 24 for a month's stay (until February 18), you'll get weeks of Venus' loving attention. This would be an ideal phase to schedule a fresh update for your looks. After all, your profile is rising, and others will notice you. At the very least, get advice from an expert or friends - you'll want to set out on the right, stylish foot, for sure!
In case you don't "get" how earth-shatteringly special this trend will be, there is more evidence that it is! What I am about to tell you brings even more headline news. Pluto will make a monumental move into this same area of your chart on January 25, proving that love can, and will, bring a positive transformation in years to come. As is often the case with big, powerful planets when they move into a new part of the chart, Pluto will come in to give you a preview, then retrograde out of Capricorn (its new sign) in the middle part of the year, and then move back in late November 2008, this time to stay for an astonishing fifteen years.
Virgos with birthdays that are in August will feel Pluto and Jupiter's rays benefic rays first, but rest assured, as these planets move through all mathematical degrees of the sign, every member of the sign will have their day.
Pluto is considered one of the most powerful planets in our solar system because it moves so slowly. It takes approximately 246 years to circle the Sun and all twelve signs of the zodiac. The last time this planet visited Capricorn, and therefore Virgo's 5th house of true love, it was in the era of the American Revolution, 1762. As you see, the emphasis on love, children, and creativity is no passing fancy, but a long-term trend that will have enormous staying power. Since Pluto brings intense experiences, if you do fall in love under this trend, it is likely to be quite an intense, all-encompassing experience!
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1914 · Topics: 139
Let's not forget that Jupiter is in your house of true love as of last month and will stay a full year. My goodness! Having just one of these planets - Jupiter or Pluto - would be enough to make a big splash, but you have BOTH!
Jupiter's influence is much lighter, more optimistic and happy - Jupiter won't insist you make as much of an effort to find love. Jupiter will act like your kind uncle who is anxious to introduce you to all the eligible romantic interests he can find to get you happily involved and married off (if the latter is something that interests you). If you are married already, then Jupiter will see to it that you both have more fun together. Jupiter will also focus on the bambinos. If you hope for a baby, this is great news. If you have children, Jupiter will protect them.
All these areas are being accented now that the Sun and new moon are in Capricorn too, so watch what develops just after the new moon appears on January 8. The moon is sleepy on January 8 (void of course) so you are best to begin paying attention on January 9.
If you have a birthday that falls on September 10, plus or minus five days, you will benefit most from the new moon that falls January 8. Remember, however, that you may have other planets touched by this new moon, so you don't necessarily have a birthday that falls at this time.
A creative effort or hobby that you are serious about may also play a much larger than usual role in your life in January, as well as in the coming year. The need to self-express will become a theme that will grow louder and more urgent as the year progresses. You have a lot to give from within, dear Virgo, and it's time you gathered up your courage to show your talents to the world.
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1914 · Topics: 139
On January 21, Saturn and Jupiter will make a beautiful aspect, helping you stabilize in a big way your love life and the decisions you have about children. This is a four-star day, so use it for your most important initiations. (If you are getting engaged, you may want to use the day prior, Sunday, January 20, when the energy will be building toward its apex.)
Protect your health at all times now that you have Saturn in Virgo, a long trend that will last until October 2009. The eclipses that I mentioned at the start of your report not only will shine a light on relationship weak links, but also on health issues. Those Virgos who have to be the most vigilant are those born on or near August 30 as Saturn is now at 8 degrees of Virgo, and the current Virgo-Pisces eclipses are (and were in August 2007) in early degrees as well.
If you have a health concern, know that the universe is not trying to upset you but to be your friend. If you have a health issue, simply have it addressed. You have Jupiter in perfect angle to your Sun, a HUGE advantage. Jupiter trine the Sun is considered one of the most positive placements possible for healing, and even for miracles, should you need one.
This month you may find you're running yourself down with all you have to do near the full moon, January 22. If you feel the sniffles coming on, pour yourself a glass of fresh squeezed juice and vow to slow down and get more rest.
Signed Up:
Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1914 · Topics: 139
Your career could not be going better. Mars has been retrograde in your professional sector since November 15, but once the Red Planet turns direct on January 30, you should see an important stepped-up change of pace that pleases you. You've gone through a period when seemingly everyone has been indecisive and out of touch - that had to have been frustrating. That period almost forced you to reevaluate your assumptions and sharpen your priorities. Now, with a clearer vision, you'll find it easier to succeed. Also, Mars rules your 8th house of other people's money - financially you will see a gratifying uplift of events. If you are trying to untangle a financial problem (say, with a credit card company or insurance company), you will find it easier and quicker to do so.
That said, Mercury, your ruler, is about to retrograde on January 28 until February 17, causing just about everything next month to fall into a slo-mo funk. The good part about a Mercury retrograde period is that you will have the time to go back to old projects that were abandoned for lack of time. You will also have time to look at your present projects with fresh eyes. While the world slows down to a crawl, as is always the case with Mercury in retrograde, question your most basic assumptions concerning a current project. You may find a faulty assumption that puts the project in jeopardy that you can now fix.
You may have to redo a number of projects, but as a Virgo, the idea of having time to polish up your work appeals to you, so you should deal well with the coming phase. After all, "perfecting" things is what you are all about.
With less on your agenda, you'll find it easy to attend to things that you've had to put off, and to catch up with people you've not seen in a long time.
Yeah, gee, even if Jupiter is cheering for Virgo and for the Caps...I am still awaiting the pretty bright light because 2008 is seemingly making me pretty sad so far :/
It has been very hard for me lately too....i could sure use Jupiter and Pluto's help this month and the whole year!