Misconceptions of Your Sign

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by CLCNY30 on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 and has 49 replies.
Any sign is free to chime in.
What rumors/misconceptions/stereotypes about your sign would you like to stand up and say (at least in your case) is NOT written in stone/true blue/applicable to you?
Also, feel free to also clear up rumors about signs OTHER than your own that you feel are just hogwash, and really need to die with these old astrological write-ups about the zodiac.
I guess for Virgo.
-Boring ass bitch. Tongue
-Lame ass freak. smile
-ANALysis. Big Grin
For my own sign, I'll say:
Virgos are not prudes--at least not in my case. I'm in NO way mechanical/stingy/narrow-minded about sex. I have NO problem riding my man and licking myself right off--I take showers, have great hygiene, and love the way I taste on him; I side-eye anyone who doesn't want to taste themselves; go bathe. Yes, I like standard Missionary, but Reverse Cowgirl really hits the spot too. VERY verbal about sex, and I encourage others around me to be as well. Could be my Taurus moon, could be my Scorp rising, I dunno, but if being a sexual Virgo means having to have the place hospital clean, not getting the sheets wet, not coating body parts in chocolate or whipped cream, or poking a dik through the hole of a boxer to have sex...I've got to be some other sign. Fuk that.
Stingy/miserly with money. Not in my case. I usually have to REFRAIN from spending, lmfao. You put me in a dept. store, and I'm all over the place, shopping shopping shopping--BUT, it's for things I actually need; no fuzzy neon statues that will never see the light of day in my place. If I buy it, I need it, and use it. I also have no issues spending good money on good food, AND I will pay for a friend's plate as well. Why not spend it while you can? You can't take it with you when you die.
Posted by ellessque
*eagerly hoping it is CLCNY30's taurus moon* Winking

Get out!
Yeah, it drives us Virgo sun/Taurean moons nuts sometimes, but it DOES make us mellow out a lot more about life; I don't feel as bad about sleeping in a weekend, or vegging out on the couch (the whole Taurean streotype) as long as I worked hard all day/week (which is BOTH a Virgo/Taurean trait) so it works out quite well.
I love spending money on those I care about, I've even treat my co-workers who don't have money on them sometimes. Makes me feel good. Even beggars on the street will get a good amount of money from me--now, what they DO with it is between them and God =)) I don't think about what they'll do with it, just feel good helping them out. Not stingy with money at all. In fact, I hate banks--don't trust them at ALL. I use them because I HAVE to, but I prefer to have cash on me.
I can just be really...REALLY stubborn. I think that's the worst of it.
^^and if it is the driving force behind how sexual we can be? Yeah, you're never going to need another lover, lmfao. We want to try just about everything, and we will REALLY get into it. I can go for hours, and get off on pleasing the other person. Hell, I don't let my Taurus sleep, LOL! I always want to touch and taste, he loves it, lmfao.
Lena, yeah--that old astrology needs to die, it really pushes people to expect Pisces are angels when they can be just as harsh and brute as the rest of us, lol.
Posted by scorsagianX
Hey CLCNY30! Umm biggest misconception for me is that Im mean because I guess i have a serious look on my face, guys will always tell me "smile" or "you look like you wanna fuck someone up" lol...

I freakin' hate that. I seriously do.
I was probably about 17, was on the bus one day and thinking hard about a final project I had to do right before graduation. I wasn't angry or anything, just deep in thought, and when my stop came I got off. There had been a guy on the bus with me, watching me all the while. It was broad daylight, we were in a public area, so when he came up to me to ask the time I didn't think twice and just gave it to him. He kinda jumped back when I smiled at his thanks, and said,
"Wow...you...look like...a TOTALLY...DIFFERENT person than the young lady I saw on the bus..."
I'm like, "?"
He said, "you looked like you were plotting murder. I mean, SERIOUSLY looked like you were about to appear on the news later tonight for chopping up your parents..."
I was like (O_O)!!!!
He said I had such a mean expression before, and went on and on while I stood there trying to battle feelings of wanting to bumrush him. Then he asked what was on my mind so heavily that it made me look so muderous...
I was like "...a project for school (o_O)"
And he just shook his head, and walked away.
Why can't I just be in thought? Why do I have to smile while in thought? Isn't that what crazies do? I'd be more scared of the person staring off into space with a jokeresque grin on their face than the one seriously pondering something with a frown. And you know what? If they ARE mad, let them be mad! Life's a b1tch, maybe they had a bad day! Ugh...
Posted by Lena282
ikr? People can be so rudeTongue and they forget fishes are a dual sign...really brings out the Jekyll and Hyde in a person.

