Scorpio placements and personal magnetism

I've been observing this and I found that... Scorpio rising - Attract people by their appearance. Scorpio sun - Attract people by their personality. Scorpio moon - Attract people on a more subtle, energy, invisible way. I dont know too much about ...

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by raad182 on Sunday, January 8, 2017 and has 82 replies.
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and it's made with rap and rap songs/music is AIRY. lol I think astrotheme changed her libra rising. Cause she's still too bouncy. lol


that isn't seduction at's BOUNCE.
Posted by brianafay
I think people hype it up a bit much
But you need to its aspects and another placements too...

Maybe the scorpio placements is weak in one's chart and this is why...

Look at the thread, people who have Mars in Scorpio dont feel the magnetism...But who has Moon in scorpio its different
Posted by raad182
I've been observing this and I found that...

Scorpio rising - Attract people by their appearance.

Scorpio sun - Attract people by their personality.

Scorpio moon - Attract people on a more subtle, energy, invisible way.

I dont know too much about Venus and Mars Scorpios

What do you guys think?
Scorpio moon

The eyes. It's like whatching the sunrise with full moon slowly fading into the background.

Posted by TrueFantasy
Posted by littlenanobyte
Posted by TrueFantasy
Posted by littlenanobyte
Also, what you guys are and everybody on DXP has forever mistakenly been calling "scorpionic" (such as the case of Avril Lavigne and Katy perry photos in this thread), is actually just called "makeup" and "eyeliner"

Makeup makes the different between this:

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And this:

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This is no surprise to me, because all of the Scorpios I know irl have similar looks as the natural photo of Katy perry on the bottom. It doesn't look so "scorpionic" anymore, or at least the stereotype that's given here on this board every single day.

Yaaaaaas. Make up can do wonders.

I could easily look "scorpionic" if I went hard on my eyeliner and manipulated me eyes to make it look like I want to devour your soul. And wear black clothes.

Scorpionic is more of a vibe rather than a look.

And no one is going to change my mind about that no matter how much astrology they use to justify it.

Girl, we all can ! Especially if you do a dark smokey eye on light colored eyes... you are always going to get that intense look due to the contrast, makes the eyes "pop!"

Do you have an example of the vibe though? Like maybe of a real person on this site rather than a celebrity... they are too manufactured. Just curious.

Intense is so overused nowadays lol

So far, no celebrities really give me a "scorpionic" vibe because exactly like you said 'they're too manufactured'.

It's a very "interesting" vibe and honestly not a lot of Scorpio suns give off that vibe. They're so bubbly and bright.

But my Taurus bro fits every scorpionic description. He has a Scorpio moon though. He'll think in a way that people are afraid too. He said he can tap into anybody's mind and understand exactly why they would act in that way. Plus there are times where his expressions just turn sharp and he gets shaky and passionate about certain topics. He has photographic memory, picks out little details, pretty much wins every argument against everyone, goes crazy in his research about anything, can work out anything etc.

He gets psychology so well! He's both emotional and logical. He doesn't need to wear skulls, wear eyeliner, looks like a vampire or act like a manipulative bitch that is often annoyingly attributed to Scorpios.

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What decan is he?

Posted by i_am
Posted by raad182
I've been observing this and I found that...

Scorpio rising - Attract people by their appearance.

Scorpio sun - Attract people by their personality.

Scorpio moon - Attract people on a more subtle, energy, invisible way.

I dont know too much about Venus and Mars Scorpios

What do you guys think?
Scorpio moon

The eyes. It's like whatching the sunrise with full moon slowly fading into the background.

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Wow, deep...But I think its like a deep ocean where you can see your own soul.

Posted by raad182
Posted by brianafay
I think people hype it up a bit much
But you need to its aspects and another placements too...

Maybe the scorpio placements is weak in one's chart and this is why...

Look at the thread, people who have Mars in Scorpio dont feel the magnetism...But who has Moon in scorpio its different
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I look very Scorpio ...I just don't think that makes me or anyone else magnetic.

I think people are intimidated by truly "scopionic" people


Maybe just my opinion but I don't think Scorpio placements necessarily = magnetism regardless of what people want to tell themselves ?

Posted by raad182
Posted by i_am
Posted by raad182
I've been observing this and I found that...

Scorpio rising - Attract people by their appearance.

Scorpio sun - Attract people by their personality.

