Aqua bad habits

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by waterbaby on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 and has 26 replies.
Just wondering what all your typica; aqua bad habits are???
Mine is jumping from one thing to another, always wanting to do sumthhng else. my other one is i never read afull page, lol i skip down cos i get bored quixk! I dont think this is an aqua thing but i know me and my aqua ex did exactly the same thing!
great at giving advice terrible at practicing what I preach
Not calling friends and family and or returning calls ... in a timely manner or if ever.
We are better with texts, but still not good enough.
Any form of technology induced communication
I have a big problem with not returning people's phone calls. And it's really bad, especiall when I first meet someone whether it's a new friend or a potential partner. And it's not like I suddenly stop liking that person. It's just that when I first meet people, I never call them. They always have to call me, even if I'm dying to talk to them.
And I def. have a bad habbit of interrupting people when they speak. When being spoken to, I usually figure out where they're going with the conversation or what they're about to say next, so I'll either finish their sentence for them or I'll just interrupt & keep it going as if the other person was done talking. I know it drives others crazy, but it's weird. Ironically, I don't like when other drag out things & talk for too long w/o getting their point across, even though we Aquarians drive others crazy for this same reason.
Oh yeah, I agree with lady_M thats my worst, I never call people back ((my news year resoloution this year)) was to call people instead of them always callin me!! oops well didnt stick to that one...
and yup krysrene7.. I can be enthusiatic to listen when it will inetrest me but I hate it when people take forever to tell a story or go into sooo much detail aswell.get straight to the point... phew im normal! lol
Oh and sometimes I say somthing that might be taken the wrong way... but its not meant like that. I just say sumthng that i see ...
Last but not least a habit I quite like!!:: During converstaion I jump from one thing to another. When someone sais somthing or im having a great conversation about somthing.. When i get a chance I might randomly ask a question completly different!!.. Lik edo you like iceskating?? My dad alsywas asks ARE YOU LISTENING..... NO YOUR NOT ARE YOU.. YOUR SOOO RUDE U NEVER LISTEN WHEN I SPEAK!
Also i can be funny about things why i dont like them.. in anice funny way people say your so weird.. lol i call it quirky or ecentric
Anyone else like this????
"And I def. have a bad habbit of interrupting people when they speak. When being spoken to, I usually figure out where they're going with the conversation or what they're about to say next, so I'll either finish their sentence for them or I'll just interrupt & keep it going as if the other person was done talking. I know it drives others crazy, but it's weird. Ironically, I don't like when other drag out things & talk for too long w/o getting their point across, even though we Aquarians drive others crazy for this same reason."
Oh man, I do this ALOT! I am always being told to get to the point when I speak, keep it short and simple, but I cant because I find that noone seems to understand my thought process. On the same hand, when people are talking to me, I usually get bored and tune them out or just finish the sentence for them. I too can usually figure out what exactly they are trying to get across.
One thing I have noticed that when I am having an actual conversation with my Aqua friends, we can listen to each other talk for HOURS and if we are having trouble understanding and we ask each other to explain what was said or really mean.....we always oblige. My one friend came to a ceremony I was in and after, we were standing outside and he was going on and on about everything and nothing and I remember feeling so "at ease".
Let's see.....the only family members I talk to on a habitual basis are my parents. My dad especially....(hes got an Aqua Mercury...he NEVER shuts My friends back home I talk to every now and then
I can get bored easily and distracted VERY easily....Im trying to work on the distracted part, but I am not having much success. Any advice?
Speaking of advice, I can pour the water, but can't drink it.
I can be very lazy at times and I and jump from one topic to another....
Damn, Im exhausting
Yeah sometimes I talk waaaayyy to much and sometimes i just observe and watch and listen and can be extremly quiet. Taking in what I want. 'Somechick' the distraction bit yeah it is a struglle but ive got atip pretend to listen and after a while youll relise part of you is actually listening or will tune back in. I sued to really struggle with that all my life and just wondered why I always tuned right out of a conversation!!!! Wow you guys make me feel normal. Plenty camomile tea and relaxation helps me listen.
But I wish I had a close aqua friend. Last year I met my x and for the first time in my life I didnt have to apologise for my thought process! and neither did he. I was the only person who didnt consider him rude or understood his ways. I didnt feel guilty for what i said or what order i said it in! lol
Lady M~ seriously I think we were seperated from birth because:

