Aries women who are damaged goods,play the field and have bad soul ties.

This topic was created in the Aries forum by ReddmannScorch on Sunday, September 1, 2019 and has 55 replies.
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Could be any woman but Aries always toy with this word,loyalty. if they trying to get over an ex who emotionally unavailable they end up making bad decisions to the point they have 4 guys,1.the boyfriend(who thinks she is loyal- he is very busy), 2 the nice guy who takes her bs,3 the ex 4 the stranger(trust me yall like risk). None knowing the other fucking the same girl. They keep talking loyalty but they themselves are not loyal when they have been hurt and damaged. In their head they seem they doing the right thing but in the end is more bad soul ties. They use the nice guys ALOT. I'm not bashing Aries they are sweethearts but the damaged ones are very reckless but don't know what is to be loyal.
Lol nice guys
This goes for almost everyone in need of validation.

So damaged women will cheat more?
Posted by Haruuka

So damaged women will cheat more?
yes they will. And they will find an excuse to do so even if they're in a relationship. Aries take the cake though I want to see the outcome of this. To add to the fire pun intended, they will fuk the hottest guy with the biggest dick despite being "loyal". But she not a developed Aries,Poor fellas, when one finds out it gonna be a shit show. The nice guy is a capricorn so lord knows what going to happen here.
She has pisces and scorpio placements and cancer. She says she has a boo, The cap guy is the one doing the most lifting. Getting her stuff etc etc Her excuse is that something happened long ago and she does not tust him yet he is still there with her. He does not know about the other guys. Dating?lol. She fucking the ex and her "boo", The cap gets no action. She likes her space and at times wants attention. But that loyalty part has me laughing.
Posted by jaymens933

Aries is the weaker version of taurus, they are liars and fake but gets easily busted for their bs and they get put into their place.

And i See thru the bs. Again they are sweethearts but they cant keep their story straight. She literally hates it when i call out her bs but I don't back down either.
Yea if you are willing to give some Aries energy everything you have emotionally and physically, they wont mind sitting back and just let you play yourself.

My ex is an Aries moon, and was as fucked as they come. The only credit I can give her is she didn't lie about it. She said she was messed up from the start, so I can't really be upset it ended in disaster.
Posted by Gobby

I've been bumping into this rather attractive, charismatic woman at mainly work-related social gatherings and I sense she's interested. She even slyly got it out of me whether or not I have a partner (she doesn't either) - I already knew what she was up to but just played along.

The last time we met, I asked about her sun sign. She's an Aries...

Hmmm... I was really hoping she'd be a water sign. Now, I've got to go lukewarm on her until she either finds someone else or loses interest...
Give her a few months then ghost her. That usually works.
Posted by Gobby

I've been bumping into this rather attractive, charismatic woman at mainly work-related social gatherings and I sense she's interested. She even slyly got it out of me whether or not I have a partner (she doesn't either) - I already knew what she was up to but just played along.

The last time we met, I asked about her sun sign. She's an Aries...

Hmmm... I was really hoping she'd be a water sign. Now, I've got to go lukewarm on her until she either finds someone else or loses interest...
She's attractive.. you two have good chemistry but yet you don't want to date her because of her sun sign 🤔

Smh Gobs.. what if she's water dominant or whatever y'all astros call it
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by Haruuka

So damaged women will cheat more?

yes they will. And they will find an excuse to do so even if they're in a relationship. Aries take the cake though I want to see the outcome of this. To add to the fire pun intended, they will fuk the hottest guy with the biggest dick despite being "loyal". But she not a developed Aries,Poor fellas, when one finds out it gonna be a shit show. The nice guy is a capricorn so lord knows what going to happen here.
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I’m an Aries mars, and I’m kind of damaged lol but I will never cheat, I can’t do this 😅
How did you find out?
I even witnessed this with my last landlord! Mid-fifties Aries woman with 1. Her "boyfriend" 2. Her "friend" who is such a nice guy to fix anything at her beck and call 3. The pool guy who "has a crush on her" and god knows who else but all three I saw regularly. She even tried to get Virguy doing her shit for her, but we all know how that went LOL. She could fake with the best of them. Best word for her, fake.
Posted by jaymens933
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by jaymens933

Aries is the weaker version of taurus, they are liars and fake but gets easily busted for their bs and they get put into their place.

And i See thru the bs. Again they are sweethearts but they cant keep their story straight. She literally hates it when i call out her bs but I don't back down either.

Its usually scorpio that got balls to call aries out when they lie and act like bches. Then put them in their place

Whats your sign?
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Cancer but i have scorpio in my placement.
Posted by Gobby
Posted by xoxflute
Posted by Gobby
Posted by Yodi
Posted by Gobby

I've been bumping into this rather attractive, charismatic woman at mainly work-related social gatherings and I sense she's interested. She even slyly got it out of me whether or not I have a partner (she doesn't either) - I already knew what she was up to but just played along.

The last time we met, I asked about her sun sign. She's an Aries...

Hmmm... I was really hoping she'd be a water sign. Now, I've got to go lukewarm on her until she either finds someone else or loses interest...

She's attractive.. you two have good chemistry but yet you don't want to date her because of her sun sign 🤔

Smh Gobs.. what if she's water dominant or whatever y'all astros call it

Well, I did tell her about and asked to hear more about her natal chart, next time we meet.

The thing is, most of my worst dates have been with Aries women. They always start out very charming. By the second or third date, their true (albeit unpleasant and selfish) colours start showing.

Unlike many here, I've long stopped believing in Hollywood romanticism - my intuition relies on hard cold facts and personal experiences...

What happened, if you don't mind me asking?

In a nutshell, they nearly all placed conditions on me before the relationship could get off the ground (usually superficial – one wanted to know every aspect of my life before committing, another assumed I’d be able to help her with her freelance career). In nearly all cases, I promptly bailed. Overall, I found most of them selfish and really stingy (one’s now back in Italy, doing this sketchy ‘art exchange’, whereby she offers lodging and promises to work on people’s art projects, in return for them renovating her inherited family farm house! Fucking cheapskate, as always…). I think another one even tried to ‘accidentally’ get pregnant with me (my dick immediately went on strike, during our first time, after she told me that I didn’t have to wear a condom because she already had a diaphragm inserted). WTF?

