Why Do Aries Spy?

This topic was created in the Aries forum by CancerianGoddess on Monday, March 1, 2010 and has 18 replies.
My aries man is so sweet, and i am a secretive cancer. Thing is he likes to spy on my computer and cell phone. ALL the TIME, Is this a normal trait? It kinda irritates me. I Know in his past his ex's have cheated, one admited to it. But still, is this normal?
usually no..... but if he's been hurt in the past, especially if he's been cheated on, then yes, Aries will snoop around for their answers. But no, it's not a common trait, and he should stop it, because if you were snooping on him, he would be very upset!!!!
Why are you so secretive? That adds fuel to a fire, especially if he's been cheated on in the past. Don't take it personally I guess, but being secretive isn't helping. Not saying it's right on his part but he just can't help himself given the past and the current "secretiveness".
Posted by Run262
Why are you so secretive? That adds fuel to a fire, especially if he's been cheated on in the past. Don't take it personally I guess, but being secretive isn't helping. Not saying it's right on his part but he just can't help himself given the past and the current "secretiveness".

Agreed...that makes us worried and then want to see what's up. I thought I saw you guys broke up? Glad to see you are back together smile
not usually. personally, im not a peeker because it would give me anxiety about what i found and id probably misinterpret something so then i would have to admit to peeking. if i want to know who my boyfriend is talking to/texting i'll ask but he usually says who he's talkling to anyway. if he was acting secretive and purposely not telling me stuff or withheld information i'd hate him. id resent him and id eventually get too fed up with the games. wanting privacy is one thing but power struggles are another.

what do you mean when you say that you're "secretive"? is this just about personal space or is it the sheer fact that he snoops so you act sneaky on purpose?
Gingerscorp had this problem with her aries. i seem to remember that she left her phone laying around and he looked through it and then he turned around and told her what he did because he felt guilty or something.
so i know that this is gonna sound crazy but i wouldn't care if my boyfriend snooped through my stuff (email, phone, whatevs). i know every other person on earth is violently against it and i should get huffy over something like that but ummm i dont care either way and i wouldn't feel violated. maybe ill change my opinion one day?
Im a cancer i am naturally secretive, just small stuff though, like talking on the phone with my sis. Or my moms website where moms go to just shoot the sh*t. He wants to know everything said, and is always worried its about him. But its not, i dont have anything to hide becaus ei am not a cheater. But he is always in my personal space. I Give him personal space and i guess i just want a little back. I Know he is insecure from past relationships and i was too. He would tell me not to judge him for my ex's, but he judges me for his ex's mistakes. But i do LOVE him with ALL my HEART... Just wondering if the snooping thing was an Aries trait..LOL Its all good though! lol
Posted by CancerianGoddess
He would tell me not to judge him for my ex's, but he judges me for his ex's mistakes.

I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM/double-standard going on with my aries. it's annoying as hell and i understand your frustration.
Posted by Austin_Schiller
Posted by i love ewe
so i know that this is gonna sound crazy but i wouldn't care if my boyfriend snooped through my stuff (email, phone, whatevs). i know every other person on earth is violently against it and i should get huffy over something like that but ummm i dont care either way and i wouldn't feel violated. maybe ill change my opinion one day?

I'm the same way.
I don't mind if people snoop through my stuff cuz I got nothing to hide. lol

click to expand

Even if you don't have anything to hide, isn't it nice sometimes to have something just for you that doesn't need to involve anyone else? Take DXP for an example...my spouse has no idea I'm on it and I tell him a lot about my life outside of him! Although I've never writen anything I wouldn't want him to see, I still like to keep my fetish (LOL) to myself.
Posted by LovelyMissAries
well MAYBE if you weren't so secretive, then he would trust you and not care what's on your cell phone. But obviously he doesn't, because you're an ethereal secretive Cancer and you never say completely how you feel.

