A Day in The Life

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Lady_M on Sunday, January 6, 2008 and has 17 replies.
...of an Aquarius...
I find this site funny, yet so informative. LOL
Browse the other videos if you've got a chance.
I havent watched the leo yet...but now I will!
The aries was kinda crazy.
Oh yeah, my bestfriend is a leo and it is definitely accurate.
I honestly think aquas are the only ones who can put up with them.
That video makes me look normal...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If you watch the Scorpio one you'll laugh your ass off. Apparently the Leo is starting shit with her! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Yeah! The leo starts with everyone...she was pissed at the taurus and he chews her out in thee office meeting.
Seems like that Leo girl shows up in every single one lol. I need to hang out with more Tauruses. They like to eat and so do I. If they actually did come up with a sitcom I'd definitely watch it. I'd like to see the behind the scenes when they do the casting too.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHA!!!! That's it I need to hang out with more Bulls.
I just watched the videos about astrology with that Barry guy and now I understand it a little more. I find it easier when someone explains it to me like that rather than reading about it. Apparently I'm afraid of my emotions hahahahaahahah!
People just think we're weird because we're too overly normal. The normalcy just overloads their mind grapes.
BTW, That's what my inner child looks like. A little asian kid dancing around with glowing yellow light as my background.
I always wondered they did in my tummy.
I wonder what the sign of that really scruffy one that libra is trying to get rid of...politely of course Tongue

For Kris[topher Robin smile]
lol, the scruffy man is a sag! Its just like this sag guy I know who is a bit of an alcoholic and tends to wake up in strange places...
Funny...the scorpio one is hilarious!! smile
leo is way 2 funny