The Ex - By Sign

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by CLCNY30 on Thursday, October 20, 2011 and has 31 replies.
This was pretty interesting!! I'll post each sign as "the ex" down below. Agree, or disagree?
The Virgo Prospective mates:
Excellent Chance: Taurus. Capricorn.
Good Chance: Cancer. Leo. Virgo. Libra. Scorpio.
Fair Chance: Gemini. Sagittarius. Pisces.
Fat Chance: Aries. Aquarius.
The Virgo as your ex: It's very hard to win back the heart of a Virgo. Face it--you've just got too many things wrong with you (at least to the Virgo!).
An appeal to their guilt side is probably your best move. Virgos hate to feel guilty, it means they did something in error. To error to a Virgo represents an area in their life that hasn't been explored and over-explored to the point of precise shrewdness! To regain a Virgo back in your life show them how absolutely helpless you are without their expertise, intelligence, and keen wit. The Virgo is just so practical and useful to have around. You should be devastated!
Can't be devastated? Then be a dirty-dog and make them jealous. Date again and watch your ex-Virgo squirm in pain. They can't stand being less than the 'perfect -one' in your eyes. Oh, the pain, the pain those poor Virgos can cause upon themselves. They are extremely over-analytical, and hate thinking that there was something they 'missed'. How could they possibly have overlooked any detail?
Although somewhat overly compassionate and empathetic, Virgos have a way of dismissing their own emotions. They may appear cold, distant, heartless, shrewd, callous, and apathetic to you and your grief. Virgos can, indeed, feel other's pain, unless they are the cause of it! All in all, even the ex of a Virgo should take much self-pride. Afterall, if the pickiest person on Earth picked you as a mate you must be as near to perfect as humanly possible.
The Aries mates:
Excellent Chance: Sagittarius. Leo.
Good Chance: Aries. Taurus. Gemini. Aquarius. Pisces.
Fair Chance: Cancer. Libra. Capricorn.
Fat Chance: Scorpio. Virgo.
The Aries as your ex: When an Aries decides they are through with a relationship, moving mountains won't win this person back. They are adamantly and stubbornly committed to standing behind their decision. They can approach the subject of breaking up with an attitude that is cold, uncomfortably blunt, and to the point. They may come off as arrogant, egotistic, and domineering. The Aries as a dumper doesn't mince their words. It is next to impossible to win the Aries back! They will not concede and will stay in the game longer than anyone else. Trying to convince, coerce, beg, rationalize, plead, or manipulate the Aries is a waste of time. Usually the Aries has mentally abandoned the relationship long before their mate learns of it. No sense arguing with them, for the Aries will always have the last word! Their callous, "me-first" attitude can cut you to the bone. Once an Aries has made the determination to end the relationship, then to them it is over. No if's, and's, or but's. When an Aries gets determined to do something, watch out! -- Nothing will stand in their way!
Aries tend to fall in love hard and fast, and fall out of love just as hard and fast! Their turn-offs are those who tend to dwell on self-pitying habits. Don't complain about your health to this one -- they won't appreciate your aches and pains! Along those lines, keep conversation to a light minimum. Aries do not appreciate long, in-depth discussions, or philosophical rantings!
Play hard to get, as Aries people appreciate the chase almost as much (if not more) than the conquest. Be a team player.
The Capricorn mates:
Excellent Chance: Taurus. Virgo.
Good Chance: Scorpio. Sagittarius. Capricorn. Aquarius. Pisces.
Fair Chance: Aries. Cancer. Libra.
Fat Chance: Gemini. Leo.
The Capricorn as your ex: Hummph! You're going through all this emotional pain and suffering while they're apathetic and more concerned about getting that job promotion, or out relaxing on the golf course. Don't they care!? Have you noticed that -- even though you're broken up -- nothing really has changed? Isn't the breakup just like the relationship? Where your Capricorn partner was obsessively dedicated to their career, and themselves, and emotionless and reserved with you. Didn't you more feel like a business partner than a sensual playmate, anyway? So, what has changed ... ?
