He broke up with me

I responded in a very scorpio way. I hysterically cried, I told him I hate him and that he's broken my heart and all I e...

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by scorpio24 on Thursday, April 25, 2013 and has 73 replies.
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Posted by RealTalk
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Btw did anybody check to see if spelling was accurate in the long ass message? Just wanted to see if the Virgos had a moment lol :p

I ain't reading all of that shit...
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I didn't get to read it, and now today she has hidden it ... but, I could imagine that it's dripping with emotional outpouring designated to make him feel guilty for HER inability to control her own feelings ... because that is what Scorpios do.

And, I'm sure she's going to send it, because attempting to hold the other person responsible for their inability to control their own feelings is what Scorpios do.

They think they are so powerful and amazing ... yet, can't even handle their own feelings = how weak
+ 100
"I honestly hav been feeling breaking up is the right thing for u not just myself, i feel like its somthin u should have done ages ago!"
^^^^ For me that's the whole reason why you lost your boyfriend and why if you don't change will lose every sjngle guy after him... He totally lost respect for you, you put up with all his butter, he had to break up with you bc he realized that no matter how bad he treated you and how unhappy you were, you would never have left. No Virgo, or any other guy dor that matter, can stay in love with someone they don't longer respect... How can you love someone that doesn't give a butter about her own happiness...
Please move on, don't send anything and just remember that actions speak louder than words, leave the guy alone and start working on yourself, you need it!
Good luck and be strong
lol, of course she said that HE should have broken up ages ago .... Scorpios don't normally take responsibility, and instead of doing what is right for her, she will say it's his fault that he isn't doing it.

::: shakes head :::

It boggles my mind how many people cuddle her and have zero realization that it is enabling her to continue in the ignorance of herself
@ P-Angel...I think hes the one that said that to her ...
"I honestly hav been feeling breaking up is the right thing for u not just myself, i feel like its somthin u should have done ages ago!"
but it doesnt matter who said it...what you said still applies imo
Posted by LostinmyMind11
@ P-Angel...I think hes the one that said that to her ...
"I honestly hav been feeling breaking up is the right thing for u not just myself, i feel like its somthin u should have done ages ago!"

Well then .... chalk it up to me talking out of my ass !!!!
Actually, I didn't send it. All I sent 24 hours later is;
What is it exactly that you expect/want me to say to you?

Cause why did he send me that message saying he feels like a jerk and the hardest part is that I don't want anything to do with him anymore and he's upset and then the next day get so angry that I didn't reply and then say mean things. What is he doing? He obviously cares cause if he didn't he would have just left it.
Crying fuck my life
He wrote back
Somthing better than screaming and crying.

Why the fuck does he care? Why does he want me
In his life so much even as a friend I don't understand what he wants does he want closure?
Personally, I would take the opportunity to hear him out. If anything it will give you both closure. You will have your answers from him and you won't have to come here asking us because all we can do is speculate. Meet somewhere neutral and quiet so you can just talk.
Then I wrote
Not sure if there is any point telling you anything ever again
I know that everyone's advice is all well and good but it is soooo much easier said then done. I have never gone through such a difficult breakup and it's clear that it has been hard for both of us to let go. Sorry if I'm being pathetic but it's really fucking hard.
Posted by scorpio24
He wrote back
Somthing better than screaming and crying.

Why the fuck does he care? Why does he want me
In his life so much even as a friend I don't understand what he wants does he want closure?

virgos like to be liked, they don't like being perceived as cookiemonsters. they cant digest the thought of somebody hating them. and they suck at confrontations and sudden changes. even in a breakup they want to fade away gradually and slowly, not yesterday. they can't bear the thought of someone wanting them out of their life in a matter of a day. ironically when they have had their time coming to terms with a situation, they can vanish in a day (but that day might come months after the fall out). the only funny thing here is that your virgo is the one who broke up with you, and yet he is not ready to let you go or face your antagonism, but only for his own sake. he does not want to look like the bad guy.
now what is the ORIGINAL word for cookiemonster that the filter changes? the filter tricks have me forgetting the original words. i just typed cookiemonster.
Posted by tiziani
it's b***h

hahahah, thank you haha
Posted by memyself
Posted by scorpio24
He wrote back
Somthing better than screaming and crying.

