This Should Be Wonderful!
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Your November Horoscope by Susan Miller
Virgo Horoscope for November 2011
By Susan Miller
Your time is coming, dear Vigo. After having come through a very hard time from late 2007 to mid-2010, you are deserving of some special care from a loving universe. It's coming now, at long last. This could turn out to be a major turning point month for you, where all sorts of wonderful things finally start to happen. Things that have been pending will get settled soon, so have patience. There's a lot for me to tell you about, so let's get started!
Travel should be enchanting over the tender full moon of November 10 in the sensuous sign of Taurus, for it will light your house of adventure, travel, and learning. This full moon will make no definitive aspects to other planets (which is unusual), but it will send you lots of good wishes and happy experiences nonetheless, for you are an earth sign too, perfectly positioned to gather up its goodies.
If you have been in court, you should hear of a settlement at this time, and the results should please you. If you need a green card or visa, or hope to become a citizen of another country, all these matters will progress now, get settled, and likely make you smile now. Full moons bring closure, and because this one is so friendly to your Sun, you should be pleased with the results.
Good fortune Jupiter is in the same house as the full moon, and this is an indication that this area of your chart is a fortunate area for you now. You may be on the road this month, and if so, things should go exceedingly well. In fact, the accommodations should be quite luxurious! Jupiter will send a direct phone call to Pluto in your house of true love, the reason I feel so positive about how much you will enjoy this full moon, December 10, plus or minus four days.
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
If you do go out of town this month, it wouldn't likely be for work, but rather to have a romantic interlude, or to see family. (Family is indicated because Venus, the planet ruling your house of travel, will be orbiting through your house of family at the time.) If you have had no plans to travel now, maybe you should reconsider and plan a trip for sometime between December 25 (the day Jupiter will turn strong, direct motion) and June 12, 2012, when Jupiter will leave. (Once Jupiter leaves your ninth house of travel, he will not be back to this part of your chart for more than a decade! You are likely to find a great travel deal these days!)
If you were born on September 10, or within four days of this date, this full moon will bring you a double dip of happiness.
Virgo of any birthday should see benefits from what happens on another day, November 16, when Mars and Jupiter will bring you all kinds of happy news from ninth house activities. (Those are all the areas I have been discussing, including foreign and long-distance travel, citizenship matters, court settlements, university study, publishing / broadcasting, as some examples.) Put a big star on that date!
One day that is a standout that is coming in the first week of November is so special that I would like to stop here to highlight that day. It's November 3, when Uranus will signal your ruler, Mercury, making it a sensational day for brainstorming for ideas, or for hearing out-of-the-blue good news from an unexpected source. Venus will also receive good news from Uranus, so there are other benefits in the wind - sudden news about real estate, money, travel - and all of it is so encouraging! Do something important on November 3!
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
There is MORE headline news coming your way this month that involves Mars' impending move into Virgo on November 11. Normally, Mars stays in a sign for seven weeks, enough time for this action-oriented planet to help you score many impressive accomplishments in regard to the specific house Mars visits. This time, Mars will remain in Virgo for not seven weeks but nearly eight months! What an advantage! And with Mars moving through your first house, you will get carte blanche. You won't have to confine your attention and actions to only one area of the chart, and therefore only one area of life, but instead can choose ANY area you want to improve and Mars will automatically help you. Why? When Mars is in your first house, the house of your personality, you can choose precisely what you want to do. This house covers the parts of life that are dearly important to you, so personal to you that even I cannot see them from where I sit. Only you know how you want to direct Mars' energy, and it is your privilege to do so.
When you have Mars in your sign, as you will have from November 11 to July 3, 2011, Mars will give you energy, drive, and an attractive sense of self-confidence that will draw powerful people to you who will offer their help. Best of all, Mars will give you considerable control over the direction events take, and those events will tend to go in your favor. You are being given a wonderful advantage, dear Virgo. This is as unusual as it is extraordinary. All the other eleven zodiac signs will have to stand aside and wait until it's their turn to have Mars to themselves, but remember, they won't get eight months of Mars, only seven weeks of his time.
In love, Mars will make you magnetic and sexy too, and romantically, from now on, you may have to get used to being fussed over. Virgo is a modest sign, not usually given to enjoying this level of attention. Get used to it! It is time to stretch out your arms and grab the world with both your hands! You've had it so hard for so long, that it's about time the universe made a big correction in your favor!
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
There is another twist to all this that makes things even more favorable for you. Mars will tour early degrees of Virgo from now until April. Remarkably, Jupiter and Pluto will also be in early degrees of their earth signs, so together they can, and will, form a supremely benefic golden triangle of harmony, the best configuration anyone could ever hope to experience. Jupiter, planet of luck and happiness, is, as mentioned, now in your ninth house (the area I have been talking about so much, including travel, study, the courts, publishing, broadcasting, and citizenship matters), while Pluto the planet of transformation, is based in your fifth house of true love, romance, creativity, and pregnancy / children. Completing the triangle will be Mars, the action-planet that can make things happen NOW, in your first house of personal desires. Foreign people and overseas connections have to be excellent for you now, and so would any project involving publishing, broadcasting, or digital media. Your creativity will be on fire, and in love you'll be irresistible to your present partner or a new one. You see why this will be such an amazing period for you?
