Love/Sex with a CancerLeo Woman

This topic was created in the Zodiac Cusps forum by Bellax22 on Wednesday, October 10, 2012 and has 10 replies.
Hi All, I'm a cancer/Leo female.. Born on July 22. I've read up ALOT on this particular cusp, and everything I've read has been either COMPLETELY WRONG, or just barley correct. I've read about people who cannot understand our personality, or "ways" or "who want to know about us in relationships" so I'm gonna tell you EXACTLY what us Cancer/Leo WOMEN are all about. We are constantly on the go, or at least our MINDS are. I like to plan ahead, I never "play by ear". I like to be showered with GIFTS. And not big extravagant gifts, little things count (infact the little things mean so much more; flowers just because, candy cause your pms'ing real bad, just saying hi, how is your day, how was your day, I miss you, your beautiful, etc text messages.) SHOWER ME WITH COMPLIMENTS AND I WILL GIVE YOU THE WORLD*** TELL ME HOW MUCH YOU ADORE ME, OR WANT TO F*% K ME. Im serious, a cancer/Leo girl wants to hear it all. A cancerleo female is a SEXUAL DEVIANT, they will ROCK YOUR WORLD. Our sex drive is UNREAL. I often think I should be a pornstar rather than a nurse. I am EXTREMLY sensitive on my back while having sex, I prefer to be on all 4's (hence the lion) and like to have my back stroked, or licked, or kissed. Little lip biting, just nibble no real bites. Also, rough, but gentle sex is a MUST. DIrty talk is a must as well, no "your daddys little slut whore cunt" we want it feels so good, omg your amazing etc, ( again, showering us with compliments) We are most comfortable running the show in bed, its our take charge dominatrix attitude. No fetishes, don't touch my feet, We HATE feet. Don't dress up in any funky strange clothing, don't whip out any anal beads or crazy ish, just FOCUS ON US! We want to be the center of your attention AT ALL TIMES. AFTER SEX, no cuddles, maybe some kissing, just tell us how great we were, and you've never had it so good. Make us feel good so the next time around we make you feel just as good. We are VERY imaginative, even making home movies to watch alone is something we fantasize about, although our cancer side comes out as we crawl into that shell and are to shy to ask our partner in fear of being critised for this fantasy. And a notable thought for all looking to "explore/share" our world .. IF WE ARE NOT 100% HAPPY, WE WILL CHEAT. IF WE ARE IN LOVE, BUT THE SEX SUCKS, WE WILL CHEAT.. & YOU WILL NEVER FIND OUT. This is REAL TALK people.. I'm just giving you the incite. And please, any other cancer/Leo's beg to differ, please comment
Youre probably adopted and mommy lied to you.
Posted by Bellax22
no "your daddys little slut whore cunt"

Oh I misread that..
I thought you were saying you wanted to be called daddys little cunt or whatever and thats what prompted my initial comment that you must be adopted cause no fucking way would any cancer, any leo, any combination cancer/leo want to be called a dirty little slut. I just cant see the sensitive cancer or prideful leo being interested in THAT!

I know -Scorpios- get all the cred for being the best in bed but I have always maintained a cancer/leo cusp will knock him out of first place in a HEARTBEAT.
We have the cancers amazing intuitiveness, and sensual-ism combined with leos firey passion.
MOVE OVER SCORPIO, because you just got replaced.
agree? disagree?
Posted by everevolvingepithet

yeh this part is bullshit, I'd never cheat.
well not physically
hrmm ok maybe OP's onto something.
Posted by Bellax22
Hi All, I'm a cancer/Leo female.. Born on July 22. I've read up ALOT on this particular cusp, and everything I've read has been either COMPLETELY WRONG, or just barley correct. I've read about people who cannot understand our personality, or "ways" or "who want to know about us in relationships" so I'm gonna tell you EXACTLY what us Cancer/Leo WOMEN are all about. We are constantly on the go, or at least our MINDS are. I like to plan ahead, I never "play by ear".

I am cancer/leo cusp, July 22 also... and I am opposite... or rather... half the time I like planning, half the time I like playing by ear.... I LIKE unplanned adventures. Those are always the best memories for me.
OMG I just read your "I hate feet" part and I am laughing SO hard right now because that describes me to a T!!! I actually WASH my feet before i go to bed because I can't imagine getting into nice clean sheets with GROSS feet! LOL!!!
I will say I like cuddles, but only with the right person. And I'd have to say that the sex description is a bit off for me... but then again I like to keep it to myself. THere is only ONE guy that has ever really truly rocked my world and he was an Aries of all the damn signs! Tongue I like to daydream and think of what I want all day long, but if I want it bad enough I will move heaven and earth to get it. I wanted a motorcycle really bad and before I even had my license for it I owned one.
I have this totally bipolar attitude where one day I want to stay at my nice cozy home and stay away from people and then the next I want to go live it up with all sorts of people surrounding me. I find that I can only be around LOTS of people for a certain amount of time and then I need to go home to reenergize. But I DEFINITELY like being out and about and on the town sometimes. I like feeling like a "celebrity" when I'm out. But then I like to disappear as though I am a nobody so that I can recharge. I fluctuate back and forth, it's nuts. The one thing that TOTALLY catches people off guard is when they've pushed my buttons to the point that I absolutely BLOW UP. I am really good at hiding my frustrations and things that tick me off with people. I try to be the type of person that let's stuff "roll off my back", but really I'm kind of just keeping each little slight bottled up inside. So even though I THINK I"m letting it go... really it's still stored. An
And then when I reach my breaking point HELLO LION! RAWRRRRRRR! People thought I lost my mind when I blow up like that. It's like a pressure cooker. If you keep adding pressure eventually I blow! And not in a good way. I've noticed as I got older more Lion has come out of me and the Crab has subsided a bit. I was a teary eyed, bullied crab when I was younger. The Lion in me isn't having that anymore...
Im a male cusp born on the 21st. I agree with everything she said except making home movies and Im nowhere near as overt about these facts. all my proper virgo asc I guess. but yea the Moon/Sun combo is a very special one indeed.
I'm a Female Cusp born on 20th July. And am Very Surprised and Pleased that I am not the Only ONE in this WOrld, who Oscillates like this. Its Crazy! It use to be deadly, but I have learned to handle it.
I agree to what you say Bellax22, in sense but not Literally. If a Guy is lucky enough to be in my bed, then ... ALL his senses - Body - Soul will have ''time of this Universe''. I give all and take all. Everything is Liquid Fire and the apatite does NOT* die easily once started. So, to start am very careful. Nope! I don't get a Guy for the heck of having a Guy. Neither am open to discuss even with my most intimate friends how the time was. It becomes a kind of sacred subject to me. Between me and him. And I expect him also to treat it in the same way, if not I feel betrayed.
I get along with every sign. But myself stay away from Pieces, Gemini and Libra.
I Am A Cancer Leo Cusp Born July24th And Find Alot Of What You Say To BeTrue. ThE Mood Swings From Cancer SuckS But In The Bedroom We Are A Wonderful Combonation Not Only Are We Creative And Generous (Leo) Bu we are Also Sensitive And Emotional (Cancer). Sex Drive ForThisCusp Is Unbelievably High So If U Cant Handle The Heat Don't Come Into The Bedroom.
According to a few nut sacks on this site, a Can/Leo cusp don't exist.