I Miss my aquarian girlfriend!

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by sirsmoke on Thursday, September 15, 2011 and has 7 replies.
We broke up in the beginning of august Sad i havent seen her or talked to her...she says we need a break from the arguments we had.Ill give anything to see her or talk to her again,but i know shes having her independent time that you aquas like to have and shes not the type to initiate anything **sigh** I thought about textin or calling today but i fought the feeling off.She still visits my facebook and twitter page to figure out what events going to so she can magically bump into me from what im told.I dont know im feeling down and i just want to hear from her,i would be the happiest man in the world.
Aw. Do you think if you called she'd talk? Or is it at a nasty stage where she'd ignore you?
I have no clue,thats the same thing im wondering....i called her to get something from her about 2 or 3 weeks ago and we got along fine and were laughing and everything.That day she told me she would call me back and never did....i texted her a couple days later saying it was good hearing from her and telling her that she was a breath of fresh air.Of course she ignored the sentimental statement and texted me back saying "yea it was cool,im going to have to come see how you living 1 of these days" because i just moved into my own apartment.After that i really havent heard from her so what do you think i should do?
oMG i am an aqua girl to... and i didn't know Leos cared about us like that..... the situation i am going through .. i in boxed you ... i am starting to become this evil person
of course u can get her back! did u try though? msging on forum about her doesnt help u unless she reads it! what we (im aqua girl too) hate the most is loser that do not try to get what they want in their lives! go and see her! do not need to be emotional...we hate it! but what u can do is perfectly cool. if this dosnt work and u cant make any more arrangements to meet her and do not look like a stalker than just make sure u tell her u want to be with her and u cant imagine ur life without her. then do not wait for her answer but wanish. wanish do not contact her and wait till she gets back to u. if she knows u r easy to get she will let u cook in ur own stew thinking you will call her anyway and wont bother to contact u. give her some time and be strong! if she doesnt get back to u after roses and proposes and all that romantic crap we all pretend to hate then she is probably seeing sb else who has balls smile there u go! do ur best coz life is too darn short!
signes, aqua girl (dating libra man and couldnt be more happy Winking)
Posted by mishela
of course u can get her back! did u try though? msging on forum about her doesnt help u unless she reads it! what we (im aqua girl too) hate the most is loser that do not try to get what they want in their lives! go and see her! do not need to be emotional...we hate it! but what u can do is perfectly cool. if this dosnt work and u cant make any more arrangements to meet her and do not look like a stalker than just make sure u tell her u want to be with her and u cant imagine ur life without her. then do not wait for her answer but wanish. wanish do not contact her and wait till she gets back to u. if she knows u r easy to get she will let u cook in ur own stew thinking you will call her anyway and wont bother to contact u. give her some time and be strong! if she doesnt get back to u after roses and proposes and all that romantic crap we all pretend to hate then she is probably seeing sb else who has balls smile there u go! do ur best coz life is too darn short!
signes, aqua girl (dating libra man and couldnt be more happy Winking)

When you say, "Vanish and do not contact her and wait sill she gets back to you. If she knows you are easy to get she will let you cook in your own stew thinking you will call her anyway and won't bother to contact you."
Can you define, easy? Do you mean that that person ALWAYS comes back?
And "cook in your own stew" what do you mean by that?
Hi Nikki, I understand u have one aqua man on run..If you dont want him to run make him stay. All we need is attention, fun, good second partie for discussion, to share our thoughts with sb...but I can be talking only for myself. If he cant stay there are two options: he either sticks with you just because there is noone better atm (didnt mean its true though!) OR he is not sure whether you like him and he cannot bear fact that he is not the number 1 in ur life! smile do u have enough fun together? can u talk for hours n stop only because there is sth better to do or u fell asleep? are u flexible and ready to change ur plans for him when he gets crazy idea? well there is lot more to it but these are the main factors for me! I have met aqua guys n my first love was aqua man. they are great! smile go for it n try to keep him! Winking