We met last weekend at a college party and my friends introduced us, we spent the whole night talking and getting to know each other then we started kissing in front of everyone and decided to take it upstairs he took me to his room then started to take my clothes off, i immedietly told him i was a virgin i wasn't interested in having sex with him because i didnt know him.. he apologized and took me back down stairs and still spent the whole night by my side getting me water and making sure i was having fun because i was a little bit too drunk. my friends ended up crashing there at his house so he said i could sleep in his bed, he let me wear his t-shirt and held me tight all night i woke up the next morning and we acted like strangers i left and the next night i saw him again and he yelled from his car at me with a group of his friends "hey virgin" i ignored it and went inside the party but this time he was dancing with every girl and barely talked to me so i ignorred him. now 2 nights ago i went to another party at his house with my friends and he heard i was mad at him, i told him i wasnt and we danced alittle bit.. my friends didnt want to drive and wanted to stay the night .. they slept in a guest room and i was going to sleep on the floor, my virgo man came and found me and asked if i wanted an air mattress i said sure, he didnt have the pump to blow it up and asked if i wanted tos leep in his bed bc he felt bad for me to be on the floor, we started kissing alittle bit and then he told me that he had been sick all week and didnt want to give it to me, so we cuddled and he was coughing and had a fever all night, i spent the whole night scracting his back and helping him fall asleep, the next morning it was like we were strangers again.. i left and now i actually am sick and have a fever that i got from him so i texted him saying" i woke up super sick this morning/:" and he sent me sad faces and i texted back saying " i know): well i hope your at least feeling better lol " no answer.
what do i need to do for him to be interested in me, i really like him. i live in 2o min away fro his college and i said i was moving there enxt semester and he seemed really excited and im at his house almost every weekend with his friends and mine. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? i'm trying to show a good girlfriend side of me. but he seems like he kjust wants to fuck.
*** I"M A CAPRICORN GIRL, and yes i'm very emotional and loving i;m not a cold hearted one.
lol, this reminds me of myself once. it was with a cap girl as well.
i'd say be direct with him and ask him what he thinks about you. otherwise, you might end up always second-guessing.
do it face-to-face as well. text-messages can be esaiy manipulated or ignored
So all he wants is sex. That is because you're making yourself too available for him. You're willing to cuddle with him and he hasn't even asked you out, am I correct? Skip those weekend parties. He might look around and wonder, "Where is Marie? She comes here every weekend and I cuddle with her. What's up with her?!" If he doesn't see you or hear from you, who do you think he'll be thinking about? The girl at the party or the girl he expects to be at the party but didn't show up? All week he'll be tossing and turning wondering where the heck you are and what happened. He'll be thinking of YOU!
Break the weekly routine and have your own life outside of him. Of course when you bump into him, you should always be happy and friendly. Easy to please, hard to get!
I may sound old-fashioned but if a guy has chemistry with you, being a challenge makes him fall in love. That is the process for them. Now being a challenge doesn't mean being mean or rude. It just means you aren't at his beck and call. There is a reason why the rituals of dating has endured for centuries if not since the dawn of man. Boy meets girl, boys likes her, and boy asks girl out. Period. Not hanging out and cuddling and ending up as a FWB with no future in sight, only to find out later he is engaged to some girl. This has happened to many, many girls and women.
If you want to be his girlfriend, he needs to be a bit nervous around you and want to impress you.
If you are going to be miserable skipping the party, then go. And if you ask him how he feels about you, be prepared for an answer you won't like, just in case.
I have to give you credit. You did the right thing by not sleeping with him. Sex too soon can ruin things. For us gals, it can cause a lot of pain when we like a guy who doesn't like us back.
Trying to prove to him you'll make a good girlfriend? Sorry but he should be proving to you he'll make a great boyfriend! Again, risking sounding old-fashioned, males need to pursue and win the female's heart. That is what fulfills the male biological nature. And females need to feel cherished. Of course, there are exceptions, but for the most part, it's true. Even guys with sensitive water signs want to pursue and win the heart of the woman they are crazy about.
Virgo guys do not have problems pursuing as far as I know. Most guys don't have to know you like them in order for them to show interest in you first.
To change your Virguy's behavior from being that of pure lust to seeing you as a potential girlfriend, you have to make some changes. He isn't going to. But the changes you make will open the door for him to take action. Then you will know if he is the right candidate for YOU.
As my happily married Gemini friend says, "Virgospirit, when you like a guy, you know you're AWESOME for them. Now you just have to find out if they are AWESOME for YOU!"
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
the female desperation to be wanted is hilarious
im alittle stuck at this point considering the recent actions between me and this virgo man, i ended up going to another one of his party's this weekend and there were so many people i could barely find him. we made eye contact and he ran the other way, he had avoided me all night so i went and took some shots and danced the whole night without looking at him for a second. the house cleared with maybe 5 people including him and he still wouldnt talk or look at me. then i leave and the next day he adds me on facebook, and we had took a quick pic together that he wasnt even smiling in so i uploaded it, the day after that he texts me saying " i came across your pictures from the other night on facebook. some quality shit right here hahahha" and i said "Hahaha! lets next time lets take more, that night was crazzy" and then he said "haha hell yeah! you gonna tag me in the ones that are up or whaaat?" and i said of course blahblah and then the convo slowly died... what exactly does this mean? he completely ignored me and then he actually texts me back and adds me? whats going on! is there still a connection? or is it not gonna work at all.
Signed Up:
Sep 04, 2010Comments: 3 · Posts: 2049 · Topics: 47
why do you want him to want you after he has shown you that all he wants is sex, and now that sex is goldplated as you are a virgin, which he of course has told his friends, and perhaps a lot of other people when he yelled it out at you in public. How great did he look in front of his mates as they are cheering him on and thumping his back to go get the virgin. Get some pride.
Signed Up:
Sep 04, 2010Comments: 3 · Posts: 2049 · Topics: 47
"haha hell yeah! you gonna tag me in the ones that are up or whaaat?"
what does this mean? He wants you to tag him so all his friends, whom he has assured he is going to deflower you, can see them and how close he is getting.
Why are you going to his parties? That is w sign of desperation. He is hiding from you and trying to get away from you, can't you tell? So he talks to you on Facebook. Because he's bored or feels guilty or wants to keep you around as a last resort. In other words, he could care less. There are no mixed signals. His actions are loud and clear, that he doesn't want you.
If a guy talks to you in Facebook but doesn't talk to you in person, it means he just wants to be a Facebook friend. Nothing more.
This guy is NOT going to get rid of you. You're another warm body to add to the crowd at his parties, so he won't stop you from going. Don't count on him telling you he is after another girl or he only sees you as a friend, or a potential sex partner. He is never going to give you the straight answer voluntarily. He doesnt want to make you cry.
You have to read his actions. You have to see what actions he is NOT taking. Then come to the conclusion yourself and act accordingly.
Or if you want to hear the cold bitter truth, corner him and ask him directly and get it out of him at all costs. If he is brave,, he will be honest. If he is a gentleman, he will say it in nice way. So if that is what you need,, then go get your answer. Soon!
When it comes to romance, you cannot MAKE someone feel something for you.. You can't concoct chemistry in a bottle and give it to him to drink as a love potion. If only we could! So you looking for him at parties isn't going to make him like you more. Giving him massages and being nice won't do it either. Nothing you DO can make a guy fall in love. In the beginning, he falls for YOU, not your actions. Later after he gets to know you, your actions can make or break the relationship, but not till after.