I'm about to show....

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by LostinmyMind11 on Friday, June 28, 2013 and has 44 replies.
One of the negative sides of being a virgo (this could be just me)
I have my aries gf...she pretty awesome person. We get along really well..same type of personality.
So this chick has some good freaking luck...like ridiculous good luck.
Every job she has had...shes made a shit load of money. Seriously I could apply to the same place and make pennies lol. I don't understand how she does it....she doesnt have a college degree ...she is very book smart but still there really isn't any difference between us. She can get any guy she wants...shes a total aries...full of herself etc Tongue. She's pretty but I wouldn't say a 10..I know it has to do with her confidence etc. Anywayyy
So last week she got fired from her job....she didn't know what to do etc. Welllll guess the fuck what...her parents offer to buy her a house(they aren't rich either) (wtf lol)..as long as she finds another job..which today she told me she did. I'm very happy for her but jealous...like really a fucking house. ugh I hate this side of me. But fuck ..I work my ass off and I'm always constantly struggling...no matter what I do. Ive had the shittiest 3 yrs of my life(pretty much all of my life..I'm not kidding either) and i feel like everyone is moving forward and im standing still..i hate this feeling. Fuck you saturn...fuck you to the deepest darkest deps of hell! Lol. Now the other thing that bothers me...she's moving 2 he's away. Which makes me sad ...not that I cant go see her but it feels like another person I hold close is leaving me. So I'm distancing myself from her...I know whats gonna happen...we will end up not talking anymore etc. I know its stupid to be jealous and assume we wont be friends etc. You get close to people and they leave and this is one of the reason I hate getting close to people. Ugh I know after i post this and read it over and over again...I'm gonna hate myself for being stupid.
I went into the bathroom at work and had a crying pity party for myself..then sucked it up and went back to work hahaha
^^ its frustrating as hell but Im also happy for the person that does get what they want/need. I feel like a cancer Tongue
Posted by aquabeauty
Don't beat yourself up about what is going on with your Aries friend. Just because it seem like she is getting everything in life easy, doesn't mean she is happy with it. What's the old saying everything that seem good is not always good. Continue to work hard for what you want in life. You will appreciate it more.

True...I need to bring myself back to reality lol. She's has been miserable...she for the first time fell in love with someone and he turned out to be a dick and she's having a hard time getting over him...then the job..but its like she just bounces back from any negatives things. Ugh I feel like a total bitch right now
Posted by aquabeauty
Oh no don't feel like a cancer. I'm new to the board and I like virgos. Please stay a virgo you guys are the best.

LOL...yeah I think it would be impossible for me to turn into a cancer . Though in vedic ...I have a cancer moon. Confused
Posted by aquabeauty
To me virgos are a lot like aquarius. we take pride in what we do and what we want in life. Yes it does get hard, but when the hard time is over. I sit back and say I did that dang I'm good. And you should do the same.

I usually do...I'd rather work for my things then it being handed to me...but I still cant help but feel jealous when other snap their fingers and get what they want...its stupid I know
Posted by MilkySoft
I have quite a few friends who've been "handed" a lot without much work or struggle. Yeah, it can be frustrating, especially if things haven't gone smoothly in your own pursuits. I think you're having a normal reaction.
The reason why it doesn't bother me so much (and perhaps I'm delusional) is that I honest to god believe I will have the best one day. I don't have it now, but it doesn't seem like an option that I won't get what I want...eventually.
Be patient, be diligent.

And this is way I decided to post this...for people to help put things in perspective smile
Posted by aquabeauty
Oh okay, I have a Taurus moon just beginning to learn about this sun and moon stuff. I read you guys threads at work and it's like reading a good book.

Oh dxp is so distracting at work lol.
Well in western astrology I have a leo moon lol. Astrology is some very interesting stuff!
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by aquabeauty
To me virgos are a lot like aquarius. we take pride in what we do and what we want in life. Yes it does get hard, but when the hard time is over. I sit back and say I did that dang I'm good. And you should do the same.

