What r the signals when a virguy thinks its over

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Tqura on Friday, September 23, 2011 and has 9 replies.
still thinking about your virgo?...,
one of the signal you should watch out for is that he might becomes distant without a valid reason but you MUST ask him why he is so distant though
when you ask him, he didn't reply or give a valid reason not to saying (at least) 5-mins "hello, i still care".
i would say it's over.
He wont even look you in the eyes.
virgo 69 you are right...but when she said how do you know it is over for good in their head,,,,does that mean it is????cause this happened to me iin my situation and you know i been tellin ta about mine in other threads..and he does this,but we will stay friends, then it will get good again and we are back together....like last night, he wanted to know the truth , i gave it to him, he stated since he is hurtin me sooo much, thats not what he wants, so we are splitin, then he called back , said im gonna give you yo closure, im want to still be friends cause you make me happy, and i hope we will still be friends....i said No, for right now cause my feelins are still hurt and there, then he was like aight....then he called back and was like noooo you werent my whore i did like bein with you but if we are both complain about what one another are doin then we out....and you did make me more happier than any girl i been with before.....but he says he knows he is not makin me happy and he dont want to be hurtin the one hes with...
there was somethings i said but analyzin what he said there....it is easy for me to think outside of this box as he was only there for himself....once he was done psychologically beatin me up....now he gets ghost...I told him I am a firm believer in if you can not be with me at my worst then you dont deserve me at my best...he is always tryin to change things instead of just goin with the flow and this throws me off...so no paragraph here...just what the hell does he want from me...
so i can relate too this thread
ooh yea like i said though he always comes back from previous times but each time i think he is not comin back to me....he has told me that i am the closet girl to perfect that he has came across except for my negative way of thinkin ...but him always critiqin everything like i said throws me off then im depressed cause he doesnt come at it nice helpin...he is harsh...then i am sensitive so sum us up then you have said from our charts that he and i should be ok because everything looks good but he said last night we are not compatible and im misses astrology i should know that much ....so i told him that our charts does match up and it said we will have complications over the conversation he cannot except when i tell him he is right then give me credit when im right but we are sayin the same things so we are both right.......grrrrrrrrrr
that is a sad sick thing though, why cant we just enjoy each other now though instead of having to go through this bull...it is like tug a war with it back and forth like aliyiah . do you truely believe that is why he is doing this because he knows i am the one but he tryin to sabotge it cause he cant have it??that is a good theory, but lets face it non of you are even wtill with yor capwomen , so i guess that we are not compatible like astrology says and like i thought
I am seein that ....I understand better because he always acts as if he is so sad because he is constantly worryin of that outcome to much...i will be more understandin to him about what we have then off of you givin it to me how it is...he also said somethin like that .
Posted by Scorporella
And capgirl - I'm not meaning to sound mean with this, but why is it on every thread in which someone comes here to seek advice about their virgo, do you turn the thread around to be about you and your virgo?

capgirl doesn't have a Virgo ... she's a wannabe
Posted by Scorporella
Tqura - do you have a little background about your situation for why you are asking?
For a virgo, when he has decided it is over, they can become very cold and very distant. For them, it is over long before he will ever tell you it's over. When he tells you it is over, he has put a lot of thought into it, spent months analyzing the situation, and has looked at every angle to determine whether there is any merit in continuing the relationship. A virgo doesn't want to hurt you, so even though he may tell you it's over, he may still try to soften the blow, until he can leave with no regrets. I think virgos, more than most, hate having any regrets, but they tend to have a lot. He may try to give it "one more chance" just in case there was something he missed in his analysis, some detail he overlooked, but chances are, that one more chance isn't a true chance, but rather time for him and you to come to terms with the relationship being over so that he can part with a minimal amount of drama.
And capgirl - I'm not meaning to sound mean with this, but why is it on every thread in which someone comes here to seek advice about their virgo, do you turn the thread around to be about you and your virgo?

cause it is an on goin process ...i dont mind sharin it with someone whose goin thru the exact same thing , but before you made that statement , i had thought about that too, i be hopin me and others can share experiences and maybe try to shed some light on both our issues. It was not mean to ask it. now its in a few threads people can go in a direction with it to help, which i think virgo 69 has given me all the advice i need,(also others too) its always people on here shring theiir stories , so since i only been using this site for a few weeks , I want my readers to understand what ways I can relate to them , on a more personal level so maybe some can see something I maybe didnt consider to be a theory about whats goin on . ya feel me???? but i am done speakin of my issues cause I am seein it for what it is I came here to only here others theories and give mine .
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by Scorporella
And capgirl - I'm not meaning to sound mean with this, but why is it on every thread in which someone comes here to seek advice about their virgo, do you turn the thread around to be about you and your virgo?

capgirl doesn't have a Virgo ... she's a wannabe
click to expand

why dont you sit yo hatin ass down somewhere.. the minute someone comes and gives their perspective you wanna come with yo one sided ass view points...no one asked you weather i have one or not, thing is you think you got one, and you dont, no one owns anyone, if you fuck wit em then yall know what it is, problem here wit you is just cause yours married yo old ass you think you did something others cant. which is wrong literally speakin , like how old are you???how long did it take before he actually did give into you ? I seen on one thread you say you knew him for years, he was always wantin more of you...Baby, Mine is all over me, and Im on it it, regardless of the dumb shit like your statement , just means I no longger need view points, cause he aint goin nowhere , When I get the ring I will be flashin it on here (trust and believe hun) Reality here sets in , Your an old, bored out of your mind, want to be psychologist(who I bet has no degree) keep throwin your opinions out there about what is advice not what the fuck I got or not hun, cause when it is all said and done, You are a non fuckin factor, tellin people on here they dont have someone, when they reach out like every other person on these threads does, is somethin you do cause you got too much times on yo hand. it seems like since I joined here you been following me, cause everytime i look around you spreadin yo clitoris to me like I m gone nut.. hun I am seriously gettin tired of yo negative emotional drag queen ass!!!!!!!
Burn at the steak witch...and quit fuckin followin me . if you read somethin you dont like that i said then , that does not mean you have to say shit to me or comment to others about me ..you gave yo un asked for opinion and seen it was not taken move the fuck on and grow the fuck up