Sorry, just too much bullshit from them, over the years, and I’ve given this sign many chances…
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Yooooooooo. Thats the same thing this Aries doing. No protection.
Posted by AriesJo

How did you find out?

She told me. And I told her she gonna get burned . I was going to pursue but look like she doing this a while. So nope. And if we do happen to fuk im using protection.
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll


What is a bad soul tie?

a bad soul tie is when you are in toxic relationship with sex in the mix and attract more bad relationships even though there are men/women who would most likely heal or uplift. They abuse/use the good and have sex with the bad ones repeatedly.
Posted by Gobby
Posted by Yodi
Posted by Gobby

I've been bumping into this rather attractive, charismatic woman at mainly work-related social gatherings and I sense she's interested. She even slyly got it out of me whether or not I have a partner (she doesn't either) - I already knew what she was up to but just played along.

The last time we met, I asked about her sun sign. She's an Aries...

Hmmm... I was really hoping she'd be a water sign. Now, I've got to go lukewarm on her until she either finds someone else or loses interest...

She's attractive.. you two have good chemistry but yet you don't want to date her because of her sun sign 🤔

Smh Gobs.. what if she's water dominant or whatever y'all astros call it

Well, I did tell her about and asked to hear more about her natal chart, next time we meet.

The thing is, most of my worst dates have been with Aries women. They always start out very charming. By the second or third date, their true (albeit unpleasant and selfish) colours start showing.

Unlike many here, I've long stopped believing in Hollywood romanticism - my intuition relies on hard cold facts and personal experiences...
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I feel you.. I guess I'm still a hopeless romantic in someway. I wanted to tell you not to write someone off when they haven't done anything to you but I'd be a hypocrite.

Posted by Yodi
Posted by Gobby
Posted by Yodi
Posted by Gobby

I've been bumping into this rather attractive, charismatic woman at mainly work-related social gatherings and I sense she's interested. She even slyly got it out of me whether or not I have a partner (she doesn't either) - I already knew what she was up to but just played along.

The last time we met, I asked about her sun sign. She's an Aries...

Hmmm... I was really hoping she'd be a water sign. Now, I've got to go lukewarm on her until she either finds someone else or loses interest...

She's attractive.. you two have good chemistry but yet you don't want to date her because of her sun sign 🤔

Smh Gobs.. what if she's water dominant or whatever y'all astros call it

Well, I did tell her about and asked to hear more about her natal chart, next time we meet.

The thing is, most of my worst dates have been with Aries women. They always start out very charming. By the second or third date, their true (albeit unpleasant and selfish) colours start showing.

Unlike many here, I've long stopped believing in Hollywood romanticism - my intuition relies on hard cold facts and personal experiences...

I feel you.. I guess I'm still a hopeless romantic in someway. I wanted to tell you not to write someone off when they haven't done anything to you but I'd be a hypocrite.
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True. But ask questions or let her admit things to you. Dont ever beat around the bush. Aries would rather you come straight or else they start with the games.
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by Yodi
Posted by Gobby
Posted by Yodi
Posted by Gobby

I've been bumping into this rather attractive, charismatic woman at mainly work-related social gatherings and I sense she's interested. She even slyly got it out of me whether or not I have a partner (she doesn't either) - I already knew what she was up to but just played along.

The last time we met, I asked about her sun sign. She's an Aries...

Hmmm... I was really hoping she'd be a water sign. Now, I've got to go lukewarm on her until she either finds someone else or loses interest...

She's attractive.. you two have good chemistry but yet you don't want to date her because of her sun sign 🤔

Smh Gobs.. what if she's water dominant or whatever y'all astros call it

Well, I did tell her about and asked to hear more about her natal chart, next time we meet.

The thing is, most of my worst dates have been with Aries women. They always start out very charming. By the second or third date, their true (albeit unpleasant and selfish) colours start showing.

Unlike many here, I've long stopped believing in Hollywood romanticism - my intuition relies on hard cold facts and personal experiences...

I feel you.. I guess I'm still a hopeless romantic in someway. I wanted to tell you not to write someone off when they haven't done anything to you but I'd be a hypocrite.

True. But ask questions or let her admit things to you. Dont ever beat around the bush. Aries would rather you come straight or else they start with the games.
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I've only had the pleasure to befriend one aries (male) and yes I'd say you are right. They do prefer straightforward people/approaches. I can't comment on Aries women tho.. because I'm not one nor do I know any in RL.

With Gobz situation I feel like he should give her a fair chance.. but I too run for the hills once I find out a guy is a Leo.. soooo 😬 tough call
Posted by AbbyNormal

I even witnessed this with my last landlord! Mid-fifties Aries woman with 1. Her "boyfriend" 2. Her "friend" who is such a nice guy to fix anything at her beck and call 3. The pool guy who "has a crush on her" and god knows who else but all three I saw regularly. She even tried to get Virguy doing her shit for her, but we all know how that went LOL. She could fake with the best of them. Best word for her, fake.

I'm confused partly because I'm half azz following this thread 😬

How is she fake? Is it because she has men in her life that's willing to help her or is she stringing them along?
Posted by Gobby
Posted by Yodi
Posted by AbbyNormal

I even witnessed this with my last landlord! Mid-fifties Aries woman with 1. Her "boyfriend" 2. Her "friend" who is such a nice guy to fix anything at her beck and call 3. The pool guy who "has a crush on her" and god knows who else but all three I saw regularly. She even tried to get Virguy doing her shit for her, but we all know how that went LOL. She could fake with the best of them. Best word for her, fake.

I'm confused partly because I'm half azz following this thread 😬

How is she fake? Is it because she has men in her life that's willing to help her or is she stringing them along?

She's obviously using them, that's why.

Aries are the worst when you give them an inch...
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How tho?..

Abby said 1. Is her boyfriend

(boyfriends do shyt for their girlfriends all the time. How is that using?)

2. Is her friend

(he can say no just as fast as he said yes)

3. Is the pool guy that has a crush on her

(if anything he's happy to help her because he wants that puss one day)

Also she's fifty.. maybe she genuinely needs help.
Posted by Gobby
Posted by Yodi
Posted by Gobby
Posted by Yodi
Posted by AbbyNormal

I even witnessed this with my last landlord! Mid-fifties Aries woman with 1. Her "boyfriend" 2. Her "friend" who is such a nice guy to fix anything at her beck and call 3. The pool guy who "has a crush on her" and god knows who else but all three I saw regularly. She even tried to get Virguy doing her shit for her, but we all know how that went LOL. She could fake with the best of them. Best word for her, fake.

