Posted by SunsetvirgoI tried to tell him this.....
I mean maybe you should end things with your girl first before even considering trying to get to know the Virgo.
Bc if they ARE best friends and you try to come at her, she's going to tell your gf.
Soul connection or not, Virgos don't think w/ our hearts, and we will pick logic every single time.
Posted by NubianReenadam that sounds like a special connection forget every other littlle detail about anything in life and live in the moment embrace that special energy .. yes that feeling u felt.. i too felt that.. and could feel it from her.. iv put it to the back of my mind for past half year.. but it keeps coming forth .. thus me here looking for understanding.. i do understand virgo is logical, & logically this wouldnt make to much sence her.. can u even make sence of something that isnt logical? it just doesnt sound possible.. but iknow nothing is impossible
Wow took me a while to read your story as well as others' advice on here.I am a Virgo woman and I will say as many have stated here,we do think logically when it comes to matters of the heart. First of all I'm not sure how close she is to your friend,but we detest cheating of any sort,especially when it comes to betrayal.However, I do understand that attraction,intimacy and all around the energy someone gives you is hard to ignore especially if you feel the connection.I have been with a Pisces man and I felt this connection with him from the day I laid my eyes on him.The sexual tension was very hard to resist and we would literally make love all day and night.It was pure and loving. And we connected on a spiritual level.Being around each other was perfect bliss.We would read together,shower together,go on about our daily business and tasks but come right back to each other,cook together.But all the whilst he had a girlfriend.I found out because he ended up telling me,but at this point we were both madly in love and I had to leave because he betrayed me.
You and your Aquarius girlfriend have been very serious and you seem to have a pretty honest relationship,I would suggest that you have an honest conversation with her and let her know how you feel.She will be very hurt but atleast you're being honest with her,there's not much you can change when it comes to caring about someone else.And also Pisces men love to find the "perfect" woman.As a Virgo woman,I'm all about perfection,but I do realize that nothing or no one is perfect and eventually down the road,you're going to hit some road blocks with any partner,you just have to over come them.
Good luck
Posted by fish_andchips_yeahYes we did have a beautiful connection and you're absolutely right he made me "feel" emotions that I never thought I was capable of feeling.I also believe it's because we are polar opposites on the zodiac..So we provide each other with what we both lack.Yes,I guess he was on some sort of relationship turmoil/break with his girlfriend, but I was completely unaware of this and wouldn't lead on a relationship considering his situation.It took me a while to understand that maybe he didn't know how to tell me/lose me in his life but either way it was best for me to step away and let him figure his life out.I have to say I'm not generally lovey/dovey or wear my heart on my sleeves,but all I wanted to do was be in his arms and let the whole world know and we did for a little while.Posted by NubianReenadam that sounds like a special connection forget every other littlle detail about anything in life and live in the moment embrace that special energy .. yes that feeling u felt.. i too felt that.. and could feel it from her.. iv put it to the back of my mind for past half year.. but it keeps coming forth .. thus me here looking for understanding.. i do understand virgo is logical, & logically this wouldnt make to much sence her.. can u even make sence of something that isnt logical? it just doesnt sound possible.. but iknow nothing is impossible
Wow took me a while to read your story as well as others' advice on here.I am a Virgo woman and I will say as many have stated here,we do think logically when it comes to matters of the heart. First of all I'm not sure how close she is to your friend,but we detest cheating of any sort,especially when it comes to betrayal.However, I do understand that attraction,intimacy and all around the energy someone gives you is hard to ignore especially if you feel the connection.I have been with a Pisces man and I felt this connection with him from the day I laid my eyes on him.The sexual tension was very hard to resist and we would literally make love all day and night.It was pure and loving. And we connected on a spiritual level.Being around each other was perfect bliss.We would read together,shower together,go on about our daily business and tasks but come right back to each other,cook together.But all the whilst he had a girlfriend.I found out because he ended up telling me,but at this point we were both madly in love and I had to leave because he betrayed me.
