Signed Up: May 31, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
Alright, what I dont understand, is.EVERY site, says, the virgos, and pisces, work out just fine, but they don't trust their heavy emotions, and will eventually, will turn down pisces, on sexual advances, sometimes, when there not in the modd.Thatws all fine and dandy What I DON'T, underdstand, is how is that, cancers and scorpios, make for better matches with virgos, when A. Cancers are WAY more emotional, and expressive about, and are VERY sexually demanding, B.MORE SO, for SCorpios, who want it all, the time, when their in love. So, what I want to know, is how do the Virgos, feel about the Cancers, and Scorpios.I want opinions, from both males and females.Please state, your moon sign, and if you know your venus sign, as well.... if you know, your placement.Thanx in advance =)
Signed Up: May 31, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 224 · Topics: 33
Okkk theeennn.That was some intresting feedback there, from brahn.wasmn't exactly, what I was looking for.Was seeking, for something, on more of a sexual level, not, too much emphasis, on day-to-day life. Basiclly, wanted to know, how Virgos, feel, about the cancer and the scorpios, sexual nature.The sexual demands, if you may...
Signed Up: Aug 08, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 761 · Topics: 85
Brahn , CANCERS MORE SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE THAN SCORPIOS. LOL LOL. U DREW THE LINE THERE. I GUESS YOU HAVEN'T EXPERIENCED HEAVEN AND BACK , BEFORE. get out of here, scorpios control the gentiles.!! We are the sexist sign in the zodiac , but like you said , it's all about what you have experienced. And how you let those experiences affect your insights. Scorpio and virgo= one is too passionate , powerful, insightful, and ideal and their own person, not easily controlled, and the other one is to critical , overly anlytical, controlling and picky. you pick and choose and do the math. however they say it can work.! I personally disagree Virgo and cancer= FIRE!! cancer is virgos soul mate sign , so naturally a virgo man might feel complete around a scorpio, but a cancer is his other half , no comparison. EACH HAS what the other doesn't..!!! There is no comparison between a SCORPIO!!!@@@!!!!! and a cancer. But i can see where your dirve and confusion is coming from sweepea...
Signed Up: Aug 17, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 73 · Topics: 4
"Also Pisces, more than any sign I've seen (this include Libras) tend to be totally self-rightous and self-important." Haha...this is truly funny to me as I've said this over and over about my ex-bestfriend of eleven years who just so happens to be a female Virgo. Funny, indeed, considering what you stated in that sentence is precisely why I decided to cut her out of my life. Yeah, and as far as the "blame game" goes, she is the queen of that scene. Interestingly enough, Virgos and Pisces share a lot in common as far as how they perceive one another, no?
virgo female here... "I've personally never met a Scorpio woman (man in my case) who really stands out, in either personality or sexual prowess." i second branh on this, but their passionate nature (once you get to know them...but goodness, it's like pulling teeth) is quite something. and i've never been with a scorpio, so whether they live up to their reputation in bed is yet to be discovered by me. and i've had two (or was it three?) scorpio men who have fancied me before, but no chemistry whatsoever. i personally prefer the cancer (physically and personality-wise). i think their charm is a bit more evolved than a scorpio's, where there is more depth to them and sex isn't the main focus. despite their emotional upheavals, i like that they are expressive about their wants and needs. it saves me from guessing (and guessing wrong is not one of my favorite past times). they can be fickle at first when you try to get to know them, but once you make a bold move on them, it becomes a whole new different ballgame. their tenacity and drive can rival that of a scorpio's when they want something (not sexually speaking here as i can't compare the two of course). "get out of here, scorpios control the gentiles.!! We are the sexist sign in the zodiac." you must mean genitals (sorry, can't help myself here). and it's true that your sign rules those regions, but too bad people don't get to walk around nude so we can get a peep of your goods to know whether or not you are indeed the sexiest sign of us all. i've found sexually-appealing specimens from all twelve signs, so to claim that you are the sexeist sign is a bit arrogant in my opinion. however, i still stand by that your passionate nature (in all matures) is quite something to marvel at, maybe that's why so many would stamp you scorpios as being very magnetic.