I admit that I will never understan the sign of Pisces, I think there are just too many differing qualities between us, but I can't imagine living under the stereotype that I'm always going to be jokey/smiley/saint like. I can see how it would cause the sign to rebel to prove they can dish it out just as much as the next sign. It's like...I GET the sign in small ways, but not overall and that's what causes the rift.
Posted by Lena282
Posted by CLCNY30

I can see how it would cause the sign to rebel to prove they can dish it out just as much as the next sign.

You've perfectly described Pisces men. Being born under the girliest sign can't be easy on any guy lolSad sometimes they overcompensate, sometimes they don't. Either way they're always impossibly charming.
+ I totally understand how Virgos have great difficulty *getting* us. I have an opposing Moon, so while that bridges the gap a little but it's still stressful. But I love Virgos, and I blame my Moon for that.
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Awww, lol.
You know, I do feel that the male and female of a sign can be two totally different animals. It's so weird, but I knew I wasn't imagining the differences. All of my female Virgo are highly sexual (with chosen partners, didn't mean to make that seem wh0relike, lol), experimental in the bedroom, and highly emotional. The males that I know, however, are like robots! I hate when people go by them to determine a Virgos sexual nature, it's like, "YOOHOO! That doesn't apply to ALL of us!"
Saggies: Tactless, cheaters, great in sports, outdoorsy hiking chicks, competitive, likes everyone..ugh
I have more tact than most, never cheated, used to play some softball, but thats it, allergic to tree/pollen, I dont have to win all the time, I actually mistrust most people until I get to know them..
~ Lazy. Bet me.
~Jealous. Wrong again - possessive.
~ Boring, lacking wit, not able to think quickly on their feet. *tapping 'WRONG!' buzzer*
~ Slovenly. Nope.
~ Concerned with accumulation of wealth/needing vast amounts of bling/manor house. NO. Breathing room is all that is necessary. Cow dream house? Cabin in woods, old farmhouse in the country. Cannot stand overly huge or loud jewelry, do not need piles of 50s to wipe bottom on.
Someone said Taurus are slovenly??? No way--all the Taurus I've known were BEYOND neat!!! I mean, Taurus guy will actually hang up his clothing, and fold them before we get down!
Posted by Lena282
Posted by CLCNY30

Awww, lol.
You know, I do feel that the male and female of a sign can be two totally different animals. It's so weird, but I knew I wasn't imagining the differences. All of my female Virgo are highly sexual (with chosen partners, didn't mean to make that seem wh0relike, lol), experimental in the bedroom, and highly emotional. The males that I know, however, are like robots! I hate when people go by them to determine a Virgos sexual nature, it's like, "YOOHOO! That doesn't apply to ALL of us!"

I thought it was common knowledge Virgos are the pervs of the zodiac. But not very touchy feely unless they initiate it. I have to pin my bf down to get a hug because he doesn't want me initiating anything =/
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Oh man, not at all! They give Scorpios the title of "pervs" and the Scorps I know are pissed about it. People expect too much from them based on that stereotype, or think every touch they give is meant to molest.
Wow...I've never been "with" a Virgo guy, so have no clue what they're really like. I don't want to believe these "cold" and "unemotional" descriptions about them, that sounds so lonely...
Posted by CappyyLuv30
Posted by CLCNY30

He said, "you looked like you were plotting murder. I mean, SERIOUSLY looked like you were about to appear on the news later tonight for chopping up your parents..."
I was like (O_O)!!!!

