What Do You Feel You Bring To The Table?

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by CLCNY30 on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 and has 16 replies.
This can be for any sign (please do list your sign before you answer), but I'm really interested in seeing what other Virgos (both male and female) have to say about who they are in relationships.
What do you think you bring to the table? What do you think you can offer your partner--mentally, physically, emotionally, sexually, etc.?
What do you think you just can't do? I mean, we all know our limitations (or at least I hope we have some semblence of knowledge as to what we just can't get with). The signs fall into place on this topic because I'd like to contrast and compare the more romantic/nurturing posts with the harsh/curt posts.
Ok, so 69, I love that you're in a relationship where you both can bring what the other needs to the table--that's awesome! I wish for just that someday. I definitely need a partner who challenges me. There's nothing more that I love than to learn something from my partner that I might not have sought out on my own (sports, religion, etc.) When you have someone teaching you lovingly...I swear, just nothing in the world like it. I also love to have debates with my partners! That's how you REALLY test their mettle! LOL! If you can survive a debate that ends in stalemate, and still reach for each other after all is said and done, that's love smile
You know what's funny about Virgo/Leo? I think they compliment each other. Leo needs attention and Virgo loves giving it. Leo needs the spotlight, and Virgo hates the spotlight but won't mind giving support to others in it. On the other hand, Virgo needs that fiery catwalk type energy that Leo can so readily supply, and Virgo also needs to be more playful (which Leo has a degree in).
I have to force myself to receive pleasure also! I love giving it so much that sometimes I need that partner that's INSISTENT that I lay back and let him work it on out...I love it.
So far, my match has been Taurus. Any other signs I've been with just didn't match up. We either brought the same things to the table, or were just waiting to see what the other could do for us and not looking to do for each other.
And yes! We ARE a mushy sign!! That's why when people come here to bemoan Virgos, I'm like, "he/she's just that into you..."
You should SEE me with my Taurus--I had two friends meet up with us last week, and they told me they had never seen me so mushy before, and they loved it! That's my boo. You treat me right, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. I just love being near him. Hell, just looking at him makes me smile smile
Awww, Decan, I still have faith that you'll find The One. It'll be when you're not looking, either.
She'll loosen you up, and make you into another Virgo mushball like 69 and I Tongue smile
oops, typo from above: And yes! We ARE a mushy sign!! That's why when people come here to bemoan Virgos, I'm like, "he/she's just not that into you..."
I'm not entirely sure what I bring to my taurus, but I think it has a lot to do with his physical needs/comfort/self-confidence. He often tells me how much I take care of him and that I put up with his shit; so I think I bring patience and understanding. I think he has expected that I'd give up on him by now since his past relationships have ended like that, but I tell him that I do things for him because I care about him. I do things for him because I love him. I also try to keep him from getting to lazy but kicking him into gear lol; the irony is I'm pretty damn lazy too, but I keep him focused because he can be all over the place sometimes and I'm pretty straightfoward.
As for him, he really balances me out. He knows I struggle with anxiety and stress. I told him yesterday how he really calms me down. I don't think he realizes how much he takes care of me too, even if it's not in the same way. He provides me with comfort and keeps me smiling, whether he's making a joke, telling me some random historical fact, or just being himself. He's taught me to appreciate the small things.
So, I wouldn't say we're complete opposites, but we provide what the other lacks. He's so unstressed and laid-back that being around him calms me down and keeps me from succumbing to anxiety. He needs someone to keep him focused and whatnot. Overall, we make each other happy.
Ok, sooooo I've never really thought about bringing anything to the table for anybody else but myself, ya dig?
But now that I've had time to contemplate, I have no doubt that I would do well on the home front. The house would be extremely stable as far as domestic duties are concerned. I'm really family oriented and I value spending time with family above anything else so, I would also be sure that the abode is very cozy and inviting, and that we've got luxuries as I tend to be a bit of a homebody myself. Food? I can really do it up. I'm talking homemade everything from bread to fresh fruit baskets to new salad creations to cupcakes to pizza to easter baskets to candy apples, the whole shebang. My nieces and nephew get this side of me all the time.
Emotionally I can hold you down. I'm like, ya know, the bass. If you're my partner, whatever you are going through. Like Michael, I'll be there. Patiently, loyaly, willingly. Job loss, check. Infirmity, check. Bad mood, check. Just general emotional understanding, check. I don't ask for much emotionally so I can do well with an emotional creature (but he's gotta be damn special) so long as he doesn't use it to try and manipulate me, because if so, then it's game over. Being the "anchor" in a relationship comes so easy to me because I actually enjoy it, and it's usually the role that I often play anyway. I'm a Virgo. We're solid like that.