I'm confused partly because I'm half azz following this thread 😬

How is she fake? Is it because she has men in her life that's willing to help her or is she stringing them along?

She's obviously using them, that's why.

Aries are the worst when you give them an inch...

How tho?..

Abby said 1. Is her boyfriend

(boyfriends do shyt for their girlfriends all the time. How is that using?)

2. Is her friend

(he can say no just as fast as he said yes)

3. Is the pool guy that has a crush on her

(if anything he's happy to help her because he wants that puss one day)

Also she's fifty.. maybe she genuinely needs help.

You still have a lot to learn...
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Lol.. Mmhmm
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch

Could be any woman but Aries always toy with this word,loyalty. if they trying to get over an ex who emotionally unavailable they end up making bad decisions to the point they have 4 guys,1.the boyfriend(who thinks she is loyal- he is very busy), 2 the nice guy who takes her bs,3 the ex 4 the stranger(trust me yall like risk). None knowing the other fucking the same girl. They keep talking loyalty but they themselves are not loyal when they have been hurt and damaged. In their head they seem they doing the right thing but in the end is more bad soul ties. They use the nice guys ALOT. I'm not bashing Aries they are sweethearts but the damaged ones are very reckless but don't know what is to be loyal.

I am an Aries woman and do not have a single guy in my life that I am fucking. My twin sister only has one guy that she is married to. My younger Aries sister is only with 1 guy. So I don't find this to be common among Aries women... stop attributing qualities you find rarely in an Aries woman into all Aries women. Thank you.
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I struck a nerve. But re read. Why so defensive? I'm stating a fact in my situation. And I do see it alot among aries women.
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch

Could be any woman but Aries always toy with this word,loyalty. if they trying to get over an ex who emotionally unavailable they end up making bad decisions to the point they have 4 guys,1.the boyfriend(who thinks she is loyal- he is very busy), 2 the nice guy who takes her bs,3 the ex 4 the stranger(trust me yall like risk). None knowing the other fucking the same girl. They keep talking loyalty but they themselves are not loyal when they have been hurt and damaged. In their head they seem they doing the right thing but in the end is more bad soul ties. They use the nice guys ALOT. I'm not bashing Aries they are sweethearts but the damaged ones are very reckless but don't know what is to be loyal.

I am an Aries woman and do not have a single guy in my life that I am fucking. My twin sister only has one guy that she is married to. My younger Aries sister is only with 1 guy. So I don't find this to be common among Aries women... stop attributing qualities you find rarely in an Aries woman into all Aries women. Thank you.

I struck a nerve. But re read. Why so defensive? I'm stating a fact in my situation. And I do see it alot among aries women.

You are giving yourself too much credit there, you haven't struck any nerve. I am not being defensive, I am stating facts for myself being an Aries woman and the other Aries women I know of in my life. You are stating something that is isolated for one Aries woman and applying it to every woman under that sun sign. You are naive, stupid, and a moron. I was just correcting your dumb assumption and showing that outliers exist.
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Yup struck a nerve. And your tone is defensive. Did I insult you I did not. I observe and therfore it is mostly the Aries women who are not evolved or "Damaged" have this way about them. I stand by what I say though.
All the Aries women I know are very loyal in love
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch

Could be any woman but Aries always toy with this word,loyalty. if they trying to get over an ex who emotionally unavailable they end up making bad decisions to the point they have 4 guys,1.the boyfriend(who thinks she is loyal- he is very busy), 2 the nice guy who takes her bs,3 the ex 4 the stranger(trust me yall like risk). None knowing the other fucking the same girl. They keep talking loyalty but they themselves are not loyal when they have been hurt and damaged. In their head they seem they doing the right thing but in the end is more bad soul ties. They use the nice guys ALOT. I'm not bashing Aries they are sweethearts but the damaged ones are very reckless but don't know what is to be loyal.

I am an Aries woman and do not have a single guy in my life that I am fucking. My twin sister only has one guy that she is married to. My younger Aries sister is only with 1 guy. So I don't find this to be common among Aries women... stop attributing qualities you find rarely in an Aries woman into all Aries women. Thank you.

I struck a nerve. But re read. Why so defensive? I'm stating a fact in my situation. And I do see it alot among aries women.

You are giving yourself too much credit there, you haven't struck any nerve. I am not being defensive, I am stating facts for myself being an Aries woman and the other Aries women I know of in my life. You are stating something that is isolated for one Aries woman and applying it to every woman under that sun sign. You are naive, stupid, and a moron. I was just correcting your dumb assumption and showing that outliers exist.

Yup struck a nerve. And your tone is defensive. Did I insult you I did not. I observe and therfore it is mostly the Aries women who are not evolved or "Damaged" have this way about them. I stand by what I say though.

You struck no nerve.

You are defensive.

Now you changed it to "Aries women who are not evolved or 'damaged'". Someone has to stand up and state otherwise to your foolish assumptions when they are an outlier... otherwise, you will have foolish sheep like Gobby going along with what you say. That's the only reason I took the time to address your stupid thread.

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K. But I'm right and like u took personally. Meh moving on.
Doesn’t sound like she’s damaged, or even wounded. Aries recover fast, and in my opinion, it’s more about getting even. At some point she’ll tell the other guys, Aries rarely hide things, we must be one of the most direct signs.

Aries are either in the category where they are loyal and fight for their partner, or not really sure if they are going out and sleep with someone else.

It’s not really cheating if you’re not going out, debateable really, if the other person thinks you are, then I think Aries would view that as the other person’s fault. Aries tend to be so upfront and direct about things, my guess is the other guys either know about it, or know they aren’t in a committed relationship. So I don’t think cheating is going on? All these guys probably started off in the same position you are in lol. She told them she was sleeping around, and then they thought they could get some, just like you are thinking now lol

I would put Pisces and most likely to sleep around because they are damaged, all those feelings (just my opinion). Aries sleep around, because it’s sex.. we aren’t that complicated. We are loyal when we are properly committed, this woman isn’t.