Signed Up: Mar 22, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 460 · Topics: 8
I'm a Virgo woman. Moon - Aries Ascendant - Scorpio I've been with a Cancer and a Scorpio. I experienced a strong magnetic pull towards both but probably stronger with the Scorp. They were both ***EXTREMELY*** moody and insecure. They could also be very thoughtful and romantic but ultimately I feel that their insecurities are what drove us apart and made them both act crazy. The sex was aiight. Nothing to write home about, but the passion was there and they both put a lot of effort into pleasing me which I really appreciated. The thing I enjoyed most with them was their romantic, caring natures and the passion we shared. Oh, and I tent to need a lot of sex and the Cancer came through with that much more than the Scorp could. Don't know if that helped at all.
Sexually, I'd just need to be able to trust you; Cancers, AND Scorps have incredible loyalties, and bonds that run deep, and sexually, they both contain qualities that make them damned pleasing: cancers I find are more for FORE-PLAY, and Scorps are more NITTY-GRITTY!!....It's all good basically because they know what they want and go for it...I like scorps becuase I have a level of intensity that needs a...'cancellation' of energy: I need to meet my sexual match otherwords: my moon in cancer, my pluto in scorp, and my mars in aries...any scorpgals who can handle it? lol!!
Signed Up: Mar 22, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 460 · Topics: 8
VE - it's funny you should mention the so called "loyalty" that Cancers and Scorps are supposed to exhibit. Both were not of the loyal variety because their insecurities cancelled it out. I think any sign or person can be loyal it's just a matter of them being secure in themselves and knowing what they want. Both the Cancer and Scorp were so ravingly insecure and moody that it drove me nuts and drove them to do things that I suspect is out of their natures just to "prove" something to themselves(and me as well probably).
I see; my last girl friend was a Scorp, and she was very confident (I don't always talk about my private self); so much so, she APPROACHED ME!! I love that about her, but she was a confident scorp that wasn't as insecure as I suppose the 'run-of-the-mill' type...she had depth, and her depth was apart of her confidence....though however they can be blatantly, and sometimes foolishly insecure, and require so much work to build up..... any body got anymore legos? lol!!
Signed Up: Mar 22, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 460 · Topics: 8
HA! I don't know how to quote, but that ^^ about "Cancers cheat and blame YOU for it." OH MY G*D!! That is sooooo true. The one I was with acted like there was something wrong with me because I wouldn't take him back afterwards. Like if I reaaaaaaaalllllly loved him I would be ok with it. NOT!
Signed Up: Aug 04, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 559 · Topics: 7
"Cancers cheat and blame YOU for it." More than any other sign, virgos tend to neglect cancers in a way that make their competition more appealing. A cancer is actually a very person to have never cheat (unless they're values are horrible and they're just a dog anyway, which has nothing to do with signs) because they can't wait to meet the person whom they can put on a pedestal and make the center of their the same time in all fairness, if we feel you are not that person than yeah you may be in a bit of trouble...usually isn't the case with virgos though because the connection tends to be very deep and profound with the intelligent virgo....just often dry and devoid of passion and playfulness from the cancer point of view, which encourages cheating...
Signed Up: Feb 16, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
PM- n think about ur virguy...poor soul...u cant ditch him for me? can u? LOL..Ooooh yes I can...If your gorgeous I am going to eat you for breakfast..and he can be my side No of course not..he's much too sweet and loved up, wants to see me next friday...He gets quite annoyed if I don't pay him enough attention!..sheesh..we aren't even dating properly yet!
Signed Up: Feb 16, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Lol @ leo placement..I have no idea to be honest. I haven't really asked him about his time of birth etc to get a full birth chart.. All I know is that he's pretty direct, honest, caring, sweet, not as patient - are virgos patient?. He's very laid back too. I think he may have some scorpio in his chart. He's quite possessive..and has the desire to be touchy feely..which is sweet at this stage..a bit of a homebody but still likes his time away..He works extremely hard too..Sounds like the perfect package! I am not complaining. He does want to move the relationship up a notch I said we'll meet when you get back from hols.. His favourite season is winter..I told him mine is autumn..He loves the snow..aww..
Signed Up: Feb 16, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
I don't like Cancers. Male or female. Nor would I want a relationship with a Pisces. It would have to be a fellow scorpio, or an earth sign. I have only ever come across one insecure scorp..male..he's my him dearly..but he does get on my nerves at times..