I usually do...I'd rather work for my things then it being handed to me...but I still cant help but feel jealous when other snap their fingers and get what they want...its stupid I know
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It's not stupid. It happens. It's normal for people to feel envious of other people success, especially if everything is going wrong in their lives. Been there.
Things are starting to fall into place for me finally, after being the brunt of bullshit for so many years & battling depression.
It WILL get better LIMM.
Posted by aquabeauty
^^ lol I work in finances so it can be boring sometimes looking at numbers all day.

Oh yeah that would be boring lol. Dxp is addictive too!
LIMM you also MUST speak positive in your life to draw in positive energy. Even if you don't feel it, SAY IT ANYWAY!!! It works.
When you enforce positivity, the universe will comply.
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by aquabeauty
To me virgos are a lot like aquarius. we take pride in what we do and what we want in life. Yes it does get hard, but when the hard time is over. I sit back and say I did that dang I'm good. And you should do the same.

I usually do...I'd rather work for my things then it being handed to me...but I still cant help but feel jealous when other snap their fingers and get what they want...its stupid I know

It's not stupid. It happens. It's normal for people to feel envious of other people success, especially if everything is going wrong in their lives. Been there.
Things are starting to fall into place for me finally, after being the brunt of bullshit for so many years & battling depression.
It WILL get better LIMM.
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Thanks RT smile
Awww I'm glad things are falling in place for you
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by aquabeauty
To me virgos are a lot like aquarius. we take pride in what we do and what we want in life. Yes it does get hard, but when the hard time is over. I sit back and say I did that dang I'm good. And you should do the same.

I usually do...I'd rather work for my things then it being handed to me...but I still cant help but feel jealous when other snap their fingers and get what they want...its stupid I know

It's not stupid. It happens. It's normal for people to feel envious of other people success, especially if everything is going wrong in their lives. Been there.
Things are starting to fall into place for me finally, after being the brunt of bullshit for so many years & battling depression.
It WILL get better LIMM.

Thanks RT smile
Awww I'm glad things are falling in place for you
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Thank you. It hasn't been easy at all. I was in a dark place for a long time & sometimes I wander back over there sometimes, but the more positive energy I speak for myself, the better it gets.
Posted by aquabeauty
@limm it is but I'm trying to finish school to become a CPA and own my own business.
@ realtalk thanks for saying that I need to follow that advice as well.

smile. It works wonders.
For example speaking negative about your problems or complaining about bills, the universe will absorb this info & give you more bills. Say something like my bills are paid, every last one, even if they aren't, they all will soon be paid because the universe is picking up the positive vibe.
Posted by RealTalk
LIMM you also MUST speak positive in your life to draw in positive energy. Even if you don't feel it, SAY IT ANYWAY!!! It works.
When you enforce positivity, the universe will comply.

I was doing that..then my dad passed away Sad and that kinda took the cake for me
Posted by aquabeauty
You must be a fly on my wall smile
Because after you made that statement. I said exactly what you wrote. Its been a rough road for me as well. I'm glad that you have peace of mind.

Lol. It's a journey but I'm a trooper.
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by RealTalk
LIMM you also MUST speak positive in your life to draw in positive energy. Even if you don't feel it, SAY IT ANYWAY!!! It works.
When you enforce positivity, the universe will comply.

I was doing that..then my dad passed away Sad and that kinda took the cake for me
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Sorry to hear that. I hope you find peace soon.
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by RealTalk
LIMM you also MUST speak positive in your life to draw in positive energy. Even if you don't feel it, SAY IT ANYWAY!!! It works.
When you enforce positivity, the universe will comply.

I was doing that..then my dad passed away Sad and that kinda took the cake for me