Perhaps it’s you

Not them.....

Posted by AriesJo

Doesn’t sound like she’s damaged, or even wounded. Aries recover fast, and in my opinion, it’s more about getting even. At some point she’ll tell the other guys, Aries rarely hide things, we must be one of the most direct signs.

Aries are either in the category where they are loyal and fight for their partner, or not really sure if they are going out and sleep with someone else.

It’s not really cheating if you’re not going out, debateable really, if the other person thinks you are, then I think Aries would view that as the other person’s fault. Aries tend to be so upfront and direct about things, my guess is the other guys either know about it, or know they aren’t in a committed relationship. So I don’t think cheating is going on? All these guys probably started off in the same position you are in lol. She told them she was sleeping around, and then they thought they could get some, just like you are thinking now lol

I would put Pisces and most likely to sleep around because they are damaged, all those feelings (just my opinion). Aries sleep around, because it’s sex.. we aren’t that complicated. We are loyal when we are properly committed, this woman isn’t.

K. And thank you. But she did admit she cheated. So you proved my point,they are not loyal when they are damaged or throw the word around but can't commit to it.
Posted by Gobby
Posted by xoxflute
Posted by Gobby
Posted by Yodi
Posted by Gobby

I've been bumping into this rather attractive, charismatic woman at mainly work-related social gatherings and I sense she's interested. She even slyly got it out of me whether or not I have a partner (she doesn't either) - I already knew what she was up to but just played along.

The last time we met, I asked about her sun sign. She's an Aries...

Hmmm... I was really hoping she'd be a water sign. Now, I've got to go lukewarm on her until she either finds someone else or loses interest...

She's attractive.. you two have good chemistry but yet you don't want to date her because of her sun sign 🤔

Smh Gobs.. what if she's water dominant or whatever y'all astros call it

Well, I did tell her about and asked to hear more about her natal chart, next time we meet.

The thing is, most of my worst dates have been with Aries women. They always start out very charming. By the second or third date, their true (albeit unpleasant and selfish) colours start showing.

Unlike many here, I've long stopped believing in Hollywood romanticism - my intuition relies on hard cold facts and personal experiences...

What happened, if you don't mind me asking?

In a nutshell, they nearly all placed conditions on me before the relationship could get off the ground (usually superficial – one wanted to know every aspect of my life before committing, another assumed I’d be able to help her with her freelance career). In nearly all cases, I promptly bailed. Overall, I found most of them selfish and really stingy (one’s now back in Italy, doing this sketchy ‘art exchange’, whereby she offers lodging and promises to work on people’s art projects, in return for them renovating her inherited family farm house! Fucking cheapskate, as always…). I think another one even tried to ‘accidentally’ get pregnant with me (my dick immediately went on strike, during our first time, after she told me that I didn’t have to wear a condom because she already had a diaphragm inserted). WTF?

Sorry, just too much bullshit from them, over the years, and I’ve given this sign many chances…
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honestly, even the men i've observed seemed to be selfish (more self-absorbed really) and stingy
but they're also very loyal and honest when in a committed relationship (hell even too honest). are they annoying, loud and scream at their scorpio boyfriends? sure.

i disagree with it being a weaker sign than taurus (who are not always so direct and upfront).

what makes taurus so weak is that they can't let go.
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch

Could be any woman but Aries always toy with this word,loyalty. if they trying to get over an ex who emotionally unavailable they end up making bad decisions to the point they have 4 guys,1.the boyfriend(who thinks she is loyal- he is very busy), 2 the nice guy who takes her bs,3 the ex 4 the stranger(trust me yall like risk). None knowing the other fucking the same girl. They keep talking loyalty but they themselves are not loyal when they have been hurt and damaged. In their head they seem they doing the right thing but in the end is more bad soul ties. They use the nice guys ALOT. I'm not bashing Aries they are sweethearts but the damaged ones are very reckless but don't know what is to be loyal.

I am an Aries woman and do not have a single guy in my life that I am fucking. My twin sister only has one guy that she is married to. My younger Aries sister is only with 1 guy. So I don't find this to be common among Aries women... stop attributing qualities you find rarely in an Aries woman into all Aries women. Thank you.

I struck a nerve. But re read. Why so defensive? I'm stating a fact in my situation. And I do see it alot among aries women.

You are giving yourself too much credit there, you haven't struck any nerve. I am not being defensive, I am stating facts for myself being an Aries woman and the other Aries women I know of in my life. You are stating something that is isolated for one Aries woman and applying it to every woman under that sun sign. You are naive, stupid, and a moron. I was just correcting your dumb assumption and showing that outliers exist.

Yup struck a nerve. And your tone is defensive. Did I insult you I did not. I observe and therfore it is mostly the Aries women who are not evolved or "Damaged" have this way about them. I stand by what I say though.

You struck no nerve.

You are defensive.

Now you changed it to "Aries women who are not evolved or 'damaged'". Someone has to stand up and state otherwise to your foolish assumptions when they are an outlier... otherwise, you will have foolish sheep like Gobby going along with what you say. That's the only reason I took the time to address your stupid thread.


K. But I'm right and like u took personally. Meh moving on.

That's the problem with Aries men... they think they are right even when stats and facts are presented that are contrary to their foolish assumptions. I can extend this further into my family tree. Both my grandmothers were Aries and were both married until death. Such a simpleton you are with foolish assumptions that amount to you making a stupid thread on dxpnet making others suffer sheer stupidity.
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Thought you gone. Lol. But yes I am right and thank you as well.
Posted by xoxflute
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by AriesJo

Doesn’t sound like she’s damaged, or even wounded. Aries recover fast, and in my opinion, it’s more about getting even. At some point she’ll tell the other guys, Aries rarely hide things, we must be one of the most direct signs.

Aries are either in the category where they are loyal and fight for their partner, or not really sure if they are going out and sleep with someone else.

It’s not really cheating if you’re not going out, debateable really, if the other person thinks you are, then I think Aries would view that as the other person’s fault. Aries tend to be so upfront and direct about things, my guess is the other guys either know about it, or know they aren’t in a committed relationship. So I don’t think cheating is going on? All these guys probably started off in the same position you are in lol. She told them she was sleeping around, and then they thought they could get some, just like you are thinking now lol

I would put Pisces and most likely to sleep around because they are damaged, all those feelings (just my opinion). Aries sleep around, because it’s sex.. we aren’t that complicated. We are loyal when we are properly committed, this woman isn’t.

