What Is Your Tolerance Level?
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
So, lots of astrology sites/books have labled Virgos as being irked by the smallest annoyances that other signs might not even notice. I have to admit, if that is a true Virgo stereotype, it's correct for me. When a foreign noise is introduced into an otherwise peaceful setting, it drives me up a wall--and I can't tune it out.
Case in point, we have a new guy who started about a month ago that I just can't...ugh!
I don't know what's wrong with his hands, but he's VERY heavy on the spacebar when he types. He's nowhere near me, yet I can hear the sporadic "CLICK...CLICK CLICK...CLICK!!!!" when he taps the spacebar. It's so loud, it pierces the air to me. The office is generally very quiet, and even I play my music at a low level--we all do, and out of the whirring of printers and the air vents in the bathroom all I hear is that incessant CLICKing, and I just want to grab his keyboard, and smash it down on his f'n hands...
Oh, I readily admit having a low tolerance level for unecessary nerve-grating things, BUT there are other things people will come up to me about--venting, (people complaining about what someone else is wearing, or the fact that someone is always calling their kids to check up on them, or the whirring of machines or clicking of an air vent...these things don't bother me at all...) and I'll look at them like "Why do you let that bother you? You really think it's that annoying??" But I do get where they're coming from, all I have to do is think of Mr. CLICKy, and I sympathize with them, lol.
So, what is your tolerance level (and what is your sign?)
What annoyances that others would shrug their shoulders at, if they notice them at all, get under your skin?
Ow god...keep these mindbreakers coming!! I love it...
I think for me it's depending on my mood. But there's just one sound I get the chills from, when my mood is even great. It started when we got a dishwasher when I was little, my mom took out the plates and put them on top of eachother..that "Klang" sound made me shrink. Putting plates on top of eachother, makes me run into a wall LOL
Another thing is the answer...hmmhmmm..WTF is hmmhmmm?! Say what you mean..in words!! not in sounds..."babe you want coffee?" "hmmhmm"
WTH?!! you want coffee? there are just 2 answers...yes or no, and maybe a thanks too!
ow and some virgo traits of my virguy can make me almost scream LOL you are practical right? Washing laundry with him is killing me!! Black, whites, colored, 3 little piles, for every pile a washing-powder...aarrgghh
You want practical? Everything together...1 little colorcatcher cloth with it, the same powder everytime and done!
sigh...ok I'm done 
Signed Up:
Aug 27, 2008Comments: 3 · Posts: 4208 · Topics: 163
I generally have a long fuse.
But certain things really get to me.
Lack of gratitude, daft-ness, ignorance or repetition.
Pisces and Libras get me angry very, very easily.
Negative Virgos and Condescending Capricorns tick me off too.
Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Oddly? Those things wouldn't bother me.
Like, necessary sounds? Regular typing, machines whirring, people talking, etc. I can tune out easily. They are just sounds that things or people need to make. But when it escalates to Magilla Gorilla slamming his hands on his keyboard, or people lisping when they talk and insisting on using every S-word known to man, or (omg, I actually explode at co-workers who do this, because enough is enough) when people will grab a bag of chips from the kitchen to come near my office and eat them with their mouths open. So...you grabbed the chips from the KITCHEN, and want to come stand near MY desk to chomp on them like a pig?
Absolutely ridiculous.
Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
And I forgot to mention jars full of things that need to be shared in the office--yeah, I would never...ever...
My boss has a nasty habit of not washing his hands after taking a sh.it. This is know, because the second he flushes the toilet, he's opening the door. I've even gone into the bathroom after (and almost fainted, it smelled like hot bologna and tunafish mixed together up a dead skunk's a.ss on a sidewalk in summertime) to check the sink, and it was bone dry.
My boss will then, unabashedly, walk into the office kitchen to reach into the jar of pretzels, and swish his hands around them before picking one out.
It made my blood just run cold.
He'll always offer me a pretzel if I happen to walk by, and I'll just lie and say I hate pretzels. What I REALLY want to tell him is "those are YOUR pretzels now...in fact, after washing your hands on them like you do, they're not even pretzels anymore--they're SHI.Tzels...enjoy..."
