Misunderstood by most

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by P-Angel on Friday, July 28, 2006 and has 48 replies.
When I look through all these threads on different boards, it appears that most of the angst against Virgo's in general. It is believed by most . . . well, you just have to look at the topics . . . Virgo's aren't recieved well my most people.
I have to admit, for I can take my own advise and look at myself and my actions, and I have participated in whimsical emotional responses, and to that I have to hold myself accountable. This brings me to the reason for this thread.
From what I can determine, looking at everyone's motive in which they believe such things as, cold, unemotional, hard, vengeful, liars, etc., it's due to not comprehending something that nobody has, except the Virgo, and we are envious, though, it is most likely unbeknownst to us.
The fact of the matter is . . . Virgo's are none of those things that cause us such grief because we can't obtain it, no matter how hard we try. The rest of us are emotionally responsive and misunderstand when the Virgo is not. We erroneously believe that they are unfeeling.
When in fact . . . the just have the capability to be selectively expressive. Just because they DON'T express, doesn't mean they don't feel.
Maintaining composure and grace is of upmost importance, and they can do what the rest of us can't. And that's . . . choose not to express.
Anyway, you know me . . . if I feel I need to say something . . . I will !!!!
Furthermore, I apologize for my speaking about Virgo's without thinking first, which is something I preach to others. I'm a woman of my word, and I will work on myself in the future when it comes to my repsonses about Virgo's because the truth is . . .
. . . I do love them for their qualities and I do love my husband. I don't want to appear as though I don't love my man, and appreciative for everything he's given me in my life. If it appears that way, then I have some searching to do within myself to see where this is coming from when I post something about a Virgo that I know in my heart is untrue.
Sorry, mates; and, thanks for your candor . . . to get through to this fish, you have to be frank and I appreciate that.
Well, as you know, Virgo is top's for me as of late. I have never been so cared for and attended to in all my life. He's not extravagant or flamboyant, but when it comes to my needs and my feelings, he is the honorable brother of Christ that I adore. I don't expect lots of gifts and secret encounters, just the fact that he cares about me and wants what is best for me is more than I could ever have asked for. I don't know why Virgo is getting a bad rap, but I am in awe of the one in my life.
preciousbeauty, when you said on the other board that when you and him broke up, so you could explore the relationship with your Leo . . . this brings up a quality in my mind that I've found to be true and admirable. Very honorable people, can't dispute that no matter how hard people try.
With my husband, he would react the same way and I thinks it's because they are so aware of themselves and others. Being a failure at - anything - is something that they take deep inside, which a lot of people do. But, the difference between Virgo and the rest of us, is that they are so aware of themselves and hold themselves accountable for their actions that . . . they would rather let you walk away, then make a failure out of your relationship with them.
Everyone else can get past this in their lives. We just do what is easiest and self-rewarding . . . put the blame on the other person and say they were the ones who screwed up. Virgo's can't do this, if they fall, then it's thier failure to overcome. If the blame is theirs to carry, then they will.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all do this? Instead, we try to hold onto something that is doomed, go through tormented distress and then say they didn't do anything wrong and the other person has to carry the guilt.
If there is guilt to carry, then we have to carry it. I'd love to have that kind of honor and dignity . . . to be able to put an end to a relationship when it's over and let the other person walk away BEFORE it gets out of control and ugly. Then, the memories are sweet and beautiful.
* Everyone else CAN'T get past this in their lives.
"I don't know why Virgo is getting a bad rap"
They always do and it's quite apparant in here. Isn't it funny how people behave contrary to the truth in order to salvage their own self-esteem?
Irony: People would blame Virgo for their failures, yet, the Virgo is the last one to blame you if the guilt is theirs to carry.
Perhaps, that's why they get the bad rap. They seem like easy targets to the ones who refuse to hold themselves accountable because they won't throw it back to the accuser. Instead, they will just walk away and that leaves the guilty party feeling like they've conquered, put the blame on the other so they can continue living with blinders on about themselves.
I don't know, that just seems like that might be one reason why they always get bashed.
I don't get it, i find them grounded, smart, deep and solid, i have no problems with them.
Maybe i understand them because of my moon, huh. I'm a hard-ass too sometimes.
yes, you are so right. My virgo baby is impeccable in that he never tried to dishonor me or himself in anyway. He was just so sure of his love for me that he told me just recently that if it were meant for us to be together that I would be back and he EXPECTED me to come back. He never got married and never stayed committed in a relationship because HE SAYS his thoughts were always focused on me. He doesn't know if he sabotaged his other relationships on purpose or not by wanting to be with me, but says once he knew where his heart was, it was difficult to be entangled permanently with any other women. He's had a few I'll tell ya, we've talked about a few of them and that is what I enjoy about our relationship...it is honest and open. Most virgo's have this quality and they are very loyal to whomever they are with at the time. You don't have to worry about arguing with a Virgo and then finding out about a one night stand because of it. They stay true to you while they are with you. I love that about my sweetie. He is not drawn to loose, cheap woman, but he enjoys women of quality, like myself. hahahhahahaha!!! To put it best, I once heard it said, "a Virgo lover will still be there with the dawn's early light. He won't be riding off to sing ballads to someone else." That is my sweetie. He is devoted and intelligent, oh and did I mention sexy as hell. Whoa. Okay, let me get it together. Sorry, is it getting a little hot in here?
"a Virgo lover will still be there with the dawn's early light"
Wow, I've never heard that before . . how romantic. You know what, I've been married to my man for 24 years and not once has he (forsaked? forsaken? forsook?) my heart, my feelings, my integrity . . in any way. He's always there with the dawn of a new day, with a sincere smile and a pleasant twinkling in his eyes (Yes, Dyr . . I said that . . lol). I find a lot of strength in him to carry on with my life. Instead of feeling sour about things he tells me that may seem critical to other people, I look at it like, he's trying to tell me something I NEED to know and understand. Suppose it's just a matter of how you want to look at it. Destructive/Constructive.
