Posted by HouseCleaningThe crazy part is you say we are creepy, but it's even deeper then that. Like creepy is the tip of the iceberg of my own mental state. Like if you suddenly teleported into my mind there is a 99% chance you would kill yourself within 10 minutes. Yet I live with that shit every day LMAO!!!!¡!!!!!!!¡!¡¡¡¡!¡¿¿¿¿¡!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
The dread Scorpio moon. They get attached to anything. The creepiest part is they get attached to you and you won't even know it before it's too late. Once they get slighted, all hell breaks loose and they go ape shit. Their attachment creeps me out
Posted by VenusStellium7What is your sun and moon?
If the Scorpio Moon person has a Fire Sun, they can't hide their attraction. How do I know? Through my experience. Its always through the eyes that you see it. They get hot and bothered but won't admit it. Sustain strong eye contact when you are speaking to them. Scorpio Moons or people with Scorpio placements tend to go through some sort of trauma or have a troubled past.
Posted by MyStarsShineSun and Mercury in Libra both in it's 7th house and Moon in Taurus in the 2nd house.Posted by VenusStellium7
If the Scorpio Moon person has a Fire Sun, they can't hide their attraction. How do I know? Through my experience. Its always through the eyes that you see it. They get hot and bothered but won't admit it. Sustain strong eye contact when you are speaking to them. Scorpio Moons or people with Scorpio placements tend to go through some sort of trauma or have a troubled past.
What is your sun and moon?
I agree about the trauma
Pluto can do that …click to expand
Posted by VenusStellium7What were your former username/s?Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by VenusStellium7
If the Scorpio Moon person has a Fire Sun, they can't hide their attraction. How do I know? Through my experience. Its always through the eyes that you see it. They get hot and bothered but won't admit it. Sustain strong eye contact when you are speaking to them. Scorpio Moons or people with Scorpio placements tend to go through some sort of trauma or have a troubled past.
What is your sun and moon?
I agree about the trauma
Pluto can do that …
Sun and Mercury in Libra both in it's 7th house and Moon in Taurus in the 2nd to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineDo you think I'm somebody else or what? This is my 1st user name.Posted by VenusStellium7Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by VenusStellium7
If the Scorpio Moon person has a Fire Sun, they can't hide their attraction. How do I know? Through my experience. Its always through the eyes that you see it. They get hot and bothered but won't admit it. Sustain strong eye contact when you are speaking to them. Scorpio Moons or people with Scorpio placements tend to go through some sort of trauma or have a troubled past.
What is your sun and moon?
I agree about the trauma
Pluto can do that …
Sun and Mercury in Libra both in it's 7th house and Moon in Taurus in the 2nd house.
What were your former username/s?click to expand
Posted by VenusStellium7You seem to know bored quite wellPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by VenusStellium7Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by VenusStellium7
If the Scorpio Moon person has a Fire Sun, they can't hide their attraction. How do I know? Through my experience. Its always through the eyes that you see it. They get hot and bothered but won't admit it. Sustain strong eye contact when you are speaking to them. Scorpio Moons or people with Scorpio placements tend to go through some sort of trauma or have a troubled past.
What is your sun and moon?
I agree about the trauma
Pluto can do that …
Sun and Mercury in Libra both in it's 7th house and Moon in Taurus in the 2nd house.
What were your former username/s?
Do you think I'm somebody else or what? This is my 1st user to expand
Posted by KimboSliceHave more pride in yourself man. That type of mindset makes you look like a weak POS ffs. Grow a backbone and actually get what you want for a change. I fucking hate men who put themse down without even trying. Deep down you truly know nothing can truly stop or break you except you, so stop holding yourself back and calling yourself shit so much.
We Scorpio moon men are dogshit no question. However I think Scorpio Moon women are the sweetest people on the planet. Emotionally courageous people. Allow me to yap about a sad story that emphasizes just how precious they are.