Posted by Cajunspirit
I generally have a long fuse.
But certain things really get to me.
Lack of gratitude, daft-ness, ignorance or repetition.
Pisces and Libras get me angry very, very easily.
Negative Virgos and Condescending Capricorns tick me off too.
Ok, at the point of trying to get you angry...but that would annoy you think 
ow whistling when you walk by construction workers...cause you already know they're going to do it...Sure nice to know that you're still on the market, but it's not spontaneous anymore...they whistle at everything with 2 humps and a hole 
Posted by CLCNY30
And I forgot to mention jars full of things that need to be shared in the office--yeah, I would never...ever...
My boss has a nasty habit of not washing his hands after taking a sh.it. This is know, because the second he flushes the toilet, he's opening the door. I've even gone into the bathroom after (and almost fainted, it smelled like hot bologna and tunafish mixed together up a dead skunk's a.ss on a sidewalk in summertime) to check the sink, and it was bone dry.
My boss will then, unabashedly, walk into the office kitchen to reach into the jar of pretzels, and swish his hands around them before picking one out.
It made my blood just run cold.
He'll always offer me a pretzel if I happen to walk by, and I'll just lie and say I hate pretzels. What I REALLY want to tell him is "those are YOUR pretzels now...in fact, after washing your hands on them like you do, they're not even pretzels anymore--they're SHI.Tzels...enjoy..."
OMFG!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
lmfao, I'm glad one of us can laugh. Oh God I hate Mondays...
What about you, LS? What little things drive you nuts?
Signed Up:
Jun 24, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4949 · Topics: 70
When employees wash their hands in the 'community' kitchen sink.
When women don't wash their hands after using the restroom (you're in there with them so you see them walk right out...eewww)
When employees steal other employee's lunch out of the 'community' refrigerator.
Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Holy sh.it...seriously? It's not just enough that people were sick? Now they gotta assign a color level to stool? Wow...
Let someone take my lunch out the fridge. Let them. I'd find out who it was, and exit to the parking lot to grab my lipstick and write "MY LUNCH!" in big as.s bold letters all over their windshield. How rude!
Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Posted by wgamador
Patience is my middle name.
Im extremely tolerable and patient.
If i could give the world one of my gifts, it would certainly be my patience.
*keeps in mind to send you some shi.tzels for your birthday*
LOL :pSigned Up:
Jun 24, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4949 · Topics: 70
Posted by CLCNY30
Holy sh.it...seriously? It's not just enough that people were sick? Now they gotta assign a color level to stool? Wow...
Let someone take my lunch out the fridge. Let them. I'd find out who it was, and exit to the parking lot to grab my lipstick and write "MY LUNCH!" in big as.s bold letters all over their windshield. How rude!
I never use the community refrigerator. Most times they are just riddled with spoiled food anyway.Signed Up:
Mar 13, 2010Comments: 5 · Posts: 4244 · Topics: 258
You probably know by now, but I have A LOT of tolerance. I'm not sure when this was discovered, but I think I developed it after a very stressful relationship with a guy. I'm just capable of taking a lot, but that just means there is a point where I crack; and when that happens, it isn't pretty. I don't like to get angry because I'm just very laid-back in general and my tolerance for things actually ranges. Like things that would normally creep people out, make them uncomfortable, ect, I can handle. I think I take a lot of things with a grain of salt and don't let them get to me because the only person who has ever been able to break me down the most is myself (and boy have I).
Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
Posted by LovelyScorp
gathering of the idiots right outside my office door on a regular basis. constant gossip and what happened on tv lastnight.
and high pitched voices that never shut the fuck up. drives me insane.
OMFG! When I worked in an office, I could not STAND these people. I'm like, "I'm F@CKING WORKING!" I know they say it's to promote bonding and all that sh#t, but I'm there to work, NOT make friends and stuff. Ugh, I hope I NEVER have to go back to that!