Still, it hurts. But maybe what hurts more is not the loss of your relationship, but more your own estimate of it. Couldn't this be an opportunity for you to grow personally, and feel the forbidden joy of dancing with fire, again? Hasn't your life been too sedate, subdued, and settled? Of course you miss your Capricorn's contagious laugh and captivating sense of humor, yet what measures did you have to go through in order to hear that laugh? Yes, you have to admire your ex's stamina, perseverance, and determination -- yet just once you wish your ex would have thrown caution to the wind and dared to dance the dance.
To win back the heart of your Capricorn, appeal to their logical, calm, reserved part. Yes, they may judge, even disapprove, of what they perceive as a lack of goals, ambition, and motivation on your part, but why should you bother -- not only do they have enough ambition and drive for both of you, but anything you do would just pale in comparison, anyway! Your Capricorn ex is always going to be top dog -- at least to them. Although, slightly domineering and even egotistical, your Capricorn ex was a devoted partner. A candy machine may appear cold and hard on the outside, but it is filled with sweet goodies on the inside. Never think your Capricorn ex doesn't miss you, too! They may 'appear' to be cold and hard, and you may take this as callousness and apathy on their part, but trust that their sweet inner core is not smiling as brightly as it was with you in their life.
(Cap. cont'd)
Chances are your Capricorn mate has thought long and hard before leaving the relationship. If the relationship was lacking in sensuality it is likely that your ex had strayed. This was not something that they had planned, but more likely something that just 'happened'. A solid, stable foundation at home, padded with tons of affection, will keep the Capricorn mate true and loyal to you. A Capricorn may look elsewhere if the relationship becomes to 'docile'. Capricorns need romance, adventure, and humor in their relationships. When content, Capricorns make responsible, committed mates.
The Gemini Prospective mates:
Excellent Chance: Libra. Aquarius.
Good Chance: Aries. Taurus. Gemini. Cancer. Leo.
Fair Chance: Virgo. Sagittarius. Pisces.
Fat Chance: Scorpio. Capricorn.
The Gemini as your ex: You may never be able to tell if the Gemini is coming or going. This makes breaking up with the Gemini all that more difficult. "Is it really over?" "Will they change their mind?" "Will they even remember breaking up with me?" Odds are that if a Gemini has broken up with you they have given long, careful thought to their decision before they ended the relationship. Geminis may appear scatter-brained and unfocused but that's just the nature of their contradictory moods, and somewhat inner conflict. Trust that they have given careful review to the issue at hand and have all angles covered. Their decision may have been based more on their inability to settle down than on you. Geminis are naturally inquisitive, and very difficult to pin-down. A loose rope and intellectual mind is needed to keep the Gemini at their best in a relationship. Objective reasoning is the only true way to capture the Gemini's attention. Listen carefully when a Gemini speaks for they don't mince their words. What they are saying is truly how they feel!
Too clever to pull anything over on them, don't even bother plotting and planning, or scheming to win back their heart. Geminis are too smart for that! A more logical approach, sprinkled with a little fun and good-natured laughs are more likely to capture their attention and hearts, than all the well laid-out plans in the world.
More than likely it was the Geminis restless nature that provoked the breakup and less any fault of yours. The Gemini mind needs to be constantly stimulated. For you this means that you should try to keep abreast of the latest news and philosophies. Geminis like variety, as being the ex of a Gemini you now realize. Their constant need for entertainment may make them seem fidgety and even bored, or unhappy in their relationships. Your Gemini mate may have even seemed flirtatious, causing you feelings of insecurity and uneasiness regarding their faithfulness and loyalty. Unfortunately, your suspicions were probably justified.
(Gem. cont'd)
One good way to gain your Gemini's attention is to request them to help you with something. Geminis love to share themselves with others and willingly offer their assistance. Make it a fun, teasing event and you may have your foot at least back in the Gemini's door. A night on the town may also be too good an offer for the fun-loving Gemini to resist. Be open, unpredictable, and eager for new experiences to keep the Gemini actively interested in just you.
The Leo Prospective mates:
Excellent Chance: Aries. Sagittarius
Good Chance: Gemini. Cancer. Leo. Libra. Virgo.
