Virgo needs SPACE but is RUDE!

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by piscesdreamer on Sunday, August 27, 2006 and has 30 replies.
I get that Virgos need space 'to analyze' their feelings about a relationship, or potential relationship, but ignoring the others efforts to contact you is rude. Doesn't it bother you guys that you are pissing us off? and when you realize you have, is that why you seem to be waiting for us to contact you again further down the line? Cowardly... I have laid off my guy for months and when we bumped into each other he was up for getting reaquainted, but said he thought i was angry at him, that's why he didn't call me. Sounded like an excuse to me.
I am patient, but there comes a point where I think 'hang on a minute, I have a right to be upset here, you are ignoring me and I have been intimate with you!"
I have decided to try and forget this Virgo, but it is hard...I think deep down I know he is my soulmate. I got the flash of recognition in the beginning, the weird parallels and coincidences, but he seems so flakey. He rarely calls. That's my answer; he's not interested... but how can I feel like I have met my soulmate when he isn't seeing it? How can i be imaging a soul connection?
it is doing my nut in. quite frankly.
You Virgos! you gotta give a little...
I give alot. I am not rude, and I do not want to be around someone I usually give some time frame, unless I am not into them. Then I simply tell them I am not intot hem, and split.
I have a high distaste for rudeness.
I have learnt that virgos need their time to process things and figure out wat they really want. Im in the same situation wit this guy virgo that kinda takes hes time in ansewring any of my emails and stuff.. but he always seems to come back.. i belive that they take time in getting their priorities right first.
Yeah same here..My one always responds to a text, even if it is late..The other day he sent a text which said, he'll speak to me tomorrow despite me knowing perfectly well he won't because he's going away with the lads. I will raise that with him. I appreciate no text at all, rather than one that clearly lies..Honesty is a BIG thing to me. Don't care how much the truth hurts..its the truth..
Wow, I'm starting to wonder if all of us are seeing the same guy.... After weeks of not talking to my Virgo guy and AGAIN I break down and write, like nothing he writes back and asks if I can get on yahoo i.m. We chat and he tells me when I ask whats really going on, he tells me he just need some time. One of his close relatives is sick and he's currently not working, he ignored a few of my calls earlier in the week and I was furious. To me, someone saying I'm busy or just not up to talking is better then completely ignoring them. I'd even rather he call and say "I'm not interested!", "dont call me any more", "I dont want to be bothered!" but he wont, he'll just act like nothings wrong when I finally do write or call.. But when he does respond he writes like he was waiting, almost happy that I did write first.. WEIRD....Deep down I think he's seeing someone else, but my female Virgo said her intitution tells her, he's just overwhelmed with not working, bills and his relative being very sick. I keep saying I'm going to leave him alone but just when I do, I think of the our times and laughs and get sucked back in..
"Wow, I'm starting to wonder if all of us are seeing the same guy"
the thought occured couple times in my head as well, but what i am seem to be getting from the responses from the Vguys here is that they need their time to analyze the situtation they are in and for themselves. so i'd say give them some time but give a deadline as well, and if the relationship hasn't been improving or his responses hasn't improved, then you should look into other prospects. But do keep in mind if you really do like your Virguys you have to give them time and lots of it.
Hope this helps =0)
Thanks Bear, thats so encouraging. Low and behold I got two calls last night after I wrote my last post and one day today wanting to know if I was home, he as in my area. I'm thinking where is all this coming from?? I think it might be because even though we werent speaking and he was ignoring me last week I still sent him a birthday card, when i wrote to see if he received it, he finally called. Do you think that kind of soften him up. The thought that I cared enjoy to send a card even though we technically weren't speaking??? I dont know whether to meet him half way or wait and see if he keeps coming towards me. It seems every time we have an issue, he'll stop calling or communicating, a week or a few days will go by, I'll break down and write then he'll start back calling, like he's waiting on me.. I was wondering if he was too insecure to make the first move back in my direction and thats why he always comes back only after I have initiated contact. I'd think by now he should know I like him.. Or is it just ego/pride that he doesnt want to look like a punk for coming back first??
It's a Virgo thang ladies. Are you in NYC? You all have described a guy I know.