Posted by LovelyScorp
also, people who need to know every single disgusting detail about someone who has been sick the day before. What kind of diareha was it exactly? What color? Are you KIDDING me?
Ugh, I just, ugh! There are so many people that don't care about discussing the most vile bodily functions. I DON'T CARE TO KNOW, NOR DISCUSS MINE! Gross ... I know it doesn't bother some people, but I find it just disgusting. My dad is like that and I just want him to STFU about stuff like that!
Posted by LovelyScorp
or those that pry.
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Yeppers, I was just down right rude to people that ATTEMPTED to pry into my personal affairs. I'd be like, "Look, unless your a $ $ is paying my bills it's none of your effing business how much I spend on my clothes, designer handbags, shoes, car, vacations, etc. Grrrrr that one really gets my goat!
Signed Up:
Jun 24, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4949 · Topics: 70
I realize that people sometimes get upset with you in the workplace when you don't talk to their asses. As a virgo, I tend to be aloof anyway, so, sometimes others interpret that as being arrogant, hoity-toity, whatever the hell you want to call it. Bitches are phony so I don't make it my business to make my business theirs. Period. It makes me laugh when they get mad at you for not wanting to talk to them other than what you were hired to talk to them about...WORK.
I have witnessed co-workers who have the same philosophy as I (work more, socialize less), get decreases in their bonuses, not be invited to out-of-office gatherings as well as get fired, etc. Sad.
Signed Up:
Jul 15, 2010Comments: 8 · Posts: 125 · Topics: 10
I've a family member who's a Virgo, who is so obsessed with grammatical errors in conversation, she HAS to say it every time. And this is someone I've known a very long time lol..
Virgos are perfectionists for sure - but when they are balanced, I admire their hard work. The perfectionism becomes an asset in what they do...
Posted by ScorpDragon
I've a family member who's a Virgo, who is so obsessed with grammatical errors in conversation, she HAS to say it every time. And this is someone I've known a very long time lol..
Virgos are perfectionists for sure - but when they are balanced, I admire their hard work. The perfectionism becomes an asset in what they do...
Not only for virgo, I'm annoying to the bone, I have to correct people every time!! I can actually "cry" because the dutch language is going down the drain...BOOHOO!!Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Posted by ScorpDragon
I've a family member who's a Virgo, who is so obsessed with grammatical errors in conversation, she HAS to say it every time. And this is someone I've known a very long time lol..
Virgos are perfectionists for sure - but when they are balanced, I admire their hard work. The perfectionism becomes an asset in what they do...
I try not to do that
It drives ME crazy on here, especially with no edit button, so I can't imagine how crazy that must drive someone else
Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
Posted by VirgoVixxxen
I realize that people sometimes get upset with you in the workplace when you don't talk to their asses. As a virgo, I tend to be aloof anyway, so, sometimes others interpret that as being arrogant, hoity-toity, whatever the hell you want to call it. Bitches are phony so I don't make it my business to make my business theirs. Period. It makes me laugh when they get mad at you for not wanting to talk to them other than what you were hired to talk to them about...WORK.
I have witnessed co-workers who have the same philosophy as I (work more, socialize less), get decreases in their bonuses, not be invited to out-of-office gatherings as well as get fired, etc. Sad.
WORD! And, it is sad that you get penalized for not a $ $ kissing and jumping up and down to be friggin Mary Poppins at the workplace. (Can you tell, I'm bitter - LMAO). One of my VP's (fortunately, she liked me)told me that the management team I was on viewed me as an Enigma, because nobody knew that much about me. I thought to myself, "GOOD, let's keep it that way."
I just smiled coyly and said, "I am busy and have a lot of work to do. I can work in a team environment or alone, but regardless, they know my part will be covered, so that's all they truly should be concerned with."
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Wtf is up with people wanting to hold hands around the campfire at work? Aren't you just there to work? Would they rather you stand around the water cooler, wasting company time and money?
C'mon peeps, let's hold hands and sing Kumbaya together 
Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
Posted by CLCNY30
Wtf is up with people wanting to hold hands around the campfire at work? Aren't you just there to work? Would they rather you stand around the water cooler, wasting company time and money?