Fair Chance: Taurus. Scorpio. Aquarius.
Fat Chance: Capricorn. Pisces.
The Leo as your ex: Leos are most effective when in command of others! This means they will have the upper-hand--and keep the upper-hand -- in decisions regarding your life together. Rarely, if ever, will the Leo consider doing it your way.
Beware the Leo dumper, as most likely their intense sense of purpose makes changing their minds an impossible feat! When a Leo has decided there is something that must be accomplished, nothing will stand in their way. When approaching a Leo, you may find that your Leo ex may be extremely opinionated, displaying obstinacy, opposition, and stubbornness. Convincing the Leo that their way may not always be the right way, is a challenge for sure. The Leo doesn't just think their way is the right way--they know it! Leos are never wrong--just ask a Leo. If the Leo has set their mind to end a relationship, not too much will impede their success.
Appealing to their deep 'sense of honor' side may be your only really chance at getting thru to a Leo. Leos are very proud, dignified, and honorable people. However, they also have a very soft-spot for sad people...Leos want everyone to be happy.
Ask a Leo to create a plan to salvage the relationship. Most Leos are creative leaders who will jump at this chance to choreograph a reconciliation. Leos appreciate well-dressed, attractive people. Their tendency to be egotistical may make you feel like you gave more than you recieved. Forget to worship this Lion and they will be seeking another soon! Leos demand full attention and appreciation by their mates.
The Libra mates:
Excellent Chance: Gemini. Aquarius.
Good Chance: Leo. Virgo. Libra. Scorpio. Sagittarius.
Fair Chance: Aries. Cancer. Capricorn.
Fat Chance: Taurus. Pisces.
The Libra as your ex: Avoid arguing with the Libran, for Librans dislike all types of disagreement, preferring peace and harmony in all their relations. Although Librans try to 'fight' fair, getting them to stop procrastinating and actually get up off their arses and make an effort to do something -- may be another story.
Loyal Librans very rarely like to breakup, this causes discord in their comfortable life style s. Since Librans hate being alone, and make it their business to focus on relating well with others, odds are in favor that if a Libran broke up with you it was because you were unwilling to make a commitment. Librans are looking for the 'forever' relationship. You may not even have said anything to give away your reluctance to make a commitment. You don't need to, as Librans make it their business to know everything about everybody! They have made a study of every possible angle of you and the relationship, and they know exactly what they will and will not get out of both. No, they're not fickle..just looking for a lifelong, harmonious commitment. Be fair. Librans love fairness. No need for a winner or a loser, here!
Promise a lifetime of peace and serenity, and you may get the Libran to reconsider. Keep the Libran artistically focused or they may become apathetic and lazy!
Feel special, as Librans adore beautiful people--and intriguing people, as well! In fact, Librans are more drawn by someone's physical beauty rather than whether or not the person shares their interests or intellect. Libran's enjoy romance, so sweep them off their feet!
The Sagittarius mates:
Excellent Chance: Aries. Leo.
Good Chance: Libra. Scorpio. Sagittarius. Capricorn. Aquarius.
Fair Chance: Virgo. Pisces. Gemini.
Fat Chance: Taurus. Cancer.
Learn how to attract a Sagittarius man and have him fall in love with YOU!
The Sagittarius as your ex: Don't be tempted to stretch the truth to this one, for Sags value honesty above all else!
Chances are, if your Sagittarius mate has left you it is because they were feeling 'fenced' in. Sags love their independence and personal freedom, and they love to explore every avenue of life. They have made many friends along the way, yet there are millions more waiting to be met. Your Sag mate needs to feel free and easy!
Your Sag ex was more than likely impatient, selfish, and difficult...possibly bordering on procrastination and commitment-phobia. The Sag can be quite self-indulgent, spoiled by their charm and social adeptness. They can charm the spots off a leopard.
Their playful, flirtatious ways made you feel special and attractive. Yet, combined with their extreme need for independence, it may have also made you feel insecure and mistrustful. Voicing your concerns may have fallen on deaf ears, however, for your Sag mate will stand behind his/her convictions, defending them to the death!
