This Virgo Hates Air Signs

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by sikkario on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 and has 50 replies.
I have come to a realization that I pretty much hate Air Signs.
Yes, Hate. Despite the fact my Sister and Aunt are Geminis. I believe being related to someone puts a primal blood relationship ovver the sign dynamics that soothes things over. They have both been very loyal and generous people in my life.
However, all my friendship interactions and romantic ones with Air Signs have been flighty at best, and hurtful at worst.
Without going into some huge rant on some boring miniutiae you probably don't care about, let me summarize all three Air Signs.
1) Gemini = Gemini, if you could be catched you'd be a great person to have around. However, you are vapor, you truly are twins, if I spend time with one of you the other part of you is of somewher elese perhaps plotting against me. You are an intereesting conversation, but only for the first 3 minutes, because you lack the focus to delve into the details. You like to do a cursory inspection then move on, so we Virgo and Gem have great convos but the Virgo loses interest because it changes every 3 minutes (at best, often 30 seconds) and the Gemini feels bored by the Virgo's laser liek focus on the topic. Anywyas, my problem with you is...are we friends or not? Are you fake or real? Are you using me, or working together?I never know with you Gem, even if you say it, you're never substantial in a way that makes me feel secure. I dont understand your playfulness, and your cruelty. You are imbalanced, you've hurt me when I've invested into you and gotten entirely incomprehensible results back. I am done with you Gemini, since you cannot decide and even if you do, you'll detach just as quick, I will simply keep you as an acquaintance.
2) Libra = We get along great perhaps even become the best of friends, however your inability to understand your own mistakes and correct them will ruin this relationship. I can't tolerate your 'sheeple' mentality, where you will abandon anyone at the drop of a dime for a group of people. How you will throw your friend under a moving bus, just to get on board. I can't stand how you expect to be forgiven when you commuit immortal damages and disrespect. Us Earth signs remember, it doesnt go away. Libra I wanted to be your friend, but after knowing you, rarely can I trust you, and the relationshup grows in reverse. The longer I know you, the more I realize you are untrustworthy. You are warm and the most substantial, but it's not enough. On top of it all, you are fucking shallo
I'm fairly certain 90% of Virgo Murders come from failed Libra relationships that the Libra keeps trying to mend. On top of everything Libra, as I said before, you make little annoying classist judgemental commuen tary based off incohernent shallow stuff, and it seems to have no bounds at times. At leas tthe Virgo judges men by substantial measures, like intengrity or industriousness, you would diss someone becuase you don't like their purse or becuase they don't wear prada.
3) Aquarius = You're kind, and humanitarian. Then we get to know you, and realize you are a raging drunk, touch and go control freak, lazy ass, unattainable friend. You focus all your efforts usually on nebulous pseudo intellectual bullshit. You don't engage in nobel industry hardly ever, and are so arrogant and aloof you would make the President wait on you if you felt like doing some random stuff. Your ideas are usually impractical and stupid, and derive from the fact that you are too lazy to dig in, so you'd just prefer to find some 'angle' on everyhting. Fact is, there really never is an angle, and that's why so often your sign is the 'minmum wage genius' working at gas stations and callcenters across the country. Aquarius, the one thing I can't stand about you tho, is your lack of fakking balls. If you would just be able to confront whatever offended you or ails you, perhaps the Virgo could maintain a relationship with you, but instead, you do a dissapearing act anything anything doesn't go your ay, completely throwing away all the basis of friendhship and dedication the Virgo had invested in you. Friends one day, never to be heard from again the next, often for no explicable least with us Virgos you've done something quite bad for this to happen. Aquarius, Fukk you, you are the worst Air Sign.
**fakk you /not/ i love you btw
I totally feel you Sikkario.
Most people know of my disdain for Libras.
Geminis are plain weird.
Not much experience with Aquas.
I can deal with Aquas a bit better than the other two.
Funny enough,
My mother and one of my best friends are aquas.
My soul mate/best friend is a Libra.
I have a fair amount of Geminis in my life.
Somehow I manage to deal with all of them without losing my hair. JK, I love them all dearly.
I can't say I loathe Libras, really, but I am just really wary of them...they're very prone to gossip and backstabbing, in my dealings with them...
Geminis I don't have too much experience with. The ones I've met where freakin' hilarious though, lmfao. They did seem a little...trying to word this properly, lol...unpredictable. Yeah...unpredictable. Their actions were's like sitting in a library and suddenly someone jumps onto one of the tables and yells, "I FEEL LIKE CHICKEN TONIGHT!" Yeah...that person is a Gem, in my mind, lol. I do want to learn more about the sign though.
Aquas are harmless, to me. Very dreamy, always a soft and pleasant smile on their faces. I like 'em...
Libras---not much experience with them
Gems-I have one gem friend and we get a long but she very unstable and that gets on my nerves but we've been friends since middle I deal with it
Aquas-My mom is one and she gets on my nerves....bad!!! If we didn't look so much a like I would swear I wasn't related.
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Aquas-My mom is one and she gets on my nerves....bad!!! If we didn't look so much a like I would swear I wasn't related.