Another thing I really like about my Virgo man is that he never prys into things with the intention of trapping me, because he trusts me. A lot of other people (more than will admit), will snoop into their partners affairs with the intent of trying to catch them doing something they shouldn't. He won't do that, and like you said about your man, he won't bring something up that's past, just to add fuel to the fire.
Mr. Crabby, I feel the same as you. They are all those things, and so much more. In fact, every person on this planet has so much to offer this world. My hope is for everyone to search themselves, find themselves, respect themselves . . then we can truly find peace and happiness in our lives. But, so long as everything is the other persons fault or responsibility . . we'll never grow into better people.
Hi preciousbeauty and welcome!
I too am involved with a terrific Virgo man- I am also an Aries Winking. It is true, when they find the woman that is meant for them...they know it and they will patiently wait working through all problems and concerns.
Some say they are cold emotionally - I have not yet experienced this with my Virgo. He is the most passionate, playful and humourous man along with those incredible "sexy eyes" that get me everytime causing the activation of a meltdown!
I also have a delightful Virgo son and a potential business Virgo partner. I find that they leave me with a sense of being "home." :-)
It is all going to workout for you preciousaries - be so ever grateful for the previous relationships as this is how and why we appreciate this Virgo man.
Glad for those who've found true love in their Virgos. Not all Virgos are up to snuff, P-Angel. It doesn't always have to do with not getting past things or misunderstanding them. There are some real assholes out there, just like with every sign. Some of us need a place to vent about it and have found some others who have encountered difficulty with them. Let us get it off our chests so we CAN get past it.
I'm really happy for you, preciousbeauty. You sound like your well on your way to finding a good and better quality in your life. You respect him, he respects you . . . and we can't ask for more than that.
And when the sun rises in the morning, you'll know that the person you have as a partner is true to his heart and yours.
Example, I know a woman who is married to a Virgo who has cheated on her through out their entire marriage and just fathered a son by another woman. Now, the State wants to garnish her salary to pay for child support. Whether he is typcial of most Virgos is not for me to say, but he is pr*ck and there's no getting around that.
Fact: Injured Spouse is NOT respsonible for this in ANY state within this country.
So, perhaps you have an issue with Virgo that influences your gullibility when it comes to believing anything or anybody who is at oppostion with Virgo's.
This statement proves my point. We want to fault them, or anybody else, for that matter, rather than look at ourselves. You CHOOSE to believe an untruth, because it adds to your resolve that they aren't good people in some way.
It's possible that this is exactly what this woman has told you and you are only repeating what you were told. Well, if this woman has lied to you about child support, then perhaps she's lied about this affair going on throughout the whole relationship.
If a person lies to you about such an issue, then, likely, they are lying to themselves. This indicates that there is a problem in the relationship to which she has to take blame, but, refuses to do so. It's possible that there is a valid reason for his actions that she won't tell you because then she will have to face and ugly fact.
I don't know, except what you've said. But, what I do know is that this action is illegal EVERYWHERE in the United States, and, likely other countries too. If a person lied to me about that, she would lie about what is really going on behind closed doors and to her . . . her word holds no honor.
"he is pr*ck and there's no getting around that"
* Places judgement based from a lie.
It doesn't prove anything other than your need for everyone and anyone to justify their posts. You shouldn't call people liars or guilible when you don't know all the facts. YES, certain States do requires spouses responsible for their wife/husbands financial debts.
You really need to speak in singular terms when using the pronoun "WE". I don't need to find fault with any one. You just seem think everyone has an axe to grind when they don't see YOUR point of view about Virgos. You're the last person who needs to accuse anyone of passing judgement since this is what you just did, have done in the past and no doubt will continue to do going forward.
I don't pass judgement on you P-Angel but don't start calling people you don't know liars. When you have ALL the facts then make a determination, not an assumption. Do you want to be called a liar? I think not. Is there some crystal ball you're looking in that enables you to see past everyone and straight to what you consider the TRUTH of a situation?
Fact: Injured Spouse is NOT respsonible for this in ANY state within this country.
I didn't say INJURED spouse. I saw the court order, I didn't say it was executed.
"Message posted by: catfish36 on 7/28/2006 12:49:09
I didn't say INJURED spouse. I saw the court order."
I've written like 20 things and keep deleting . . . this is so funny, I don't even know what to post in response.
Actually, by you saying, "I saw the court order", is enough said . . there is no honor in your words, because I know for a fact that this statement in itself is a lie because there is NO jurisdiction within this country that will even entertain such a suit, much less attempt to pursue is.
There is NO court order for an injured spouse to pay child support, yet, you said it.
LM frigging AO
I'm sorry, Cat. I know I shouldn't be laughing at this, at you, about this. That's not very dignified, I realize this.
But, a person has find fun somewhere and it's shameful of me to find it in someone's ignorance of the law. I know . . . my bad.
But, it's just so funny.
I don't need to justify anything to you.
It's amazing how deep within himself he could go, to know within his heart that the two of your were meant to be together, so, he therefore waited for you to return to him. Though, it's not surprising . . they are loyal people. This just goes to show that their loyalty isn't just to the other person, but, themselves as well.
He let you try and find yourself with another person and not be jealous or petty about it. Damn, these men are something.
Can't say how it is with the female Virgo in a relationship. I've never had one other than friendship, but, I'm sure they are just as solid in their convictions.
My Mr. Virgo man will always put my needs before his own and never forget what I hold dear to my heart. I'm so glad you've found someone to hold you dear too.
Except the Aries seems to know something about them that fails a lot of other people. Looking at the people who post in here and their accounts about their relationships . . it appears as though there is an understanding between these two signs that hold strong.
Trying to figure it out. What is it?
He's always there with the dawn of a new day, with a sincere smile and a pleasant twinkling in his eyes ...
I NEED to know and understand. Suppose it's just a matter of how you want to look at it. Destructive/Constructive.