Scorpio moon - Attract people on a more subtle, energy, invisible way.

I dont know too much about Venus and Mars Scorpios

What do you guys think?
Scorpio moon

The eyes. It's like whatching the sunrise with full moon slowly fading into the background.

Wow, deep...But I think its like a deep ocean where you can see your own soul.

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That wasn't deep.

I've never heard of anyone finding their soul deep in the ocean. You will find dead bodies in the deep ocean though.

Ok except Scorp moon ...they're magnetic to me at least

My weakness *slits wrists*
Posted by i_am
Posted by raad182
Posted by i_am
Posted by raad182
I've been observing this and I found that...

Scorpio rising - Attract people by their appearance.

Scorpio sun - Attract people by their personality.

Scorpio moon - Attract people on a more subtle, energy, invisible way.

I dont know too much about Venus and Mars Scorpios

What do you guys think?
Scorpio moon

The eyes. It's like whatching the sunrise with full moon slowly fading into the background.

Wow, deep...But I think its like a deep ocean where you can see your own soul.

That wasn't deep.

I've never heard of anyone finding their soul deep in the ocean. You will find dead bodies in the deep ocean though.

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Because our souls are dead... That was the meaning...

Scorpio mooners can see other people's fears and find it cute

Posted by brianafay
Ok except Scorp moon ...they're magnetic to me at least

My weakness *slits wrists*
Would you mind to explain?
Posted by raad182
Posted by brianafay
Ok except Scorp moon ...they're magnetic to me at least

My weakness *slits wrists*
Would you mind to explain?
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It can't be explained

I guess it's all my Scorpio that draws me to them

Like coming home ?

Posted by i_am
Posted by raad182
I've been observing this and I found that...

Scorpio rising - Attract people by their appearance.

Scorpio sun - Attract people by their personality.

Scorpio moon - Attract people on a more subtle, energy, invisible way.

I dont know too much about Venus and Mars Scorpios

What do you guys think?
Scorpio moon

The eyes. It's like whatching the sunrise with full moon slowly fading into the background.

click to expand
Wow. Sounds dreamy
Posted by TrueFantasy
Posted by raad182
Posted by i_am
Posted by raad182
Posted by i_am
Posted by raad182
I've been observing this and I found that...

Scorpio rising - Attract people by their appearance.

Scorpio sun - Attract people by their personality.

Scorpio moon - Attract people on a more subtle, energy, invisible way.

I dont know too much about Venus and Mars Scorpios

What do you guys think?
Scorpio moon

The eyes. It's like whatching the sunrise with full moon slowly fading into the background.

Wow, deep...But I think its like a deep ocean where you can see your own soul.

That wasn't deep.

I've never heard of anyone finding their soul deep in the ocean. You will find dead bodies in the deep ocean though.

Because our souls are dead... That was the meaning...

Scorpio mooners can see other people's fears and find it cute

Man, I wouldn't say 'dead'. That's the last word in the entire vocabulary to call a Scorpio moon.

They're AWAKE. They can see through BS.

I can sense their energies because it's so alive.

Scorpio moon is the real deal IMO.

(Based off people I know with this moon)

Can you sort of predict other people's fears?

I tend to lol I used to be obsessed in finding out people's fears...I still kind of am. But I would never abuse it against them.
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Nice way to describe...We like to dig deep, to see through the BS as you said.

I wouldn't say that I can predict other people's fears but I can easily detect it and I noticed that people feel comfortable to tell their secrets to me, IDK why

And I enjoy seeing the real nature of the people, their fears, secrets, way of thinking...its fascinating

I think i notice when things go different or feel ppl energies.

Im big on patterns. Establishing and defining patterns. I was an analyst for many years. I like establishing patterns for an entire room of people. Just give me time. Once i do, within seconds im gonna know if something feels different.

Picking up on energies is all intuition. Then it becomes almost a witch hunt 4 me. Finding that needle in the haystack is orgasmic.

My dad is a scorpio moon and he is good at both of these.

Posted by Vageenka
Posted by Dastardly
Posted by Vageenka
Posted by Dastardly
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Dastardly
Scorpio is a magnetic sign.

But you mostly attract with your Venus sign.

Katy Perry has this Scorpio/Dark aura but her charm is happy go lucky. Asc, Sun, Moon in Scorp and Venus in Sag.