>Basically, wanted to know, how Virgos, feel, about the cancer and the Scorpios, sexual nature.The sexual demands, if you may I've only dealt with a Cancer that I know of, as I did not know the signs of the other GF's I've had. My last Cancer gal, who I knew for over 10 years was VERY sexual. When we met, she was married, and had two other lovers besides me. Her husband didn't know, but we boyfriends all knew what was up. We never did a threesome or anything like that, tho I heard from her that one of them wanted to. She was only into one on one sex. On a scale of 1-10 using the HOTorNOT averages... I'd say she was a 7, or about what I am. She had nice booblets, medium sized, but a "guy butt", LOL. She was not good at asking for sex, or at least the way she asked was so subtle, that I often missed the sign. I always wished that she would just come over and kneel down in front of me and nuzzle my dick thru my pants or something... THAT is an unmistakable sign! Or maybe when I was at the computer (Our computer was in the bedroom) for her to undress and get on the bed on her hands and knees with her butt facing me and say "hey, come take a look at THIS". THAT would have been great. But she would only tickle my neck, give me a kiss on the cheek or something... and since we were VERY touchy feely anyway... always hugging, smooching, poking eachother... smiling at eachother, pinching... every day... I couldn't tell if she was just being loving, or wanted sex, LOL. She was very oral, but sadly for me, her mouth was too small, or my dick too big so her giving me oral was always a bit tense for me as I knew she'd scrape it with her teeth eventually... ouch. On the few times she didn't scrap me and I was able to cum, she was a swallower. She loved me giving her oral. I actually got her to shave her vulva once, but she wouldn't keep it up. She was multi-orgasmic, it was usually only for foreplay, and midplay, then after I came, we'd get out the vibrator and she'd have on average 5 - 7 Orgasms over a 30 minute period or so, with me laying beside her tickling her pubes, kissing her neck... massaging her body etc while she held the vibrator. I boob f*cked her sometimes. We'd do it even when she was having her period. We did it analy often when we were dating, but once we moved in together, after a few years, she didn't seem to enjoy it as much and we stopped it. Continued next post.
We had sex at minimum for 15 minutes, but on average 1 - 1 1/2 hours at a time, 3 - 4 times a week.... although over the years that decreased. She had a lot of stamina. She took a lot of pleasure in my orgasm, and I took a lot of pleasure in hers. Afterwards we both would often take a little nap together. When we were first dating, we'd often do it in the middle of the day in our tent while camping. Once I guess we were a little too vocal and when we stepped out of our tent, there was a crowd of around twenty people in front who gave us a standing ovation, LOL... I bowed, but she was really embarrassed. In later years she got shy about daytime sex at a campground and we only did it at night. She also would often tell me to be quieter. I'm not LOUD I don't think, and any pleasurable sounds I made were of no more than "average talking volume"... but it's funny because when we first met, I was silent, and she encouraged me to be MUCH more vocal.. then in those later years, wanted me to be silent again. Over the years, from overhearing things said to her gal pals etc... I got the idea that me being too vocal was too much of a lure for other females to wonder if I'd make a good fling partner or something. I even found that she was telling her Gal Pals that I after Cuming, I rolled over and went to sleep just like their husbands or boyfriends... LOL, what a lie. Never... I always am up for at least 30 minutes afterward as that's the time we either go for her orgasms, or snuggle. But again, I think it was to throw other gals off the scent so to speak. It's like she got to the point that she didn't want anyone else to know what a great lover I was in case someone might want to try taking me away from her.
In those first years, she liked being "friendly" with several other men, but only had the three of us lovers as far as I ever knew... but what's funny about her being "friendly" with others is that some of those guys were married, and their wives usually didn't come out to the camp grounds. Once the rumors got around.. those gals started coming around to make sure Cancer gal and their husbands didn't have any fun together... and that used to piss off Cancer gal a LOT. She'd call those wives BITCHES who are only interested in making sure their husbands don't have any fun. THEN, in later years, she became EXACTLY like those women she used to call bitches, when other women started flirting with me at camping events. When I'd point that out to her, she'd just shrug and frown. She went thru Menopause late in life... it started around age 55 and by 58 she had generally lost interest in sex. Shortly thereafter we broke up. And I moved out. She is 61 now but at least we keep in touch and are on friendly terms.