WOW P-angel... thanx a million for this post... its sooo positive and i LOVE your way of thinkin'... ur such an awesome example of a good ,loving and supportive wife...we have very few such women like ya these days... i admire you soo much... keep it up... i wsh you all the happiness thats instore for you and your family.... smile
Strings said, "Now see, P-Angel, I just knew there was some good stuff underneath all that sass!"
lol, that is so funny.
My mum always said that I was fat and sassy.
Yep, still sassy.
< Looks in mirror . . . . . dammmmmmittt, argh . . . .

But, my hubby still loves me, so . . .

fumingli_scorp: "Then there comes a point where something inside their head tells them... 'you are wrong, virgo' gotta listen to others too."
Yes, and I hate to admit it, but some times it takes a crisis to bring us to that realization. But maybe that's a Man Thing, not just a Virgo Man Thing.
"He is so wrapped up in his own picture that it makes him stupid, actually..."
The irony about that is Virgs are generally pretty smart people. But yes, we will let the data & facts & stats we've collected and organized get the better of us -- and forget that even the most careful analysis can be FLAT WRONG!
"I can sense some feel of guilt in your voice, but that's ok"

Was that being directed towards me?
This thread is a year old, when I was evolving in my marriage to another stage .. that wasn't guilt, that was coming to realizations and growing.
Nearly two years old ...
"they will forgive"

Unfortunately, I can't agree with this one ... in fact, I think Virgos are more begrudging than any other sign.
Well there's a lot of space between when this was made and now ... all kinds of changing emotions .. from resentment, back to love, to hatred, to respect .. all changing during the time.
Now, we've come to new terms, which is spiritual.
"ok -- last post doesn't sound good."