User Submitted Image
she does have a happy go-lucky way about her.

she isn't dark and mysterious.

also, Anne Hathaway is similar she has a happy pappy go lucky about her too.

complicated woman I think.

she is married to an Aries sun/Pisces moon

You can clearly see the Scorp vibe in her, but it's more like her overall essence and not necessarily her charm. Even if it comes across as magnetic, her most charming qualities are still Sagittarian.

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Compared to Avril Lavigne. A Libra Sun/Ascendant with Moon/Venus in Scorp. The softness and grace of Libra is also an overall energy in her. Yet it is her Scorpio vibe that is the most attractive and entrancing.

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I don't get a Scorpio vibe from their public image, which is weird since Katy is dominated by Scorpio and Avril's Venus is in Scorp.

This is the most Scorpionic I've seen Katy. The look, the video, the song, the lyrics - everything about it to me is so Scorpio.

She is so fricking stunning

Yes lol. I think it's because they're artists and so their Venus tends to be emphazied a little bit more in whatever they do that's artistic/creative.

I think she looks quite Scorpio here yet you can still see the Sag Venus coming out with the wink and some other subtelities.

Yes. Her look is very Scorpio to me, mixed with Libra. For me she looks like a full on Scorpio with heavy Libra.
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astrotheme changed her

she was this.

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and John Mayer is no good with anyone. He was with Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Aniston, Taylor Switft, and so many and he still can't keep 'em. lol
plus maybe Vedic, she is Libra sun, with lots of scorpio. Also sidereal astrology, she's Libra. Maybe that's why.
Posted by raad182
Posted by i_am
Posted by raad182
Posted by i_am
Posted by raad182
I've been observing this and I found that...

Scorpio rising - Attract people by their appearance.

Scorpio sun - Attract people by their personality.

Scorpio moon - Attract people on a more subtle, energy, invisible way.

I dont know too much about Venus and Mars Scorpios

What do you guys think?
Scorpio moon

The eyes. It's like whatching the sunrise with full moon slowly fading into the background.

Wow, deep...But I think its like a deep ocean where you can see your own soul.

That wasn't deep.

I've never heard of anyone finding their soul deep in the ocean. You will find dead bodies in the deep ocean though.

Because our souls are dead... That was the meaning...

Scorpio mooners can see other people's fears and find it cute

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Souls can't be dead unless they have a pulse. I guess zombies and souls have that in common.

Fear isn't that difficult to read. Naturally, we all fear something and are usually very general types.

Scorpio moon have that ride or die stare. If you ever want to live on edge, find a scorpio moon with a dash of virgo.

Scorpio moons are very secretive though. You have to be as bad or as good as them to share any intimate bonds.

Posted by Vageenka
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Vageenka
Posted by Dastardly
Posted by Vageenka
Posted by Dastardly
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Dastardly
Scorpio is a magnetic sign.

But you mostly attract with your Venus sign.

Katy Perry has this Scorpio/Dark aura but her charm is happy go lucky. Asc, Sun, Moon in Scorp and Venus in Sag.

User Submitted Image
she does have a happy go-lucky way about her.

she isn't dark and mysterious.

also, Anne Hathaway is similar she has a happy pappy go lucky about her too.

complicated woman I think.

she is married to an Aries sun/Pisces moon

You can clearly see the Scorp vibe in her, but it's more like her overall essence and not necessarily her charm. Even if it comes across as magnetic, her most charming qualities are still Sagittarian.

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Compared to Avril Lavigne. A Libra Sun/Ascendant with Moon/Venus in Scorp. The softness and grace of Libra is also an overall energy in her. Yet it is her Scorpio vibe that is the most attractive and entrancing.

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I don't get a Scorpio vibe from their public image, which is weird since Katy is dominated by Scorpio and Avril's Venus is in Scorp.

This is the most Scorpionic I've seen Katy. The look, the video, the song, the lyrics - everything about it to me is so Scorpio.

She is so fricking stunning

Yes lol. I think it's because they're artists and so their Venus tends to be emphazied a little bit more in whatever they do that's artistic/creative.

I think she looks quite Scorpio here yet you can still see the Sag Venus coming out with the wink and some other subtelities.

Yes. Her look is very Scorpio to me, mixed with Libra. For me she looks like a full on Scorpio with heavy Libra.
astrotheme changed her

she was this.