>Doesn't it bother you guys that you are pissing us off?
Wadda ya mean me??? I wrote you every day... long letters. I gave you my all, I was totally open to you, totally vunerable. And when I finally got my landline connected again, you sounded as excited as I was... then I called you daily... for a week and you never returned any of my calls... then when I got hurt and reacted badly, you acted like nothing was wrong and wondered why I was so upset. Why... we're just casual friends you said... Casual HAH! BAH.... don't tell me about being ignored... about refusing to keep in touch... about being distant and cowardly...
>You Virgos! you gotta give a little...
Sarcastic laugh..... you break me up... NOT. YOU CAPPYS! YOU GOTTA GIVE A LITTLE!
Ok... I'll quit fooling around now... I'll be real. I guess it doesn't matter what sign you are for some things... certain people behave in certain ways reguardless of the tendencies of their signs... it's just shit we gotta deal with.
Catfish, I live in Georgia.. Guess some things are Virgo things....
not in NYC -> virgo men!!!
like i said before give hime some time and yes the fact that you showed you cared makes a big difference. so hang in there for a bit but give yourself a deadline and if things aren't improving and you don't have patience then move on. If you do care alot about him do show it. smile
I like the advice you give but I do have to say the Virgo guy I know must be a one off. Even though I've shown him I like him and I'll be there for him no matter what (I'm not sure now though) he seems to like to ignore me. I've sent him text messages and attempted to call him but for some reason he won't call me back. I haven't heard from him in over a month now and have literally given up on the whole thing. The last time he called me he told me there were a lot of things that were wrong/sick with him. Then he's like disappeared. When I've attempted to take contact he refuses to answer me. I haven't done anything to him and find it highly disrespectful to ignore me. Therefore over a week ago I did a sign off regarding him. I told him via text message (since he doesn't answer) I found it rude he was ignoring me, that I don't understand what has happened, I wished him a happy birthday (even though it isn't until September), and I also wrote he'd never hear from me again as I can't take the uncertainty anymore. Do you know what? He never responded to me at all. It's like he doesn't take what I said seriously at all and chooses to ignore me again. Well, at least I was able to say my peace even though it was through text. However, I'd love to wish him a happy birthday but I can't since I wrote I'd never take contact with him again and if I do, I'll be going back on my word. You can see, I was mad when I wrote the text messages and I have to stand my ground. I just have to leave everything the way it is. I just hope this Virgo guy is not the norm.
Thank you very much. I have been on a roller coaster ride with this Virgo guy. I've been willing to show him he can trust me and that I'm not going to hurt him like other girls in the past have. I've told him he can talk to me about anything which he told he knew. The last time I spoke to him, when he told me there are a lot of things that are sick about him, I asked him would I be hearing from him again and his response was: "Maybe, when I'm better". I was like what? I didn't understand that at all. I really don't know if he was ceasing contact with me with that comment or if he's stringing me along for me to be waiting for him. I've tried to talk to him during the past month but I get nowhere. I'm not a person who will stay waiting for some guy to make up his mind. I just don't get when a guy sees a good thing why does he disappear on her. If I understood this, it would make things make easier. We didn't argue either but somehow he ignores me for no reason. It's like he thinks everything has to be on his terms. He probably doesn't think I mean it when I wrote I won't be taking contact with him ever again and could be testing me. Or he really will never take contact with me ever again. If he did, I really don't know what I'd do and if I'd even want to talk to him either. He knows I'm mad because I've told him previously that I don't like being ignored. What does he do? He ignores me and I don't even know why. I asked him the last time we spoke if I'd done anything to him (I knew I hadn't but I wanted to hear it from him) and he said absolutely not. Then he does the disappearing act now on me. It's just as well though. He knows I'm a good catch as I've done everthing I could to show him. Obviously, I made the mistake with trying to show him anything which is what hurts now. I'm getting over it but I've been very sad because of his actions. I try not to think of him but he pops up in my head at different times of the day. It's, thankfully, getting less now. However, when his birthday comes in September, that day is going to be a bit hard because I can't speak to him. I've been looking forward to for months to able to wish him happy birthday as it's a big day this year. I can't even do that because he's being so stubborn now. I wish there was a way I could wish him happy birthday without losing my ground with stating that I'd never take contact with him again.