No, but, it's also the truth. Once a Virgo has been injured in some way, they carry it around for a very long time ..
"spiritual is good, but not enough, my dear P-Angel. I can sense your strong faith. I waited 5 years. how long have you been waiting? is it worth it to be without the warm touch of a man? I'm just wondering. It's not easy either way."

FS, I've been married for 25 years to this same person, so .. I'm not sure what you mean by waiting. Do you mean waiting to be more spiritually evolved?
We no longer engage in sex .. we're past that need with each other, if that's what you mean.
"i don't believe in absence of physicality with the opposite sex. You may become friends to a point. The rest is hurt. That's just what I believe. I don't think it's natural."

Most people believe as you do, and I thought so too for most of my adult life ... however, now I realize that it clouds a persons true awareness of the other person. Gets us caught up with desiring to live for material/physical as though they are objects, rather than the soul.
Sort of like ... you have an argument with your spouse, and say the most hateful things .. all the while, you have lingering in the back of your mind that this is going to lead to really good after-fight-sex, where if this isn't present in your motivation to continue to hurt your spouse for anticipation of sexual pleasure .. then you won't hurt them, rather, try to find a middle ground to find balance with each other.
"I think he doesn't like to be alone in his older age, and he loved me and I'm good to him, so he sticks with me. other than that there is nothing that makes me believe he has any other interest in me."

I know exactly how you feel .. sometimes, we find ourselves just settling because the fear of living for nothing strangles the will, and once a person gets older and the realization of thier mortality comes center state ... we settle for a calm, respectful one. Which really is better because it's not full of the drama that's involved with searching for thrills.
So, are you happy? You said that you don't feel like he's interested in you other than not wanting to be alone and that you take care of him. Does this mean you don't have a physical life together and this is something that you feel is missing?
PA: Unfortunately, I can't agree with this one ... in fact, I think Virgos are more begrudging than any other sign.
No, but, it's also the truth. Once a Virgo has been injured in some way, they carry it around for a very long time ..