K. And thank you. But she did admit she cheated. So you proved my point,they are not loyal when they are damaged or throw the word around but can't commit to it.

Cheaters are of all signs, including signs who champions loyalty as their sign strength far more than Aries does.
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Posted by Gobby
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by Gobby
Posted by xoxflute
Posted by Gobby
Posted by Yodi
Posted by Gobby

I've been bumping into this rather attractive, charismatic woman at mainly work-related social gatherings and I sense she's interested. She even slyly got it out of me whether or not I have a partner (she doesn't either) - I already knew what she was up to but just played along.

The last time we met, I asked about her sun sign. She's an Aries...

Hmmm... I was really hoping she'd be a water sign. Now, I've got to go lukewarm on her until she either finds someone else or loses interest...

She's attractive.. you two have good chemistry but yet you don't want to date her because of her sun sign 🤔

Smh Gobs.. what if she's water dominant or whatever y'all astros call it

Well, I did tell her about and asked to hear more about her natal chart, next time we meet.

The thing is, most of my worst dates have been with Aries women. They always start out very charming. By the second or third date, their true (albeit unpleasant and selfish) colours start showing.

Unlike many here, I've long stopped believing in Hollywood romanticism - my intuition relies on hard cold facts and personal experiences...

What happened, if you don't mind me asking?

In a nutshell, they nearly all placed conditions on me before the relationship could get off the ground (usually superficial – one wanted to know every aspect of my life before committing, another assumed I’d be able to help her with her freelance career). In nearly all cases, I promptly bailed. Overall, I found most of them selfish and really stingy (one’s now back in Italy, doing this sketchy ‘art exchange’, whereby she offers lodging and promises to work on people’s art projects, in return for them renovating her inherited family farm house! Fucking cheapskate, as always…). I think another one even tried to ‘accidentally’ get pregnant with me (my dick immediately went on strike, during our first time, after she told me that I didn’t have to wear a condom because she already had a diaphragm inserted). WTF?

Sorry, just too much bullshit from them, over the years, and I’ve given this sign many chances…

honestly, even the men i've observed seemed to be selfish (more self-absorbed really) and stingy

And can you really blame them? In this society, it's the men who are expected to 'invest' and take the risks, just for the sake of a romantic relationship.

Didn't you read those threads about paying for dates? Many female dxpers still expect the man to pay for everything (usually using the preposterous excuse that they were the ones who asked them out)...
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people should just go dutch
Posted by Sailor_Mars

I lost interest at "damaged goods". It goes in hand with the popular belief that a Woman having emotional baggage is too much, but for a Man it is normal. We live in a "Penis" oriented world. Sure in lovemaking it can be the best thing if used properly because it sends to outer space, but really there are more concepts and the Vagina does deserve to be heard...Not necessarily Queffing but You get the picture. Anyway if we oblige by the rules of Astrology and this shit of existence divided into male/female principles without their counterpart integrated...Aries Woman unlike most Woman are selfish when their emotions and wellbeing are in question. Like Men, you'd say? She's taking care of her needs first...if she doesn't love You...the same way a man I dunno, ask Yourself why would You do the things she does and figure are You damaged goods.
Dear ReddmannScorch, where oh where do you get your info? Is this based upon 1 woman who has scorned you?

According to you she is 'trying to get over an ex' hence, making her single, correct? If she is single who is she supposed to be loyal to? I'm not saying all Aries are angels, we most certainly aren't but I am not sure what your beef is with a single woman doing what many single men do.

Aries women tend to be able to separate love and sex just like men can but it leaves us empty and wanting something substantial being true romantics. And only a great relationship will leave us devastated for quite some time.
Posted by Mistery

Dear ReddmannScorch, where oh where do you get your info? Is this based upon 1 woman who has scorned you?

According to you she is 'trying to get over an ex' hence, making her single, correct? If she is single who is she supposed to be loyal to? I'm not saying all Aries are angels, we most certainly aren't but I am not sure what your beef is with a single woman doing what many single men do.

Aries women tend to be able to separate love and sex just like men can but it leaves us empty and wanting something substantial being true romantics. And only a great relationship will leave us devastated for quite some time.
Assumptions of scorn and beef?meh. The info is from several Aries ladies. They did admit (they hate to but did)including the lady who in the current situation what I state is true.
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch

Could be any woman but Aries always toy with this word,loyalty. if they trying to get over an ex who emotionally unavailable they end up making bad decisions to the point they have 4 guys,1.the boyfriend(who thinks she is loyal- he is very busy), 2 the nice guy who takes her bs,3 the ex 4 the stranger(trust me yall like risk). None knowing the other fucking the same girl. They keep talking loyalty but they themselves are not loyal when they have been hurt and damaged. In their head they seem they doing the right thing but in the end is more bad soul ties. They use the nice guys ALOT. I'm not bashing Aries they are sweethearts but the damaged ones are very reckless but don't know what is to be loyal.

I am an Aries woman and do not have a single guy in my life that I am fucking. My twin sister only has one guy that she is married to. My younger Aries sister is only with 1 guy. So I don't find this to be common among Aries women... stop attributing qualities you find rarely in an Aries woman into all Aries women. Thank you.

I struck a nerve. But re read. Why so defensive? I'm stating a fact in my situation. And I do see it alot among aries women.

You are giving yourself too much credit there, you haven't struck any nerve. I am not being defensive, I am stating facts for myself being an Aries woman and the other Aries women I know of in my life. You are stating something that is isolated for one Aries woman and applying it to every woman under that sun sign. You are naive, stupid, and a moron. I was just correcting your dumb assumption and showing that outliers exist.

Yup struck a nerve. And your tone is defensive. Did I insult you I did not. I observe and therfore it is mostly the Aries women who are not evolved or "Damaged" have this way about them. I stand by what I say though.

You struck no nerve.

You are defensive.

Now you changed it to "Aries women who are not evolved or 'damaged'". Someone has to stand up and state otherwise to your foolish assumptions when they are an outlier... otherwise, you will have foolish sheep like Gobby going along with what you say. That's the only reason I took the time to address your stupid thread.