Signed Up: Feb 16, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Pluto_muse - I also love thunderstorms but autumn is definitely my favourite season..the crispy air and the red and brown leaves littering the paths..long walks in the park..awwwww... I will let you know the placements etc...but I don't think I feel comfortable asking him that..sounds a bit weird doesn't it!.. Well done Dryst - you and scorp queen tying the knot!..
Wow! I see scorpio not getting a fair shake here. For a scorpio attracted to virgo, with no experience with virgo, I'm getting a free education here on reasons why I should not be involved with any virgo. I see your critical natures shinning through. Maybe your experiences with scorpio validate your perceptions. Can't blame you there. ME Her Sun Scorpio Sun Virgo Rising Virgo ? Moon Taurus Moon Tarus Venus Scorpio Venus Leo Mars Sagittarus Mars Taurus Mercury Scorpio Mercury Leo Jupiter Aries Jupiter Libra Saturn Aquarius Saturn Sagittarus Uranus Virgo Uranus Leo Neptune Scorpio Same Pluto Virgo Same I may be one of those scorpio's you'd not like to experience - don't know. Anyone have an any idea?
First of all almost everyone has a very very disturbingly wrong understanding of Pisces. These people possess a compassion that no other sign can even come close to. Therefore their reason to self- pity is all the much justified if they do it at all. These people can do their work and achieve their wanted goals with much more finesse than other signs who are wrongly famed for doing so. It is important to understand that every sign has its flaws and inconsistency is one of theirs but thats nothing compared to the compassion they have for others. Being able to love relentlessly despite your differences is probably one of the greatest gifts one could have that many pisceans i know have. Secondly cancers and scorpios are just as emotional as pisces but they unlike pisces seem to rent billboards to shamelessly display their every emotion of contempt, guilt, fear, insecurity and anger while pisces has enough selfcontrol to only show their love and happiness for others. No doubt cancers and scorps are good and have respectfull good qualities and plus not all their stereotypical sunsigns or whatever i dont know but pisces has enough selfcontrol and benevolence to control it hurtful and vengeful desires if they have any. Therefore it would be perfusely dumb to come a generalization that pisces are this or that. No water sign or no sign for that matter is better than the other.
Evo, I know this board is for feedback from Virgos, but I just have to comment. I'm a Cancer, who is seeing a Virgo male. I've read we're soulmates, but our communication is off. It's new but I can see how we'd be soulmates once the communication is worked out. Sexually we have a bond, he wants me to trust him, and I want to please him so when he's not with me and he has a flashback of our intimate encounters he gets aroused and comes back for more... Virgos need assurance that they can trust and rely on you, Cancers are nurturers, we're the most nurturing sign in the zodiac, so I assume because of this and our loyalty it soothes any questions or insecurities the Virgo may have. As for day to day it's been rough because Virgos dont seem to trust easily and the communication will shut down if they have problems or issues on their mind. I'm going thru this right now, they totally shut down if they're overwhelmed, I think this is because they try to be everything to everyone and it gets to be too much. Hope that helps some...
Basically,pisces and virgos are opposite signs so although its a tougher relationship than with cancers or scorps,its balences the strengths weaknesses of the other.Virgos brings practibility,stablness,etc. to a pisces and pisces brings emotion,thrill,etc. to a virgos if it turns out possitively,it can be the worst relationship also. Scorps and cancers are the secondaries in almost the same department with virgos kind of thing only not as much of a love or hate straight up thing.It'll be more neutral with these two signs unlike a pisces due to the opposition pull or push and both.
Signed Up: Mar 18, 2006 Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
I can so see a cancer and virgo couple doing well. Virgos offer stability and cancer offer emotions. However, I think this couple would works only with a cancer male and a virgo female ... no way on earth can it work the other way around. Honestly, I think out of a same-sex couple, a cancer woman and a virgo woman are excellent together. However, a cancer man and a virgo man would have a terrible time together ... my goodness, that relationship may start out alright because of the sex (virgos are great talkers and cancer will eat all that up) but after all that stuff is over ... the relationship will go to "hell in a handbasket".
Signed Up: Mar 18, 2006 Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
I don't want to hear about same sex couple. Oh come now Mr.B Be alittle open-minded. All couples don't involve just men and women PM, Okay, well maybe just from what I've seen then ....