You got it down pack smile
I don't hold grudges outwardly and openly. It's pushed to the back of my mind and sometimes people won't allow me to hold a grudge so every time they bring it up I have to breathe deeply and push it back again and again. If I don't I will say something that I will regret because it's not nice and wasn't necessary to feel or say or put into the air. So, when I grudge I do it quietly, you pretty much disappear from my life, if people let you. And, I grudge behind hurts. Betrayal, and seeing someone find out something the hard way when I warned them it was bad. I get nothing out of someone telling me I was right after all. It irks me more to know that they chose to find out the hard way. I understand that some people need to learn thigns for themselves but I still can't get passed that I wasn't convincing enough to prevent them from being disappointed or hurt.
I've never felt guilty for my grudgings. Never felt I was wrong for doing it. I can't hide my facial expressions either. If something is not right the whole world can see it. I don't like that but I accept it. It's why I can never be fake with anyone. It's not in me because I ma no good at acting "pleasant". It's either real or non-existent.
I liked this thread, P-Angel I like what you said about Virgos and being able to see this side of you. Also, I only recently learned that Virgo's were the most unpopular sign on DXP. Very interesting. I will keep that in mind as to not add insult to PA's favorite word... injury. Winking
One example of me coming out of a grudge and not completely just enough to give closure and peace to the other person and not on purpose on my part but I have a conscious and I know right from wrong and that will always win.
Before September 11th, I had a co-worker who was also a friend, can't remember her sign but I want to say scorpio just don't quote me. Anyway, I exhausted her a lot of times like I exhaust a lot of my friends. FS and Dyar's post about not being able to see other views and letting our data and facts get the best of us when it could be way off base. It's true.
Anyway, her and I were friends and girlfriends, meaning she knew men I was sleeping with and I knew men she was sleeping with, she knew my baby daddy drama and I knew hers, she knew my financial problems and I knew hers. Not much was unknown between us. One day we got into a disagreement that kept getting hotter and hotter til it exploded (Scorpio part not Virgo). Most know that Scorpio won't back down to anyone and will hold out for the win against Virgo. So, basically it went from chess match to tennis match in intensity. We happened to be at work and arguing in email all about my business (her) and how she was wrong (me) and all the best curse words in between.
She pulled a clssic scorpio move and captured my pawn. She sent the entire email (think the amount I type) to her supervisor who forwarded it to my supervisor. Now, our supervisors loved drama just as much as we did, and unfortunately they both loved me, Scorpio was new to the company by about a year, me 4yrs. So, they were not going to document this with ink. But, my Sagittarius supervisor used it to torture me to get all of my business as she had been left out of the loop since the Scorp came aboard the friendship enterprise. Well, this made Sagi boss start reading all of my emails and she did this because she knew how much I emailed and how much of it was not work related. In that time period she disconnected my being able to receive email from outside of the company as a form of discipline. Like I said Scorpio stung me.
So, me and this girl did not speak after this. I couldn't stand her. Oh and this was spring 2001. I didn't speak to her (worked in the same department until Sept 11th. With everything going on we were allowed to leave work early. We lived in Washington, DC and worked in Virginia and had to cross the Woodrow Wilson bridge to get to Southeast DC. She didn't have a car and I did, the subway system was not an option at that time, cell phones were not working and there were no buses leaving Virginia heading to Washington, DC.
That day I put everything behind me and drove us both to DC, picked up her son and my two and dropped them off at home and then went home to be with my children during this tragedy. After that, she wrote to me (on paper) to let me know that she didn't mean for it to go the way that it did and that she missed being my friend, etc. I don't trust again that easily. I was her co-worker and that was all I could be. It wasn't in me to be more than that but that was all she really needed to I guess clear her conscience. To know that I saw her and she was no longer invisible.
It took 9/11 for me to come out of a grudge. When I say if someone lets me keep someone pushed out of my mind, I mean it. I always tell my friends when they are pushing the buttons because it would kill me to be mad at them or family. I wish I could but I simply can't ignore or get past hurt that easily. Sad
FS: "Anyway, I'm trying to move on. I don't want to retire in that department -- no way!!! I've been as honest as I can with him."
I was gonna say, how can a Scorpio be loyal to this arrangement... doesn't seem natural. But, I see you don't like it and I wouldn't either but definitely wouldn't expect a Scorpio to. smile
When I say loyal I mean to agree to something that goes against what they crave not loyal to your mate. Just wanted to clear that up.
Just made a phone call. Co-worker was Aries not Scorpio. My best friend of 10yrs who is Scorpio corrected me and she said for me to make sure I clear that up lol.
We all worked for the same company and she could never stand that girl. Her and I were cool and growing but then when the Aries came in to the picture my Scorpio friend backed away because she knew stuff I didnt know that was going on but didn't tell me because I seemed closer to the Aries. Eventually that summer 2001 her and I became the best friends and partners in crime and we are still going strong til this day. I say 10yrs because we started the job together and were always cool but people kept coming in and out of our seperate workplace friendship circle so we never took it outside of lunch times and breaks until 4yrs later.
Nevertheless, I'm sorry I painted that picture using Scorpios. Sad I forget how Aries women are notorius for carrying bloody knives around with them. For getting people back with a vengeance in a tit for tat situation.
More than likely, no one will look past her being white to think that deeply into it as we generally don't. Chances are she won't correct anyone either if they refer to her as white instead of African-American as that would be stirring the pot without good reason unless she's just anal about her heritage.
Same with darker skinned people (black people) born in places like haiti, nigeria, trinidad, ghana, jamaica, virgin islands, carribbean, etc. They don't stress that they are "(insert country) hyphen American" because it's really no big deal when black is the only choice on the application.
Being born in this country or becoming a naturalized and legal citizen makes one an American.
Thats me! err us, Misunderstood, Perhaps its my quiet nature, I am an easy going very laid back grounded person, nature lover, animal lover, peace maker, and most times go with the flow, BUT... now and again someone or something will cause me to pause, perhaps someone asks something of me and I say no, They expect me to do it anyway because perhaps I have been giving or whatever in the past, so they get pissed when they realize my no is infact NO and thats that.
Now as far as emotions and love and sex go, hey, Im a guy I like sex as much as any other guy and like any other guy I like to think Im fairly good in bed, but I don't confuse sex with love, and have learned to keep my emotions under control, my walls stay up because I've been hurt way to many times and its more of a self defense now than anything else. I'm very selective in whom I trust with my feelings. I tend not to trust my emotions they are not logical, or rational, those emotions get me into relationships that when reflected upon I ask myself "what the hell was I thinking"
as a general rule we don't need the limelight, we are not usually Romeo's with our attention, at least not me, I find that sort of stuff to be quite flaky and fake. I'd rather tell my mate how I feel, and go about my and her life doing small quiet things to make both our lives enjoyable.
I know I am way more critical of my own mistakes than others that I see, I beat myself up way to much when I make mistakes, I also am quite aware of my own faults and don't need anyone to point them out. I don't however have much use for stupidity, slackers or those that leach off of others and will call those people as I see them.
VK .. this is really, realllllllllly bothering you Sad
You've brought it up on many boards the last couple days, and it's obvious that this is a huge thorn in your side.
Listen .. you could leave here, and if that's your choice to do so, then we all have to respect that and wish you a happy, fulfilling life. However, you'll never be able to shed labels in your life, no matter where you go.
Whatever your race is .. will always be
Whatever your gender is .. will always be (ok, modern med can change)
If you are American .. then this is one of your labels .. if you move to Europe, then that will be a label too.
I respect what you're saying, and you have a right to believe in any way you think is right for you ... I'm only trying to tell you that you will always be put in some kind of category, for the rest of your life, and I just wanted you to understand that because you have a label, such as "teenager" .. it's not saying that is ALL you are, it is saying that it is A PART of who you are.
It appears to me that you are looking at this as though by being labelled is in implying that there is nothing more, and it doesn't mean that at all. You don't have to be fixed into being just one thing, you can include it to be all that you are.
Perspective .......
Anyway, I'll miss you terribly, and I wish you many happy days to come in your life. You're going to be a famous artist one day, and I'll be one of your fans !!!!!
Cheers smilesmilesmile