"Not calling friends and family and or returning calls ... in a timely manner or if ever.
We are better with texts, but still not good enough.
Any form of technology induced communication"

this fits me down to a T!!!
Also, another bad habit of mine would be not making the first move. I'm not the type to do so.
Then I get pi $ $ ed off and depressed and wonder why the hell i'm alone msot of the time.
My friends tell me to make the first move, but I don't want to come off as a in-your-face $ lut type.
"Also, another bad habit of mine would be not making the first move. I'm not the type to do so.
Then I get pi $ $ ed off and depressed and wonder why the hell i'm alone msot of the time.
My friends tell me to make the first move, but I don't want to come off as a in-your-face $ lut type.
I can relate to this one as well. I usually do not make the first move, but when I met le Aqua.....I just knew, so I made a move. It was not too aggressive ( I invited him to join me to play an online computer was my way of inviting him into my life/world and hoping we could be friends) Never happened. I just pressed on.
I don't think you would come off as the in your face slut type. I like when the guy makes the first move (and he did) but I waited....anyways, Im rambling. All Im saying is if your feeling it, then go for will you know if you don't try?
I somehow always initiate.
Subtly of course. Its always best to let the guy think it was his idea to get trapped in all the gooey stuff which is my awesomeness. Big Grin
I positioned myself in the cancers sights. The libra was good old fashioned conversation, with subtle flirting. I got the pisces' phone number from him and called him first, but it somehow became him calling me all the time... I really confused him. lol
That's crazy how we all have alot of the same "habits" in common.
Another thing I HATE is texting. I would rather just talk to the person so that I can hear their voice & so that everything gets down to business (cutting out the middle man). I hate arguing, talking something our or discussing something really important over text message. It's weird, but I feel that if I can hear that person's voice, I can detect sincerity, betrayal or even be more tuned in. And the same goes for face to face. That's why I like face to face better b/c body language gives more of the truth away than the words that are coming out of your mouth.
I hate the whole "Hey, what's up" "What are you doing" "How are you doing" mumbo jumbo instead of just getting to the point. I can see how texting is more modern-day & is a life-saver sometimes when you can't talk on your phone, but still, when I'm just at home relaxing, I don't want all of my communication with my friendships & relationships to evolve around text messages.
I have a bad habit of meeting a guy or thinking I could like sumone.. Then after a while I relise i dont fancy him/like him like that or am not attracted. BUT by this time they are interested and think the same just because im talky and humourous and jokey with them still.
& at 1st i act maybe like i could b inetrested. Its then hard to say im not interested in that way. and i enjoy talking to them so its hard to say sorry "no"
So any other aqua ladies like this?? guys take your friendly side and interest in chatting like you want them?
Are aquas fussy???
I miss calls even when i have my phone in my hand! oops, sumtimes i actually switch my phone off for a bit.
I like to txt i think BUT I HATE peopel hwo txt one line like, hi. ..... then u right how are you? and instead of them writing a full txt about everythng they just type back... im fine u? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr just say it all in one txt so i can reply and thats it lol.

I hate having serious convos via text.

I know where your coming from waterbaby, the same happens to me. I dont like the guy, but I do enjoy his conversations and he takes it the wrong just turns into a big mess. I just want to be friends.

I do have a bad habit of going back and forth on whether or not I like a guy. It annoys me to know end.
The thing with me & the whole guy thing is this...I already have enough friends. And I'm getting to the point & age where I don't stick around with or continue the communication with someone that I eventually know I can't see myself being with in the long run. Now don't get me wrong, I'm always open to starting new friendships, but trust & loyalty is not something that can happen with me overnight; thus most of the people I actually call my "friends" are people I've known to REALLY know for years & not just "We're friends for right now-highschool stuff"
And as far as the texting thing goes...I don't mind texting but the whole "hey" "What are you doing" "how's the weather over there" & "Are you okay?" Stuff gets on my nerves when all they REALLY wanted to say/know was "Did you wanna go here with me today? Or "Girl I've got to tell you something." I hate texting b/c most people have to send 5 or 6 BULL messages before they actually get to the point. But at the same time, I also don't like discussing anything dramatic over texting b/c in those kind of situations (whether I'm arguing with someone, giving advice, or just hearing someone out) I like to talk alot & it drives me crazy when I have to narrow my speech down to just 300 words when in reality, I feel my message or my opinion would've went alot further or been more understandable if the person actually heard my talking or saw me face to face.
And It's not like I'm cold hearted. Sometimes I really do want to know how someone's day has been going & all that "Hey what's up" boring/random stuff, but for the most part, if you already know my answer is going to be the same every single time, then just get to the point. And if what you need to say to me or ask me is that important then I'd rather actually HEAR you say it not READ you say it anyways. Like I said, texting can just as conveinent than it is annoying, but for the most part, I'm always so busy & never have time for the small chats & if you're going to text me, make it about something important & something that has a "point" from the 1st text, not the 10th text. That's just wasting minutes & finger energy lol
Posted by OFA
Oh gosh, I never make the first move! And even for a little while, I would have the guy call me first if he wanted to talk and I would only call if I missed a call...I always liked to say I was "old-fashioned" and that is true, but I was sooo shy!