Sorry to hear that. I hope you find peace soon.
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Thanks ...it will be hard but I'm make it thru like always. I just feel when I start to think positive..negative always happens...which yeah I know that is life ...but its frustrating
Posted by CluelessCancer
You're not the only one Limm, id be just as irritated if my friend had that kind of fortune and i was still stuck, my friends all work their asses off, so honestly i can only respect them for where they are because of who they are (committed to staying on course).
Limm one thing about ARIES is they are AMAZING friends, don't think negative! You disappear on her, she will check on you to see what's up with you! So think positive! ARIES are very loyal friends. I notice this in my sister and in my friend.
I'm shocked my aries friend has stuck to me, after i whine to her 24/7 about the Virgo, i mean sheez, she loves analytically telling me what's wrong with me and him, but what's wrong overall. She accepts my crazy and I'm lucky for that. Although she's unconventional as well (never wants to get married or have kids).
My point LIMM. Forget the Saturn, forget the Retrogrades, forget all that other shit, ask yourself what you want out of life and go for it, that's what i'm learning and good things will come to you, be positive.
My Virgo friend got rejected from a masters program last year, guess what she retook the test, participated in some organizations, and now she got accepted.
that's the kind of backbone you have to have to survive this WORLD...it has nothing to do with PLaNETS...it has everything to do with the GLOBAL economy and we all having to fight for scarce opportunities.
Anyways that's why i'm going to a psychologist, someway somehow, i have to have that confidence i had 10 years ago, it served me well! Confidence is key.

Oh I know ...I love my aries friend ...she really is an awesome person and I want her to be happy. What I'm doing now and have done is surviving ...its what I know. Like I said life just gets frustrating...specially when I feel I do so much and get the short end of the stick on things ....I'm just throwing a pity party lol
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by aquabeauty
To me virgos are a lot like aquarius. we take pride in what we do and what we want in life. Yes it does get hard, but when the hard time is over. I sit back and say I did that dang I'm good. And you should do the same.

I usually do...I'd rather work for my things then it being handed to me...but I still cant help but feel jealous when other snap their fingers and get what they want...its stupid I know

It's not stupid. It happens. It's normal for people to feel envious of other people success, especially if everything is going wrong in their lives. Been there.
Things are starting to fall into place for me finally, after being the brunt of bullshit for so many years & battling depression.
It WILL get better LIMM.

I looked up the signs for depression today, i'm definitely on that path. Damn. Hope its very temporary.

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Depression is not fun...I've been deep down in it. It took a long time to pull myself out but I did...that was 3 yrs ago when my bf passed away ...I don't ever wanna get to that point again...I wont let myself
Posted by LostinmyMind11
^^ its frustrating as hell but Im also happy for the person that does get what they want/need. I feel like a cancer Tongue

smile lol had to laugh at "I feel like a cancer"
I heard a friend say something the other day that stuck in my heard for awhile. She is 38 and so wants to be married, but I suppose her being overweight gets her overlooked.
She just became president of the art organization she belongs too. She invests a lot of time there. I heard her say, "I believe in timing, the timing was just right for me"
She still doesn't have a boyfriend but she is happy about having a purpose in the president title.
Don't know why I remember random stuff. I can't remember things I have to do at work but I can remember stuff like that.
For example, I remember someone telling me, when I was having a bad day, "be glad you are not a frog, because a frog stick out its tongue and whatever it touches stick to it"
It was totally useless and pointless and didn't help one bit at the time, yet it is still there stuck in my head smile
I'm also a very lucky person, I create my own luck and I'm very positive, however I have as much down time just like everyone else but I think I am better at hiding it than most and you may find your friend is the same. On top of all that, there are so many people out there that appear to have it all...but they aren't happy.
Don't begrudge someone that's parents want to help them out. They are helping her but not paying for the house. This is their way of giving their child a hand out and a lot of people would do this if they can for their children. When the time comes I will also help my children buy their first home. Some can do it with a little monetary help and some just pure professional. We do what we can.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Hey everyone needs a pity party! Shoot I have them everyday on the Virgo boardsmileBahhahahahah

Hahahaha..understatement of the year right there Tongue
Posted by ChrisNews
Posted by LostinmyMind11
^^ its frustrating as hell but Im also happy for the person that does get what they want/need. I feel like a cancer Tongue

smile lol had to laugh at "I feel like a cancer"
I heard a friend say something the other day that stuck in my heard for awhile. She is 38 and so wants to be married, but I suppose her being overweight gets her overlooked.
She just became president of the art organization she belongs too. She invests a lot of time there. I heard her say, "I believe in timing, the timing was just right for me"
She still doesn't have a boyfriend but she is happy about having a purpose in the president title.
Don't know why I remember random stuff. I can't remember things I have to do at work but I can remember stuff like that.
For example, I remember someone telling me, when I was having a bad day, "be glad you are not a frog, because a frog stick out its tongue and whatever it touches stick to it"
It was totally useless and pointless and didn't help one bit at the time, yet it is still there stuck in my head smile
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That may just be part of my problem..I have nothing going on...I need to join a club or something. Keep myself busy
Posted by RomancingA
Errrr lol ughhhh lol well im kinda on the lucky Aries side :-)
I bet if you let ur Aries rub off on ya you'll get some luck??
Virgos come into their wealth in their 40's....FYI

