i tend to have a wide circle of friends (mostly fire and air signs) but my best friends-Pisces & Scorpios, my boyfriend-Pisces, my coworkers-Cancers...why is everyone close to me a water sign? do you find that you attract a certain sign or type?
(sun-aries, moon-libra, rising-virgo)
haha...well said...i have enemies in all signs...so maybe it does have less to do with astrology than relationships in general
i am very serious about friends too and i make friends for life. i expect a lot of loyalty and sincerity. those who can provide that will do fine...that is not to say that i don't allow slip ups, but as long as you are someone who is willing to be honest about mistakes and entertain my need for attention (hehe) once in a while, you will find in me a very loyal, warm, and dependable friend.
one of my best friends i've known for over half of my life is a pisces and i think we work because she understands what i am feeling (before i do) and i often give her the permission to be assertive in situations she would otherwise not have the courage to stand and fight...
having said that...there does seem to be something uncanny about all my close friends being water...maybe i don't have much water in my chart so i'm attracted to it...also my descendant is in pisces...i could be just reading too much into it
more like a lollipop....with my big head teetering on my little neck, but giraffe will do ^_^
the neptunes in my chart:
sun trine neptune
moon square neptune
mercury trine neptune
neptune sextile pluto
then ascendants:
jupiter trine ascendant
saturn sextile ascendant
uranus square ascendant
This explains a lot...more fishie types than you can shake a stick at...doesn't hurt that i have LOTS of scorpio in my chart. Just couldn't figure out whether it was them attracted to me or me attracted to them. In almost every relationship, I'm the listener...sometimes dispensing advice...but mostly just listening.
Sometimes I feel really weighed down...and will go out and find a fun Aqua or Sag friend to play with...keeps me balanced or I will go crazy
...sometimes they give me this sad look and I can't help but sit and listen...(throw hands in air)
Signed Up:
Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
Rising-Virgo too!!!!!!!!!!! Weird. And yes I do attract a LOT of water, that's like my whole life! All my siblings are water (well two are Scorp/Libra cusp but I still consider them water). I actually know a lot of Pisces for some reason. And all the signs that have wanted to be my friends are always Scorpio girls... it's weird. I've only dated a water once and it was in high school (Scorp guy) I don't really count it. But I also attract a lot of Taurus men for some reason, I think it's my Virgo rising. How do you feel about your moon in Libra?
speaking of admirers...hehe
Signed Up:
Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
"Xtina, we are two peas in a pod! As I read through the threads I always find myself laughing when I come to your posts...you pretty much take the words out of my mouth!!!"
Exactly! Whenever I read your post I thought the same things "Wow here's a girl I that is taking things out of my head and putting it into comprehensive words." Sometimes it's hard for me to verbalize whats in my head so sometimes I don't even post (i.e. lazy), but everything you've put I've totally agreed with too.
I like my Libra moon, but I find it most in opposition of my sun when it comes to relationship. I like to blame a lot of my poor decisions on my Libra moon but in reality I think it's my impetuous sun sign that makes me make these rash decisions. But, I've also read that having a Libra moon makes me want to be in a relationship constantly.
I definitely see the Virgo come out of me, I've definitely become more of a perfectionist and neat freak. Normally I'm not. But it only comes in spurts. I'm clumsy too. :p
confused...you wouldn't be trying to hit on two Aries ladies at the same time? disregard this comment if you actually have evidence of some shift...elaborate pretty please.
I could also really use some good luck...financial crisis et al
*removes foot from mouth*
nah i'm okay...my work is on stop-and-go due to this huge depression problem. in the last week i think 5 of my friends have lost their jobs...we are sitting ducks.
i've come to terms with it, not much one can do actually.
thanks for asking ^^
Signed Up:
Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
All my siblings have the same birthday except me and I am the exact middle child. I have two older sisters that are twins and they are the Scorp/Libra cusp. And I have a younger brother who is a Pisces and a younger sister who was born on his 1st birthday. So yes I'm drowning in water!
my mom is a taurus, my dad is a gemini...my sister is an aquarius...
all of us are crazy and my mom basically keeps us from flying away or killing each other...tough job
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
^^^ lol
ohmygodbling! was just talking to someone about how to go about becoming a mortician... I think there might be increased , you know, high bp or heart attack related deaths at the thought of no money, eh?
Signed Up:
Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
I've seen one that was called Goodbody Mortuary. Teehehe... ironic. I presume it's a last name though.
(a little astonished we are talking about this, but going with it...)
The funeral business, though unpalatable to many, is rather lucrative. Very much a family owned business (for anyone who has ever watched 6 feet under) but I do remember some firms trying to consolidate these mom and pop shops back in the 90s. Anyhow, perfect in this "depression/recession" thingy....inelastic demand and aging population...again unpalatable.
I think private island sitting is much better...I'd go with that any day ^^^^^^ YIPEEE!!!
haha...you are a clever one...
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
phss shameless hussies! not you big teddy...
big teddy, you're ascendant prolly attracting the aries... opposite signs maybe? or your mercury...
haha i hear ya...when i look in the mirror, i am inexplicably taken by desire...for myself (gag)
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
what about BigTeddyMule? or BigTeddyHorsie?