I'm sort of like this, most of my exes have had to make the first move because they got fed up of waiting on me. I want to and I try to and even though I know they like me I just can't! Shocking.
Posted by Lady_M
I hate having serious convos via text.
I know where your coming from waterbaby, the same happens to me. I dont like the guy, but I do enjoy his conversations and he takes it the wrong just turns into a big mess. I just want to be friends.
I do have a bad habit of going back and forth on whether or not I like a guy. It annoys me to know end.
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Yeah I'm with you - I prefer texting that is fun and light hearted. In all honesty I get bored of "How are you?" "What you been up to?" It's nice that people are interested but to be honest you sort of get fed up of saying how you feel or what you've been doing. With most people it's the same old thing!
I don't mind speaking on the phone but usually it's cause the girl is calling me or telling me to call them. Every now and again though I will call them without them asking me! It's a weird thing going on there, I just don't get myself sometimes!
---haha That's where I was always glad that guys traditionally make the first move, thank goodness. Otherwise, if I was a dude, I would probably be a bachelor forever!
Just as well you're not then Tongue
Lucky for me that these girls would! *phew*
I have made the first move once or twice - but most times I can't/won't because well, I'm not sure to tell you the truth! It's great being an Aquarius!
K7....I swear you are reading my journal. I was talking to my closest male friend the other night about the concept of "friendship" and how difficult it is for most people to fathom that individuals can be friends for a long period of time. The friends that I have now, my TRUE friends, I've known for over 10 years! I think it is also hard for most to believe that men and women can be platonic friends as well. (the friendship I share with this particular male is platonic). Especially this day in age. I learned a very valuable lesson many moons ago to never take my friends for granted
But why? Why is it so hard to believe that there ARE individuals out there that TRUELY enjoy the company of another human being and are interested in their experiences and what they have to say? Why is it so hard to believe that there are people out there that sincerely care about other people? Why is it so hard to believe that there are individuals out there that are amiable and civilized in nature? And what gives people the right to barbarically violate those individuals simply because they do not want to believe that a person like that exists because it makes THEM look bad,or they share similar mannersims and can't believe that person could be true or simply because of their own ignorance and immaturity. I consider myself to be an extremely tolerant person, but I have NO tolerance for ignorance.
Sorry, there is a bit of emotion behind that statement (and a story) but I've HAD IT with other people and their stupid childish games. Im beyond disgusted with how people represent themselves (especially the people that I have to deal with) *does yoga chant*
But yes, I agree with you authenticly K7. I would much rather have the discussions vis a vis. If you have something to say via txt, get to the point,but if you want to chat and tell me all about your day, worries, concerns,fears, dreams, the smell of your feet ;P I dont care..... go ahead and do that too, I realize that people can't always have the face to face chats, sometimes situations do not allot. I will always make for my friends.
"I also have the problem with talking to guys and they almost always think I like them. I'll just be nice and having conversations with them because I enjoy talking to them but they get the wrong message! Though they usually figure it out eventually that I'm taken and would just like to be friends."
I've experienced this as well and it has led to a few "dates" but from my experiences, most guys are just occupied with trying to get me into bed.
lol Well with how crazy most women are I'd probably just be gay haha Nah but yeah, making the first move can be terrifying for some reason. I'm not so much afraid of rejection but for some reason, I could never bring myself to do it. It just felt weird!
Indeed it is quite terrifying Tongue
Yeah I agree it isn't about rejection because most times you know if a person likes you or not (through various ways).
I would never go for a girl if I didn't know first hand that she was into me. It would be suicide and the fear of rejection is just too much for me!
"Yeah I agree it isn't about rejection because most times you know if a person likes you or not (through various ways).
I would never go for a girl if I didn't know first hand that she was into me. It would be suicide and the fear of rejection is just too much for me!"
Fear of rejection stems from how we percieve ourselves, NOT how others percieve US. If you are comfortable with yourself and the choices you make for yourself, it should not matter if others will reject you. If you can be happy alone and still get your needs/wants met, then the fear of being rejected should be non existant. The fear becomes stronger when we find someone who carries or represnts themselves similar to ours because then we attach ourselves to that person. The key to that is to remember not to get so attached to the point you become dependant on them for happiness or entertainment.
Everyone has a fear of being rejected, its normal. We all want to be accepeted for WHO we are, loved and appreciated. Do not choose a partner that will project all of their insecurities onto you or try to bring you down for whatever reason. Those are the people that will drain you physically, mentally and emotionally. Also, try not to place YOUR expectations of someone onto your "potential" because you can miss out on who they really are. I learned this lesson a LONG time ago.....its not fair to the other person and more importantly it is not fair to YOU.
I know aqua's love having friends aroudn them but ive noticed in life I can feel lonely and Iknow my aqua male friend gets really lonely but he is the most populer man I know!
Oh and are we fussy??
Posted by waterbaby
I know aqua's love having friends aroudn them but ive noticed in life I can feel lonely and Iknow my aqua male friend gets really lonely but he is the most populer man I know!
Oh and are we fussy??