K. But I'm right and like u took personally. Meh moving on.

That's the problem with Aries men... they think they are right even when stats and facts are presented that are contrary to their foolish assumptions. I can extend this further into my family tree. Both my grandmothers were Aries and were both married until death. Such a simpleton you are with foolish assumptions that amount to you making a stupid thread on dxpnet making others suffer sheer stupidity.

Thought you gone. Lol. But yes I am right and thank you as well.

Of these small amount or 1 Aries woman you are talking about...

Who is to say they are damaged? Who? You? And you are what authority to make that judgment or assumption? Like you would really know. And what is "unevolved"? I don't agree with their life style and I don't make the same choices that they do, but men play the field and there is no stupid thread about it on dxpnet, yet a woman does the same thing... and out comes a stupid thread that they must be unevolved or damaged creating bad soul ties. LOL! What are bad soul ties? You read too much of that metaphysical hyperbole!
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You still here. I guess you like to argue or vent. Go ahead vent away lol. But the point is I am right. It's not an assumption it is facts.
Posted by xoxflute

So what happened with the situation?

She still doing the same thing.
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch

Could be any woman but Aries always toy with this word,loyalty. if they trying to get over an ex who emotionally unavailable they end up making bad decisions to the point they have 4 guys,1.the boyfriend(who thinks she is loyal- he is very busy), 2 the nice guy who takes her bs,3 the ex 4 the stranger(trust me yall like risk). None knowing the other fucking the same girl. They keep talking loyalty but they themselves are not loyal when they have been hurt and damaged. In their head they seem they doing the right thing but in the end is more bad soul ties. They use the nice guys ALOT. I'm not bashing Aries they are sweethearts but the damaged ones are very reckless but don't know what is to be loyal.

I am an Aries woman and do not have a single guy in my life that I am fucking. My twin sister only has one guy that she is married to. My younger Aries sister is only with 1 guy. So I don't find this to be common among Aries women... stop attributing qualities you find rarely in an Aries woman into all Aries women. Thank you.

I struck a nerve. But re read. Why so defensive? I'm stating a fact in my situation. And I do see it alot among aries women.

You are giving yourself too much credit there, you haven't struck any nerve. I am not being defensive, I am stating facts for myself being an Aries woman and the other Aries women I know of in my life. You are stating something that is isolated for one Aries woman and applying it to every woman under that sun sign. You are naive, stupid, and a moron. I was just correcting your dumb assumption and showing that outliers exist.

Yup struck a nerve. And your tone is defensive. Did I insult you I did not. I observe and therfore it is mostly the Aries women who are not evolved or "Damaged" have this way about them. I stand by what I say though.

You struck no nerve.

You are defensive.

Now you changed it to "Aries women who are not evolved or 'damaged'". Someone has to stand up and state otherwise to your foolish assumptions when they are an outlier... otherwise, you will have foolish sheep like Gobby going along with what you say. That's the only reason I took the time to address your stupid thread.


K. But I'm right and like u took personally. Meh moving on.

That's the problem with Aries men... they think they are right even when stats and facts are presented that are contrary to their foolish assumptions. I can extend this further into my family tree. Both my grandmothers were Aries and were both married until death. Such a simpleton you are with foolish assumptions that amount to you making a stupid thread on dxpnet making others suffer sheer stupidity.

Thought you gone. Lol. But yes I am right and thank you as well.

Of these small amount or 1 Aries woman you are talking about...

Who is to say they are damaged? Who? You? And you are what authority to make that judgment or assumption? Like you would really know. And what is "unevolved"? I don't agree with their life style and I don't make the same choices that they do, but men play the field and there is no stupid thread about it on dxpnet, yet a woman does the same thing... and out comes a stupid thread that they must be unevolved or damaged creating bad soul ties. LOL! What are bad soul ties? You read too much of that metaphysical hyperbole!

You still here. I guess you like to argue or vent. Go ahead vent away lol. But the point is I am right. It's not an assumption it is facts.

No shit, Sherlock!

Another idiot on this forum that believes his opinions are facts, but presents no evidence to back it up. And most of the idiots on here are men (who believe their opinions are fact)... @_kittens, for example.

Again, men play the field and there is no stupid posts on dxpnet about it. Yet, a woman does the same thing and they automatically assumed to be damaged or unevolved.

Like @mystarsshine said, "Maybe the problem is you". You cannot control this woman.
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Just admit it. I am right. Apparently this hitting home somewhere. You know what's strange why you arguing when its true. Facts where presented regarding the situation and others like it. If you don't like it, tough. Again you showing yourself, angry, bitter, petty and most of all redundant. You said you no longer want to respond to this yet here you are,lol.
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch

Could be any woman but Aries always toy with this word,loyalty. if they trying to get over an ex who emotionally unavailable they end up making bad decisions to the point they have 4 guys,1.the boyfriend(who thinks she is loyal- he is very busy), 2 the nice guy who takes her bs,3 the ex 4 the stranger(trust me yall like risk). None knowing the other fucking the same girl. They keep talking loyalty but they themselves are not loyal when they have been hurt and damaged. In their head they seem they doing the right thing but in the end is more bad soul ties. They use the nice guys ALOT. I'm not bashing Aries they are sweethearts but the damaged ones are very reckless but don't know what is to be loyal.

I am an Aries woman and do not have a single guy in my life that I am fucking. My twin sister only has one guy that she is married to. My younger Aries sister is only with 1 guy. So I don't find this to be common among Aries women... stop attributing qualities you find rarely in an Aries woman into all Aries women. Thank you.

I struck a nerve. But re read. Why so defensive? I'm stating a fact in my situation. And I do see it alot among aries women.

You are giving yourself too much credit there, you haven't struck any nerve. I am not being defensive, I am stating facts for myself being an Aries woman and the other Aries women I know of in my life. You are stating something that is isolated for one Aries woman and applying it to every woman under that sun sign. You are naive, stupid, and a moron. I was just correcting your dumb assumption and showing that outliers exist.

Yup struck a nerve. And your tone is defensive. Did I insult you I did not. I observe and therfore it is mostly the Aries women who are not evolved or "Damaged" have this way about them. I stand by what I say though.

You struck no nerve.

You are defensive.