In high school, people thought I was a bitch because of my face.
I remember saying "well, what do you think now?"
"Oh you're cool as fuk now"
Stop assuming people! I come in peace!
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LMFAO @ "Oh you're cool as fuk now"
=)) omg
Yeah, people are always telling me to smile. Like I said before, they say I look like a totally different person when I do, but I find smiling makes people want to come over and talk to me more, which I do.not.want.
Posted by CappyyLuv30
Geez, so antisocial. Tongue
That's another thing I am not and is said about Caps. I'm very social. I must be an imitation Cap. LOL

Trust me, people come up to me ENOUGH
I've had bosses come out of the closet to me, thuggish guys cry in my arms about feeling pressured by society to be "tough", virginal-seeming girls come up to me to confess about their 4th abortion, angelic faced people coming to me to verbally share their illegal-type kinky fantasies...do.not.want.more.
Posted by CappyyLuv30
Posted by CLCNY30

I've had bosses come out of the closet to me, thuggish guys cry in my arms about feeling pressured by society to be "tough", virginal-seeming girls come up to me to confess about their 4th abortion, angelic faced people coming to me to verbally share their illegal-type kinky fantasies...do.not.want.more.

They find comfort in you. That happens to me as well. I think they sense the earthiness in us. Grounded. Calm exterior. We draw them in. Can't help it if you're awesome girl.
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Awww :") lol, that's so sweet!!
But I do get scared that someone's going to confess something to me that will get me subpeona'd into court Sad
Posted by CLCNY30
Posted by scorsagianX
Hey CLCNY30! Umm biggest misconception for me is that Im mean because I guess i have a serious look on my face, guys will always tell me "smile" or "you look like you wanna fuck someone up" lol...

I freakin' hate that. I seriously do.
I was probably about 17, was on the bus one day and thinking hard about a final project I had to do right before graduation. I wasn't angry or anything, just deep in thought, and when my stop came I got off. There had been a guy on the bus with me, watching me all the while. It was broad daylight, we were in a public area, so when he came up to me to ask the time I didn't think twice and just gave it to him. He kinda jumped back when I smiled at his thanks, and said,
"Wow...you...look like...a TOTALLY...DIFFERENT person than the young lady I saw on the bus..."
I'm like, "?"
He said, "you looked like you were plotting murder. I mean, SERIOUSLY looked like you were about to appear on the news later tonight for chopping up your parents..."
I was like (O_O)!!!!
He said I had such a mean expression before, and went on and on while I stood there trying to battle feelings of wanting to bumrush him. Then he asked what was on my mind so heavily that it made me look so muderous...
I was like "...a project for school (o_O)"
And he just shook his head, and walked away.
Why can't I just be in thought? Why do I have to smile while in thought? Isn't that what crazies do? I'd be more scared of the person staring off into space with a jokeresque grin on their face than the one seriously pondering something with a frown. And you know what? If they ARE mad, let them be mad! Life's a b1tch, maybe they had a bad day! Ugh...
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Omg This^^^ Story of my life, i swear lmao. People always say I look like i'm about to kill someone. I'm like seriously?
Posted by Lena282
I wish we could edit cause obviously I can't spell
Posted by CappyyLuv30

I hated forced affection as a child. My sister was one of those mushy ones. Yuck.

Tongue I love giving affection to people who hate it. Perhaps it's a sadistic streak.
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But you know what? I find that a good percentage of those that claim to hate being cuddled LOVE it. I absolutely put out a PSA that I do NOT want to be touched, and I will grumble and thrash when people hug and squeeze on me anyway...but when they/I walk away, I'm grinning and blushing, LOL.
Posted by CappyyLuv30
Posted by CLCNY30
Posted by Lena282
I wish we could edit cause obviously I can't spell
Posted by CappyyLuv30

I hated forced affection as a child. My sister was one of those mushy ones. Yuck.