*rolls eyes*
I know! I pray everyday that I don't have to go back to that again. That's why I bust my a $ $ with my own business. Although today is a bad example because I can't get myself moving like I need to! Fortunately I was up at 6 am, and got a modicum of work done; since the last couple of hours I haven't done crap! I actually just finished watching on t.v. the building of an AMG (Mercedes) Motorcycle. It was off da' hook for sure!Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Does anyone else do the "pretend you gotta make a call" move when someone wanders too near to your desk, lookin like they don't want to be the first to talk, but want to talk to someone so badly? LOL!!!!
I've made so many fake phonecalls, that "mysteriously" ended once they wandered away again.
Please don't get me wrong, I don't mind a chit-chat here and there, but there are just certain people who will talk about sh.it that NO ONE but them would be interested in.
I have a co-worker who will actually show you 100 pictures of the same sunrise.
I got work to do, bro--I don't have time for that. Stop it now.
Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Posted by USCTaurusGal
Posted by CLCNY30
Wtf is up with people wanting to hold hands around the campfire at work? Aren't you just there to work? Would they rather you stand around the water cooler, wasting company time and money?
*rolls eyes*
I know! I pray everyday that I don't have to go back to that again. That's why I bust my a $ $ with my own business. Although today is a bad example because I can't get myself moving like I need to! Fortunately I was up at 6 am, and got a modicum of work done; since the last couple of hours I haven't done crap! I actually just finished watching on t.v. the building of an AMG (Mercedes) Motorcycle. It was off da' hook for sure!
click to expand
I can't wait to work for myself.
All these student loans will be worth it, I know it, lol.
I'm going for Computer Graphics and Animation--I also design websites...I just can't wait...Signed Up:
Jun 24, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4949 · Topics: 70
Posted by LovelyScorp
Posted by VirgoVixxxen
I realize that people sometimes get upset with you in the workplace when you don't talk to their asses. As a virgo, I tend to be aloof anyway, so, sometimes others interpret that as being arrogant, hoity-toity, whatever the hell you want to call it. Bitches are phony so I don't make it my business to make my business theirs. Period. It makes me laugh when they get mad at you for not wanting to talk to them other than what you were hired to talk to them about...WORK.
I have witnessed co-workers who have the same philosophy as I (work more, socialize less), get decreases in their bonuses, not be invited to out-of-office gatherings as well as get fired, etc. Sad.
OMG...that is a total scorpio trait too.
I had a co-worker from years ago that became a really close best friend. She's one of those ride or die friends that you'd bail out of jail and tell you straight up when you are messing up.
Basically she became my best friend because she took me aside one day and told me that I was an arrogant stuck up bitch that would climb over anybody to get what she wanted. I was like, WTF are you TALKING about?
I was absolutely amazed of the image some had of me and I was just there to do a job and not jack off all day long.
She is an August 22 Leo/Virgo Cusp.
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Wow. Now isn't that something? You try to mind your own damn business but it doesn't even work. For some, focused, driven, with little to no socializing equals, calculating, ambitious, opportunist who will do whatever to get to the top. Sigh...Signed Up:
Jun 24, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4949 · Topics: 70
Posted by USCTaurusGal
Posted by VirgoVixxxen
I realize that people sometimes get upset with you in the workplace when you don't talk to their asses. As a virgo, I tend to be aloof anyway, so, sometimes others interpret that as being arrogant, hoity-toity, whatever the hell you want to call it. Bitches are phony so I don't make it my business to make my business theirs. Period. It makes me laugh when they get mad at you for not wanting to talk to them other than what you were hired to talk to them about...WORK.
I have witnessed co-workers who have the same philosophy as I (work more, socialize less), get decreases in their bonuses, not be invited to out-of-office gatherings as well as get fired, etc. Sad.