I am sorry that Branh has not had a pleasant expression with a pisces if any at all. However i personally have found that people who have not been able to handle the depth of piscean compassion and sacrifice are usually the ones who cant stand them. Trust i have many pisceans that i know. No doubt some are annoying and sometimes they are annoying but generally they are pretty good. I m not a pisces.
Signed Up: Aug 17, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 73 · Topics: 4
"I think Cancers and Virgos deserve each other" Such a generalization but never were more truer words spoken. In fact, branh, I think that's exactly the type of relationship you need at this point in your life seeing as your "woe is me" attitude towards romance matches that of a Cancer. Maybe you can find your soulmate/stalemate over on that board. The fact of the matter is that everybody gets screwed once in awhile regardless of astrology. The whole point of attempting at any relationships in life is to learn something from them about yourself, as well as others. You're not going to learn anything if all you're doing is dwelling on the negative aspects of one relationship but hey, if it makes you feel better to come off as though you're wallowing in self-pity as opposed to dusting yourself off and picking yourself up again, then go right ahead. To each their own.
Signed Up: Aug 17, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 73 · Topics: 4
Actually, brahn, I think you're being rather "self-righteous" in your attitude of how you see things. The facts lie hidden at the root of the matter. You had one bad relationship with a Pisces yet you think you know all there is to know about the Piscean "psyche." Um...Ok...
Signed Up: Aug 17, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 73 · Topics: 4
By the way, the original topic had to deal with Scorpios and Cancers in relation to their compatability with Virgos and not PISCES. Someone's definitely veered off topic here.
Signed Up: Aug 17, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 73 · Topics: 4
"It has been said that opposite signs serve to be eachother's "shadows." In this way, they are more alike than they seem. Perhaps you could actually be describing yourself." I was thinking the same exact thing.
Signed Up: Aug 17, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 73 · Topics: 4
Oh, yes, you are correct, brahn. You were in no way being self-righteous/condescending when you made this comment: "I'm pretty knowledgeable about the Pisces psyche, very few Pisces ever disagree with my asessments. They'll deflect, but they never disagree." Hypocritical, maybe but self-righteous, no...
Signed Up: Aug 17, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 73 · Topics: 4
"My main point of contention isn't that Pisces are fallable, it is that they often don't own their bad behaviors." I, in no way, have a problem owning up to my "bad behavior." In fact, I'll usually call myself on it before anyone else even gets the chance to. That's just who I am as an individual. At least when I fuck up, I don't attempt to rationalize my shitty behavior by somehow making it seem like I haven't really done anything wrong like a former bestfriend of mine who's a Virgo.
"well i practice astro...n i get to see a lot of ppl's charts...n also i love observing ppl n their relationships... n my observation doesnt say that there is a cut n paste rule to any sun sign combo couple..." if i may get a bit off topic here, since it's steaming up a bit... pluto's muse, how long have you been studying astrology? i've been tampering with astrology for 5 years now and i agree with you that there is no clear cut rule when it comes to relationships, since the effect of personal planets kick in instantly, but whether it's longlasting depends on the effects of universal planets, saturn in particular. however, like branh said, generalizations do give a quick first impression, which in some cases can be a lifesaver. so back on topic, i think cancer female and virgo male get along better for some reason. i don't know why, it just makes more sense, or maybe because i'm a virgo female and i've been with cancer males, and (the culprit must be my aries moon, squaring their sun, lol)............but i still like them, probably make better friends (because i could really do without the drama most of the times, a little is fine to keep things interesting though).
Signed Up: Aug 17, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 73 · Topics: 4
And there you go again with the generalizations. I thought rationalizing things was an overall, typical uni-sex Virgo trait? Have I always been wrong about this? LOL
Signed Up: Aug 17, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 73 · Topics: 4
"Well you must first be rational to rationalize things." I agree. "Women typically aren't as logical and self-controled as men, and that is what messes up Virgo women." What is it with you and your incessant need to make everything appear as though it's a black and white issue? I seriously don't get your "battle of the sexes" train of thought. It makes you kind of sound like you're overcompensating for something. No offense but it makes you sound quite trite. "I think Virgo women should be reclassified as Pisces women, since the two resemble each other greatly." How so? As a Pisces woman, I can safely say that this comment is the furthest thing from the truth. There are SOME common interests amongst the two but other than that, we are very different from one another. First of all, your perception of the zodiac is way off-base. Secondly, your perception of women, in general, is even more way off-base.