User Submitted Image

I don't know. Katy Perry to me is a weird character. She has SO much Scorpio in her chart but for me 95% of her music and look doesn't represent that. Or even her attitude in interviews.

Her physical features are Scorpion though... Mixed with Venus. Just not her personality or the way she dresses and presents herself. She is weird.

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her physical features are that Libra sun/Stellium Libra lady who married Cap sun/Leo moon Marilyn manson.

Dita Von Teese....VERY MUCH!!

if I had to see the differences between Katy Perry and Dita Von Teese, is that Dita is more seductive..

Katy is more bouncy.

but Katy Perry has watery eyes. but it's sparkled with some kind of happiness, I don't really see sadness there at all.

Dita, though she is more seductive she has no magnetic energies that I can see. It's not that powerful. It lacks something. i can't pinpoint how, but I dont know. Katy has star power, in that she's spreading her energy outward, expressing happiness. It's a good thing. But she's still mainstream and pop star and that's good for her, she likes that. She was a blonde, and she wanted dark hair. It's the complete opposite to what Madonna did, where Madonna was dark haired and she dyed her hair blonde.

Yes, and us Scorpio moons intend to keep it that way!
yea we needed another scorpio magnetism thread
Being a Scorpio moon I don't quite understand it's more a feeling for me, (energies)
Posted by lisabethur8
if I had to see the differences between Katy Perry and Dita Von Teese, is that Dita is more seductive..

Katy is more bouncy.

but Katy Perry has watery eyes. but it's sparkled with some kind of happiness, I don't really see sadness there at all.

Dita, though she is more seductive she has no magnetic energies that I can see. It's not that powerful. It lacks something. i can't pinpoint how, but I dont know. Katy has star power, in that she's spreading her energy outward, expressing happiness. It's a good thing. But she's still mainstream and pop star and that's good for her, she likes that. She was a blonde, and she wanted dark hair. It's the complete opposite to what Madonna did, where Madonna was dark haired and she dyed her hair blonde.

i get it now. the differences are "depth"

a complicated individual. not immaterial.

emotional, of feeling, of thought

profound of moral character, sagacity, integrity. 20has% 20depth% 20of% 20character

Posted by raad182
I've been observing this and I found that...

Scorpio rising - Attract people by their appearance.

Scorpio sun - Attract people by their personality.

Scorpio moon - Attract people on a more subtle, energy, invisible way.

I dont know too much about Venus and Mars Scorpios

What do you guys think?
I always thought my Scorpio rising scares people LOL

Posted by raad182
I've been observing this and I found that...

Scorpio rising - Attract people by their appearance.

Scorpio sun - Attract people by their personality.

Scorpio moon - Attract people on a more subtle, energy, invisible way.

I dont know too much about Venus and Mars Scorpios

What do you guys think?
Invisible way? Big Grin

IDK lol
Posted by Koniuchaa
Posted by Vageenka
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Vageenka
Posted by Dastardly
Posted by Vageenka
Posted by Dastardly
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Dastardly
Scorpio is a magnetic sign.

But you mostly attract with your Venus sign.

Katy Perry has this Scorpio/Dark aura but her charm is happy go lucky. Asc, Sun, Moon in Scorp and Venus in Sag.

User Submitted Image
she does have a happy go-lucky way about her.

she isn't dark and mysterious.

also, Anne Hathaway is similar she has a happy pappy go lucky about her too.

complicated woman I think.

she is married to an Aries sun/Pisces moon

You can clearly see the Scorp vibe in her, but it's more like her overall essence and not necessarily her charm. Even if it comes across as magnetic, her most charming qualities are still Sagittarian.

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Compared to Avril Lavigne. A Libra Sun/Ascendant with Moon/Venus in Scorp. The softness and grace of Libra is also an overall energy in her. Yet it is her Scorpio vibe that is the most attractive and entrancing.

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I don't get a Scorpio vibe from their public image, which is weird since Katy is dominated by Scorpio and Avril's Venus is in Scorp.

This is the most Scorpionic I've seen Katy. The look, the video, the song, the lyrics - everything about it to me is so Scorpio.

She is so fricking stunning

Yes lol. I think it's because they're artists and so their Venus tends to be emphazied a little bit more in whatever they do that's artistic/creative.

I think she looks quite Scorpio here yet you can still see the Sag Venus coming out with the wink and some other subtelities.

