What's the deal?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Manana on Friday, April 12, 2019 and has 8 replies.
So I got chatting to an Aqua online...turns out we'd been in touch (never met) a couple of years ago. We've been in touch regularly..he phones me everyday, usually for like an hour or two hours. We were supposed to meet in Wednesday but plans fell through and he hasn't mentioned an alternative but keeps phoning and texting all the time. We're in our 30s...what does he want?
He doesn't come across as nervous! Think I'm just going to be a bit more unresponsive..I seem to remember it was a similar story all that time ago.
Well, I like to have ppl to talk when im bored, specially if they will listen to all my crap lol ... If I dont like you I can meet up with you one day that I really have absolutely nothing to do.

I've just reached out to one of my friends after 2 years ago, and we are phoning and texting.... and I told him to see when we can hang out, but Im really not in a rush to hang out w him. (mind you we already know each other)

So, maybe, dont give this person too much attention. If he havent make the effort to meet you, he is keeping you there as a option. Not worth it. When I like someone I want to meet them right away.
Have you facetimed him?

Cause someone bailing on meeting face to face but being available to chat all the time reads as catfish to me.
The catfish possibility did cross my mind. I've removed him from my contacts anyway..reading what I've written has put me right off. He's only about 30 minutes drive from me so not much of a distance.
Well what kind of talking do you do? Is it just friendship? Or do you have feelings?
Posted by Koni

How far does he live from you?
A while back I read you had a baby. Made a mental note to congratulate you when the occasion arises and so....here we are. 😀
Mostly he talks 😂 About absolutely everything but I've been on the dating scene long enough to know that if a man is really interested, then he'll want to meet up asap and not drag it all out (unless there's a suspicious reason). There's no emotional investment.