Well send some of that luck my way RA....hogging it all Winking
Should I rub her like buda? That maybe awkward hahaha
Oh well shit....10 more years of this *throws hands up* lol
Posted by UnenthusiasticKid
Don't worry it's part of the human nature to be jealous, I used to be jealous on one my friend basketball skills before then after some few practice and improve my weaknesses, i realize he's basketball wasn't that good lol
@ RomancingA. why wonder why, im still poor.

I guess it is...I just don't like that side of me. I'm not jealous of her as a person...just her circumstances
Posted by sweethearts
I'm also a very lucky person, I create my own luck and I'm very positive, however I have as much down time just like everyone else but I think I am better at hiding it than most and you may find your friend is the same. On top of all that, there are so many people out there that appear to have it all...but they aren't happy.
Don't begrudge someone that's parents want to help them out. They are helping her but not paying for the house. This is their way of giving their child a hand out and a lot of people would do this if they can for their children. When the time comes I will also help my children buy their first home. Some can do it with a little monetary help and some just pure professional. We do what we can.

I'm not mad at the fact her parents are helping her out....its weird that they are though...she even said it herself. I am really happy for her...I also don't envy with the house deal..I know what it takes to deal with all of that...thats why I got rid of mine. Its more how lucky she is with out even trying...its just natural for her. I wish it was for me too..to an extent
Plus I feel like I'm losing a really good friend with her moving...that part is what I think bothers me more. Its not easy for a virgo to let someone in and become close to have them leave one day. ...even though she not far far...it wont be the same
I'm lucky in the way that things always happen with me for a reason...that's the way I see it. My step dad can walk up to a poker machine and put a couple dollars in and walk out with a couple hundred and does it frequently. I bet you are lucky in some way...you just haven't recognised it yet smile
Sometimes all it takes is a change in attitude..think lucky and see what happens Winking
Posted by VirgoFlirt
limm, nothing aspecting your ascendent?

Like in my chart or transit going on right now?
Posted by sweethearts
I'm lucky in the way that things always happen with me for a reason...that's the way I see it. My step dad can walk up to a poker machine and put a couple dollars in and walk out with a couple hundred and does it frequently. I bet you are lucky in some way...you just haven't recognised it yet smile
Sometimes all it takes is a change in attitude..think lucky and see what happens Winking

I do believe things happen for a reason too. I think I just stuck in the negative of things cause I'm used to it...virgo curse I guess lol
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by VirgoFlirt
limm, nothing aspecting your ascendent?

Like in my chart or transit going on right now?
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Jupiter Conjunction AS
Uranus Conjunction AS
Venus Square AS
^^^ yes! I've been feeling very unsure about things lately...so that makes perfect sense. Turning 30 in a couple months has me uneasy ...I've been dreading it for forever now ..so that doesnt help either lol
Thanks balmy smile
Note: I only read the first page

Jealousy is a very ugly face to wear ... and that's how this looks .. like you're jealous of her. Or maybe envious is a better word.
the thing is, that you are failing to understand here ... is that people are appreciative of the things in life that they have to work to get. Because she has things handed to her, while you work to get your things .... that makes you a person who will value what you have, while she can easily just toss shit aside without appreciating what she has.
There's more to life than owning ..... treasuring your things because you worked to the bone to get it, is much more important than just having.