Posted by 25thDecan
I could give examples of people-relatives and otherwise to the contrary. If you "polarize" yourself from people based on such interactions, you'll become a cynic to all but a few people. While I can respect anyone's choice to do that, it WOULD leave you to be completely decieved by those you "feel" you are connected to via your "un-hate" of them. LOL!
Let bad people hang themselves without you expecting them to be bad I say.

That's said- I DO hate scorpio women..lmao...too funny

As I've learned in psychology, if you "hate" someone, you're only going to search for the bad qualities in them before anything else, even if you aren't consciously aware that you are doing it. Also if you treat someone in such a way, they are more likely to commit a self-fulfilling prophecy which just justifies why you hate them lol. Either way, it's a lose-lose.
Posted by SunGem20
Here we go again with this shit......P-Angel should be joining the hate parade any minute nowSad I hate no

awww...try not to take it too personal.
When I go to the other boards and read the negative/unflattering things said about Virgos, it doesn't bother me in the least. Let it roll right off your back.
The ignorance of some people. If all I went by was someones sign, Id dislike everyone but my own.
You're also the one sign that for some reason, unbeknownst to me, just can't keep away from the Virgo board Winking
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
You're also the one sign that for some reason, unbeknownst to me, just can't keep away from the Virgo board Winking

Are you referring to me? If so, its probably because my Venus is in Virgo. LOL! *shrugs* And I keep saying that Virgos and Libras arent that different in many ways.
Nope, wasnt referring to you smile
I said sign
But Im being facetious for the most part, dont really wish to get involved in pointless rants/discussions.
1) I shop at thrift stores and Wally World. Nothing of what I wear has a designers name on it. What someone chooses to wear and how much they spend is their business. I not too long ago received a Coach bag/purse and couldnt see the hype about them except for the fact that theyre well made. You know how many bottles of Boones Farm or Moscato I could buy with the $ $ $ spent on those purses?
2) The one thing I dont do is run my mouth if someone tells me something in private. I wouldnt betray someones trust like that UNLESS I know someone else may get hurt. In that case, you damn right Im gonna put them on blast.
3)I have a lot of associates but only a handful of real friends and those are the ones I cling to and vice versa cause they know I have their back and I know they have mine.
So all this distain that most folks have for Libras is probably because that Libra hasnt matured - AT ALL!! I have seen both sides of Virgos and as I wrote here before. One is a sweety pie and the other one is a straight a**hole.
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
I said sign

Which is why I asked if you were referring to me because Im a Libra on a Virgo board. :-)
Again, I wasnt referring to you when I said that MsLovelyLibra smile
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
But Im being facetious for the most part, dont really wish to get involved in pointless rants/discussions.

I find it interesting that so many people have a dislike for Libras as though my sign is the ONLY thing that tells a person who we are as a person. But carry on (original poster). I need to go look at myself in the mirror for a few
Posted by MsLovelyLibra
One is a sweety pie and the other one is a straight a**hole.

Yeah we can be some bratty asshats if we don't get our shit together. Tongue
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
Again, I wasnt referring to you when I said that MsLovelyLibra smile

Boom, hush it!! werent talking to me. End of discussion.*smooches*
I know
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
I know

Whaaat??I dont get a hug or a kiss back? How rude!!
Posted by MsLovelyLibra
1) I shop at thrift stores and Wally World. Nothing of what I wear has a designers name on it. What someone chooses to wear and how much they spend is their business. I not too long ago received a Coach bag/purse and couldnt see the hype about them except for the fact that theyre well made. You know how many bottles of Boones Farm or Moscato I could buy with the $ $ $ spent on those purses?
2) The one thing I dont do is run my mouth if someone tells me something in private. I wouldnt betray someones trust like that UNLESS I know someone else may get hurt. In that case, you damn right Im gonna put them on blast.
3)I have a lot of associates but only a handful of real friends and those are the ones I cling to and vice versa cause they know I have their back and I know they have mine.
So all this distain that most folks have for Libras is probably because that Libra hasnt matured - AT ALL!! I have seen both sides of Virgos and as I wrote here before. One is a sweety pie and the other one is a straight a**hole.