WORD! And, it is sad that you get penalized for not a $ $ kissing and jumping up and down to be friggin Mary Poppins at the workplace. (Can you tell, I'm bitter - LMAO). One of my VP's (fortunately, she liked me)told me that the management team I was on viewed me as an Enigma, because nobody knew that much about me. I thought to myself, "GOOD, let's keep it that way."
I just smiled coyly and said, "I am busy and have a lot of work to do. I can work in a team environment or alone, but regardless, they know my part will be covered, so that's all they truly should be concerned with."
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Ha! Enigma. Love that word and what it stands for. More people should try to leave an air of mystery around them. Would make their asses more interesting, possibly. I don't care what anyone says, it's never a good idea to lay all of your cards on the table at your job. I always say that "your privacy will protect you". Even if it makes people mad that you're not as open as they would like for you to be, telling all of your business to your co-workers can put you in a very vulnerable place and the shit can come back to haunt you.Signed Up:
Jun 24, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4949 · Topics: 70
Who cares what the hell they say. You're doing the right thing. They're just mad because they can't 'penetrate' you the way they would like.
Signed Up:
Jun 24, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4949 · Topics: 70
Posted by LovelyScorp
That's because all managers are gemini's.
(j/k..a little)
Oh lord. You are too much LovelyScorp. I had a gemini supervisor and boy could he talk. Virgos love to talk too, but, this guy wanted to gossip about every co-worker and when I wouldn't take the bait, he would get upset. He was extremely two-faced and cunning. It's like he deliberately sat in his office thinking of ways to screw people over. His mouth was also like a ball of hot air. Always talking but never really had anything of substance to say.Signed Up:
Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
I hate when people keep doors open and i sum time want to puch fat kids I never have but in my mind I imagin how fun it would be.... I don't know why lol
Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Posted by virgoking
I hate when people keep doors open and i sum time want to puch fat kids I never have but in my mind I imagin how fun it would be.... I don't know why lol
Bad!Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
Posted by CLCNY30
Does anyone else do the "pretend you gotta make a call" move when someone wanders too near to your desk, lookin like they don't want to be the first to talk, but want to talk to someone so badly? LOL!!!!
I've made so many fake phonecalls, that "mysteriously" ended once they wandered away again.
LMAO! I used to do that sh $ t all the time when people would come into my office! HA!Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
Posted by VirgoVixxxen
Who cares what the hell they say. You're doing the right thing. They're just mad because they can't 'penetrate' you the way they would like.
Word. But yea, it got ugly once I got promoted. I worked with two backstabbing b $ tch peer managers
that's when I knew the Corporate game was up. They would lie, cheat, steal, etc to make themselves look good and wouldn't mind throwing ANYBODY under the bus! No thanks --- washed my hands and said, "Buh, Bye!" That particular VP was a male, and he couldn't believe that I was leaving!
Quick story - a lady I worked with and was slightly friendly with was going through a divorce. It was very difficult as her ex-husband was just a complete and total idiot. Long and short of the story; our manager at the time would always play that nicey B.S. "Oh, you can come talk to me about anything - I'm your FRIEND." Anywhooo, she divulged a WHOLE bunch of info I would NEVER EVER tell work people, much less my manager. She ended up f@cking herself, because in her end of year review, the manager used EVERYTHING she told her so she wouldn't have to give her a raise. She through all of the stuff in her face, "Well, we both know this has been a trying time for you this year. You've been distracted and have missed a lot of days having to pick your sons up and go to court. Your work has been suffering....blah, blah, blah."
After that review the lady came to me and simply said, "I should have listened to your advice and kept my mouth shut."
What can you say, some people just talk too damn much. It's like they don't have any people in their real lives to talk to...which is sad. But one of my cousins and I were talking and she said some people just don't care and will tell anybody any thing. Dumb a $ $ es!Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
"through" = "threw"
Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
Posted by CLCNY30
Posted by USCTaurusGal
Posted by CLCNY30
Wtf is up with people wanting to hold hands around the campfire at work? Aren't you just there to work? Would they rather you stand around the water cooler, wasting company time and money?