Now you changed it to "Aries women who are not evolved or 'damaged'". Someone has to stand up and state otherwise to your foolish assumptions when they are an outlier... otherwise, you will have foolish sheep like Gobby going along with what you say. That's the only reason I took the time to address your stupid thread.


K. But I'm right and like u took personally. Meh moving on.

That's the problem with Aries men... they think they are right even when stats and facts are presented that are contrary to their foolish assumptions. I can extend this further into my family tree. Both my grandmothers were Aries and were both married until death. Such a simpleton you are with foolish assumptions that amount to you making a stupid thread on dxpnet making others suffer sheer stupidity.

Thought you gone. Lol. But yes I am right and thank you as well.

Of these small amount or 1 Aries woman you are talking about...

Who is to say they are damaged? Who? You? And you are what authority to make that judgment or assumption? Like you would really know. And what is "unevolved"? I don't agree with their life style and I don't make the same choices that they do, but men play the field and there is no stupid thread about it on dxpnet, yet a woman does the same thing... and out comes a stupid thread that they must be unevolved or damaged creating bad soul ties. LOL! What are bad soul ties? You read too much of that metaphysical hyperbole!

You still here. I guess you like to argue or vent. Go ahead vent away lol. But the point is I am right. It's not an assumption it is facts.

No shit, Sherlock!

Another idiot on this forum that believes his opinions are facts, but presents no evidence to back it up. And most of the idiots on here are men (who believe their opinions are fact)... @_kittens, for example.

Again, men play the field and there is no stupid posts on dxpnet about it. Yet, a woman does the same thing and they automatically assumed to be damaged or unevolved.

Like @mystarsshine said, "Maybe the problem is you". You cannot control this woman.

Just admit it. I am right. Apparently this hitting home somewhere. You know what's strange why you arguing when its true. Facts where presented regarding the situation and others like it. If you don't like it, tough. Again you showing yourself, angry, bitter, petty and most of all redundant. You said you no longer want to respond to this yet here you are,lol.

Can you repost the post where I said that I no longer want to respond to this?

I am challenging you on "being right" and you cannot address my post... that is why I repeated it. Also, you are doing a classic ad-hominem fallacy... not addressing my message or attacking it, but attacking or shooting the messenger. If anyone is angry and bitter, it is you projecting it. Me angry and bitter? Actually, I am calm and cool as a cucumber. Don't like the heat? Get out of the kitchen.

I see through you.
click to expand

Smh. You dear lady have no heat. Secondly you are the only one addressing the thread as though it's a personal attack hence the bitterness. Thirdly you can never see through me. So again if you can't deal with the facts I present... bounce lol.
Posted by alexscaries

Aries women have pure souls, but dirty mouths.
You sooo right about that dirty mouth part.
bmoon8 is an Aries with Libra moon. You can expect arguments from them. That should be no surprise.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

bmoon8 is an Aries with Libra moon. You can expect arguments from them. That should be no surprise.

Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by ReddmannScorch

Could be any woman but Aries always toy with this word,loyalty. if they trying to get over an ex who emotionally unavailable they end up making bad decisions to the point they have 4 guys,1.the boyfriend(who thinks she is loyal- he is very busy), 2 the nice guy who takes her bs,3 the ex 4 the stranger(trust me yall like risk). None knowing the other fucking the same girl. They keep talking loyalty but they themselves are not loyal when they have been hurt and damaged. In their head they seem they doing the right thing but in the end is more bad soul ties. They use the nice guys ALOT. I'm not bashing Aries they are sweethearts but the damaged ones are very reckless but don't know what is to be loyal.

I am an Aries woman and do not have a single guy in my life that I am fucking. My twin sister only has one guy that she is married to. My younger Aries sister is only with 1 guy. So I don't find this to be common among Aries women... stop attributing qualities you find rarely in an Aries woman into all Aries women. Thank you.

I struck a nerve. But re read. Why so defensive? I'm stating a fact in my situation. And I do see it alot among aries women.

You are giving yourself too much credit there, you haven't struck any nerve. I am not being defensive, I am stating facts for myself being an Aries woman and the other Aries women I know of in my life. You are stating something that is isolated for one Aries woman and applying it to every woman under that sun sign. You are naive, stupid, and a moron. I was just correcting your dumb assumption and showing that outliers exist.

Yup struck a nerve. And your tone is defensive. Did I insult you I did not. I observe and therfore it is mostly the Aries women who are not evolved or "Damaged" have this way about them. I stand by what I say though.

You struck no nerve.

You are defensive.

Now you changed it to "Aries women who are not evolved or 'damaged'". Someone has to stand up and state otherwise to your foolish assumptions when they are an outlier... otherwise, you will have foolish sheep like Gobby going along with what you say. That's the only reason I took the time to address your stupid thread.


K. But I'm right and like u took personally. Meh moving on.

That's the problem with Aries men... they think they are right even when stats and facts are presented that are contrary to their foolish assumptions. I can extend this further into my family tree. Both my grandmothers were Aries and were both married until death. Such a simpleton you are with foolish assumptions that amount to you making a stupid thread on dxpnet making others suffer sheer stupidity.

Thought you gone. Lol. But yes I am right and thank you as well.

Of these small amount or 1 Aries woman you are talking about...

Who is to say they are damaged? Who? You? And you are what authority to make that judgment or assumption? Like you would really know. And what is "unevolved"? I don't agree with their life style and I don't make the same choices that they do, but men play the field and there is no stupid thread about it on dxpnet, yet a woman does the same thing... and out comes a stupid thread that they must be unevolved or damaged creating bad soul ties. LOL! What are bad soul ties? You read too much of that metaphysical hyperbole!

You still here. I guess you like to argue or vent. Go ahead vent away lol. But the point is I am right. It's not an assumption it is facts.

No shit, Sherlock!

Another idiot on this forum that believes his opinions are facts, but presents no evidence to back it up. And most of the idiots on here are men (who believe their opinions are fact)... @_kittens, for example.

Again, men play the field and there is no stupid posts on dxpnet about it. Yet, a woman does the same thing and they automatically assumed to be damaged or unevolved.

Like @mystarsshine said, "Maybe the problem is you". You cannot control this woman.