Carol Sumner was a lady that been through roads of hell, River Styx, you name it. Her first husband left for the military, she was shot by her second husband six times in front of her daughter, survived. Later she was diagnosed with cancer and reunited by chance with her first husband (her true love) during chemotherapy.
In her old age she met a young Pisces moon woman named Tiffany who needed help, she became like a mother to this woman. Tiffany later left Carol’s house to be on her own, Carol told her if you ever want to come back home the door is always open.
Tiffany came back to rob Carol with her entourage… then buried Carol and her first husband alive as they were coercing more bank information and money from them. The blindfold on Carol came off as this was happening and she actually saw Tiffany amongst the bunch.
You won’t see that kind of profound, selfless love from any one other than a Scorpio moon woman.
Posted by SoulI'm tired of being that to people. Every time tho. It's like I'm the mofo that eventually you don't wanna mess with. And it's not violence, it can be some fucked up emotional lesson as well.
Jokes aside though, if a Scorpio moon, sun, or Scorpio energy in general is in your life in a negative way, it's said to be a sign of karma coming forward to put one in their place.
Posted by BumboklaatTbh I've only been negative to the people who deserved it. The flip side is people who have remained in my life never get a single negative thing from me whatsoever. Its like the complete opposite where I'm willing to help them, and have their back no matter what. Its just those type of people who squirm their way into my life and thoughts that get the stinger. Like I can count on one hand the people I would never question, or even talk back to in any way. I actually trust them. I wish I could have found this with someone I could partner up with, but life isn't over yet. Its just rough because to love is to become soft, and to become soft is to give someone the opportunity come into my life and try to fuck everything up.Posted by Soul
Jokes aside though, if a Scorpio moon, sun, or Scorpio energy in general is in your life in a negative way, it's said to be a sign of karma coming forward to put one in their place.
I'm tired of being that to people. Every time tho. It's like I'm the mofo that eventually you don't wanna mess with. And it's not violence, it can be some fucked up emotional lesson as to expand
Posted by Dastard2020Pretty specific list eh.
I don't give a damn about most people. Yes, there is an intensity and all or nothing quality and approach in general, but desperate for quick connection or any type connection? Absolutely not.
There's people I respect, some people I could easily connect with like no other, some that I can easily picture becoming as close as family to me or the bests of friends, etc.
But if I notice just a few bad enough traits in them that I can't stand, then it's a deal breaker. Enough for me to decide to never really let them in and shut them out forever. And just accept they are not meant to be in my life because we will clash and things will turn from bad to ugly. But just because I saw potential in them does not mean I care about them. They are still outsiders to me and will always be outsiders and thus have very little to no value to me (not saying they don't have intrinsic value or redeeming qualities).
Some deal breaker traits:
A self-centered worldview
An egoic drive to assert dominance
Coping with denial to protect their ego
Being inconsiderate
Preying on perceived weaknesses
Low effort due to entitlement or an inflated sense of self
Overconfidence in their own abilities
Being a nice person just because they have an easy life and things are going well for them, but turning into an asshole the moment shit starts to hit the fan or they have a bad day
Throwing their weight around
Undervalues and underestimates others
Thinks they've seen it all
Thinks and/or feels like they are the only person with a hard life and everyone else has it much easier (no one can top them)
Not careful with their words
Hard to reason with or make them see another viewpoint, as if they were NPCs operating through their programming
Chronic complainers
Willful victims and doormats
Cowards who won't face their problems to fix them
Don't stand up for what they want and believe in
They lack conviction and a strong sense of justice
Guilt-tripping (manipulative) in general
Can't own up to their shit
Can't take responsibility for their actions
Can't apologize
Their apologies are meaningless
Chooses to wallow in misery and refuses to even acknowledge there's a way out of misery; because it takes effort and work and they are lazy and weak
I could go on and on. But yea, I don't get attached to just about anything or anyone I come across.
Posted by BumboklaatYea.Posted by Dastard2020
I don't give a damn about most people. Yes, there is an intensity and all or nothing quality and approach in general, but desperate for quick connection or any type connection? Absolutely not.