*rolls eyes*
I know! I pray everyday that I don't have to go back to that again. That's why I bust my a $ $ with my own business. Although today is a bad example because I can't get myself moving like I need to! Fortunately I was up at 6 am, and got a modicum of work done; since the last couple of hours I haven't done crap! I actually just finished watching on t.v. the building of an AMG (Mercedes) Motorcycle. It was off da' hook for sure!
I can't wait to work for myself.
All these student loans will be worth it, I know it, lol.
I'm going for Computer Graphics and Animation--I also design websites...I just can't wait...
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*HIGH FIVES* It will be TONS of work - trust me, but you will be gratified everyday; even when you are living on ramen & fruit for awhile
LOL!Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Posted by USCTaurusGal
Posted by CLCNY30
Posted by USCTaurusGal
Posted by CLCNY30
Wtf is up with people wanting to hold hands around the campfire at work? Aren't you just there to work? Would they rather you stand around the water cooler, wasting company time and money?
*rolls eyes*
I know! I pray everyday that I don't have to go back to that again. That's why I bust my a $ $ with my own business. Although today is a bad example because I can't get myself moving like I need to! Fortunately I was up at 6 am, and got a modicum of work done; since the last couple of hours I haven't done crap! I actually just finished watching on t.v. the building of an AMG (Mercedes) Motorcycle. It was off da' hook for sure!
I can't wait to work for myself.
All these student loans will be worth it, I know it, lol.
I'm going for Computer Graphics and Animation--I also design websites...I just can't wait...
*HIGH FIVES* It will be TONS of work - trust me, but you will be gratified everyday; even when you are living on ramen & fruit for awhile
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Man, I hope so.
LOL! Ohhhh no, I'm not giving up this cushy job until I'm making enough to be able to eat lobster er'day!
Signed Up:
Dec 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 2929 · Topics: 207
Signed Up:
Jun 24, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4949 · Topics: 70
Posted by LovelyScorp
Posted by VirgoVixxxen
Posted by LovelyScorp
That's because all managers are gemini's.
(j/k..a little)
Oh lord. You are too much LovelyScorp. I had a gemini supervisor and boy could he talk. Virgos love to talk too, but, this guy wanted to gossip about every co-worker and when I wouldn't take the bait, he would get upset. He was extremely two-faced and cunning. It's like he deliberately sat in his office thinking of ways to screw people over. His mouth was also like a ball of hot air. Always talking but never really had anything of substance to say.
We must of had the same boss. I swear my boss was modeled after Michael on the Office.
Yes, Virgo's can talk, but it is usually work related and they want to meet a deadline. It's never gossipy trash in my experience. I've also seen Virgo's cut a person off mid sentence if they thought gossip was about to come out of their mouth.
Gem's are the worst with the gossip and bragging....and if they are in a position of manager it is pure misery.
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Isn't Michael a trip? Love that show. Yeah, we're not really into gossip. Don't get me wrong, we can gossip with the best of them, but, it's not really our thing. Interestingly enough, there was also a scorpio, cancer and leo guy that worked in the office with me and the gemini but I got along much better with the s, c & L, than the g and the g didn't seem to like that. The g was quite hateful and seemed to want to always cause mischief. The scorpio was very intense and focused and I admired his work ethic. Sometimes when he would look at me, it was almost like he was burning a hole through me. Ha! The cancer was very nice but the biggest office flirt, and the leo was just like a big sweet furry cat.Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Another major pet peeve of mine, that really disgusts me to the point that I said something to the coc.ksucker...
We have a parking lot for our company that starts at the front of our door. The company next door decides to ignore their OWN parking lot to us ours. As if that's not bad enough, they're parking in our handicapped space, so when my boss' cousin (who is handicapped) comes to see him, he has to park alllll the way at the end of our parking lot--sometimes on the other side of our building. If I know he's coming, I'll move my car for him, but even I can't get a decent parking spot because these idiots are stealing them.
I finally got out and spoke to the boss of the other company, and he gave me the most idiotic reasons why he needed to park there. "I drive 40 miles and just want to get to my company quickly..." wtf does that mean?? There's spaces in FRONT of your company, wtf are you on about?