fumingli_scorp [about her Virgo ex-husband]: "He still holds on to me. Of course it would be hard for me to see him with someone else, but I also want him to be happy. I suggested he follow his heart; he just does not have interest. Don't ask me why."
OK... He's a Virgo, and you're a Scorpio, and he still loves you. We prefer to make a clean break, and attempt to move on; but if there were unresolved bits & pieces, or if we perceive changes have occurred since the split that might allow for a reconciliation, or the original attraction was especially powerful (and it seems to be where you ScorpGals are concerned!), the break may not seem so permanent to us.
Your situation seems similar to mine and LibraEX's - we can get along fine in small doses, but 24x7 - no way!!
PA, how come you're hiding your posts? Sad
FS, indeed it is good to catch up. smile
I agree with you no ill feelings towards Aries. It's on the individuals who I have a fallen out with. I pretty much have my observations on what I see as a characteristic for each zodiac signs. The bloody knife that I said Aries women carry around is my personal opinion on how they are cool people when things are good but when things go sour they come at you with this mean arrogance that makes you think that its always been in them just surpressed. So, the "bloody knife" has history of another's blood who they've head butted for getting in the way of what they're feeling... And, so for the unsuspecting they've suppressed this nature until you challenge them.
Most Aries women are outspoken and when they have it in their head about something there is NOTHING you can do to change their minds. The more happy and loving they are as a person the less likely they will cut you at the drop of a dime. Sometimes even when you're close to them they will forget all of that and treat you like a frienemy. If you're not use to this or prepared to deal then it's actually scary and it's this transformation that makes you leary of forgiving (too quickly) because your head is still spinning trying to figure out if that was your friend who just knocked the earth off it's axis. Or an enemy who's been deceiving you.
I'm not leary of befriending Aries but I haven't worked on my grudging. That kind of fire and strength kind of leaves ashes in the place of something that was once valuable. And, me the Virgo, the analytical, serving, perfectionist can only look at the pile of ashes and then back to the fire (sign) and think, "Well, what do you expect me to do with this?". The only thing I can... bury it and never speak of it again. Grudge...
As far as Scorpio not being capable of doing that. I think it takes Scorpio to be burned really bad to seek vengeance, whereas Aries just needs a tinge of opposition against their plans. But, you are right, Scorpio wouldn't have done it that way but the pain would have felt the same. I admire Scorpios nature to have the last laugh when someone tries to screw them over. Scorpio starts playing all of their trump cards stored up, allowing the perfect hand to unfold. The way it's done will not even look vindictive but like someone just opened the flood gates lol.
I think Virgos get the most mistreatment. Many people take them for granted and miss their smartness, beauty, and quiet caring. I knew a Virgo in school who so quiet that she was called a mute. People always asked her, "Do you talk?" "Are you a mute?" She was shy, and she didn't stand up for herself. She was pushed around, but when people needed her, for homework or service from the store, then they'd give her respect. I think some Virgos are known as unfeeling because they keep it all in. They don't want to seem needy.
A lot of fear goes into this sign, no matter how well they cover it.