you have to lead the relationship with a virgo. If what you want he can't provide then yes, its time to move on.
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Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
* hiding *
E. How did you find me? Lol... welcome to the land of the virgins .....
...... miss me much?..... mmhmmmm thought so..... don't deny it....
Its written all over your face...ha!
* hugz E * lol I miss u too...
How is everything in the Aquarium
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Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
Needs??? :/ And help on top of it??? :/
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You couldn't handle my mind high .. I can barely handle it stoned .. though I love smoking pakalolo
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I have no interest in small talk with you or anyone else.
The assumption that I chose career over family and children is way inaccurate. I was in long term relationship and engaged in the past. It did not work out but not because of choosing career. My dream has always been to be in a relationship/marriage since I was young. The prince on the white horse dream etc. yes, I am a dreamer. Would've been happy to be a wife, mother. But that is not what life had in store...I am not afraid of committment but afraid to be comitted to the wrong person.
I was on the dating site to look for a relationship, not for a fling, not for casual dating. That was discussed with Virguy early on so there are no misunderstandings. He was the one contacting me, and his profile does not say that he is looking for "fun" or any indication that he is not interested in something long term.
If he changed his mind over the course of the relationship about what he wants, he could have break it off. I suggested that if he lost interest, or if not having mutual feelings, there is no reason for us to go on. He said that his feeing were mutual, and by that time he knew well how I felt. He did not want us to break up, he wanted to go on, yet things have not moved ahead much since we have started dating... And that is why I am confused.
P angel...omg... do you think I care if others pity me or not??
I gave this man my heart. And yes, he trampled on it and it hurts... Do I pity myself? Of course I am.
Well, it is over now anyways... no contact since we talked on the weekend.
The end.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
The wrong here isn't that he broke your heart ... it's that you're so emotionally weak that you inappropriately fell, so then you did what a manipulator does = you started using his feelings against him.
Of course he tossed you to the curb. People aren't loooking for players or fools .. they are looking for a partner.
Yes I am a fool... a fool in shocking, it must have never happened to anyone in the past.
As far as being a player, I am not the one having the personals still active, he is... I did not use his emotions against him, I do not even know what his emotions are, or even if he has any, is he one of those emotionally unavailable guys... and that is what I needed to figure out, to help me make a decision, so questioned him indirectly by saying if we do not have an emotional connection, in addition the the physical, we need not go on.
He did not toss me to the curb, he sent text today.
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Honestly, I think you deserve better and you did nothing wrong. He wanted his cake and to eat it too and
he was able to do that for 7 months..... and he would do a little more to keep you on the hook...when
you started to complain and question where the relationship was going.
Nothing wrong with a pity party! You deserve it for what you've been through,
just don't "celebrate " too long. Life is short so dust yourself off and get back out there....
Why should he get to be the only one still "searching "?
Just learn from the mistakes that were made on BOTH sides..... cry and move on....
Good luck fish,
Safe swimming!
3dimes... thanks for your encouraging words! You are sweet! wonder, after all you are a pisces.
Hope you are ready for a fun weekend! anything good planned?? I have to work...eek
Yes a pity party always brings relief, so does a good cry. But I think i have had enough of both for now.
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 664 · Topics: 18
Lol yes you are right! Imma have to leave these wild and crazy young women alone and settle down
and get married ..... hmmm....
Oh another 2
I'm 2-22
I been to Seattle a few times...its very nice... I love the state of Washington. All the mountains and
lakes are beautiful. Its seems so serene ...... I could dream forever there. Why you wanna move?
Lol aint Seattle where "grey's anatomy" is suppose to be.
I want to move to get away from the wicked winters here. I have been dealing with it since moving from Europe....many years ago and really getting fed up.
Yes, Washington/Oregon is picturesque, Mt Hood with snow covered caps, visible from the city, the mountains, gorges, the huge pine trees. hmmm...
Never really watched Greys anatomy. Too busy doing the real deal. It is never that exciting though in reality...
well, I am derailing my own thread... think i'll have to block myself....haha.
Have fun dimes. Chat soon.
I think Pothead was going to say to get off the Virgo Forum, or something similar then deleted...yes, this thread can be closed now. Thanks people for the experience.
Signed Up:
Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
The thread was derailed, indeed (nothing new *shrugs*), but, you all can't see the forest through the trees, can ya?