Oh my!
Why did you feel the need to write all of this? Who cares if the OP hates Libras? Why are you taking this so personally?
NO kiss or hug, but love smile I dont like it shallow smile
Posted by VirgoVixxxen
Posted by MsLovelyLibra
1) I shop at thrift stores and Wally World. Nothing of what I wear has a designers name on it. What someone chooses to wear and how much they spend is their business. I not too long ago received a Coach bag/purse and couldnt see the hype about them except for the fact that theyre well made. You know how many bottles of Boones Farm or Moscato I could buy with the $ $ $ spent on those purses?
2) The one thing I dont do is run my mouth if someone tells me something in private. I wouldnt betray someones trust like that UNLESS I know someone else may get hurt. In that case, you damn right Im gonna put them on blast.
3)I have a lot of associates but only a handful of real friends and those are the ones I cling to and vice versa cause they know I have their back and I know they have mine.
So all this distain that most folks have for Libras is probably because that Libra hasnt matured - AT ALL!! I have seen both sides of Virgos and as I wrote here before. One is a sweety pie and the other one is a straight a**hole.

Oh my!
Why did you feel the need to write all of this? Who cares if the OP hates Libras? Why are you taking this so personally?
click to expand

I see and hear this often about Libras, which is why I wrote what I did. I wasnt taking it personal but if one chooses to see it that way. Then ok!!
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
NO kiss or hug, but love smile I dont like it shallow smile

Dont make me come over there. No shallowness here...It was a cyber hug and kiss on the cheek. Probably need to stop doing that before I end up with cyber cooties or something. Yall have a wonderful day/evening.
Take care you Lovely Libra smile
I love Virgoes...just because all of this hate on air signs can EASILY be described of any Virgo I've met.
It's like looking in a old mirror ha??? I love ya'll though, comeon virgie baby, let's make some dust together...
I actually throughly enjoyed reading this btw....fave post of the week!!
wow that was fun! ... NOw do the Fire Signs!!! xD
I feel exactly the same about Geminis. They give me a feeling of insecurity. Like the rug will be dragged under your feet every 5 secs. And they'll change tack wherever the wind blows to their favor.
Now regarding Libras, can't speak for all, but perhaps it's an appearance vs. reality thing. People tend to look at Libra through shallow lenses. Not that most of us mind, though. They just come across irresponsible and lackadaisical, but as fast as the wind is gone and you think Libra has left you in the lurch, they come back and do exactly what they're supposed to. It depends on how much they feel responsible for the task.
I am okay with the air signs but I just wanted to come to the Virgo board b/c I have missed all of you!!! I haven't been on DXP hardly at all lately and had to come get my fix!
How have all of you lovely lady and gent Virgos been? I hope all is well and wonderful in your worlds as this Pisces wants to give you hugs and kisses with the hopes there are no 'cyber cooties'
Big Grin
Posted by Strider
I made a similar thread on the Leo board . I too dislike Air signs ! They have no real intelligence and are mostly what i call "wordsmiths" . They just know how to "sell" themselves . They have a fake grin which makes me want to punch them . I love earth signs though !

Do you even KNOW any Aquarius people? Most of them are too fucking intelligent.
Posted by Stpatrickspisces
I am okay with the air signs but I just wanted to come to the Virgo board b/c I have missed all of you!!! I haven't been on DXP hardly at all lately and had to come get my fix!
How have all of you lovely lady and gent Virgos been? I hope all is well and wonderful in your worlds as this Pisces wants to give you hugs and kisses with the hopes there are no 'cyber cooties'
Big Grin

I have missed you SPP! I hope that you have been doing fine
Posted by Strider
Posted by Candeh15
Posted by Strider
I made a similar thread on the Leo board . I too dislike Air signs ! They have no real intelligence and are mostly what i call "wordsmiths" . They just know how to "sell" themselves . They have a fake grin which makes me want to punch them . I love earth signs though !

Do you even KNOW any Aquarius people? Most of them are too fucking intelligent.

Like Sarah Palin ?

Btw yes i know several and they are not anything to write about . Don't get caught up in hype.
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*shrug* To each his own. I can see what you mean, but I just don't take intelligence as one thing only. Some of the smartest people I've known have been aquas, whether it was obvious or not.
Posted by Batuk
Posted by CancerMoon
Posted by Candeh15
Posted by Strider
I made a similar thread on the Leo board . I too dislike Air signs ! They have no real intelligence and are mostly what i call "wordsmiths" . They just know how to "sell" themselves . They have a fake grin which makes me want to punch them . I love earth signs though !

Do you even KNOW any Aquarius people? Most of them are too fucking intelligent.