Tongue I love giving affection to people who hate it. Perhaps it's a sadistic streak.

But you know what? I find that a good percentage of those that claim to hate being cuddled LOVE it. I absolutely put out a PSA that I do NOT want to be touched, and I will grumble and thrash when people hug and squeeze on me anyway...but when they/I walk away, I'm grinning and blushing, LOL.

Shhhhhhhhhhh!!! Don't tell them the secret!!!
LIES! They're all lies people!!!!
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My cappy friend at work just ran all the way from the back to give me a hug cuz she read that I said she's my sister-from-another-mister on the Leo board, LMFAO
I am dying over here =))
Posted by ellessque
CLCNY30...may I ask where your venus in mars is at?
btw...love the avatar.

Hmmm, let me go check--I can never remember anything past the rising and moon sign, lmfao
Oh, and thx smile I fell in love with it when I first saw it, too cute
Venus Virgo 21.08
Mars Cancer 21.01
Hmm. I ust woke up so wayyy too early to write anything with some serious thought. As far as what I don't like being improperly labeled as would be a prude in the bedroom. I'm kinda a freak. um, the rest pretty much hits the nail on the head with me. Which makes me want to start another thread, "What descriptive words about your sign are correct?"
Posted by ellessque
hard on the outside and soft and gooey in the middle. awe. smile
just for you......especially for your sweet tooth taurus moon

That's me!
And zomg @ Caramellos...HOW DID YOU KNOW?! I have my lil stash of them at home! I totally go nuts with them, get it everywhere while I watch Spongebob...I mean...while I watch The History Channel
History Channel...
Posted by OP3CRIMSIN
Hmm. I ust woke up so wayyy too early to write anything with some serious thought. As far as what I don't like being improperly labeled as would be a prude in the bedroom. I'm kinda a freak. um, the rest pretty much hits the nail on the head with me. Which makes me want to start another thread, "What descriptive words about your sign are correct?"

I say go for it! Why not? Good spinoff idea
I'm a leo. I am not:
-a fashionista/diva. I have my own style but I am also a total outcast.
-very egocentric. Sure, I have healthy self-esteem and self-worth but I'm pretty sure my shit does stink.
-an attention whore. While I like to perform on stage, I don't require an adoring crowd nor constant praise. I like a little but really I just want a proverbial pat-on-the-back from a few close pals. I do have many acquaintances but only a few real friends. I much prefer behind-the-scenes work.
-impulsive. I carefully think about what I'm going to say first and am calculating pertaining to my actions.
-aggressive. I'm assertive but I find overt aggressiveness to be a turn-off.
-spendthrift. In fact, I am more of a penny pincher than anything. I LOVE free stuff and I find it attractive in a person when they can get the most out of any money they've spent. I am willing to throw down more money on quality items that I think will be long-lasting but I rarely buy crap.
I don't think of Leos as impulsive at ALL--from what I know of the ones in my life, if they do something it's derived from previous thoughts and planning about it. It comes off to us as impulsive because it gets roared =)) Anything done boldly always seems to shock/come out of nowhere, even if it's been brewing for quite some time.
Hyperchondria is the only Virgo trait I don't relate to.
Otherwise, I find myself to be textbook.
I've had a couple of friends tell me that from afar, I don't seem approachable because I gave off an "ice queen" or a "bitchy" persona. That's not me at all. I'm actually pretty harmless and always laughing if I'm not upset. I guess that's a supposed virgo trait to appear very reserved, icy, ect. I'm pretty fun-loving once one gets to know me, but I can be very shy if towards strangers.
^^^I can't see mad/angry-looking, you have a very sweet, approachable face. Shy I can see though.
Posted by CLCNY30
^^^I can't see mad/angry-looking, you have a very sweet, approachable face. Shy I can see though.