There's people I respect, some people I could easily connect with like no other, some that I can easily picture becoming as close as family to me or the bests of friends, etc.
But if I notice just a few bad enough traits in them that I can't stand, then it's a deal breaker. Enough for me to decide to never really let them in and shut them out forever. And just accept they are not meant to be in my life because we will clash and things will turn from bad to ugly. But just because I saw potential in them does not mean I care about them. They are still outsiders to me and will always be outsiders and thus have very little to no value to me (not saying they don't have intrinsic value or redeeming qualities).
Some deal breaker traits:
A self-centered worldview
An egoic drive to assert dominance
Coping with denial to protect their ego
Being inconsiderate
Preying on perceived weaknesses
Low effort due to entitlement or an inflated sense of self
Overconfidence in their own abilities
Being a nice person just because they have an easy life and things are going well for them, but turning into an asshole the moment shit starts to hit the fan or they have a bad day
Throwing their weight around
Undervalues and underestimates others
Thinks they've seen it all
Thinks and/or feels like they are the only person with a hard life and everyone else has it much easier (no one can top them)
Not careful with their words
Hard to reason with or make them see another viewpoint, as if they were NPCs operating through their programming
Chronic complainers
Willful victims and doormats
Cowards who won't face their problems to fix them
Don't stand up for what they want and believe in
They lack conviction and a strong sense of justice
Guilt-tripping (manipulative) in general
Can't own up to their shit
Can't take responsibility for their actions
Can't apologize
Their apologies are meaningless
Chooses to wallow in misery and refuses to even acknowledge there's a way out of misery; because it takes effort and work and they are lazy and weak
I could go on and on. But yea, I don't get attached to just about anything or anyone I come across.
Pretty specific list to expand
Posted by Dastard2020Tbh I will say this with great status and establishment in this community. I feel you truly will be a good Scorpio moon one day. That must feel extremely good to you hearing that from a person like me. You have a lot to learn, but still have that drive, and a much more evolved person like me likes that.Posted by BumboklaatPosted by Dastard2020
I don't give a damn about most people. Yes, there is an intensity and all or nothing quality and approach in general, but desperate for quick connection or any type connection? Absolutely not.
There's people I respect, some people I could easily connect with like no other, some that I can easily picture becoming as close as family to me or the bests of friends, etc.
But if I notice just a few bad enough traits in them that I can't stand, then it's a deal breaker. Enough for me to decide to never really let them in and shut them out forever. And just accept they are not meant to be in my life because we will clash and things will turn from bad to ugly. But just because I saw potential in them does not mean I care about them. They are still outsiders to me and will always be outsiders and thus have very little to no value to me (not saying they don't have intrinsic value or redeeming qualities).
Some deal breaker traits:
A self-centered worldview
An egoic drive to assert dominance
Coping with denial to protect their ego
Being inconsiderate
Preying on perceived weaknesses
Low effort due to entitlement or an inflated sense of self
Overconfidence in their own abilities
Being a nice person just because they have an easy life and things are going well for them, but turning into an asshole the moment shit starts to hit the fan or they have a bad day
Throwing their weight around
Undervalues and underestimates others
Thinks they've seen it all
Thinks and/or feels like they are the only person with a hard life and everyone else has it much easier (no one can top them)
Not careful with their words
Hard to reason with or make them see another viewpoint, as if they were NPCs operating through their programming
Chronic complainers
Willful victims and doormats
Cowards who won't face their problems to fix them
Don't stand up for what they want and believe in
They lack conviction and a strong sense of justice
Guilt-tripping (manipulative) in general
Can't own up to their shit
Can't take responsibility for their actions
Can't apologize
Their apologies are meaningless
Chooses to wallow in misery and refuses to even acknowledge there's a way out of misery; because it takes effort and work and they are lazy and weak
I could go on and on. But yea, I don't get attached to just about anything or anyone I come across.
