Aquarius Male on Edge

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by VirgoBeloved on Friday, May 16, 2008 and has 17 replies.
I have been reflecting on how my Aquarius man is not accustomed to having the talks we have (those are his words).
Much of this is because I am extremely intuitive, very knowledgeable about astrology, and quite intelligent. When I see or kow something through any of my senses (including the "sixth" one) or when I note something in his natal or transit chart, I speak to him about it. I often tell him what I know about things he is hiding from me or thought I could not possibly know.
I am so intuitively sensitive that I get messages in the midst of doing something at work, or studying or many times, while I am asleep. I literally wake up and sit up in bed with things. Iam working on a project and suddenly KNOW something related to him. Instead of letting them fester, I present them to him in a gentle manner.
I have absolutely blown his mind and he often has to handle it by retreating to himself for a few moments to a day or so and then returning. He handles more and more in a few moments now than at first, when he would be so shocked he would disappear after trying to tell me there must be some "rational" way I learned the information...and then he realized there was not. I do not tell him EVERYTHING I know; only the things that would affect me or which give me insight into how he is in our relationship. He cannot hide from me so he is an Aquarius male on the edge!
It is my experience that Aquarius does NOT like to be understood or for you to know anything happening in their heads.
Any similar experiences?
We are private people and I tihnk you need to tread lightly wwith your revelations.

Oh yes I am aware of how he feels, as evidenced by the need to retreat for a time, although he is doing that less and less. This has been happening for some time, and will always be a component of our relationship. I told him from the start about my intuitive abilities and my knowledge and practice of astrology so that he would know upfront and I because I was not going to hide who I am. He told me it was "freaky" that I could know the things I was able to tell him, without him ever having told me.
He understand it is not about emotions, it is about a form of knowledge, a way of knowing, that is not rational or logical but just as valid and with me, rather accurate.
What concerns to me is that I am getting so many messages and pieces of information from and about him, unlike with any prior boyfriend, and unlike with most people. It is very much lke being in his head, but not a voluntary thing. As we grow closer, I get more messages.
What is good about it is that we have been able to have conversations about the futility of lying to me in any form, whether outright or through the withholding of information or details. Early in the relationship he would try to tell me that I must have misunderstood something he said or did or that I was no longer was able to remember things correctly. Now he is droppng that tactic.
But yes, I do not tell him everything that comes to me or everything I glean from his chart...typically only if it pertains to us and I perceive it to be the reasoning behind a certain behavior.
It seems to have opened a door of communication, albeit a surprisong one. If I know he is going through a rought transit, as I would with anyone else, I do not say things likely to upset him unnecessarily.
Right now is challeing for ALL Aquarius' though (and has been since 1998) because Neptune transiting Aquarius mean delusions, deceptions, dreams, drama etc are very prominent. Chiron transiting Aquarius since 2005 means there is opportunity for healing for Aquarians. In a way, my abilities are helping him stay in reality. I also am learning to stay open to someone with whom I am having such spiritual and psychological intimacy.
The messages about the woman he had a crush on were a bit scary, but now at least it is in the open.