I like learning new things and having new experiences that further open my mind. Mentally I'd like to think I can bring some diversity. I'm a product of the inner city, I'm a daughter, a sister, an aunt, I grew up in the Mennonite church (yes, yes, I did!), I've traveled (and will continue) and witnessed different cultures first hand, I've done charity work, I'm a theatre buff, I've gone to school, I've had diverse jobs, I've had good times and bad. I can commiserate, empathize, sympathize...as anyone else, I've got a well of things to pull from when it comes to sharing, relating, etc., and true to the Virgo nature, I'll only get better with time. smile
Physically is where I would most likely fall short, but I can learn. smile Don't care to be touched much or to do much touching myself, and quite honestly, he'd have to be pretty clean. I don't play that shit. Good hygiene is very important. And I really do cherish my alone time so again, that chap would have to be pretty special.
Posted by CLCNY30
This can be for any sign (please do list your sign before you answer), but I'm really interested in seeing what other Virgos (both male and female) have to say about who they are in relationships.
What do you think you bring to the table? What do you think you can offer your partner--mentally, physically, emotionally, sexually, etc.?
What do you think you just can't do? I mean, we all know our limitations (or at least I hope we have some semblence of knowledge as to what we just can't get with). The signs fall into place on this topic because I'd like to contrast and compare the more romantic/nurturing posts with the harsh/curt posts.

I believe one has to have a strong foundation before you can bring anything of value to the table, because if not, it's just going to come crashing down. For myself, I'd have to say confidence & happiness first because a man just loves that, no matter how you look visually. If you're not confident & happy within yourself, a man can easily catch that vibe & he will go in for the kill. Support, I will support him in any thing he does, as long as it's not outlandish or extreme. I won't ever belittle him or kick him when he's down...just not my style , I'd get out of the relationship if it has reached to that point. I also won't nag him about every little damn thing. That's just annoying as hell & I hate it when it's done to me.
I require space as well. I can't stand someone who wants to be up my ass 50-11 times a day. Seriously? I love freedom, even in a relationship. Doesn't mean I'm going to cheat, just means I need to have a secure partner who trusts me & not question my every move.
When I love, I LOVE, and there is no putting out that flame, unless the relationship didn't work out & I just moved on. But the fire will burn for him always. Sex? hahahahahaha!!! No holes barred!!! I love everything!!! I will completely drain him of ALL of his love juice, & want more...There is nothing I won't do to satisfy him. Again!!! As long as it is not totally INSANE!!! I will fulful his fantasies...
Aww boo boo!!! :* Vvxxx, you'll see--I'm TELLIN' you! It'll take the right guy, and it's just going to come naturally. Then it'll cum naturally, ya dig? Winking
Posted by CLCNY30
oops, typo from above: And yes! We ARE a mushy sign!! That's why when people come here to bemoan Virgos, I'm like, "he/she's just not that into you..."

Hahahahahaha!!! Dead on!!! Big Grin
Posted by CLCNY30
Aww boo boo!!! :* Vvxxx, you'll see--I'm TELLIN' you! It'll take the right guy, and it's just going to come naturally. Then it'll cum naturally, ya dig? Winking

Oh I know and that's why I'm not doing any speed dating or stupid shit that a friend suggested. I'll be in the library or the museum with my fashion forward specs on the tip of my nose, quietly going about my business when all of a sudden by accident I'll drop a book from the shelf, or bend down to read the inscription on an exhibit, and as soon as I look up--BAM! MANDINGO will be right there in front of me!!!
I'm a Virgo I bring patientce and understanding to a relationship.
mentally: I bring logic and train of thought.
physically: I bring loyalty....i'm always there for you.
emotionally: I bring common sense and analysis.
sexually: I bring the touch.
My limitation: Caring about every single little thing that comes up.
Posted by wgamador2
I'm a Virgo I bring patientce and understanding to a relationship.
mentally: I bring logic and train of thought.
physically: I bring loyalty....i'm always there for you.
emotionally: I bring common sense and analysis.
sexually: I bring the touch.
My limitation: Caring about every single little thing that comes up.

Not so sure about the fried chicken, but the pumpkin pie, YES.
Well I am a serious person so I bring that seriousness to the table: not that I don't have a sense of humour or can't smile (serious is not the same as solemn!) I can "commit" to somebody very quickly (form an attachment very quickly) which is unfortunate as this is often not reciprocated and I am then hurt when the other withdraws/indicates that they are not that interested (I am talking about friendships here as well as potentially romantic/sexual situations).
As I come from an intellectually-competitive family I guess I am pretty knowledgeable/opinionated about a lot of things so I hope that I would be able to keep my partner stimulated and entertained from that point of view.
Sexually unfortunately I have not so far found a partner who has really brought out the best in me but I hope it may not be too late and that it may happen. My long-term-ex partner was not only pretty much vanilla and did not seem to take sex very seriously or to be very committed to it but seemed to like to tear me down somewhat with some mockery as well (NOT about sex - just in general) so all of that obviously did not bring out the best in me!
What I really hate and find very hard to handle is lying in relationships and those kinds of games etc: like not long after I first met her my ex said that it had been "love at first sight" when she had first met me, but later on she denied having said that or that it was true. I don't think people should say things like that unless they really mean them.