COUPLES - what do you do on an average day?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by taurusgoddess on Monday, March 27, 2006 and has 6 replies.
Please don't tell me you're the kind of couple that watches TV together, I wanna hear from the interesting sorts; what do you do together?
PS. and sex is a given, lets leave that part outta this discussion!!! Winking
Thanks for asking. I just feel that I haven't really had a "normal" relationship really. I love doing lots of different things and am very passionate, but as I my life style changes I'm kinda stuck for what I really want to do with someone. What parts to share, what parts I may be missing.
I guess everyone has different expectations from a relationship.
I think a relationship is just an extension of your regular life. Once you get to the point of being a couple, you just share everyday things. You go grocery/furniture/clothing shopping, you make dinner together, you have friends over or go over to friend's houses together, you have parties, you listen to music and sing along, you go for day trips outside the city, you drink wine, you go to restaurants, concerts. I would drag him to art shows once in awhile. He would drag me to political fundraisers. Yadda, yadda.
It is really about who you are and sharing it with your partner. Although me and my ex were both very social and went out about 3 or more times a week, my favorite times were always those quiet moments you can't really define. Like watching him iron his shirt for work and me making us tea on a rainy Sunday afternoon ... or him running me a bath and making fresh squeezed orange juice because I had a cold.
We create memories by just being in the moment. It doesn't really matter what you do together. It just happens.
You make it sound so sweet & natural little sparrow! smile
I like relationships that grow where you show each other your worlds and build your own character instead of turning into each other and becoming bored & bland. ichhhhhhhhh! I'd rather be single! lol
It is natural TG. smile
When you are with the right person, there is none of this "why hasn't he called me for five days. Is it normal for a man to withdraw for a week?" stuff. They may not call every day but you feel secure enough not to care. Know what I mean?
You can't become each other. You have to remain separate. If you start giving up yourself and your own life, that is why people become insecure. They need the other person to feel okay because they have lost their boundary of their self. Not a healthy thing to do ... and often it is so subtle, it is hard to realize that is what is going on.
Sometimes people give up their own life to be in a partnership. That only leads to chaos and trouble. It takes two whole people to have a relationship, not two halves.
Ya I hate insecure, dependent relationships. It's disgusting to watch.