Worse off, they have these HUGE 2x4 trucks that overlap the curb so they're blocking the walkway...I swear to God, I can't stand those people.
Signed Up:
Jun 24, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4949 · Topics: 70
Posted by USCTaurusGal
Posted by VirgoVixxxen
Who cares what the hell they say. You're doing the right thing. They're just mad because they can't 'penetrate' you the way they would like.
Word. But yea, it got ugly once I got promoted. I worked with two backstabbing b $ tch peer managers
that's when I knew the Corporate game was up. They would lie, cheat, steal, etc to make themselves look good and wouldn't mind throwing ANYBODY under the bus! No thanks --- washed my hands and said, "Buh, Bye!" That particular VP was a male, and he couldn't believe that I was leaving!
Quick story - a lady I worked with and was slightly friendly with was going through a divorce. It was very difficult as her ex-husband was just a complete and total idiot. Long and short of the story; our manager at the time would always play that nicey B.S. "Oh, you can come talk to me about anything - I'm your FRIEND." Anywhooo, she divulged a WHOLE bunch of info I would NEVER EVER tell work people, much less my manager. She ended up f@cking herself, because in her end of year review, the manager used EVERYTHING she told her so she wouldn't have to give her a raise. She through all of the stuff in her face, "Well, we both know this has been a trying time for you this year. You've been distracted and have missed a lot of days having to pick your sons up and go to court. Your work has been suffering....blah, blah, blah."
After that review the lady came to me and simply said, "I should have listened to your advice and kept my mouth shut."
What can you say, some people just talk too damn much. It's like they don't have any people in their real lives to talk to...which is sad. But one of my cousins and I were talking and she said some people just don't care and will tell anybody any thing. Dumb a $ $ es!
click to expand
That is so wrong what that manager did. I've seen that happen to people I work with in the office too. I would rather be fired or not get a raise because people thought I was unsociable than to be fired/not get a raise because I disclosed too much of my personal business to the point where it was used against me. When will people learn?Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
^^^VirgoVixxen - these types of people will NEVER learn. Even when it "bites them in the a $ $ ." I can't tell you how many times I got "soft talked too" because I didn't participate in the company functions, go to lunch w/my VP, didn't participate in the potlucks!
First of all, I didn't want to go to company functions because - HEY, I HAVE A LIFE OUT OF WORK. Second, I didn't like to go to lunch with my VP because typically, I wouldn't even GO to lunch most of the time, and also, I think that time is MY time, so if I wanted to sit in the car w/my finger up my a $ $ I'd MUCH rather have preferred to do that then to go to some stiff a $ $ lunch with my VP! Finally, I abhor potlucks. I see how disgusting those people are AT work, so I can only imagine how they are at home when there is nobody to watch them - licking spoons, dropping sh#t on the floor and still using it, not washing their hands -- sorry, people are just gross, so I prefer NOT to partake of any of their food. Call me whatever you like, but I don't give a flying 2 bits, cause it was a JOB, not my life.
I agree with you, that I'd rather be fired or not get a raise because I didn't disclose personal business. But, to each his/her own. It works for countless people to kiss up and go to every company sponsored event, and my thing is, if they really LIKE going to these events then GO! Just don't berate me because my a $ $ doesn't want to be there!
***Grrrr....this gets me so riled up; I probably shouldn't comment on things like this anymore! LMAO *** Signed Up:
Jun 24, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4949 · Topics: 70
Posted by USCTaurusGal
^^^VirgoVixxen - these types of people will NEVER learn. Even when it "bites them in the a $ $ ." I can't tell you how many times I got "soft talked too" because I didn't participate in the company functions, go to lunch w/my VP, didn't participate in the potlucks!
