The Secret Meaning Of Birthdays February 9th THE DAY OF VIBRANCY Those colorful individuals born on February...

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Lady_M on Friday, April 20, 2007 and has 78 replies.
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Bling...I'm playing too.
Though how else am I suppose to respond?
**pulls self along floor,like the bum dance dogs do when they have worms,even though I don't *

Would Lady M even love you with worms?
*Runs to his arms dressed in full Spartan gear*
"Oh Bling..."
*Passionate kiss*
is your b-day the 23 of Oct bling...I hope so b/c I just messaged the guy.
Im puking with ya Aqi. How are you??
You have the secrets of b-days book???
The born on a rotten day book is funny.
Good Morning Ms. Aquaaqi,
Ah Bling I am fine. Just finishing up the last of my schoolwork so I can leave that damn campus for the summer!
Go and party and wild and stuff....
Message posted by: antibling on 4/21/2007 2:02:26 PM ip:
Lady remembered !!!!
r0x0r !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course! ::hugs::
besides we all know your a scorp libra cusper...
Bye Aqi.
I should be studying, but I wish I could go swimming, its sooo sunny and nice.
I'll go to the library later though.
Hi virgo...continue the drama, it's entertaining. I think we should schedule a cat fight in for tomorrow, noonish, are you up for it?
Ah babe I got chruch tommorow and then possibly a study date. And you know I have to work up some bullbutter and get all mad...say 3ish?
Pfft. I hope it rains today, for you.
And yet you still smile about it.
Nothing can keep you down Bling...except cuffs
Oh a hot one...I'll make sure to have on my fire suit because I don't want to get....
lol, my cousins had the sheets. Tongue
Oh a hot one...I'll make sure to have on my fire suit because I don't want to get....

too moist ?????

The correct answer was: Burned!
I'm off to watch a long yas!
*Kisses Bling and Lady M*
LOL @ you two
later V102
firecrotch ????

No that's you...and the burning sensation isn't from fire...
Come on and post you scally-wag!
I knew Bling was never 'man' enough to post. Coward!
wasnt a typo.
she wouldnt mind, im sure. As long as you feed her and clothe her alls well.
twin where are you??
Wheres DK
bring it back.
bashed in??
poor thing...must study.
bye bye