Stumbling into Love

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Peanutbutter on Saturday, May 28, 2016 and has 18 replies.
Virgos dont fall blindly, we calculate our stumbles.

Lol. I need background info, blueprints, the whole shebang from someone I plan to stumble for.

So why not let things happen organically? Because closing our eyes is a choice only a few of us make in our weakest of moments because its ILLOGICAL.

Sigh. How do you guys know when to let go and let yourselves fall? Do you purposefully force yourself to close one eye. I feel like we dont wear rose colored glasses, more like rose colored monocles LOL. One eye on love one eye on reality.
Feck love.... In a relationship sense.
Far too much at stake without proper return.
But.... someone once told me you can give in without being naive.
and its easier to think like that.
go in. give in. without the expectations.
I remember this exercise in the theater class in high school. You had to let yourself fall backwards and have faith a teammate catches you. I remember how freaked out I was about that at first.

I wouldn't say it's a reasoning with Virgos, I think it's latent control issues. We are pretty naive about people and we're aware about it so that spirals us into trying to figure it out.

I remember giving this advice to people interested in Virgos before: Act on it and don't let the Virgo overthink it because it will go against you. The moment I start overthinking things, I fuck up the flow.

The way I am about love...I'm romantic (substitute for delusional lol) so if I feel it in my heart, I let myself get swept by the tide and I'll see where it takes me. I'll figure it out in the aftermath and not before. If I start overthinking, I know my logic will find a way out of it and then I'd regret so many shots not taken in my life. Not a fan of regret, so I have to make active choices.
Posted by Peanutbutter
Virgos dont fall blindly, we calculate our stumbles.

Lol. I need background info, blueprints, the whole shebang from someone I plan to stumble for.

So why not let things happen organically? Because closing our eyes is a choice only a few of us make in our weakest of moments because its ILLOGICAL.

Sigh. How do you guys know when to let go and let yourselves fall? Do you purposefully force yourself to close one eye. I feel like we dont wear rose colored glasses, more like rose colored monocles LOL. One eye on love one eye on reality.

My Virguy friend is like this, always asking me questions but never revealing anything about himself. Why do Virgos expect the entire blueprint as you say, but don't show their cards?

Do they know it can seem hypocritical?

What is it like when two Virgos get together?? smile

Not trying to pick a fight, just want to understand this.
maybe some of us do want to let go but our hard habits are stopping us from consciously doing so?
Posted by SunMoonStars
My Virguy friend is like this, always asking me questions but never revealing anything about himself. Why do Virgos expect the entire blueprint as you say, but don't show their cards?

Do they know it can seem hypocritical?

Here's the deal.

The "don't show their cards" smacks of trust issues and gameplay. Virgos don't do either. However, Virgos have this thing about being naive and oblivious with people because we wrongly assume others are as pure in intention as most of us are. As a result, you have to learn to gauge people.

About asking questions..while there is a strong inquisitive nature in's curiosity more than any scheme at uncovering weaknesses or whatever people are afraid of. We seek like minded people or..not even like minded in general. Each of us has a value system we hold dear and we surround ourselves mainly with people who fit in that system.

When the Virgo asks questions, do you ask questions back? Is it a conversation going both ways?

If you do and he doesn't reply, it's likely because:

1) Rapport hasn't been established between the two of you.
2)Your tone seems "off"
3)Your questions are loaded (for example we're still on a casual level and I ask you what your favorite icecream is and I get a question back like..."Do you feel there is a God above?". That's a lot of me to expand on and it would shift the mood of the conversation from light to heavy talk and...I don't feel we are on the terms to discuss that yet)
4) He sees any hint of manipulation (not saying you do it, but we analyze intent and if the intent isn't just an exchange of ideas but building on ammunition..we won't go there)
5) You strike him as "Fixed" in your beliefs. He feels there's no natural flow.
6) You're just a person on a slide he's taking apart and figuring out. But then that's not friendship.
7)Something about you doesn't ellicit trust in him.

If you weren't being a dramatic fire moon with the "always never" and he literally NEVER reveals anything I am leaning towards either 1) or 6)

Is it hypocritical? Depends on the why.

Solution: (playful vibe)

"Hey I'd like to know more about you smile"
"Well you know a lot about me and it's unfair to be at a disadvantage Tongue"

....It's weird to me because all Virgos I know talk up a storm with partners and friends. I'd pay up any partner of a Virgo that has stumbled upon the silent type. Really doubt they exist.

Posted by magma
Since we both have the same Sun and Moon I'm curious, which dominates most often?

You're an Aries Moon?!?!?! I had no idea.

I'll get over the giddiness and edit with a longer reply once I think about it.


Hmm our Aries Moon in matters of the heart vs the Virgo Sun... it's harder for me to gauge because I have Moon conjunct Mars so if I feel will know it because I act it. I think the conjunction overthrows my Sun more than the Aries Moon by itself.

I think the Aries influence lends people with placements here a type of charisma...and it also makes us react viscerally almost. Like...I feel it down my spine, it's lightning hitting me and coursing through my blood. And I get this type of zingggggg with every person that played an important part in my life.

It helps shortcircuit our self-defeating, insecure reasoning mechanisms. Not that it overthrows it because the analysis is still at the root of it..but it won't allow it get sidetracked into negative self-sabotaging patterns. Reasoning is never far behind but it's like I feel my way around a person more than I think my way around them.