Actually i ALWAYS say how i feel. Like i said i am not secretive about EVERYTHING. Just little things like talking to my sis or my BFF. He somehow thinks were talking about him, but were not. In no way has he ever thought i was cheating because he knows i am not that way. In public i am all on him and i dont even look at other guys. And Miss RamFishTwins, yea it is nice to just have someting for you. Like my Moms E-Group. Its moms bullshittin with other moms. I Would like that to be just for me. I Told him that and i have never caught him snooping through that site. I Am glad to see "some" nice responses. I Actually open up to him more than i have ANYONE. He is easy to talk to and he wont tell anyone something i wouldnt want him to. I Just wondered if him being nosey was an aries trait. I Dont have anything to hide because i would never cheat on him, he is THE BEST. But when i talk to my BFF or my sis, i like that to be private. Because my sis is a super sensitive non-trusting capricorn and my bff is a scorpio, when they tell me stuff they are dealing with they dont want anyone else knowing, i explained that to him, but he still likes to know what they are talking about. lol.. owell... Thanks all!
it prolly cause he was hurt and they hide things so when he snoops hes prolly scared cause well to my knowlage aries will snoop on the ones they open their hearts to hes prolly just scared hes lost you and is tryin to find out what need to be fixed
Posted by Austin_Schiller
well, you don't have to tell him anything unless he asks lol
i don't tell people what i'm doing unless they ask me. otherwise i'm gonna keep my mouth shut.

LOL...wow, are you sure you are a real Aries??!! What is this "mouth shut" you keep speaking of??
Well, I just gotta say...this is why Cancer and Aries rarely ever works...rarely. Too many emotions getting trampled and hurt by the fire and directness. They just operate on different pages.
Posted by ramfishtwins
Posted by Austin_Schiller
Posted by i love ewe
so i know that this is gonna sound crazy but i wouldn't care if my boyfriend snooped through my stuff (email, phone, whatevs). i know every other person on earth is violently against it and i should get huffy over something like that but ummm i dont care either way and i wouldn't feel violated. maybe ill change my opinion one day?

I'm the same way.
I don't mind if people snoop through my stuff cuz I got nothing to hide. lol

Even if you don't have anything to hide, isn't it nice sometimes to have something just for you that doesn't need to involve anyone else? Take DXP for an example...my spouse has no idea I'm on it and I tell him a lot about my life outside of him! Although I've never writen anything I wouldn't want him to see, I still like to keep my fetish (LOL) to myself.
click to expand

yeah, there are things i keep just for myself but they exist in my head so no amount or snooping will ever expose them. my friends are the other thing i keep for myself but i can control that because my boyfriend isn't gonna call them up and hang out with them when im not around.
i learned at a young age not to try to hold on to anything i didnt want others to find because my mom was a clean freak and she would tear apart my room in a cleaning frenzy. also, this might sound a little morbid but i think what if i die suddenly and people are going through my stuff...i still wouldnt want people to have access to something that i considered so private. this is the reason i dont have diaries Big Grin
Posted by Run262
Well, I just gotta say...this is why Cancer and Aries rarely ever works...rarely. Too many emotions getting trampled and hurt by the fire and directness. They just operate on different pages.

*Laughing* We actually get along great. If you read all my posts. He is the ONLY man that was able to get me to open up. I am openand honest bout everything except what my scorpion friend tells me becaue she is very secretive. But he likes to spy on the girls only convo to make sure nothing is about him. How does that mean we are NOT compatable at all. Hmmm.. funny my aunt is a cancer and married an aries man and they have been happilly married for 25 years! My best friend is cancer and her husband is aries and they are 25 and have been together since they were 16, they just married and had a baby. and if you read the sites on the astrology of todays Yung generation, you will see, we work good together. As in this website: http://zodiac-traits.com/aries-man-cancer-woman.html

Cancer And Aries combo is rated as 10/10 and its funny because the Aries And Libra combo is rated 6/10
well hell gurl only convos ya get more info cause well cancers ask gurls for fix it or whys he doin this or i dont understand well if you just leave em out there so he could over here aries well will ask ?'s and then they will ask how to fix it cause an aries in love is a mr.fix-it so hell help him out leave clues for him to ask ?'s
If you act secretive we think you're hiding something or being dishonest. Because we are open about everything, and the other person isn't makes up feel like we're being left out or you're hiding something. We like things in the open. We like it when people trust us.