This topic was created in the Virgo forum by sabs1987 on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 and has 9 replies.
Do you think it's a good thing or bad thing for a Sun in Virgo and Rising Aquarius?
Personally I think it's a weird mix.
My Rising Aquarius works a lot of times in my favor with meeting new people and being approachable. and yeah I feel and look Unique. I'm cute and different!
But Virgo Sun needs to grow some balls and not be so damn precised and picky!
And then my Moon in Sagittarius make me act like a hyper spazzed child with people close to me.
I know a virgo sun/ aqua moon and he is pretty 'odd' and 'unique'... Covered in tattoo's- looks like an absolute punk ratbag, but actually a really sweet guy.
anyway- who wants to be a carbon copy? Embrace your weirdness!
It is kind of a strange mixture because of the inconjunction between the two signs. On a technical plane they have little to nothing in common with one another, but in my own theoretical musings I've found them to be quite compatible, albeit in an unorthodox way.
Virgo, mutable earth, at home in the 6th house of health and service is all about details, creating order from chaos, and improving humanity and the world around them on a case by case basis.
Aquarius, fixed air, at home in the 11th house of society, creative vision and philanthropy is all about the big picture, bringing chaos out of order, and improving humanity and revolutionizing the world around them through the power of the collective.
Both are logic signs, known for their intelligence and keen observational skills. Both, while emotional human beings are highly capable of putting aside their own feelings for the sake of rational thought. And while they have different means of obtaining their goals, they both essentially strive for the same end game ideologies. If Virgo is Vulcan, then Aquarius would be Romulan, traditionally the same people but having different approaches to life.
When they join forces we see the blending of Virgo's grounded but flexible perseverance and Aquarius' vision and determined (and also intuitive) accessibility. This combination can see the forest and the trees at the same time, able to move fluidly or stand obstinately in the face of adversity however the situation requires. Aquarius gives Virgo social likeability, tempers the nit pickiness, and gets their heads out of the details. Virgo gives Aquarius focus and stability.
Posted by TMV
It is kind of a strange mixture because of the inconjunction between the two signs. On a technical plane they have little to nothing in common with one another, but in my own theoretical musings I've found them to be quite compatible, albeit in an unorthodox way.
Virgo, mutable earth, at home in the 6th house of health and service is all about details, creating order from chaos, and improving humanity and the world around them on a case by case basis.
Aquarius, fixed air, at home in the 11th house of society, creative vision and philanthropy is all about the big picture, bringing chaos out of order, and improving humanity and revolutionizing the world around them through the power of the collective.
Both are logic signs, known for their intelligence and keen observational skills. Both, while emotional human beings are highly capable of putting aside their own feelings for the sake of rational thought. And while they have different means of obtaining their goals, they both essentially strive for the same end game ideologies. If Virgo is Vulcan, then Aquarius would be Romulan, traditionally the same people but having different approaches to life.
When they join forces we see the blending of Virgo's grounded but flexible perseverance and Aquarius' vision and determined (and also intuitive) accessibility. This combination can see the forest and the trees at the same time, able to move fluidly or stand obstinately in the face of adversity however the situation requires. Aquarius gives Virgo social likeability, tempers the nit pickiness, and gets their heads out of the details. Virgo gives Aquarius focus and stability.

Good premise but it begs the question of the old joke:
Marilyn meets Albert Einstein at a party.
Marilyn says to Albert "If we got married think of how our kids would turn out. Your brains and my looks."
Albert Einstein looks at her puzzled and says "But my dear what if the children get my looks and your brains?"
Posted by miamivirgo

Good premise but it begs the question of the old joke:
Marilyn meets Albert Einstein at a party.
Marilyn says to Albert "If we got married think of how our kids would turn out. Your brains and my looks."
Albert Einstein looks at her puzzled and says "But my dear what if the children get my looks and your brains?"

Posted by TMV
It is kind of a strange mixture because of the inconjunction between the two signs. On a technical plane they have little to nothing in common with one another, but in my own theoretical musings I've found them to be quite compatible, albeit in an unorthodox way.
Virgo, mutable earth, at home in the 6th house of health and service is all about details, creating order from chaos, and improving humanity and the world around them on a case by case basis.
Aquarius, fixed air, at home in the 11th house of society, creative vision and philanthropy is all about the big picture, bringing chaos out of order, and improving humanity and revolutionizing the world around them through the power of the collective.
Both are logic signs, known for their intelligence and keen observational skills. Both, while emotional human beings are highly capable of putting aside their own feelings for the sake of rational thought. And while they have different means of obtaining their goals, they both essentially strive for the same end game ideologies. If Virgo is Vulcan, then Aquarius would be Romulan, traditionally the same people but having different approaches to life.
When they join forces we see the blending of Virgo's grounded but flexible perseverance and Aquarius' vision and determined (and also intuitive) accessibility. This combination can see the forest and the trees at the same time, able to move fluidly or stand obstinately in the face of adversity however the situation requires. Aquarius gives Virgo social likeability, tempers the nit pickiness, and gets their heads out of the details. Virgo gives Aquarius focus and stability.

This is an excellent astro-analysis, TMV. You really know your astrology. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us.
I have this same chart as a male. Also, virgo/libra cusp.
Has often made me wonder why I wasn't as frugal and tight as virgo is made out to be, or even in comparison to Virgo friends.
TMV, your conceptualization of sun in virgo/ aquarius ascendant dynamic is impressive. The Vulcan/Romulan metaphor gave me a laugh- how apropos of the topic!
My sun sign is virgo with moon in pisces and an ascendant sign of aquarius. It's a vivid mix, to be sure, and presents innumerable opportunities for personal growth. I'm not sure what I would do without a healthy sense of humor, though. I often find the absurdity of my day comical and enjoy a good laugh.
One of my patients had some sage advice to share with me regarding how she deals with disappointment, anger, or sadness: "sometimes you need to just take a nap and get over it." Did I mention that she's 7 yo?!?
I think this is one of the best sun/ascendant combinations. Assuming your moon is also placed favorably, it can create some very cool people. I have sun virgo/asc. aqua with cancer moon. This makes me more moody sometimes, especially if I'm stressed, but I usually can deal with anything that life throws at me, assuming I don't get lazy and refuse to deal with problems. My birthday twin from high school is aquarius asc. and she is still a good friend even after 10 years.