Awww well thank you; I haven't been told that before. I think it's just the fact that I'm always on the go or in a hurry or something. When people see me out and about, I'm usually pretty focused on where I'm going lol. And that I just don't walk up to people unless I know them.
That's just it! We're not wandering, lmfao. We are out and about with an aim to get from point A to point B to point C. It's just determination on our faces that gets mistaken for mugshots, LOL. And I hate being approached by people on the streets. Really bad. When a guy finally gets me to meet his eyes, and he does the lip-licking, pimp strut, all I can do is sigh and curse myself for just having to look up. Ugh.
Posted by CLCNY30
That's just it! We're not wandering, lmfao. We are out and about with an aim to get from point A to point B to point C. It's just determination on our faces that gets mistaken for mugshots, LOL. And I hate being approached by people on the streets. Really bad. When a guy finally gets me to meet his eyes, and he does the lip-licking, pimp strut, all I can do is sigh and curse myself for just having to look up. Ugh.

Lol definitely this. I'm just in a certain mood when I'm on the go and I don't like to have conversation unless I'm feeling social; so I don't like to be stopped too often. I don't make eye contact with a lot of people when I'm busy; like I'll literally look in the other direction of friends unless I really want to talk to them at the moment; but I realized that's also my problem, so I've attempted to make more eye contact with people (and smile) just because. I don't want to give off the misconception that I'm too cold to talk to; sure I'm really busy, but I'm not a bitch lol. I just realize that some people don't/won't get that.
page one of this thread and I already have read some big denial issues lmao
I do agree Virgos have a bad rap, they are rather cool folk, just if you get peeved by some of their issues, don't work for them, but for sure enjoy their company in friendships and I for sure believe they deserve great relationships.
As for anyone who denies their signs tendencies to be bad news with regard to relationships, GIVE ME A BREAK!
Posted by heroic_guy
page one of this thread and I already have read some big denial issues lmao

As for anyone who denies their signs tendencies to be bad news with regard to relationships, GIVE ME A BREAK!

Who denied what? Examples?
Wow...she...she just really sucked the LIFE out of Capricorns...
Dang...I thought the Virgo one was stick-up-the-bummish...
This just took the cake
Poor cappys Sad
< title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" ="http:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ejzxR4umUg"
The scorpio one got me in the mood, LOL...just her body language and eyes...I was like DAMN!
< title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" ="http:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRZ7mkN1pjE"
coming from a TAURUS at least for me I always read about how Tauruses are greedy ( bitches I am far from greedy) I give away alot of stuff that I love and i damn sure dont just love food all the time like I always hear about. yes I do love some good gourmet food but that dosent mean thats how to please me I love love and thats what makes me happy
aww smile

I have a Leo cousin Jul 27th ,nothing loud ,garrish or flamboyant about his clothes,house or car.

Trust me, people come up to me ENOUGH
I've had bosses come out of the closet to me, thuggish guys cry in my arms about feeling pressured by society to be "tough", virginal-seeming girls come up to me to confess about their 4th abortion, angelic faced people coming to me to verbally share their illegal-type kinky fantasies...do.not.want.more.

People have confessed some jaw dropping stuff to me also,bad sexual experiences,swingers,older child that present spouse knows nothing about,hiding money when they owed everyone,cheaters... ,I worked in a store,the auditor reviewed store tapes,he said everyone talked to me alot,like I was the town therapist...
Virgo: That we're punks...SIKE!
Posted by VulcanLass

I worked in a store,the auditor reviewed store tapes,he said everyone talked to me alot,like I was the town therapist...

$ 150/hr doesn't sound too bad to me.
Yeah...a lot of the sign descriptions are like waaaay out there. They take it to extremes--like the 2 videos I posted in here.
It's one thing if the viewer/reader understands this, but if they're actually GOING on what they read/watch about a sign they don't really know anything about? They're in for a lot of confusion...
And, like I said before, a lot of these generalizations were from centuries ago, lol. It really doesn't apply to today's generation(s).
Virgos are neat & tidy at all times
Virgos are not aggressive
Virgos are cheaters
Virgos are service oriented...FOH
Virgos are routine

(Implicitly said) - not in control of their emotions, that their emotions control them
Virgos are perfectionists...um I live in reality...