I think everybody can feel lonely at times - especially when you are down and things are maybe not working your way. Has he got a gf? Because sometimes I feel lonely that I have no longer got one but it is only lonely in the love department. Even then that feeling is short lived... I myself have a wide circle of friends and a few "close" friends. But sometimes I need to relax by myself.
Posted by Somechick23

Everyone has a fear of being rejected, its normal. We all want to be accepeted for WHO we are, loved and appreciated. Do not choose a partner that will project all of their insecurities onto you or try to bring you down for whatever reason. Those are the people that will drain you physically, mentally and emotionally. Also, try not to place YOUR expectations of someone onto your "potential" because you can miss out on who they really are. I learned this lesson a LONG time ago.....its not fair to the other person and more importantly it is not fair to YOU.
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Hey! I do agree with some of the things you are saying...
I have actually once been rejected by a very good friend of mine (who had told me she was falling for me). I had all the signals to pursue it so I did. We went out a lot but often with our own friends and we spent time together as well. We decided to go out for a few drinks together (as in like an actual date) but it felt quite awkward at times but we had some good evenings once we settled in, I asked her out anyway and she said that we should remain friends instead. I was quite happy with that because that's her feelings so I respect that. What I'm not happy with is how she then tells me a few months later that of her regret at saying no. By then I've pretty much moved on and it's too late and then things get complicated. I respected her but the whole "let's be friends" thing is taken with a pinch of salt by myself - because I've heard this a few times and yet women then proceed to chase you around or get mad/upset because you are acting as a friend to them. Strange!
You have issues girl.
Seriously, just kill yourself. I'm sure no one would care smile
**Okay, this may read as a disturbing comment, but it's a really bad habit of mine.
Everytime I go to a fitting room to try on clothes, I end up examining and picking my face instead of actually getting to try the clothes on, which eventually I do. But I leave the room with a red face, and I looked all fu*ked up. I don't know why I do this? Sad
Aquadash, hahah lol i love that yep I do that.. well not in the fiiting room, but if i find amirror in the house, wen i should just wash my hands i end up with my face close to mirror picking, turning my head lol inspecting... My x (aqua) while everyone else was sitting around talking he was sumwhere close to a mirror aswell, touching his face and checking himself out.
I think alot aquas are good at keeping in contact when they feel like it. but otherwise I spend alot of time saying to people sorry I havnt been in touch.
do aquas have anack for lying or bending the truth so we dont get in trouble. I ve come to relise I could be guilty but sumhow have always thought i was a little angel. But i think I feel inocent because I manage to twist thinsg round so im just an inocent bystander.. or is this just me lol

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