Just admit it. I am right. Apparently this hitting home somewhere. You know what's strange why you arguing when its true. Facts where presented regarding the situation and others like it. If you don't like it, tough. Again you showing yourself, angry, bitter, petty and most of all redundant. You said you no longer want to respond to this yet here you are,lol.

Can you repost the post where I said that I no longer want to respond to this?

I am challenging you on "being right" and you cannot address my post... that is why I repeated it. Also, you are doing a classic ad-hominem fallacy... not addressing my message or attacking it, but attacking or shooting the messenger. If anyone is angry and bitter, it is you projecting it. Me angry and bitter? Actually, I am calm and cool as a cucumber. Don't like the heat? Get out of the kitchen.

I see through you.

Smh. You dear lady have no heat. Secondly you are the only one addressing the thread as though it's a personal attack hence the bitterness. Thirdly you can never see through me. So again if you can't deal with the facts I present... bounce lol.

It's monotonous that you can not meet any challenge I present. The last challenge I presented was for you to show a post of mine where I said that I no longer want to respond to this. It's you that wants me to leave the thread. Liar, liar pants on fire. You want the last word. Too bad.

I am not here to entertain you, but to point out your preposterous assumptions, I will. It's funny that there are no posts about men who play the field, but there has to be a stupid post about women who do the same thing.
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Um k. Are u okay?. Now here is the thing though, the more you talk/type the more you show your bitter tone. Challenge?lol. Meh. I present the facts daz all and based on situations. I always get the last
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

bmoon8 is an Aries with Libra moon. You can expect arguments from them. That should be no surprise.

What makes an Aries sun/Libra moon argumentative? I am not that argumentative in real life.. more of a go with a flow type of person. I expect that to change when Pluto transits my 1st house. Excuse me for interrupting stupid on dxpnet and disrupting the sheeple camaraderie.
click to expand
You are exactly everything what Aries sun and Libra moon represent. And believe me sweetie, they ain't good. They nasty. You have a temper that appears to be vile and ready to go off. Having an Aries sun mixed with Libra moon is an extremely bad one. And I just talked about this exact terrible astrological placement on another thread and you are a great representation about it. In real life I bet your mouth is dirty and I'm willing to put my entire life on the line that you are an unattractive critter who scared to go outside in fear of getting teased. You are sensitive. You are not a confident being. And you have to unleash hell on a astrology forum to bring out your sensitiveness to strangers. And that is sad. You need help whether you realize it or not. You can't ignore people but rather waste time to argue your point across tirelessly. That's what Aries sun and Libra moons do.
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

bmoon8 is an Aries with Libra moon. You can expect arguments from them. That should be no surprise.

What makes an Aries sun/Libra moon argumentative? I am not that argumentative in real life.. more of a go with a flow type of person. I expect that to change when Pluto transits my 1st house. Excuse me for interrupting stupid on dxpnet and disrupting the sheeple camaraderie.

You are exactly everything what Aries sun and Libra moon represent. And believe me sweetie, they ain't good. They nasty. You have a temper that appears to be vile and ready to go off. Having an Aries sun mixed with Libra moon is an extremely bad one. And I just talked about this exact terrible astrological placement on another thread and you are a great representation about it. In real life I bet your mouth is dirty and I'm willing to put my entire life on the line that you are an unattractive critter who scared to go outside in fear of getting teased. You are sensitive. You are not a confident being. And you have to unleash hell on a astrology forum to bring out your sensitiveness to strangers. And that is sad. You need help whether you realize it or not. You can't ignore people but rather waste time to argue your point across tirelessly. That's what Aries sun and Libra moons do.

LOL! I am putting my fingers in my ears and saying "lalala". Talk about being misunderstood.

I go outside a lot. Just the other week, I was up in the mountains for vacation, too. I have no fear of going outside. I also work full time with all men in my department, so I feel like a cock tease at work. Truth is I don't have a temper.... when I was younger, I was easier to rile up and easily provoked. However, it takes a lot to get me mad. I may come across more strongly in written word than what I truly am? There are some aspects in my chart that explain that... Ascendant opposite Mars and Mercury square Ascendant. Look those up on Cafe Astrology. I also possess the ability to ignore people.. I often get accused of ignoring people at work when I tune everything out and do my job. It's not a terrible astrological placement... my moon is in the 8th house conjunct Pluto, so it makes it Scorpionic. I love my moon placement. smile
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But are you attractive? I got mercury square ascendant too and I don't come off strongly written in words than I truly am. At least I don't think I do. I avoid internet conflicts now. Not like you who keeps on going. And I don't know how many times I've read about mercury square ascendant all over the internets.
Posted by bmoon8

@jumpin_jupiter post your chart. I want proof that you have that aspect in your chart.

Here's my chart:
I don't think it would be a good idea for me to post my chart anymore. We got creeps on this site that will use my chart for trolling purposes like dazed done did when he claim my chart he posted belong to his make believe girlfriend who claimed to have impregnated. I have mercury square ascendant. You'll just have to take my words for it. Or not. And what's so great about mercury square ascendant anyway?
Posted by Sailor_Mars
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by bmoon8
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

bmoon8 is an Aries with Libra moon. You can expect arguments from them. That should be no surprise.

What makes an Aries sun/Libra moon argumentative? I am not that argumentative in real life.. more of a go with a flow type of person. I expect that to change when Pluto transits my 1st house. Excuse me for interrupting stupid on dxpnet and disrupting the sheeple camaraderie.

You are exactly everything what Aries sun and Libra moon represent. And believe me sweetie, they ain't good. They nasty. You have a temper that appears to be vile and ready to go off. Having an Aries sun mixed with Libra moon is an extremely bad one. And I just talked about this exact terrible astrological placement on another thread and you are a great representation about it. In real life I bet your mouth is dirty and I'm willing to put my entire life on the line that you are an unattractive critter who scared to go outside in fear of getting teased. You are sensitive. You are not a confident being. And you have to unleash hell on a astrology forum to bring out your sensitiveness to strangers. And that is sad. You need help whether you realize it or not. You can't ignore people but rather waste time to argue your point across tirelessly. That's what Aries sun and Libra moons do.

I am an Aries Sun, Libra Rising and I am very attractive. I also have a lot of patience and the ability to keep my flames inside of me. I am very just and fair.
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Greatsmile then you can sit with me.