How Virgos feel, bout the Scorpios and Cancers ???

Alright, what I dont understand, is.EVERY site, says, the virgos, and pisces, work out just fine, but they don't trust their heavy emotions, and will eventually, will turn down pisces, on sexual advances, sometimes, when there not in the modd.Thatws all f...

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Evo Fish on Tuesday, August 22, 2006 and has 66 replies.
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I think that there is between Virgo and Scorpio a pretty deep bond now; well not just a bond but an honesty so honest it can well sting, and slice; they both can almost count on each other to keep it honest, and direct and open on both lines of communication; it can work, but BOTH have to learn to work together, (which obviously is a problem for both).
"well not just a bond but an honesty so honest it can well sting, and slice; they both can almost count on each other to keep it honest, and direct and open on both lines of communication"
Yes that is very long as all those things are present..theres no need for games..
EXACTLY!! missmorals; I see no need to play games....unless you'd like!! I'm game for anything chains, handcuffs....hmmmm...
LOL...Hmmm..don't tempt me young one..
Cancers and Virgos are good for 2 things:
1) Friendship - they will share a deep bond and hours of intellectually stimulating conversation. They are both loyal and general do-gooders in their own way. They will be there for each other
2) Marriage with kids - these are known to be two of the best parents in the zodiac. They do well in financial matters together and best of all they are good at staying together even when times are bad and they can't stand each other. They'll just lean on teh friendship as the bedroom collects dust (and cancer goes and finds someone else to meet that need....eventually virgo too). The family pictures will be beautiful though....the house immaculate (virgo will make sure), and the kids will be well-loved (cancer will make sure) and off to the best schools and produce many grandchildren in very functional homes. This will all be good for the children
Outside of can be very difficult. Virgo will feel that cancer is too mushy and needy and cancer will feel that virgo is cold, tactless, and frigid. From their own perspectives, they will both be right.
Virgo should find a capricorn or taurus and cancer should find a scorpio, pisces, or taurus.....that way neither would have to fake being happy.
I want a Taurus, Virgo or a fellow Scorpion..I can't deal with mushy Cancer and Pisces are totally out of the question..I have far too much fire in my belly..need huge debates, challenges, aggression, passion...I like Cancer and Pisces as friends only.
I'll TRY not to missmorals...although I am highly intrested now...will you lure/catch me in your web/lair?....This virgins never been THAT deep....I like that as well I need a debate as well, challenges to overcome and lots of angry, er 'passionate' luvin'.
cancers and scorpios are the best for angry sex....they tend to solve most problems in the my experience with soon as they see one extra piece of paper in the trash EVERYTHING gets shut down...cuddling, sex---how can you have a passionate make up with such an unpassionate sign? I"m sure this doesn't describe them all but I know many are like this...
VirgoExalted - LOL..I can see you have pent up aggression...Release baby!..come on over..Lets write the art of seduction part II..Let Missy train you and send you on your virgoan way...
Ok, I think coffee has gone to the head...
CancerLa - "as soon as they see one extra piece of paper in the trash EVERYTHING gets shut down...cuddling, sex"
You can't be serious??..Thats so anal..can't imagine anyone doing that!
Scorpions are ?shit???..aim for cancers they are lovely.. no more insects..
I challenge scorpions?
If there is any...
They are born as shit..!!
I am a Scorp smile Bring it on!!!
Lol @ Karima
"CancerLa - "as soon as they see one extra piece of paper in the trash EVERYTHING gets shut down...cuddling, sex"
You can't be serious??..Thats so anal..can't imagine anyone doing that!"
well, virgos aren't exactly known for NOT being anal lol....that is definitely my experience.