Well, you have been very, very lucky regarding your Virgo.
I second that. I preferably go for Geminis and Aquarians. I've never really dealt with a Virgo before this Virgo came around. There was a Virgo I knew about 10 years ago but I found him a bit too much for me. Besides, I didn't really know him and I couldn't understand why he was so persistent with me. Anyway, after what has happened with the present Virgo guy, I think I might be a bit more cautious if I meet another Virgo. However, I still think Virgos are great though.
in this case (just my opinion) i think for whatever reason, which has probably nothing to do with you, he isn't contacting you. Maybe he has issues himself and as a virgo would sort it out himself. I would just leave him alone, and preferably move on. i know you want to wish him well on his b-day and if u want to do it so badly, send him a wish and end it there. don't say u wont' contact him again or anything, just wish him and see it as the ending.
Everyone needs some space?its not a virgo thing?don?t you think so..??
"Besides, I didn't really know him and I couldn't understand why he was so persistent with me."
When Virgo gets in love? and his/her love scares you?typical?
Thanks for your comments. He has said he does have issues with himself but I never ever thought he'd push me away. It doesn't make sense to me to push someone away when you are in pain. Maybe it has to do with pride. I have moved on but it's very frustrating not knowing what happened. Having regular contact and no nothing. It's like he's poofed. I do have to let it go though and I am.
You don?t need Virgology?. What you need is anthropology ? human to human affair.. don?t blame your failure on Virgos ..
People may love each others? people may don?t? Blame it on star signs are futile
Yeah, that Virgo from over 10 years ago really scared me with his emotions. They were so deep and I got cold feet. He would call me 5 times a day and go after me at school. It took a long while for him to give up.
Yeah? its scary.. but nevertheless.. it is true love.. and you had your chance to grab it for a life time..
Sometimes.. being in love is scary?Virgo or not?
Listen up Mystical..
I had my love lady and I think I blew it? nevertheless I don?t blame on her star sign or personalities or something like this..
Things happen? and it is great to have different opinion and stand points..
Sometimes things are unfavourable and that?s it?. We are not here to judge anyone or anything? our lives is all about experiences and that?s it..
I've to admit it..
You are the first one that don?t judge? you are loveable..
No, I'm not judgemental. I always take the person as they are because when I like a person, it's because they were themselves. I'm not the type of person that allows just anyone in my life and they also have to peek my interest. Unfortunately, this Virgo got my interest and has now like disappeared. It's very frustrating but apart of life. I wonder though looking back since I wasn't judgemental with this Virgo if he lost all interest. Maybe if I was a bit of biatch to him, he wouldn't have played mind games with me. I don't deserve that at all. I've never played mind games with him at all so I don't understand why he'd want to do such a mean thing to me. I don't like it when games are played. He has said himself he has issues to deal with but still that is no excuse to ignore someone who wants to be there for them. However, I see, he must have lost all respect for me because if he respected me as a person he wouldn't ignore me and play mind games with me. I've tried to be the type of person he's never encountered before which would be a positive thing. Instead, he does a complete 180 and acts like I don't even exist anymore. Well, I'll have to do what he does and ignore him also. Unfortunately, I don't think he'll care though since he's being disrespectful. Anwyway, it's a lesson well learned and a bitter pill to swallow I have to say.
Believe me.. your problem is not a Virgo thing.. you were unfortunate enough to experience this with "Virgo" ..
Wish you luck next time ?
Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm not saying it's a Virgo thing at all. I've never had so much trouble with guys in my life before so I don't understand what could have gone wrong. I still adore Virgos even after this unfortunate experience. I just hope if I meet another Virgo, they won't act like this one. I also have to believe that this guy is just a one off.
I feel for you. I've been through it. Happy to chat off board.
"Sometimes I think, any one as heartless as virgoes should be alone for the rest of their lives.. "
I think the same thing could be said for Cappy men. I think Virgos are slightly more forthright in the emotions department than Cap guys could ever be.