Letting go scorpios!!!

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by ami_virgo19 on Monday, November 13, 2006 and has 5 replies.
im sure alot of you have read my past post dilemas. long story short:-
i was wi scorp for 16months 1st love, we split about 8 months ago, been with my Saggy 2 months nearly
sorry didnt mean to do that (pressed enter) so been with sag 2 months, scorpio asked me back about month and a half ago, (after me trying for 6 months to get back with her, but she didnt want to) last night i told my sag i loved her which i do, but as soon as i did i started crying and said although i feel it i dont think im ready to let go of my ex, what does it mean? i know i want to be with my sag shes amazing but im finding it so hard to let go of my scorp!???
um, roxi, I don't really get it....in reality one cannot just throw nitrogen, and carbon together....they are simply incompatible. that is not failure, it is just a mistake that was made, and now you bear the scars of a chemical romance..lol Tongue...what I'm saying is you win some, and you lose some; no need to feel beat up now is there? I mean would you want to spend your life with someone that just makes you so damned unhappy, you think about hurting them? No, you take the level-headed approach (hopefully) and you pack it up and move on; what WAS, is not what IS, so you accept the situation for what it is, and seek happiness else where; you're too important to allow one hurt, to stop you, and even worse, to turn it on yourself; it was a mutual agreement( and even if it wasn't mutual if you want to leave it tells me, you aren't happy, and you've been thinking about something new) so I'll ask you for a reason why, and if you can give it to me, then I will let go as I see no reason to fight a lost battle, or to persist with it; hopefully we can remain friends, or, we could get back together....I guess I just throw fate, and caution to the wind...
I don't want to seem biased, but scorpios can be a bad bunch.....the ones I have experienced, are like damaged beyond repair.....then the 'oh so you're just gonna leave me here, like this?!' guilt trip kicks in and I with one laughed, and said 'yup, I mean did you anticipate this lasting? and you call yourself level-headed!'....they were so shocked that they screamed till I walked out the door...I don't care to be in this bipolar relationship with a person; hell if I wanted that I could have just had a series of one-night stands.....too much flucutation; though I'm still pullin' for scorps!! they're either the worst of the worst, or the best of the best....eh, love it or hate it! Tongue
actually it's not the fluctuation that bothered me; it was the emotional tug-o'-war I was in with her; she was great at everything else though; I think I just had to do a little growing. I can't stand dysfunction of emotional kind, and she would fault-find with my 'airy atitude'; said I was to intellectual, and detatched. I told her, I coming from my mind more than my heart, and I need to attach mentally first, then everything else would come; seems she couldn't wait.