The issue I see here is that your perception is fucked up .... you are being envious of a person who doesn't cherish life as much as you do .. and that is pretty fucked up.
Of course, this is later, so certainly by now you gained this insight on your own.
I have P....I know it is ridiculous to feel that way and be jealous of someones circumstances. I actually do love my life...I just wish sometimes things would fall into place for me...which I know it will when its supposed to. This is a negative aspect that I hate about myself.
Like I said I think it bothers me more that she's leaving ...but she's gotta do what she's gotta do and I understand that .
Posted by LostinmyMind11
One of the negative sides of being a virgo (this could be just me)
Ive had the shittiest 3 yrs of my life(pretty much all of my life..I'm not kidding either) and i feel like everyone is moving forward and im standing still..i hate this feeling. Fuck you saturn...fuck you to the deepest darkest deps of hell! Lol.

It's very strange that I see a lot of virgos seem to have similar problems and views about their life. I wonder if this has something to do with the sign of virgo in general. Sign of service and all that.
Usually a massive mismatch between the effort expended and rewards received happen to do with Saturn placement and condition of the 10th and 11th house seen together. We can take a look at yours if you would like, just PM your details to me smile.
Posted by incandescentcancer
Posted by LostinmyMind11
One of the negative sides of being a virgo (this could be just me)
Ive had the shittiest 3 yrs of my life(pretty much all of my life..I'm not kidding either) and i feel like everyone is moving forward and im standing still..i hate this feeling. Fuck you saturn...fuck you to the deepest darkest deps of hell! Lol.

It's very strange that I see a lot of virgos seem to have similar problems and views about their life. I wonder if this has something to do with the sign of virgo in general. Sign of service and all that.
Usually a massive mismatch between the effort expended and rewards received happen to do with Saturn placement and condition of the 10th and 11th house seen together. We can take a look at yours if you would like, just PM your details to me smile.
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Hmmm interesting...
I pmd you IC smile
I don't wanna say anything here just this...
((((((BEAR HUGS))))))
sometimes silent words is what a person needs more...
*sending love and luck your way*
Those damn Aries with their luck, beauty, excel at everything they do, and magnet for people. Winking that is describes my exquisite Aries daughter. I wish my Aries moon would kick in more for that luck department.
Don't pull yourself away from her. Your prolly doing it because you are afraid of losing her so might as well protect yourself more. But the distance, the friendship is very due able. It will change the friendship in aspects that she won't be right there with you but it can be maintained. A true friendship is one where you can go long time without speaking and pick up like no time was loss. One of my closest friends is 5 states away, but when I need her or she needs me it is just a phone call. And we can go months without talking with our busy lives. My Virgo friend is 3.5 hrs away and we communicate daily. I really don't know where I would be without his support and very practical thinking and advice he has given me over these months of major life changes. I value his friendship so much and adore him. I am sure your Aries BFF feels the same about you. I lost a friendship a year ago over an argument and I still mourn that loss to this day. Don't pull away from her. I may be a Leo Sun but an Aries Moon and I get my Aries Sun daughter 100% . We are very similar in thoughts and actions. She values a good friendship dearly as I do.
I must be really full of myself, because I could care less about what "luck" happens to my friends/co-workers! LOL With the exception of my fellow "fake it till you make it/Hey how do I do this because I'm to lazy to really want to understand my job" employees. Those people irk the hell out of me. I'd rather have someone with Zero experience willing to learn, than 5yrs experience and no ambition other than " Hey! when is lunch?".
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by RealTalk
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Posted by aquabeauty
To me virgos are a lot like aquarius. we take pride in what we do and what we want in life. Yes it does get hard, but when the hard time is over. I sit back and say I did that dang I'm good. And you should do the same.

I usually do...I'd rather work for my things then it being handed to me...but I still cant help but feel jealous when other snap their fingers and get what they want...its stupid I know

It's not stupid. It happens. It's normal for people to feel envious of other people success, especially if everything is going wrong in their lives. Been there.
Things are starting to fall into place for me finally, after being the brunt of bullshit for so many years & battling depression.
It WILL get better LIMM.

I looked up the signs for depression today, i'm definitely on that path. Damn. Hope its very temporary.

Depression is not fun
Tell me about it. There were times I couldn't even get out of bed. It was a constant dull ache in my heart. I just felt so empty, but eventually it starts to fade.
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