You and your Aquarius girlfriend have been very serious and you seem to have a pretty honest relationship,I would suggest that you have an honest conversation with her and let her know how you feel.She will be very hurt but atleast you're being honest with her,there's not much you can change when it comes to caring about someone else.And also Pisces men love to find the "perfect" woman.As a Virgo woman,I'm all about perfection,but I do realize that nothing or no one is perfect and eventually down the road,you're going to hit some road blocks with any partner,you just have to over come them.
Good luck
us pisces aint logical we feel first. ican tell we would compliment each other very well
i have heard virgos like someone who can be straight forward (as they can see what your real intentions are)
and dont wanna guess to much coz there mind will go back and forth)
being in my place (do virgos appreciate it even if its wrong them being up front with you)
like i know ur not dumb u know i have a gf but it aint that simple..
that is a bummer he had a partner but only a pisces can give you the energy u felt.. as we are more emotional energetic being then others.. and emotional energy vibrates on a higher dimension.. for example think of extreme anger, then think of the oppersite of that? that blissfulness u felt, u felt that just by tunning into his vibrational energy.. maybe thats a gift we have been given because i changed everyone whos been intimate with me for the better.. if there able to get past having a broken heart we not together
yes iwould like to find the perfect women or as close to it..
i yern for a connection like the one u had & appreciate non judgment of my truth..
open up my aqua more.. never goes well but is essential for growthclick to expand
Posted by piscesbluedreamsBingo...and what annoys me is people willing to trash someone's feelings and all integrity in the process under the guise of a connection. Having a soulmate connection doesn't give license to walk all over somebody and destroy a friendship in the process.
Pisces people are not monogamous by nature but for sure your Aquarius gf deserves more respect than this? I mean.. six years is a long time.
I have been in love with my boyfriend's best friend but don't act on it. Mainly because I don't want to loose the person who will stick by me through the good and bad times.
Love isn't selfish.
You can have your Virgo woman in the next lifetime if you are serious about your girlfriend.
I am a firm believer in Mrs Right not existing. It's all about how hard you are willing to make things work with people who love you flaws and all.
Posted by Fafaithink i am begining to see there logical side and how it rules pretty much all aspects of yur life.. it is a shame use dont feel so much emotions like hope, faith, etc.. things with out reason.. how ever ido feel virgo especially can gain so much leasons from a pisces.. even in a short period of time.. if u open up and show the real you.. cause pisces can all ready see the whole you, we just waiting for u to accept yourself.. thats when the healing begins.. pisces will go to work, unknown to you, he will be fixing little things about you.. like the words he uses your subconsious will pick up and change the way you think about yourself.. without you conciously realising.. then when their work is done.. like a theif in the night... instead of stealing your heart.. they allowed you to see that you have a heart and its more powerful then you though... often i do wonder why is their a fire inside that wont allow me to settle but instead allows me to see the good thats hidden in all peoples depths.. & when we see someone who is authentic but not living out of truth (instinctivly) like a males drawn to a female.. we are pulled not so much because we want to but because it needs to be done..Posted by NubianReenaYou go girl! Ur a strong woman! I actually hope you both find ur way back together. Everything you said reminded me of my ex. Them showers together I loved .Posted by fish_andchips_yeahYes we did have a beautiful connection and you're absolutely right he made me "feel" emotions that I never thought I was capable of feeling.I also believe it's because we are polar opposites on the zodiac..So we provide each other with what we both lack.Yes,I guess he was on some sort of relationship turmoil/break with his girlfriend, but I was completely unaware of this and wouldn't lead on a relationship considering his situation.It took me a while to understand that maybe he didn't know how to tell me/lose me in his life but either way it was best for me to step away and let him figure his life out.I have to say I'm not generally lovey/dovey or wear my heart on my sleeves,but all I wanted to do was be in his arms and let the whole world know and we did for a little while.Posted by NubianReenadam that sounds like a special connection forget every other littlle detail about anything in life and live in the moment embrace that special energy .. yes that feeling u felt.. i too felt that.. and could feel it from her.. iv put it to the back of my mind for past half year.. but it keeps coming forth .. thus me here looking for understanding.. i do understand virgo is logical, & logically this wouldnt make to much sence her.. can u even make sence of something that isnt logical? it just doesnt sound possible.. but iknow nothing is impossible
Wow took me a while to read your story as well as others' advice on here.I am a Virgo woman and I will say as many have stated here,we do think logically when it comes to matters of the heart. First of all I'm not sure how close she is to your friend,but we detest cheating of any sort,especially when it comes to betrayal.However, I do understand that attraction,intimacy and all around the energy someone gives you is hard to ignore especially if you feel the connection.I have been with a Pisces man and I felt this connection with him from the day I laid my eyes on him.The sexual tension was very hard to resist and we would literally make love all day and night.It was pure and loving. And we connected on a spiritual level.Being around each other was perfect bliss.We would read together,shower together,go on about our daily business and tasks but come right back to each other,cook together.But all the whilst he had a girlfriend.I found out because he ended up telling me,but at this point we were both madly in love and I had to leave because he betrayed me.