The Taurus Prospective mates:
Excellent Chance: Virgo. Capricorn.
Good Chance: Aries. Taurus. Gemini. Cancer. Pisces.
Fair Chance: Leo. Scorpio. Aquarius.
Fat Chance: Libra. Sagittarius.
NOTE: The following has been taken and condensed with permission from the ebook, The Taurus Man, by Tigress Luv, the Breakup Guru. Read it right now!
The Taurus as your ex: Taureans have a great strength of character and purpose. Chances are if a Taurean has broken up with you, you really messed up somewhere! -- As Taureans are devoted, loyal, reliable, patient, and faithful -- making for generous and stable partners. Taureans do have an appreciation for home, family, and the arts. It may appear that Taureans appreciate material belongings above all else! To win a Taurean back you might want to fix an elegant dinner, served with a fine bottle of wine. An evening out involving fine arts, or a daytime hike or challenge of a mountain climb, might be all you will need to regain your Taurean's attention. Generous gifts of flowers, trinkets, books, and other thoughtful items will surely sweep the Taurean's heart away. Top the special date off by popping on a Kenny G CD while you give your Taurean a long, sensual massage, or other physical displays of your love and desire. Taureans are sensual above all else, and value physical contact, and a tender, sensual touch.
If you find yourself trying to convince the Taurean to give the relationship another try you might benefit more by approaching them with a more pragmatic attempt. Logically list the benefits such a reunion may result in. i.e., the promise of a good life, beautiful home, the arts, the comfort of having the finer things, stable relationship, and a loving family are sure to incite the Taurean. If a Taurean's sense of security is threatened they will have no qualms about seeking a more stable relationship. Loyalty and fidelity in their mates are very important to the Taurean. However, a Taurean is not above appreciating physical beauty!
But don't be discouraged! The Taurean may plod along laboriously, stubbornly set in their decision. Keep the conversation harmonious and level-headed.
The Scorpio mates:
Excellent Chance: Cancer. Pisces.
Good Chance: Virgo. Libra. Scorpio. Sagittarius. Capricorn.
Fair Chance: Taurus. Leo. Aquarius.
Fat Chance: Gemini. Aries.
The Scorpio as your ex: You're not going to pull the wool over this one's eyes! Scorpions are penetrating, perceptive, and aware -- they do not miss much. Highly attuned to the vibrations of others, and very intuitive, probing, and focused on knowledge, it is hard to get one past the all-knowing Scorpion!
You may never know how this person feels, as Scorpions tend to hide their emotions well. Add to that their unfortunate habit of taking an insignificant matter and working it into a big stink! Argh! Scorpions are highly suspicious, complex, and secretive...expect to never get an answer to your questions. Expect to see vindictiveness if you pursue the unrelenting Scorpio. It's best to give the Scorpion plenty of room, or expect a payback!
The Scorpion is dead serious in their mission, and if their mission is to leave you, then that's that! Like the Energizer battery, the Scorpion on a mission just keeps going and going and going....they are calm, watchful, determined, and relentless in their pursuit of a personal goal.
Overly blunt and direct, when the Scorpion does talk their remarks may cut you to the bone. The problem with having the Scorpion as an ex is that Scorpions see no middle. There is a beginning and an end. That is that. Period. It is over.
As they can be quite insecure, emotional manipulation and power control may have been used by your Scorpion ex. Your Scorpion ex may have also felt the need to seek condolence in another arms (f their feelings were hurt) and don't be surprised to find out that they felt just in this reasoning. However, Scorpios demand fidelity in their mates. Deceptively cool towards you on the outside, your Scorpio mate may have found it difficult to trust you on the inside. Try to keep your own personal identity, as Scorpios mistrust even more those that make too many sacrifices for them. Scorpios are spellbound by people of intrigue and mystery.
The Cancer Prospective mates:
Excellent Chance: Pisces. Scorpio.
Good Chance: Taurus. Gemini. Cancer. Leo. Virgo.
Fair Chance: Aries. Libra. Capricorn.
Fat Chance: Sagittarius. Aquarius.