Hi Bijou,
I am not offended. Yes it is not possible to know emotion, intention and inflection on message boards and emails and making assumption leads to "flaming" and such. What I wrote is straightforward and not about anything hidden.
What I am writing is a about the fact that I am reflecting on the particular dynamic, in this relationship between me (Virgo) and my boyfriend (Aquarius) as I know it is not so common, and I have had time to really think about it in the last few days. I wrote it as a piece of information that someone may be able to use/incorporate in their relationship with an Aquarius at some point. The relationship has grown more intimate because of it and certainly there is no way either of us can control the other. We stay together by choice out of our feelings for one another. Also are both personally and astrologically signs that can quite well be by themselves if we dislike a relationship for any reason. I alos do not like men who I have the possibility of ordering around. I need an independent equal and that he is.
As I wrote, I find this particular dynamic quite interesting because of the transit of NEPTUNE in Aquarius and CHIRON in Aquarius right now. I have been watching it with my Aquarius astrology clients since both transits began and I know that Napetune is playing a significant role in this situation. The intuition (spirituality) is categorized under Neptune and astrology is categorized under Uranus and very Aquarian; therefore Neptune in Aquarius is at work here.
I suspect (I have not verified this with him as yet) that the unusual and shocking nature of this is actually appealing to him as an Aquarius male. I also think that the wounding/healing energies of Chiron transiting Aquarius right now are also at work because while it means we discuss things that he normally has never discussed with anyone, the discussion has made our relationship more intimate by his choice. He is surprised and withdraws to reflect, then returns amazed and interested and we talk about whatever it is.
He called this afternoon to talk about the details of two vacation trips we have planned in the next month and dinner...and we chatted a bit about my intuition and our level of intimacy. We also talked at length about this woman he had in his head and he feels he put a lot of energy into something he knew at heart would not ever happen, but that it was part of his growing into having a his first real relationship (not a fantasy one). He, like many Aquarians, is a later bloomer in relationships and sex.
Our conversation gave me a chance to get some more feedback from him about things. I was not off the mark...he is quite intrigued that it is possible to know something without having to have any visual proof in front of you, and separately, we talked a bit about astrology. He is very interested to learn more about it.
We have a dinner date tonight and when we return, we are going to sit down and go over his natal chart and I have promised to do an intuitive reading for him to give him an opportunity to grasp things. It should be interesting as he is actually quiter intuitive himself but as far as I can see, not fully conscious about it. I think it will be another one of our marathon talking sessions until sunrise.
Im happy that he seesm intrigued by this, I would be as well, but I'd also feel kinda violated.
It WAS a marathon talking session! I am soooo impressed with Mr. Aquarius and feel a lot closer to him now that I feel he understands parts of me that are very important and integral to who I am.
He said he does not understand how it works but that he sees intuitive and empathic knowing does work. He put me through my paces with questions that I answered with accuracy and/or which made sense to him. He said he wondered at first how I could have known certain things (like about the fantasy woman) but he realizes there was no physical/material way I could have known ?so there must be something to this intuition?. I also tried to help him see how his rather strong intuition is active. We talked about how we tune into one another because of this form of knowledge. There was a lot of laughing and kissing.
At one point I told him ?You know you do a disappearing act with regularity? and asked him if he feels at times like he cannot talk to me and he said he does not feel like that.
When we looked at his chart and I showed him several things and explained how they can manifest he became quite interested. He is borrowing some books from my astrology library to do some research on his own. We also talked about the effects of Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius right now and how it affects him as an Aquarius and us in our relationship. We are going to a science museum sometime soon to look for some astronomy connections.
I really enjoy this man and it feels good that he enjoys me.
Lady M,
I can understand that.
He and I are such a good match. We are both very diplomatic in public and political situations; but in private with each other we are so very open, blunt and forthright. We seem to be able to say things to one another without having to beat around the bush while realizing there is no malice involved.
You are probably smothering him too much.
Hi Bijou,
Hmmm well interestingly enough, about half my female friends are Aquarius' and quite a few others are Geminis. We do have good conversations about lots of topics, understand how the other thinks, and our minds go a mile a minutes, lol.
But another development has occurred (next post)....
Mr. Aquarius asked me this afternoon what I would think of living together, moving into his place this summer. I am thinking, I am smiling, I am thinking....
Full Moon is tomorrow and it is hitting this life area of my chart. Wow.
No offense, so please don't take it...but you would scare me. But all aquas are different, so he may totally dig it (definitely possible!) We like quirks, but we can differ in the quirks we like.
Sounds a bit like an experiment to me....does every topic that comes up between you guys revert back to your charts and chirons and transits whatever. Do you plan his dinners based on his charts??
IMHO this would probably make for a good freindship with an Aquarius but they'll eventually bore of all the astrological stuff. I can only imagine my Aqua's face if I said to him ok so how about a nice dinner tonight at that quirky little Italian place on the corner and when we get back we're doing your chart.....until sunrise.
As for Virgo/Aquarius.....we've got two Virgo woman in our social group (both partners of friends) and both these people just don't seem to grasp what my boyfriend is saying most of the time...he has this way of saying things in a shocking way but the message (if you understand him) is not so serious always - they take him so literally!! And he ofcourse knows this and just stirs some more until eventually they're in a verbal spar over something so stupid and those of us who know that he's just a big old tease sit there laughing our heads off at these Virgo woman getting themselves totally worked up - he seems to have the same affect on Taurus woman. E.g. my Aqua will tease me by saying something like, remember when this happened, and I'll say no I don't you must've been with your other girlfriend and he'll say oh yes the blond one with big boobs and we'll laugh - but the Virgo female will shake her head and later, in private ask me how I put up with it??? Hello, we were joking damnit!
He enjoys deep conversations of VARIED topics. We discuss a little astrology, then some politics and so it goes....VARIED.
"WOW!! That is BIG!! Today is supposed to be some big positive Venus aspects too! I read Priya Kale and on her friday blog she posted this from her Full Moon Report"
Thanks for this link!
Yeah this Full Moon in Scorpio was rather potent, especially because it was at the karmic degree of 29. The buildup to the Full Moon (three days) was likely potent for many people, with things being delved into, unearthed and dealt with.
Things are a bit busy at the moment, but Mr. Aquarius and I are doing fine as the days go by this week. The waether is especially nice so I think that is also causing many lifeted spirits around here.
I am still thinking on the housing issue.
Hope all are well on the boards!
Actually Bijou,
No! I never missed a damn thing - since I never got any kicks out of "getting everyone worked up". And as far as I recall you and LK were the only two really who did get all "worked up". LK because she thinks her word is law (excuse the pun) and you because,'re a follower...bah bahhh.
If it got you so "worked up", God bless your cotton socks, why on earth did you continue reading my 25 page posts?
So, in light of things, since you are clearly a child, and if I wanted child advice I'd visit the kindergarten down the road, please refrain from even attempting to comment on my posts. They are of no value whatsoever other than to?what did you call it?.?get everyone worked up?. This much is obvious since my return and I ask myself just who the attention seeker is and just who exactly missed the dramas.
One thing I did learn upon my return is not to entertain pathetic, derogative, dogmatic Americans (now I'm not saying all Americans are bad just like not all South Africans are good!!!) who cannot see past their own noses into the world of others?.OH and the ignore button. So I hand you your Mai Tai , since you'll be the fist on my ignore list. Frankly I don't have time for SH1T. Ta ta.
BTW ? I find it quite strange, considering your comments now and previously, that my inbox was permanently flooded with other users begging for advice?and then thanking me for it afterwards. So put that in your little pipe and smoke it.
Oh and I laughed my royal arse off at your comments in the ?into the dust she goes? thread? actually believe you ran me off??? You arrogant idiot.
Anybody like Chicago style hotdogs? very very tasty. No Ketchup! smile