Yes. Her look is very Scorpio to me, mixed with Libra. For me she looks like a full on Scorpio with heavy Libra.
astrotheme changed her

she was this.

User Submitted Image

I don't know. Katy Perry to me is a weird character. She has SO much Scorpio in her chart but for me 95% of her music and look doesn't represent that. Or even her attitude in interviews.

Her physical features are Scorpion though... Mixed with Venus. Just not her personality or the way she dresses and presents herself. She is weird.

I agree but it's because she is a celebrity and they are usually controlled by others. It's ridiculous to try to look at celebrities as some sort of comparison
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well these people CHOOSE to be in the spotlight to be celebrity status.

they are also earning millions, and they feel really powerful too. You feel a sense of power and security having to share your talents.

it's a good star power earning. and i don't think they are being controlled so much as they are controlling the media to watch them, they are kind of neptuney in their control. Influencing the masses.
Posted by Koniuchaa
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Koniuchaa
Posted by Vageenka
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Vageenka
Posted by Dastardly
Posted by Vageenka
Posted by Dastardly
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Dastardly
Scorpio is a magnetic sign.

But you mostly attract with your Venus sign.

Katy Perry has this Scorpio/Dark aura but her charm is happy go lucky. Asc, Sun, Moon in Scorp and Venus in Sag.

User Submitted Image
she does have a happy go-lucky way about her.

she isn't dark and mysterious.

also, Anne Hathaway is similar she has a happy pappy go lucky about her too.

complicated woman I think.

she is married to an Aries sun/Pisces moon

You can clearly see the Scorp vibe in her, but it's more like her overall essence and not necessarily her charm. Even if it comes across as magnetic, her most charming qualities are still Sagittarian.

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Compared to Avril Lavigne. A Libra Sun/Ascendant with Moon/Venus in Scorp. The softness and grace of Libra is also an overall energy in her. Yet it is her Scorpio vibe that is the most attractive and entrancing.

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I don't get a Scorpio vibe from their public image, which is weird since Katy is dominated by Scorpio and Avril's Venus is in Scorp.

This is the most Scorpionic I've seen Katy. The look, the video, the song, the lyrics - everything about it to me is so Scorpio.

She is so fricking stunning

Yes lol. I think it's because they're artists and so their Venus tends to be emphazied a little bit more in whatever they do that's artistic/creative.

I think she looks quite Scorpio here yet you can still see the Sag Venus coming out with the wink and some other subtelities.

Yes. Her look is very Scorpio to me, mixed with Libra. For me she looks like a full on Scorpio with heavy Libra.
astrotheme changed her

she was this.

User Submitted Image

I don't know. Katy Perry to me is a weird character. She has SO much Scorpio in her chart but for me 95% of her music and look doesn't represent that. Or even her attitude in interviews.

Her physical features are Scorpion though... Mixed with Venus. Just not her personality or the way she dresses and presents herself. She is weird.

I agree but it's because she is a celebrity and they are usually controlled by others. It's ridiculous to try to look at celebrities as some sort of comparison

well these people CHOOSE to be in the spotlight to be celebrity status.

they are also earning millions, and they feel really powerful too. You feel a sense of power and security having to share your talents.

it's a good star power earning. and i don't think they are being controlled so much as they are controlling the media to watch them, they are kind of neptuney in their control. Influencing the masses.
That is your opinion and you are entitled to it
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ok but if try to compare people who are everyday people, like us or people we know...

how do we measure??
Posted by Harukka
Posted by littlenanobyte
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Dastardly
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Dastardly
Scorpio is a magnetic sign.

But you mostly attract with your Venus sign.

Katy Perry has this Scorpio/Dark aura but her charm is happy go lucky. Asc, Sun, Moon in Scorp and Venus in Sag.

User Submitted Image
she does have a happy go-lucky way about her.

she isn't dark and mysterious.

also, Anne Hathaway is similar she has a happy pappy go lucky about her too.

complicated woman I think.

she is married to an Aries sun/Pisces moon

You can clearly see the Scorp vibe in her, but it's more like her overall essence and not necessarily her charm. Even if it comes across as magnetic, her most charming qualities are still Sagittarian.

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Compared to Avril Lavigne. A Libra Sun/Ascendant with Moon/Venus in Scorp. The softness and grace of Libra is also an overall energy in her. Yet it is her Scorpio vibe that is the most attractive and entrancing.