The Cancer as your ex: Oh, those sensitive Cancers! You'd be wise to sugar-coat everything you say to this person, as the Cancerian is easily hurt and prone to sulking. Appeal to their nurturing side, and offer them emotional security and a serene home life--right up to the picket fence and two cats in the yard. Remember, there are three 'keys' to pleasing a Cancer...TLC, TLC, and more TLC! Hopefully you have never done the Cancerian wrong for they have good memories and can retreat into their shells at the drop of a hat. Fortunately for you, if you give the Cancerian time they will eventually come out again. That's the key to salvaging a lost relationship with your Cancer ex. Cancerians need plenty of time alone to brood...eventually the Cancer will re-emerge ready to start again.
The Cancer will take sympathy to your hurting, and admitting to them their role in the pain they have caused you couldn't hurt either. But most of all give the Cancerian time, time, and more time. Cancerians tend to be selfish and self-pitying, so be prepared to be humble and giving!
A hearty picnic in the park is the perfect place to beg for a reconciliation with your Cancer ex. Leave no tactics out. Show your undying support and love, and your strong desire to settle down, plant roots, and raise a family. Yes, dirty tactics if these are NOT your intentions, but very effective if you truly mean them. Cancerians tend to live in a dream world...and--hey--there's nothing wrong with joining them there.
Above all else, time and patience is the key as Cancerians (when hurt) tend to be distant, crabby, moody, unreachable, and unapproachable!
Cancerians like to get their own way, as you well know by now!
For some strange reason, Aqua and Pisces are missing from their site Sad sorry.
But perhaps we can get some Aqua and/or Pisces insight into how you feel you are as an ex?
This was interesting CLC...there is always a mention of how great Leos and Aries are for Sags. But I have never had luck with them. Fellow Sag guys either...I attract earth signs mostly. I do have a lot of earth and water in my chart though.
Oh yeah? Hmm...I'm on the fence when it comes to Sags. What does your chart look like?
hmmm. kewl
I agree with the Taurus description. *setting Bull ass down on thread*
Posted by CLCNY30
Oh yeah? Hmm...I'm on the fence when it comes to Sags. What does your chart look like?

Sun-Sag(scorp cusper)
Moon- Capricorn
Venus- Capricorn
Mars- Cancer
Mercury- Scorpio
Virgo Rising
I disagree with the potential love matches. NOT!!!
Lol @ He stung his self.
@Realtalk, Agreed.
Agree with my sign except the sign part.
Posted by ArticleL
Lol @ He stung his self.
@Realtalk, Agreed.
Agree with my sign except the sign part.

What is your sign L?
^ Cap.
cokekitty likes this.
Posted by CLCNY30
The Virgo as your ex: It's very hard to win back the heart of a Virgo. Face it--you've just got too many things wrong with you (at least to the Virgo!).

LOL, love this.
I am told that cancer and pieces are a great match. I tend to disagree the cancer I had was the most selfish guy on the planet. I was just too stupid and self sacrificing to leave. For a pieces leave a mate we have to completely detach emotionally to go. So in that aspect yeah I took a while to do that. But cancers are a big no no for me. Bad thing they are attractive due to they are so freaking funny. Two emotionally sensitive people like cancer and pieces is bad. You two will hurt each others feeling and not even know cause either of you are going to say anything. Both just becomes reclusive and that festers and feeds on you. Not a good match in my opinion but I just could of had a crabby patty.
"The Virgo as your ex: It's very hard to win back the heart of a Virgo. Face it--you've just got too many things wrong with you (at least to the Virgo!)."
This must have been the case, why ..oh WHY was I so blind? Tongue
I might not be the best example of a Pisces ex.. the Aries sounds a lot like me (my Venus) as does the Taurus (my Moon).. plus, I've never been "typical" (probably due to my extreme lack of Water in my chart.. my 4 Pisces placements are it, NO Cancer or Scorp anywhere.. which may also be why Cancers and Scorps are NOT generally good matches with me.)
Pisces as an ex (or ME as an ex, actually)- I'm the one that got away. There will be no other like me in your life. That could be good OR bad. You'll miss me, and I won't talk badly of you.. so you actually might think you have a chance when you really don't.