Agreed. Aquas are probably my favourite...and yes alot of them are above average when it comes to intellect and brains.

click to expand

Agreed. I find that Virgos and Aquas are very similar in a lot of ways. Virgos possess the most common sense of any sign.
I also agree with the other post about Geminis not seeming to have much intelligence, they know just a little about a LOT of things (generally speaking of course). I find that most of their success comes from their good networking or social skills rather than hard nitty gritty work. They are quite funny and unpredictable, hung out with a couple gem friends at the bar last night. Though being a virgo you kinda feel alone or left out when you're with them.
Posted by Batuk
Posted by Jcolli40
Posted by Batuk
Posted by CancerMoon
Posted by Candeh15
Posted by Strider
I made a similar thread on the Leo board . I too dislike Air signs ! They have no real intelligence and are mostly what i call "wordsmiths" . They just know how to "sell" themselves . They have a fake grin which makes me want to punch them . I love earth signs though !

Do you even KNOW any Aquarius people? Most of them are too fucking intelligent.

Agreed. Aquas are probably my favourite...and yes alot of them are above average when it comes to intellect and brains.


Agreed. I find that Virgos and Aquas are very similar in a lot of ways. Virgos possess the most common sense of any sign.
I also agree with the other post about Geminis not seeming to have much intelligence, they know just a little about a LOT of things (generally speaking of course). I find that most of their success comes from their good networking or social skills rather than hard nitty gritty work. They are quite funny and unpredictable, hung out with a couple gem friends at the bar last night. Though being a virgo you kinda feel alone or left out when you're with them.

OMG, that`s how I exactly felt when I once had a Gemini friend. They seem they`re not best friends with anybody.
I`m never had a Libra friend, so I`m not really sure about them. But I don`t think they are that style and beauty-obsessed
because the Libras I know look like they don`t put much attention on their outer-look\clothes.

click to expand

They really aren't as much. My best friend of over 5 years is a libra. She has her own eccentric style .
Libras are really simple dressers. Just like the Opal - Libra's beauty is in the inside, not like Aries - the diamond - they love to flaunt their dressing.
I have never met an outlandish or make-up obsessed Libra. Aries on the other hand.. their fragile egos have them dressed like femme fatales - just to prove to themselves theyre attractive.
Another thread started to honor what is hated?

hate is a powerful word ... Virgos throw it around often
I think Air are more concerned with the right thing to do.
All the others just cry usually, in their own imitable ways. smile
Posted by CancerMoon
Posted by P-Angel
Another thread started to honor what is hated?

hate is a powerful word ... Virgos throw it around often

click to expand

I disagree.
My daughter and mother are Air. Was raised by and did raise, I couldn't possibly. Perhaps a closer estimation OP is that you do not understand Air.
"Us Earth signs remember, it doesnt go away"
Depends what you remember really ?
Posted by venusianbull
My daughter and mother are Air. Was raised by and did raise, I couldn't possibly. Perhaps a closer estimation OP is that you do not understand Air.

That's what I did with Geminis. I used to truly dislike them because of a couple of bad eggs, but after dating one for a little and reevaluating some of the geminis in my life, I learned to understand them a little more. And after dating an aquarius for a little, I learned I shouldn't fear them all the time, even if my mother is an aquarius. And I already had a few libras in my life, so I was okay them already lol.
Posted by Candeh15
Posted by venusianbull
My daughter and mother are Air. Was raised by and did raise, I couldn't possibly. Perhaps a closer estimation OP is that you do not understand Air.

That's what I did with Geminis. I used to truly dislike them because of a couple of bad eggs, but after dating one for a little and reevaluating some of the geminis in my life, I learned to understand them a little more. And after dating an aquarius for a little, I learned I shouldn't fear them all the time, even if my mother is an aquarius. And I already had a few libras in my life, so I was okay them already lol.
click to expand

I will admit from time to time I don't understand Air ( like that special proclivity to up and go *pooftersStars or wait hours for a response.. ) but it's that difference. One among many. Fascinates me. The mental ride is quite a rush. I laugh and laugh. Draw breath and laugh harder yet when I'm in Air company. That's pretty groovy. I try to keep in mind that they probably don't get my rapid fire tendency to come to a gripping conclusion over my socks, or why I'm so damned irritatingly stubborn. But that's what it's about, their foil to my at times *stick in the mud* mentality. To blast it loose, grab my hand and say "Let's GO HEIFER!" I don't know how many times I've said this along countless threads on dxp, but one of my best friends from girlhood to now is a Gemini. She rocks. Her hubby of over 15 years now is Aquarius. Wonderful humans. smile
i agree with the original poster, air signs are really getting on my nerves - mainly their irresponsibility, lack of duty. because they are air element, there is nothing solid, they dont want to be weighed down like we virgo enjoy having something reassuring. air elements also have a loose tongue and dont think before speaking. no matter how much i try, even other contributors to offset the air element, i just find air element really annoying and disappointing