The Rules, for Women

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by hopelessdreamr on Saturday, April 29, 2006 and has 59 replies.
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brandon..dont hold back Winking
"I may as well get out my whip and chains ahead of time . . ."
*Grabs the whip and chains from Strins hands.
So, where we did stopped the last time?
*Hit's the whip on the wall
Don't mind us.
Why rules for women? We are the civilized of the two sexes. It is men who can not control themselves. So they are the ones who need rules to be instilled upon them.
Virgo101 that is so largely inaccurate
It is SO largely not. I am going off the notion that women have been living under a man's control for thousands of years, with only a few exceptions. It has made the male overbearing, pompous, rude, chauvinistic, and revert to caveman like state. It is time for a turn around. Men need strict rules that women enforce on them. Let them see how it feels.
You go girl! ***giggles*** Although I have to say that much of man's behavior in modern society is partly the of women. Too many females let guys get away with stuff that hurts them emotionally. As a result, they believe that they are invisible ...
Hey Brahn, I sent you a PM ... did you read itsmile
Women are the weaker species Virgo101
-laughs- Women the waker species branh...and yet you idiotic men still fall for our charms, well most of you. The ones who don't want to be women. This way we control you, if we are so weak then why do you let us control you?
Women physically is 10% weaker. Heard beat rate is lower. Blood cell count and other indicators are lower. Also men are more logical that women are.
Women biologically and mentally weaker than men hands down.
Women physically is 10% weaker.
Of course we are men traditonally were to designed to be the hunter and gathers. SO they would be running and throwing the spears their women made back home in the caves. smile
Why would we need to be as strong as you when we were forced to stay at home with the kids, cook the meat, and sweep the cave. Yet the logically we are smarter having to learn how to multitask while the men focused on one thing at time.
Men were doing this until agriculture was discovered. Until that women were ruling. Then everything started having a value. Women included.
Women are more emotional that men, but the sense of reality and logic is the ones that are required for living.
And when men didn't brough food to their women, their women literally died.
Because men were smarter hunters.
Therefore more logical.
Also stronger. Almost every male of every species are always stronger. This is the rule of nature, because male are agressive.
Male agressivenes made men stronger, because they were always fighting for right to mate with each other.
Women are more emotional that men, but the sense of reality and logic is the ones that are required for living.
But are we so emotional that we can't think straight. I don't think so.
Men can reason better than woman.
Not that women CAN't think and reason, but men just are better. And sometimes, when situation is critical, it is better to leave the situation to men to deal than to women.
Also stronger. Almost every male of every species are always stronger. This is the rule of nature, because male are agressive."
"Male agressivenes made men stronger, because they were always fighting for right to mate with each other."

Have you ever seen a woman mad? Or two mad women fighting against each other. It is something that no male species can rival.
Plus women have learned to control their agression because we know, from logical thinking, that nothing good comes from such an thing.
Men are agressive because of the amount of testosterone flowing in their blood. Testosterone makes muscule tonuses stronger and mentality as agressive. It's not about logic here.
Women always were selectee and men are selectors. Men always fight for their right over female. This is the rule of nature.
And sometimes, when situation is critical, it is better to leave the situation to men to deal than to women.
Some of the most successful and best rulers of the world have been women.
" Some of the most successful and best rulers of the world have been women."
Maybe. But biologically men are better suited to deal with reality than women are.
Maybe. But biologically men are better suited to deal with reality than women are.
Hahahaha, and what reality are you exactly referring to?
The best rule for a woman is to remember the man is essentially emotionally mentally similar to a small child. To see the man as an equal emotionally is a mistake.
Women are definetly more sensible and mature I agree. But this is goes only with emotional department. Women are far better suited with emotions than men and that is the reason why women are better at nurturing children than men are. But if we speak about men and their "toys" then this is the proof of why men are more logical. Men like to play with such toys because it sparks their logical brains. How stuffs work etc.
Men are emotionally similair to a child, but logically not.
Men like to play with such toys because it sparks their logical brains. How stuffs work etc.
Women cook. It is just like chemistry. A logical subject.
It does not take logic to play with a barbie haffo.
Cooking does not require alot of spatial skills. Once you have mastered a way to cook, you do it in the same way again and again. You do not plan and draw new techniques for new food.
"You do not plan and draw new techniques for new food."
Especially in your mind.
Men are organisation, categorisation whores.
virgo101 "women have learned to control their agression because we know, from logical thinking, that nothing good comes from such an thing."
Exactly! smile Women who are DEVELOPED understands that nothing good can come from senseless violence. An UNDERDEVELOPED woman can be no better than a man when it comes to mixing emotions with reasoning -- dealing with reality is just not what they are good at -- this is very true. PLEASE NO FLAMES,I NOT BASHING ANYONE this is just what I've observed and you have to rememeber ... I'm young so maybe I'm wrong ...
you do it in the same way again and again.
Just like your barbies. Winking
Men are organisation, categorisation whores.
Just cut out organisation and categoisation and you will have it just right.
Chemistry is not a pro of spatial skills. Engineering is.
"Cooking is seen by many as an art form."
Exactly. Art is a result of emotions.
But when you deal with engineering, you have to use your logic, not emotions.
" Just cut out organisation and categoisation and you will have it just right."
If we cut categorisation and organisation today, then we will kill each other until no one will left.
And the engineering feild is slowly being populated by women, just like the doctorial and law subject areas.
Haffo: "Chemistry is not a pro of spatial skills. Engineering is."
What??? I say it could be both. Just like physics can be applied to both engineering and sex LOL! I learned this in class, so I must be right Winking
they are far more lazier than male engineers and don't take any particular interest in doing anything beyond what their told to do.
You are really something you know that? Do you have a girlfriend?
Well the topic has turned into mental mastrubation. I'm off.
What????? Oh Brahn that's so not true. I use be apart of US FIRST (this was when I wanted to a design/aerospace engineer) and I would see women trying to make their points and they would be ignored by the men because they thought that they know what the hell they were talking about ... a bunch of damn Know-it-alls ...
Nice talking with you haffo.
In order to get your point across you had to be bitchy -- honesly! Some of those male engineers only understood aggression ... that's it! An intelligent, assertive woman was totally out of her league ... not unless she was higher up ... grrrr!
Why is that important Virgo101.
I was just wondering how could she deal with you that's all.
Well, I'm part of the few. My major is biology and I have a geniune interest in the environment and the people who are part of the egosystem. I hope to go into epidemiology.
women are better...end of story
"women are better...end of story"
"If you are going to be bitchy, then that gives them even more reason to ignore you."
Hear what Branh0913 says.
" If you are going to be bitchy, then that gives them even more reason to ignore you."
Branh0913. This statement was very introspective. I realised that I actually ignore alot of people just because of that...
Hear what Branh0913 says.
It is just a fountain of twisted lies.
Well, I understand that now but I was in my teens back then. I gotten into some heated arguements that I can't take back now. That's why I switched fields, the whole engineering field isn't for me -- I'm way too results-oriented. Most of the time those guys just sat around talking about a bunch of BS and nothing go accomplished and they were back to square-one ... all of it made my sick! But anyway ...
This was an interesting topic, I must go eat now and finish my errands. Talk to you all later smile

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