I'm a little sentimental, and I'll think about you from time to time.. might even miss you. And if I loved you once, I will love you forever. Maybe not LOVE love, not an active sort of love, and I likely won't act on my fleeting twinges of nostalgia.. so yeah, I probably won't be reaching out to you. What's done is done, yeah? But if YOU really want me back.. better say so, no hints, no games. Cuz I'm NOT gonna assume you do.. and your actions better match your words.. don't tell me you want to try again.. then go off with some other girl, or just go cold on me. Tell me you want me back.. and PROVE it, SHOW me how it'll be different this time.
No emotional manipulation, that'll turn me to ice faster than you can say Oh Shit. And I've been to the puppet show, I've seen the strings. Just don't do it. If you tell me you'll kill yourself, I'm more likely to offer you my sharpest knife, rather than give you what you want. Crying and telling me you can't live without me, while flattering, feels oogy.. I want someone strong, someone who CAN manage without me, but doesn't WANT to. I don't respect people who go over the top with emotions.. not anger, jealousy, sadness, even love. Have a little self-control. I'm not your rescuer or your savior.. I want to be your partner.
But that's only if I LOVED you. If I did not, game over. Go bark up another tree.
But generally speaking.. you won't get me back, esp once I heal and move on.. I don't live in the past, and exes are exes for a reason. And if me moving on and getting a new man in my life suddenly drives you crazy with jealousy and makes you realize what you lost.. good on ya. But I'm more likely to stay with my new guy in SPITE of any tender feelings I still have for you.. probably out of spite. Cuz I probably told you very clearly that you'd regret losing me, and now you have. Check and mate.
... FWE? You quoted me? lol
I'm an aries and this is really not true for me in relationships "Along those lines, keep conversation to a light minimum. Aries do not appreciate long, in-depth discussions, or philosophical rantings"
This is exactly when i know I want to be with someone or enjoy spending time with them. If i give someone my time and energy to give them my view on something especially phiosophical and they can keep up and maintain a fairly long interesting conversation with me, that is definitly a turn on.
mental stimulation is important to an aries, we are intellectual and appreciate that in others.
Oh and as for not working out with a scorpio. DEFINITE AGREE! act way too much of a "victim" and overly emotional and has no way to comprehend logic whatsoever when angry. Most childish sign i have ever had to deal with.
Virgo's on the other hand i have learnt to appreciate and enjoy the company deeply. (Maybe its due to the fact i'm a virgo moon?)
Posted by ariesbabie
I'm an aries and this is really not true for me in relationships "Along those lines, keep conversation to a light minimum. Aries do not appreciate long, in-depth discussions, or philosophical rantings"
This is exactly when i know I want to be with someone or enjoy spending time with them. If i give someone my time and energy to give them my view on something especially phiosophical and they can keep up and maintain a fairly long interesting conversation with me, that is definitly a turn on.
mental stimulation is important to an aries, we are intellectual and appreciate that in others.

Umm, yeah. The problem with this "list" is that it goes into areas that are better indicated by other planetary placements BESIDES merely Sun Sign. Moon is your emotions, how you feel. Venus is love and relationship style . Mercury is communication. Mars is your doing, your action and drive.
Cuz what you wrote is true for me too - I'm NOT like that about deep conversations either (though most of the rest of the Aries description fits my Aries Venus)... but then again.. you and I are both Pisces Mercury. Mercury is our thinking, our communication... so neither you nor I shy away from depth or rambling conversations.. fits right in with our Pisces Mercs and the Piscean Ocean inside our heads.
This is why Astrology is sooo much more than horoscopes and Hey Baby What's Your Sign? There's a lot more to it, a lot of other planetary influence that modifies how a certain sign thinks, feels, reacts, does things. That's why you can't say every Pisces is the same as every other, or every Aries is just like every other Aries and does things exactly the same. Though there are usually some similarities from basic Sun Sign, it varies greatly from person to person. We are a sum total of our WHOLE natal charts (and lives/experiences), not just our Sun.