It's a weird combo because it's an it's not like we have a grasp on either/or. But my chart meshes well with inconjunct energy for some reason.

It comes across as this...instead of the Virgo "let me see you cross items on my list of things I value and then I'll consider you"
Thank you Damnata for the detailed post.

I'm specifically talking about work. For example, my Virguy friend and I have been talking about opening a business together. We've known each other for 4 years. He claims to own multiple F&B businesses, but I have never been invited to one of them. He never talks about his family or friends.

Meanwhile, since we are friends, I confide in him about my goals, finances, work etc. Like most friends do. Maybe I just have a strange Virgo friend, or maybe he's hiding something. It makes me not trust him or take him seriously sometimes.
He does talk up a storm, I call him the small talk king smile

He just has a way of not revealing anything important. Maybe he's secretly a billionaire lol
Posted by SunMoonStars
Thank you Damnata for the detailed post.

I'm specifically talking about work. For example, my Virguy friend and I have been talking about opening a business together. We've known each other for 4 years. He claims to own multiple F&B businesses, but I have never been invited to one of them. He never talks about his family or friends.

Meanwhile, since we are friends, I confide in him about my goals, finances, work etc. Like most friends do. Maybe I just have a strange Virgo friend, or maybe he's hiding something. It makes me not trust him or take him seriously sometimes.

4 years? This is a friendship, not an acquaintanceship based on professional interest, right?

Family and friends aside which I still find weird if you are friends but maybe he is that private...

The bolded does not sound good to me. I would do some research on that. Don't think of starting any business until you have all the deets. He could be pulling a con here, so thread carefully.
Posted by starwars
I can't close my eyes, because I'm interested in what I might see, I like to see people as who they are and I only fall for that. (DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP)

It's naturally for us to analyze people and see their good and bad side (real them) and I really don't think knowing who you're getting with clearly is something that hold us back from experiencing love-relationship fully, if anything it prevent us from falling into superficial relationships. (YIKES)

I completely agree!

But dont you ever wish you could fall passionately in love with someone without having to do all the investigative work? Just throw caution to the wind?! LOL

I've NEVER been like that because I always have a TON of questions and if I dont know then Im not at ease... Thats why I envy the fire and air signs man, they seem like FUN!!
Actually thats probably why I only like to date non-Earth signs lol.
Posted by starwars
Posted by Peanutbutter
Posted by starwars
I can't close my eyes, because I'm interested in what I might see, I like to see people as who they are and I only fall for that. (DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP)

It's naturally for us to analyze people and see their good and bad side (real them) and I really don't think knowing who you're getting with clearly is something that hold us back from experiencing love-relationship fully, if anything it prevent us from falling into superficial relationships. (YIKES)

I completely agree!

But dont you ever wish you could fall passionately in love with someone without having to do all the investigative work? Just throw caution to the wind?! LOL

I've NEVER been like that because I always have a TON of questions and if I dont know then Im not at ease... Thats why I envy the fire and air signs man, they seem like FUN!!

the thing is I don't think I can ever fall for someone before all the 'investigative work'! I do feel at ease when getting to know people, because its my favorite part about the whole situation! I don't usually have one question at mind I just want to know everything which is something I'm quite good at *puts shades on*

my Capricorn moon is so uncomfortable with all the love talk LOL Crying
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I feeeeeeel you girl!

Ive thought back on all my relationships and recall a bunch of them complaining about me not being so quick to shower them with affection. Yo, I need to know who you are & what youre about, and if we can actually tolerate each other as friends first before all the oxytocin blinds us for the worse lol
Posted by Peanutbutter
Posted by starwars
I can't close my eyes, because I'm interested in what I might see, I like to see people as who they are and I only fall for that. (DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP)

It's naturally for us to analyze people and see their good and bad side (real them) and I really don't think knowing who you're getting with clearly is something that hold us back from experiencing love-relationship fully, if anything it prevent us from falling into superficial relationships. (YIKES)

I completely agree!

But dont you ever wish you could fall passionately in love with someone without having to do all the investigative work? Just throw caution to the wind?! LOL

I've NEVER been like that because I always have a TON of questions and if I dont know then Im not at ease... Thats why I envy the fire and air signs man, they seem like FUN!!
click to expand

I fall like that and once fell for a scorpio guy. Man it was intense. I'm a leo btw. Freaking hell-i never wanna go through that crap again. Now i try to keep my eyes open but its hard for me to calculate and watch out for pitfalls in realtionships.
I've been reminded recently that I tend to fall for someone without realizing until months later... #facepalm

This is based on multiple testaments
Posted by virgowithasoul
I've been reminded recently that I tend to fall for someone without realizing until months later... #facepalm

This is based on multiple testaments

Maybe this is me too and we're both at club Denial. Lol!
Posted by SensitiveBlues
but that's the only way to fall in love....

Not when the person that was interested in you has moved on by the time you realize, as a consistent pattern.

Some girls told me, after friendzoning me, about this.

All I know, introspectively, is that I tend to mix up friendship and romantic feelings as i consistently seek both at the same time in my potential partner. Most women don't look for that in the beginning. Its a conflict of interest