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I agree.

Katy Perry attracted A Libra sun/Sag moon (John Mayer) and Cap sun with Aquarius Rising. (orlandlo bloom)

the Libra and Aquarius part could sniff out her Sagittarius. lol

and the example with Avril Lavigne, she married a Scorpio sun/Sagittarius moon( Chad Kroeger)

The Scorpio sun in him saw her Scorpio moon/Venus and Saturn in scorpio too. lol

While we are at it, let's not forget that Katy Perry - a Scorpio to her core, got married and was dumped by a Gemini sun/Aries moon man for being too shallow, fake, and boring... via text...

He also hated having sex with her.

"vapid, vacuous and plastic" he called her.


He is psycho .

I think he married her because he just wanna be a famous, since he failed to be a singer himself ☺?

Then tried to kill himself.

What a loser.

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i don't even listen to Russell brand or know his works, i don't even like Katy Perry's music.

so both of them, are kind of boring to me. lol

but i think some of katy perry's songs are catchy.

but i love to gossip and talk about celebrities!! and historical people. like Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. That's fascinating.

Posted by Dastardly
Scorpio is a magnetic sign.

But you mostly attract with your Venus sign.

Katy Perry has this Scorpio/Dark aura but her charm is happy go lucky. Asc, Sun, Moon in Scorp and Venus in Sag.

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Liker her song says:

Posted by Harukka
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Harukka
Posted by littlenanobyte
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Dastardly
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Dastardly
Scorpio is a magnetic sign.

But you mostly attract with your Venus sign.

Katy Perry has this Scorpio/Dark aura but her charm is happy go lucky. Asc, Sun, Moon in Scorp and Venus in Sag.

User Submitted Image
she does have a happy go-lucky way about her.

she isn't dark and mysterious.

also, Anne Hathaway is similar she has a happy pappy go lucky about her too.

complicated woman I think.

she is married to an Aries sun/Pisces moon

You can clearly see the Scorp vibe in her, but it's more like her overall essence and not necessarily her charm. Even if it comes across as magnetic, her most charming qualities are still Sagittarian.

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Compared to Avril Lavigne. A Libra Sun/Ascendant with Moon/Venus in Scorp. The softness and grace of Libra is also an overall energy in her. Yet it is her Scorpio vibe that is the most attractive and entrancing.

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I agree.

Katy Perry attracted A Libra sun/Sag moon (John Mayer) and Cap sun with Aquarius Rising. (orlandlo bloom)

the Libra and Aquarius part could sniff out her Sagittarius. lol

and the example with Avril Lavigne, she married a Scorpio sun/Sagittarius moon( Chad Kroeger)

The Scorpio sun in him saw her Scorpio moon/Venus and Saturn in scorpio too. lol

While we are at it, let's not forget that Katy Perry - a Scorpio to her core, got married and was dumped by a Gemini sun/Aries moon man for being too shallow, fake, and boring... via text...

He also hated having sex with her.

"vapid, vacuous and plastic" he called her.


He is psycho .

I think he married her because he just wanna be a famous, since he failed to be a singer himself ☺?

Then tried to kill himself.

What a loser.

i don't even listen to Russell brand or know his works, i don't even like Katy Perry's music.

so both of them, are kind of boring to me. lol

but i think some of katy perry's songs are catchy.

but i love to gossip and talk about celebrities!! and historical people. like Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. That's fascinating.

Katy perry is not boring, I'm a fan for her ??

After he divorce her, she tried to kill her self, she talk about it in her song "by the grace of god":

Was 27, surviving my return of Saturn

A long vacation didn't sound so bad

Was full of secrets, locked up tight like Iron Mountain

Running on empty, so out of gas

Thought I wasn't enough

Found I wasn't so tough

Laying on the bathroom floor

We were living on a fault line

And I felt the fault was all mine

Couldn't take it anymore

I thank my sister for keeping my head above the water

When the truth was like swallowing sand

Now every morning, there is no more mourning

Oh I can finally see myself again.

Her sister is a sag, ah she saved her ? .

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they are both trying to kill themselves after their failing of marriage. Sad

i'm glad she pulled through. That Sagittarius and Libra in her helped her a lot!!! it makes you bounce.

ohhh and her Sag sister really supported her too!!! that's so awesome.