First of all, I didn't want to go to company functions because - HEY, I HAVE A LIFE OUT OF WORK. Second, I didn't like to go to lunch with my VP because typically, I wouldn't even GO to lunch most of the time, and also, I think that time is MY time, so if I wanted to sit in the car w/my finger up my a $ $ I'd MUCH rather have preferred to do that then to go to some stiff a $ $ lunch with my VP! Finally, I abhor potlucks. I see how disgusting those people are AT work, so I can only imagine how they are at home when there is nobody to watch them - licking spoons, dropping sh#t on the floor and still using it, not washing their hands -- sorry, people are just gross, so I prefer NOT to partake of any of their food. Call me whatever you like, but I don't give a flying 2 bits, cause it was a JOB, not my life.
I agree with you, that I'd rather be fired or not get a raise because I didn't disclose personal business. But, to each his/her own. It works for countless people to kiss up and go to every company sponsored event, and my thing is, if they really LIKE going to these events then GO! Just don't berate me because my a $ $ doesn't want to be there!
***Grrrr....this gets me so riled up; I probably shouldn't comment on things like this anymore! LMAO ***
Ha ha! Get out of my head! I as well don't care to do those "company outings". Potlucks? No, no, no, no, no. Not a chance. Like you I would rather spend time alone and let everyone else do the socializing. It can be hard especially if you are in one of those traditional "Corporate America" companies. You know, the baby shower for the exec. assist. of the chair, the b-day party for the CFO, the company summer outing, the annual x-mas party. Shucks. I don't like shucking and jiving for anyone nor do I kiss ass so, sorry.Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
"I don't like shucking and jiving for anyone nor do I kiss ass so, sorry."
Baby girl, you took the words RIGHT outta' my mouth! And yes, I LEFT the traditional "Corporate America" and have NOT looked back! No more "performance evaluations" and the rest of that B.S. that they don't even adhere too! I've had to make a LOT of personal sacrifices, but I just pray EVERYDAY that I don't have to go back to that, but with that being said, if it's the difference between living on the streets or surviving, I chose option B. every time. I'm prideful, but NOT stupid!
Signed Up:
Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
Hustle & Flow...Hustle & Flow! LOL! (Probably not the most appropriate analogy, since he was a PIMP).
Signed Up:
Jun 24, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4949 · Topics: 70
Posted by USCTaurusGal
"I don't like shucking and jiving for anyone nor do I kiss ass so, sorry."
Baby girl, you took the words RIGHT outta' my mouth! And yes, I LEFT the traditional "Corporate America" and have NOT looked back! No more "performance evaluations" and the rest of that B.S. that they don't even adhere too! I've had to make a LOT of personal sacrifices, but I just pray EVERYDAY that I don't have to go back to that, but with that being said, if it's the difference between living on the streets or surviving, I chose option B. every time. I'm prideful, but NOT stupid!
I can't tell you how much I hate corporate anything. I think the only people who can survive CA without getting arrested for knocking some fool the hell out are those who can wear the 'poker face' 24/7. Performance appraisals...my ass! They never get it right, anyway. It's a conspiracy! They use the PA's to screw you right out of your bonus. It never personally happened to me but it has happened to a few co-workers who were actually close friends of mine that I trusted and who were some of the hardest workers in the company. Yes, they got screwed around bonus time because they weren't the 'shuck & jive type'. They wouldn't kiss tail and they damn sure didn't wear poker faces. Starting and maintaining your own business can be really hard work, but I would rather do that than answer to some silly ass suits.Signed Up:
Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
Holy sh.it!!!
Clicky just got fired!!!
:O !!!!
Bye Clicky 
Signed Up:
Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
What annoys me is when I am using the computers at a public library and people around me are talking, having conversations (sometimes fairly loudly) or even talking and muttering to themselves! Sorry to sound like a square or an old fogey, but when I was growing up libraries were supposed to be QUIET places! Admittedly they were perhaps a little TOO strict in those days, but maybe better that than the way things are now. As an unemployed person I like to use computers at the library for job searching/researching/etc.: I do have a laptop at home but no printer, so it gets me out of the house, allows me to print stuff, and maintains a separation between "work" (job-searching at the library) and "leisure" (general Internet browsing at home). So, being at the library is my "work" and I prefer a peaceful environment so that I can concentrate! But if you say anything to anyone they seem to take it very amiss these days!