Is it just me or can all virgos HATE?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Martian on Friday, April 4, 2008 and has 12 replies.
Just wondering... I have these negative feelings about a couple of my relatives.Everytime they come over, the lady hugs,kisses, and does all the wierd stuff.I just stand there..speechless. The guy always annoys me soo much that I blurt something out and my parents get mad.I don't know why I have such negative feelings for them. I always try to be on my best behavior, but I just can't stop hating them.They are both adults.So, do any of the other virgos feel that way? Or is it just me?
Anybody can hate .. sun sign isn't really relative .. but, what is relative is what you think about .. thoughts create reality.

If you have in your mind to hate people, then you will.
Hate is such an ugly 4-letter word. Almost unknown to this Virgos vocabulary. Perhaps you're just young and dont like the affection bestowed upon you by elders?
Were you breastfed as an infant?
Why do you ask that?
I feel that they try too hard to impress me.Although I don't want to do certain things, they make me do them because they find such activities to be fun(play ball or some other stuff) when I am not in the mood. It just drives me crazy. They know I hate it so why bug me? I never hate people. It isn't my nature.
Martian .. you said that you hate them in the first post.

You apparantly are struggling to find compatibility with group activities involving your extended family members. A part of growing up and becoming an adult is realizing that sometimes we have to do things with family members that aren't enjoyed because it is being considerate of them.
You don't have to hang out with the whole family all the time and the few times you do, it is being polite and considerate to be cordial and accepting of their differences.
Your whole life, you will be in contact with other people, and not every situation can be done or handled within your own set of likes and dislikes .... sometimes, we just have to do things for other people because it's being nice.
Yes ma'am...thank you for your help!
What was that for?
I was just being polite.Sorry if it looked like I was trying to be rude.
Hate is very strong feeling and shouldn't be practiced at all.
If you dislike the activities arranged by someone else then say it so and do not you force yourself to accept the circumstances that makes you feel uncomfortable. Learn to say NO and you'll feel much better instantly.
You should practice your authority time to time.
funny you should mention subconsious level.I thought of that too. Yeah, I fake a smile too. Just have to learn to relax.
I DESPISE anyone, ANYONE who is superficial, and manipulative in general: anyone who thinks they can 'move me' to being emotional, apologetic, or letting go when I don't wish to. I simply erase that person from my conscious mind, and feel that they don't exist, becuase they're not in, on my good graces: I hold grudges, and I don't EVER release them but I don't feel as if I'm being weighed down by them, I use that emotion to support my current endeavor. When a person threatens me in anyway be they friend, family or foe, I want them destroyed without any mercy. I don't suffer anyones threats, or their half-assed apologies.....Otherwise I'll plot and stew on vengeance.....My blood's boiling just THINKING about that type of situation....
My feelings for a person aren't likely to change when I feel I've formed a accurate opinion of their character....when I hate you, it never changes....NEVER, but if I love you despite how you piss me off, I'll come around eventually, but DON'T PUSH ME.....I've got to come around to it on my own. My emotions are intense, and always have been....I just don't express them openly.....I like my privacy, and won't UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES show them to people I don't is #1 to me....if you want me to show you any type of feeling at all....otherwise I'll be that 'logical machine' of a Virgo everyone talks about.
i feel like i cant stand certain relatives on my dads side of tha family,these two particular aunts that married into tha family.