Branh, you may know a lot about Pisces but i know enough about every other sign and can well acknowledge why you feel the way you do about pisceans. You seem to generalize the whole piscean character which is totally wrong. Yes maybe the pisces you have dealt with was the way she was. You might feel that i have only experienced pisceans who i greatly get along. However this isnt true i have known in the past a few pisceans who i have felt like pounding on yet i seem to catch the underlying message of their persoanlity. Infact like you said the only reason they are compassionate is so they could engage in self pity and cry about themselves however they are compassionate without even thinking of such habits. I hope you can come across a piscean who truly changes your mind about them.
Signed Up: Aug 01, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 863 · Topics: 23
How in the hell did the topic float to Pisces when the board was about Virgo's relationships or feelings with Scorpio's and Cancer's LOL! We sure get off topic alot around here. BTW Not a Virgo Anyway. My two cents goes with Pisces. I agree with Brahn I have a couple of Pisces in my circle and I have one friend and Boy is she selfish! Good Lord. Only cares about her problems. She is sweet and sensitive. Don't get me wrong but that selfish shit gets on my damn nerves. My other Pisces friends are quite the opposite. Very unselfish, supportive, loving. I'm not downing my *selfish* Pisces friend but she needs to stop it sometimes. Cancers...I don't know about my relationship with them. I had a couple of close Cancer female friends but something always happens. Sometimes we just *separate* they take too much work sometimes. Cancer Men *shakes my head* sickening! Scorpio Men-Don't know about them... Scorpio Women-Gotta Love Em
Signed Up: Aug 08, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 761 · Topics: 85
brahn you are insane, this thread is insane , why would someone feel the need to compare a crab to a scorpion, please! sphere me! I think that cancers are just girly poo, scorps are magnificant. AND AS FAR AS scorps never standing out, brahn, get the f*** out of here. i know i do. anyhow scorp and pieces are suppost to be soul mate signs but i personally can't stand pieces they have insecurites and problems, they act like they hate us scorps. jealosu... anyhow scorps just don't care we will cut your ass off and go on with our lives, we will take you from highs to lows, and leave you yearning like crack, we are your crack fix.,lol . i have never dated a virgo, ha ha , see what you know. a scorpio must have turned you out... ! hater.. anyhow cancer are just charmers but nothing beats a magical scorpio, we drop it like it's hot. cancers just get a kick out of people liking , feeling and or falling for them. so they know what to do to taim a person so that their self esteem boosters remain. = THE DIFFERENCE. evryone wants a scorps , no comparison , still remains. do u even have to ask, who would'nt choose a scorp... and brahn you say you have never met a scorpio that stood out, lol, i can't stop laughing. anyhow, then stop using microsoft, i bet bill gates stands out, a scorpio, dont ever ware calvin klein, another scorp, hey don't ever recognize julia roberts, p diddy, roseanne, whoppi, condelleza rice, queen elizebeth, me , me, demi moore, eve, etc , the list goes on. you probably don't know the sign of everybody you meet and or impressed by, i am sure some scorpio impressed you down the line and as soon as you found out their sign , all of a sudden you rebelled. but who cares , your scratched out anyhow, "he who does not feel me is not real to me" "so poof bam bozzel son of a b***"
CAUTION:THIS MESSAGE CONTAINS CONSTANT HEAVY GLOATIN'AND TEASING ABOUT MY FISH (OR FISHES....HA ) ok, just so you know, i am a Gemini male; however, i am in deep love w/ this drop dead, natually HUGE boob pisces beauty. she's gr8, bottom line.I lov
I was wondering if an Aquarian girl could give me some advice from your beautiful (yet somewhat eccentric and unpredictable minds) about a girl. Preferably one with a Sagitarrian Moon or rising, but it doesn't matter. Well if you had some time and could s
My Leo and I were supposed to have a date yesterday. Every time we get ready to go out or any other event where we will be together, drama always happens in HIS world that prevents us from going. He does not even bother to call me and let me know the dat
My Leo and I were supposed to have a date yesterday. Every time we get ready to go out or any other event where we will be together, drama always happens in HIS world that prevents us from going. He does not even bother to call me and let me know the dat