Pretty specific list eh.
click to expand to expand
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterThe new moon is very positive, great for positive spells. it’s the dark moon that’s more hidden/creepy
Seriously though if we wanna get realistic here, new moon is the creepiest moon around in the night sky. And I was born during it.
Posted by MyStarsShineI don't know. I always feel like I bring creepy vibes when I come around lolPosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Seriously though if we wanna get realistic here, new moon is the creepiest moon around in the night sky. And I was born during it.
The new moon is very positive, great for positive spells. it’s the dark moon that’s more hidden/creepyclick to expand
Posted by RollergirlOrchello darkness my old friend
Zero people would ever say, wow fire moon lady, you're a hot one. 🔥
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter😂🤣😅Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Seriously though if we wanna get realistic here, new moon is the creepiest moon around in the night sky. And I was born during it.
The new moon is very positive, great for positive spells. it’s the dark moon that’s more hidden/creepy
click to expand
I don't know. I always feel like I bring creepy vibes when I come around lolclick to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineOh believe me scorpio moon ain't got nothing on new moon topping it all off with pluto squaring lots of the inner planets. If the op think scorpio moon is creepy get a load of those pluto placements I just named. Scorpio moon is a fun in the park to my placements. Scorpio moon's presence ain't no where near as strong as mines.Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Seriously though if we wanna get realistic here, new moon is the creepiest moon around in the night sky. And I was born during it.
The new moon is very positive, great for positive spells. it’s the dark moon that’s more hidden/creepy
click to expand
I don't know. I always feel like I bring creepy vibes when I come around lol
😂🤣😅click to expand
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterId hate to be born during a lunar eclipse.. so there might be some crazy Pisces babies out there due to recent eclipse.. 🥺 but I'm no astrologer or I don't know what that entails. Maybe darkness
Seriously though if we wanna get realistic here, new moon is the creepiest moon around in the night sky. And I was born during it.
Posted by virgoOPPPThat one dude from game of thrones(Jon snow) is an actual Scorpio moon and his character does certain justice to the moon .
In my imaginings, this character is a Scorpio moon 🌚🌚
< title="Embedded YouTube Video" class="ytv lazy" allowfullscreen="" ="https:">
Posted by Bumboklaatit's funny you mentioned him coz yesterday someone from reddit was like: "is it just me or is the actor rob stark better looking than jon snow like did they mix them up?" and i'm like "yeah objectively more handsome but jon is more brooding which ofc makes jon even more🔥🔥."Posted by virgoOPPP
In my imaginings, this character is a Scorpio moon 🌚🌚
< title="Embedded YouTube Video" class="ytv lazy" allowfullscreen="" ="https:">
That one dude from game of thrones(Jon snow) is an actual Scorpio moon and his character does certain justice to the moon .click to expand
Posted by virgoOPPPJon Snow will forever and always be a Cap to me.Posted by BumboklaatPosted by virgoOPPP
In my imaginings, this character is a Scorpio moon 🌚🌚
< title="Embedded YouTube Video" class="ytv lazy" allowfullscreen="" ="https:">
That one dude from game of thrones(Jon snow) is an actual Scorpio moon and his character does certain justice to the moon .
it's funny you mentioned him coz yesterday someone from reddit was like: "is it just me or is the actor rob stark better looking than jon snow like did they mix them up?" and i'm like "yeah objectively more handsome but jon is more brooding which ofc makes jon even more🔥🔥."
but yassss def Scorpio moon:
< title="Embedded YouTube Video" class="ytv lazy" allowfullscreen="" ="https:">click to expand
Posted by virgoOPPP
"Are you telling me that this man who has access to all my social media, bank details and all my passwords with a side hobby of video recording me in intimate moments he wants to rewatch in his private time is a Scorpio moon? But I've already married him twice. Are you trying to entice me to marry him a 3rd time? Coz that's overkill."
-my Virgo friend probably (def not me no way)