Why the fuck does he care? Why does he want me
In his life so much even as a friend I don't understand what he wants does he want closure?

virgos like to be liked, they don't like being perceived as cookiemonsters. they cant digest the thought of somebody hating them. and they suck at confrontations and sudden changes. even in a breakup they want to fade away gradually and slowly, not yesterday. they can't bear the thought of someone wanting them out of their life in a matter of a day. ironically when they have had their time coming to terms with a situation, they can vanish in a day (but that day might come months after the fall out). the only funny thing here is that your virgo is the one who broke up with you, and yet he is not ready to let you go or face your antagonism, but only for his own sake. he does not want to look like the bad guy.
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That's not entirely true...I can give two shit less if someone doesnt like me. I won't lose sleep over it...plus theres a good chance I didn't like them anyway
Posted by applemint_fv

That's not entirely true...I can give two shit less if someone doesnt like me. I won't lose sleep over it...plus theres a good chance I didn't like them anyway

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initially, i am polite/good with anyone that i meet. i can give a smile to/greet almost anyone. i have no problem doing small talk. maybe that's what i mean by wanting to be liked by people, not that i want to hang out with all and sundry. and if after a while i learn from personal exp that they are mean people, then i will move away. i hate mean people who play games thinking the person they are doing this to will not see it. i can become very stubborn about avoiding them when that happens. my only problem with myself has been voicing my concern. i seethe with anger inside, but cannot bring myself to tell someone what is bothering me, only when i cannot take it anymore will i explode or just block them and not explain.
i don't know, do other virgos have this problem too? not being able to speak their mind when it comes to other people's rude ways?
Posted by memyself
Posted by applemint_fv

That's not entirely true...I can give two shit less if someone doesnt like me. I won't lose sleep over it...plus theres a good chance I didn't like them anyway

initially, i am polite/good with anyone that i meet. i can give a smile to/greet almost anyone. i have no problem doing small talk. maybe that's what i mean by wanting to be liked by people, not that i want to hang out with all and sundry. and if after a while i learn from personal exp that they are mean people, then i will move away. i hate mean people who play games thinking the person they are doing this to will not see it. i can become very stubborn about avoiding them when that happens. my only problem with myself has been voicing my concern. i seethe with anger inside, but cannot bring myself to tell someone what is bothering me, only when i cannot take it anymore will i explode or just block them and not explain.
i don't know, do other virgos have this problem too? not being able to speak their mind when it comes to other people's rude ways?
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I agree, I avoid, avoid, avoid like the plague unpleasant people. People who are rude, offensive or unkind, loud, and obnoxious....
Accounting for immaturity though. Teenagers for example are pretty loathsome sometimes but bless their little hearts they will grow up eventually, but adults. No way.
I seethe inside and find it very hard at times to point it out without shaking or sweating about it.
Or eventually I explode and I just end up looking like a psycho. So I tend to bottle and deflect.
Posted by scorpio24
I know that everyone's advice is all well and good but it is soooo much easier said then done. I have never gone through such a difficult breakup and it's clear that it has been hard for both of us to let go. Sorry if I'm being pathetic but it's really fucking hard.

It is very hard. Find a girlfriend who will listen and stick by you with all this bullshit. And STOP answering his messages it's just going ot come and bite you in the ass because he will turn it into friendship and you will then sit there and watch him mack over other girls. Best answer is SILENCE. Just disappear. Do other things, hang out with other friends. Who cares if you all know each other, if you come to a place where your friends are and he's there... leave. Simple as that.

LM11 --> I can give two shit less if someone doesnt like me. I won't lose sleep over it...plus theres a good chance I didn't like them anyway

S24: Sorry if I'm being pathetic but it's really fucking hard.
Apologies not required. Got a Scorpio daughter myself -- about your age. A Virgo broke her heart her second year at college, and I wanted to break his fucking neck.