LOL sorry guys i didnt know the msg would be this long! it had been in my head for a couple week n i juz went verbal diarrhea *excuse me*
I'm not an Aqua guy but thought I throw my two cents in being an Aqua female. There could be many different reasons he acted that way in the club. Maybe he was upset that you didn't go over and directly talk to him. The only way to know for sure is to straight up ask him what his intentions are with you and your friendship. As an Aqua woman I'd respect someone more if they were straight with me on what my intentions were.
I'll tell you I honestly don't think you should even think about the club situation. It doesn't matter anymore. It's over with. You were doing you and whatever he was doing is whatever. The problem here is now you feel he has pulled a disappearing act on you. How long has it been since you've talked or seen him? Sometimes people get busy or need space.
ummm, it was two weeks ago we went clubbing, n the following two days we were texting a bit, then he disappeared, till now. and spacing out doesnt mean he had to block me? i dun spam him, it s always him texting me first.
I would suggest taking a step back if you feel he is disappearing on you. Aqua males can be aloof like that. Maybe something is going on in his life right now that takes prevalence--I wouldn't take it personally, but rather with a grain of salt. Like truecap stated above, if you really want to pursue this dude, being straightforward and upfront is the best policy. Men have no idea what women are actually thinking...and vice versa. They're sometimes just as lost as we are. If I have a problem with my Aqua guy I never beat around the bush and just approach him about it...which he seems to respond very well to. Good luck, fellow lioness!