You and your Aquarius girlfriend have been very serious and you seem to have a pretty honest relationship,I would suggest that you have an honest conversation with her and let her know how you feel.She will be very hurt but atleast you're being honest with her,there's not much you can change when it comes to caring about someone else.And also Pisces men love to find the "perfect" woman.As a Virgo woman,I'm all about perfection,but I do realize that nothing or no one is perfect and eventually down the road,you're going to hit some road blocks with any partner,you just have to over come them.
Good luck
us pisces aint logical we feel first. ican tell we would compliment each other very well
i have heard virgos like someone who can be straight forward (as they can see what your real intentions are)
and dont wanna guess to much coz there mind will go back and forth)
being in my place (do virgos appreciate it even if its wrong them being up front with you)
like i know ur not dumb u know i have a gf but it aint that simple..
that is a bummer he had a partner but only a pisces can give you the energy u felt.. as we are more emotional energetic being then others.. and emotional energy vibrates on a higher dimension.. for example think of extreme anger, then think of the oppersite of that? that blissfulness u felt, u felt that just by tunning into his vibrational energy.. maybe thats a gift we have been given because i changed everyone whos been intimate with me for the better.. if there able to get past having a broken heart we not together
yes iwould like to find the perfect women or as close to it..
i yern for a connection like the one u had & appreciate non judgment of my truth..
open up my aqua more.. never goes well but is essential for growth
I was very upset and even when we disagreed,I would literally just kiss him and tell him it's okay to have disagreements and we could talk it out.We never really fought to the extreme.I was very upset with I learned of his girlfriend and the most I did was cry helplessly and cut off all communications.A few months later we saw each other and the connection was still there,he's no longer with his ex girlfriend,but he's leaving the country to pursue his education further which I'm 100% in support of.He taught me a lot about love and letting go and he will forever have a special place in my heart.He would be very happy and pleased that I'm expressing myself and helping others.Maybe one day I'll let him know:-)click to expand
Posted by -Flo-Posted by Jules-llPosted by -Flo-Posted by Jules-llI have one dominant water placement, fire moon and the rest Air.Posted by -Flo-Posted by Jules-ll?Posted by -Flo-Posted by Jules-llWtf.. I'm with a Pisces right now and you possibly couldn't even understand our connection. You've obviously never met an Aquarius with Pisces placements.
Are you seriously dating an Aqua? I can't imagine that being satisfying on any level unless you like the freedom and lack of soul bonding. Curious what sign are your venus and moon?
One of my best guy friends is a Pisces, we have a psychic connection and just get each other naturally. Love spending time with him, we have the deepest conversations sometimes without needing to speak much!
As for being interested in someone involved in a long term relationship? Not going to happen with me, but I'm greedy that way and need my own man. Not judging, just my own philosophy...
From your posts you don't come across very Aqua-like at all tbh. No offense intended...
Other Aquarians don't even take me seriously..
I can see that, you have a lot of water right? I grew up with 3 Aquas, you seem nothing like them... You're more like my Pisces sister that has a lot of air in her chart.![]()
I don't know why I come off watery and sensitive to other people, I can't see my own words when I type. I thought I seemed very much aqua though regardless of placements.
My life is a lie. ?
Nah, you just let your feelings show which to me is so much healthier than my Aqua sister who always acts like everything is cool when you know it's not....![]()
Damn and here I am thinking it's a bad thing, I'm probably gonna get my aqua card to expand