In love, there is MORE reason to be optimistic! Neptune, the ruler of your seventh house of marriage and commitment of all kinds, will move to direct speed on November 9, offering still another cheerful sign that you may be making a big decision involving the future of your closest relationship, whether that alliance is love or business-oriented. If you have hesitated about what you want to do next, suddenly, after November 9, you will know your own mind. Two days earlier, November 7, Mars in Leo will oppose Neptune in Aquarius, bringing important information up to the surface and providing clarity where previously there may have been mostly confusion. If you need to leave, you will know it, but if you are in love and want to be together forever, you will know that, too.
Mercury, your ruling planet is about to go retrograde on November 24 until December 13, and so you need to expect some delays. Mercury is the planet of communication and transportation, shipping and commerce / negotiation, so miscommunications may cause problems. Do not sign any papers until after December 13.
Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Everyone will be in the same boat, so just plan to go with the flow. This retrograde will affect you more than it might your friends of other signs because Mercury is your ruling planet. Also, this time Mercury will retrograde in Virgo, so you will notice the delays. Keep in mind that delays will benefit you, so don't try to outrun or outwit Mercury - just deal with postponements, re-dos, and backtracking as best you can. Actually, as you read this at the start of the month, you may be already experiencing delays. There is an upside to Mercury retrograde in that Mercury will put you in touch with people from your past, and you may want to reconnect and do something new together. You may also find treasures from the past - old valuable things that you assumed were lost forever sometimes show up under these phases.
If you are single and are not dating, you will enjoy having Venus in Capricorn, a fellow earth sign, from November 26 to December 19 - perfect timing for the holidays. If you can wait until mid-December to buy new clothes or to make an important change to your appearance, your timing would be ideal. Of course, you can buy small things to wear, just don't spend on a big designer outfit that costs four figures! Male or female, I would prefer you wait until Mercury is finished being retrograde on December 13 before you radically change your hair. By then you will still have six perfect days in which to improve your appearance, and with Venus staunchly guarding you, you should love the results.
If you can't wait, get busy in early November, and stay as far away from the retrograde as possible. If you were going to have plastic surgery, however, that is serious and irreversible, so I would urge you to put off having that elective procedure until sometime in the first two weeks of January. (I like January 4 and 5, and third runner up, January 6).
The big moment of the month will occur on the solar eclipse that will energize your fourth house of home and family. It will come as a new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius, 3 degrees, on November 25. This is a friendly eclipse, so the changes are likely to be ones you had dreamed about and find exciting. Eclipses often mark major benchmark events in our lives, and this one would be no exception. You might move or soon begin a big renovation project.
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
There's more...LOTS more, lol if you're interested
I'm too damn excited @ "If you were born on September 10, or within four days of this date, this full moon will bring you a double dip of happiness."
W00t w00t!!! September 10th ftmfw! 
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Isn't it about time, Punky?? Jesus, FINALLY we get to strut our stuff on the catwalk, lol!
And, the funny thing? Something that put me in a powerful position, sexually, with someone else happened on the 10th.
I OWN you now, mtherfcker.
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Mar 16, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1160 · Topics: 18
Yay for us!! 
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Right? Jesus, finally!
But you know what? It seems to be a good time for all signs, just that Earth signs seem to reap more of the benefits.
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Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Hope this is true! Seems Virgos always get the short end of the stick, so maybe this will be our time to shine! If not I'm giving up lol
What if your merc is retrograde in your chart...does that mean the opposite happens when merc goes into its retrograde period?
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Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Posted by PunkyBruiser
And what's up w/ Mars being in our sign for an extended 8 months? This should be interesting for us 
That's what I'm saying...weird, right?!Signed Up:
Jun 20, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 2709 · Topics: 7
Promises, promises, promises.
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Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
Yeah...We'll see.
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Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66
Well dammit...when is it going to kick in? 
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Mar 16, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1160 · Topics: 18
I don't know but in the past when Susan Miller decided to take away all my money and screw around with my relationship I didn't have to wait for anything to kick in lol
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Posted by RealTalk
Well dammit...when is it going to kick in? 
sheeeeit, I'M wondering as WELL O_O!
If you read Decemebers forecast, it states that it may start to kick in the following month give or take a few days. Supposedly.
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
I'm about to kick something alright...
I'm tired of this rut. I'm working too hard to feel this way.
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Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Nope :/ Still dealing with Mr. cancer if that even counts lol
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Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Posted by VirgoDeVille
Well... Yeah! Who knows, he may surprie you by the end of this month
I highly doubt that lol.Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Posted by MoonMan
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Nope :/ Still dealing with Mr. cancer if that even counts lol
Awe LostinmyMind...that dosen't sound too promising.
Is he frustrating/annoying you in some way?
I hope you're getting enough rest/sleep
click to expand
I know right
Yes he always frustrates me lol I don't understand him (I do but I don't)Just always confused lol
That's all it seems like I'm doing, trying to catch up on sleep :/Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2011Comments: 21030 · Posts: 11560 · Topics: 83
Thanks guys...I don't want to take away from the thread..but I appreciate it 
@MoonMan...I'm gonna pm you in a bit Signed Up:
Feb 15, 2011Comments: 24 · Posts: 5059 · Topics: 66's starting to kick in. Yay!!!!
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Posted by RealTalk's starting to kick in. Yay!!!!
I'm noticing it a little too. The real test will be this company Christmas party on much riding on this party, and it has the potential to change things for me...romantically speaking, lol.Signed Up:
May 26, 2011Comments: 73 · Posts: 247 · Topics: 1
Pfft....I'm still waiting. LOL